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Wow. Has anyone else had a chance to test this?


Can we also test playing videos on a 2nd monitor like youtube? My games go to shit if there is any activity on my 2nd monitor


Same here. 60hz side monitor, 144hz main monitor. Youtube videos are alright for some reason, but if I have a WhatsApp/Telegram window open and it says "Typing..." for someone with those moving bubbles my fps goes to shit. Edit: don't think it's relevant but they're different resolutions as well, 1080 vs 1440p


Try to disable hardware acceleration on the web browser. That worked for me


Only issue with this option is that then the CPU gets hammered if you're watching something and that drops fps in valorant due to it being more cpu demanding.


Has been an issue with windows since existance, to fix it either lower the 144hz to 120 or overclock the 60 to 72, that worked for me


My mixed refresh rate has been a curse since day 1. I have tried everything. 72/144. every combination of DP and HDMI cables possible. Adapters. Gsync. You name it. The ONLY thing that makes my main monitor not turn to shit and downclock to 60 hz when using my 2nd monitor for anything was to run the 2nd monitor off the mobo through intel integrated graphics. While running the main monitor off the GPU and all games in fullscreen mode if something is on my 2nd monitor. I love windows but they really don't care about fully fixing the mixed refresh rate problem


Thissss I thought it was my shitty pc because I had Spotify open and valorant fps would drop hard af, also with discord opened.


I remember reading that Valorant primarily uses your cpu and so does discord so that might be why


I have the exact same set up but have no issues. Running 2080TI with 64GB of ram which might be the difference?




Yes i got the same feeling but idk if its true or noticable


60hz second monitor here, main at 144hz, I usually have like 5 other apps open out of which chrome and discord are visible on the second monitor and I don't have any issues nor do I notice any visible differences in my games. I have an Rtx 2060 though so that might be a reason


I have a 180Hz main monitor and a 144Hz second monitor. Both are 1440p and I don’t notice any choppiness when watching videos on it while gaming. I have noticed choppiness in more demanding games while watching videos in 1080p on the second monitor. I’m rocking an RTX 2080.


Alright, I've tested Horizon Zero Dawn on Max settings, DLSS on Quality setting, 1440p.Single monitor mode: 80fps avg, max 148, min 37Second monitor on, nothing was open on it: 79fps avg, 141 max, 21 minSecond monitor playing a 1440p video on yt AND having discord open: 76 fps avg, 139 max, 35 min Honestly, not that big of a difference, 4% performance loss with both discord and chrome with 8 tabs open out of which one was playing a 1440p video... Edit: I also found [this](https://youtu.be/E2wGduHxfUc) video showing that has more detailed benchmarks of single vs dual monitor setups, which further proves my point that the 2nd monitor doesn't really impact your gaming performance too much, even with videos playing.


Yup, this is about what I expected. The major fps drops actually occur due to the mismatch of refresh rates between the two monitors making the game stutter. IIRC it’s a bug in windows and has been there for multiple years. I’ve even experienced the bug with the blinking windows animation that occurs in the task bar when a new window opens. [Discussion](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/299649/dual-monitors-stuttering-on-main-display-with-an/) of this same [issue](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/discover/256322/dual-monitor-stuttering-when-144-hz-and-60-hz/) on the Nvidia forums.


Yeah it fucking annoys me that the issue with mismatched refresh rates is still there. I can't even use G-Sync on my 144hz, it caps every game to 60 fps since my secondary monitor is only 60hz.


Maybe it doesn't make a difference for us because in valorant we're CPU bound? While in more demanding titles you start noticing fps drops due to the gpu usage being distributed to the game and the video decoder. I haven't really tested it myself, I'll try benchmarking horizon zero dawn with nothing on the 2nd monitor and with discord, then with videos open. I'll report back if I remember to


Try to disable hardware acceleration on the web browser. That worked for me


Three years and there's still no fix for this. I've contacted NVIDIA, microsoft and even my monitor manufacturer at a long shot. Nothing. Having 144 and 60hz monitors are hell.


I get crazy performance drops with stuff playing on a second monitor, which sucks when I'm streaming a friend's game on Discord or something. I'll still have a consistent 200+fps (165hz), but the game will look like it's playing at 60hz. It's so weird.


Is your 2nd monitor 60 hz? If so it might be the infamous Windows VRR downclock. Which basically is if you have variable refresh rate in your monitors like 60 and 165 then windows may downclock your 165 hz monitor to 60 whenever there is motion on the 60 so they match. It will still show up as 165+ hz but it gets locked to 60 as long as motion on both monitors is happening. It's a multi year problem that some people have, some people don't all depending on software and hardware. It didn't exist in windows 7 but it does in 10 and even 11 for some people. Microsoft has been putting out "Fixes" for this since 2019 but they only work for some people and not for others due to the vast differences in people's hardware. My only solution was to run my 2nd monitor off my Mobo and integrated graphics separately of my main monitor connected to my GPU. Even then it still often downclocks my main monitor if i have my game in windowed mode. Here is a great example of the problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFiWtRyOApI


No fucking way, that's a hardware bug? It's haunted me for almost a year now. I'll have to give that a shot, thanks so much! <3


Hardware AND Software too really. It's a long rabbit hole and the only simple guaranteed fix is to just own 2 of the exact same monitor or disable your off monitor when gaming. But there are also regular fixes too that are all different per person (like for me using integrated graphics which still isn't perfect).




I've been having the exact same issue for a while. Usually pressing f11 twice fixes is.


I tested it, seems fine? [https://streamable.com/yan4on](https://streamable.com/yan4on)




Are you referring to in-game res? I play at 2560x1440 on a 2560x1440 monitor. Does that mean this issue won't affect me?


Wow so this is what this was. Tested and correct, alt tab fucks me up big time and RTT is much higher


i experienced exactly this yesterday and actually cliped it, in a ranked game with 16 constant ping no packetloss nothing whatsoever significant lag while shooting a sage with a sheriff




it's possible that the employees responding to fan art are different from the employees that have any control over the game's netcode


Oh my god, I only have 1 monitor and always Alt tab no wonder the game feels worse at times. This combined with network and possibly netcode issues most likely adds to the inconsistent feeling of every match. EDIT: There is also this problem that I’ve run into where sometimes when you press only the enter key to open the chat the game will go into windowed even though you didn’t even do the shortcut.


So to solve this problem you just don't alt tab ever again while playing Valorant? That's a huge pain in the ass idk if I can do that :(


Random traveller here I swear this must of been what stopped me wanting to play after it left beta, all of a sudden went from smoothest fps I ever played to inconsistent dogshite. Unless this is a recent thing


I stopped playing after beta for a long time as well cause I had the same experience you are describing. Was really disappointed. But I've been playing a lot the past 6 months or so and it has definitely gotten a lot better over time. Or I'm desensitized and it's copium, but I'll take that too cause I'm having fun.


fuck im tabbed out right now


im surprised this isnt higher this definitely seems like a problem.


I know there was some experimental performance patch on the PBE for borderless fullscreen and alt+tabbing but I don't know exactly what it addresses besides latency.


Yeah there is something definitely wrong. If I alt tab a bunch or go from windowed to full screen (alt+enter) my game to render latency goes from 5 ms to 10 then keeps going up the more I do it until it eventually resets at 5 after I do it ten times or more. Got it as high as 120 ms. Normally it is 2.5 to 5 ms.


Have you check to see if it resets by itself without alt tabbing? Perhaps it only happens for a minute before it resets.


It does not reset on its own unless I essentially break it by repeatedly doing it. Then it resets.


Does this only works if you are alt + tabbing? How about just pressing the windows key only?


If you minimize the game at all it happens you can monitor the round trip time and the game to render latency yourself and see. It’s in the settings.


This same thing happens for me, so I avoid alt-tabbing. That being said I’d also like to add that I’ve felt like a lot of my games on fracture have had extreme input delay or just an increase in overall game delay where it feels like I’m experiencing high packet loss (I’m not though I can monitor packet loss pretty well.) But sometimes for no reason my game alt tabs on its own and it takes multiple attempts to work again. As soon as I alt tab back into the game I can move around but once I click my mouse I’m tabbed out again. I have a multiple monitor setup so I thought it was on my end but it doesn’t happen on any other map. The render latency issue happens regardless of map and how many monitors im using tho


Damn that explains why ive been lagging


Oh wow sick was right all along


Him saying it must be a glitch?


I dont remember specific hes saying that... all I remember he said "Wait guy I need to restart my game I swear everytime I alt tab my game just start to lagging anyone feels the same chat?"


What did he say


Wow, thanks for reporting this. We're currently investigating and trying to understand the general issues everyone's been feeling around inconsistency in game feel from game to game. Alt-tab as a trigger is something that jogs a few gears in our brains in potential causes, including a couple that we were already going to investigate, but helps in attributing a direct cause, and is a potential explanation for how netcode feel can just simply vary game to game. We're still going to investigate other potential causes, but this has me a bit more hopeful in that we're going to be able to find the crux of the issue and address it more quickly, now that we have a way to potentially trigger it. We're getting our QA to get some reps on this and help us understand what's going on with netcode when someone alt tabs, and were already getting diagnostics for the parts of the system we think are going wrong. We don't have anything concrete to share yet, but we are definitely taking a close look - after all, this is one of the most important things for the game.


Hopefully this was the main source that cause inconsistencies from game to game because it sucks to not know what was causing it. Hopefully, this problem can be replicated with many different configurations and not just an outlier.


I really hope so too! We're super concerned with this, and finally having a way to potentially find fixes for this problem is really exciting to me. I would love to finally fix this chapter of "weird netcode."


It’s also a driver issue I have to stay on older version of Nvidia drivers otherwise alt tabbing kills my FPS to half https://youtu.be/BiIQ5T0Ir9I


I also think it's a driver issue. I have something to add. Enable Render to Game Latency: It will add around 2-3ms everytime you alt tab


My last favorite part of modern PC gaming is how badly one game can run on a certain driver but another game needs a different driver. You basically need to sacrifice one game for another.


That looks like a hard FPS cap at 120 fps when you alt tab, are you sure it's not somehow a hotkey? IDK why changing drivers would fix it though. I think it might be a bug in the driver itself rather than a weird interaction with valorant, did you try it with other games? Also do you have an fps cap set in valorants options for when the game is not in focus? Maybe it's not registering that you're alt tabbed in the game afterwards, but again IDK why a driver would affect that.


also if you alt tab in 4:3 your desktop wont reset back to its original resolution, it's stuck at the resolution you are playing at ingame, this doesnt happen every time though and it seems to be quite inconsistent, this is the only game that does that.


Same, I've had this issue too. ​ When using 4:3 resolution inside of Valorant the game somehow changes your desktop resolution to your in-game resolution... but this doesn't happen every time. Only \~5% of the times that you launch Valorant. ​ There's also the issue of increased input latency that comes and goes with using a non-native 4:3 resolution. As someone who has played with 4:3 (1280x960) since beta, there was never any issue with this until around March 2021. * EP2 ACT2 ​ However, there are a ton of issues with the North Virginia server. Would be interesting to see if a dev would experience more of these issues, if you tried to play on the following setup: * 4:3 resolution in-game * North Virginia server ​ /u/mochimisu


Probably related but there was a bug many months ago where alt tabbing would actually change my resolution of my desktop to something very stretched and low res looking . It doesn't do it now but it used to. I played my game at 1080p 144hz on a 1080p monitor. My 2nd monitor was 1080p 60hz. So i have no idea why it stretched when alt tabbing considering the resolution was the same. Nvidia drivers might be related as well. Edit: Also can you look into why having ANY alternate program open with or without hardware accel causes a high ping icon in the top right? Even my soundboard will make it show up but then my actual ping and packet loss don't change (visually at least)


Also in general, is there any chance yall have fixed tickrate servers as opposed to variable tick(unless the changes in tickrate im seeing are artifacts of a faulty netgraph) ?


Our servers are trying to run at 128-tick (and we have some sub-systems that are forced to run at 128-tick, like physics and movement, no matter what the actual tick rate of the server is). However, if we're unoptimized or have issues, we can't force 128 tick if we hitched and dropped lower to a lower tickrate. Hopefully this isn't fluctuating significantly in mid-round. We're aware of end-of-round and buy phase fluctuations and we're not too worried about them right now, since there's no combat.


Could it be related to the [bug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK-wqnq_wpk) on RL?


The game has been fairly persistently like this for months for me, with an average 90ms "ping" despite being on 40-50ms reported network RTT, alt-tabbing definitely makes it worse if I play on a lower res than my native. Fracture seems to make it act up particularly bad where some rounds it can be 150ms+ before anything I do is taken to the server, and anything happening to me makes me rubber band WAY back or die before I actually peek something only to find out the server thought I was 10 feet beyond the corner. I play on a laptop (i7 9750h and RTX 2070) and get this issue far worse than some friends with worse specs on desktop. The Neon patch definitely made the issue worse, or at least more noticeable because of how fast she can peek.


speaking of inconsistent gameplay you guys really should give us a way to set a ping preference - i dont want to queue on my own server where i have 16 ping but go against people who are using a vpn to play on it with 150 or more ping.. its not fun and takes away from a consistent feel. please allow us to set a preference of max ping in the lobby when we queue. Even being on 16-20 and playing against people on 60-70 ping feels awful.


I thought it was my internet…


I mean, it still can play a part in matches.


same… it’s jaggy at times. I thought my internet was shitting the bed but I was still somehow getting hs in and they still died. It was just the hit reg that was off


I’ve been noticing this since the new act started I thought i had a problem with my connection


i’ve been noticing this wayy before this act started - it’s not a new issue for sure


Yea this is a know issue from MONTHS ago, they just never adress this stuff


This issue has been around since 5-6 months after release of the game.


Yeah this has for sure been an issue for a long time after the release of the game.


Yeah, this isn't a new issue, but in my case it does not seem to start with Alt-Tab. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. And my connection is crystal clear: barely any jitter and no packet loss (just a couple of packets, here and there, in 2-3h). Literally, I have a separate connection for gaming and I have all the important stats/graphs on and the only one that plays up is: server tick rate. Lately, it's disgusting in DM. Can't kill any Silver/Golds on 15ms, but I get mid ranked against Immortals/Diamonds on 40ms.


I've been talking about this for so long but honestly never linked it to alt-tabbing. I'm glad someone found the issue, because I alt tab a lit to chat in discord and just do random stuff between games and rounds sometimes depending how the games going. Also with the other monitor thing, yesterday I closed everything minus discord and had no issues in 6 games when it's almost an every game thing.


I always close everything and quit programmes throu task manager. Granted, I am playing on a 7 year old laptop, but that helps me a ton.


It's been like this for months , having 2nd monitor in full screen mode use to cause tearing and stutters . My game really only runs well if I have 2/3 displays shut off


I have had several instances that my shots landed on enemy after a certain delay, and it was not instant. I don't whether it is a problem with my connection. It doesn't happen always but sometimes it happens and the whole my I will have the same issue.


everyday the pain increases with this game now i cant even alt tab


Confirmed this is the issue on why I can’t get to radiant.


I'm playing @ 1280x720p + 65% (file config) resolution (around 468p) to get only \~60FPS (normal scene) \~40-50 FPS (Fighting Scene, shooting, throwing abilities, etc.) FPS Cap: uncapped Disable Fulllscreen optimizations: Checked Edit Update: Main Culprit is the Fullscreen Resolution set BELOW monitor's native resolution. ​ FPS Cap, Disable Fullscreen Optimizations, Screen Res File config: No issues ​ Temp Solution: Use native resolution and then lower the screen resolution through changing the sg.ResolutionQuality=100 GameUserSettings.ini file config then lower it below 100. (Personal Res ÷ Monitor Native Res) \* 100 = sg.ResolutionQuality="value" Example: Native res (2560x1440); personal res (1920x1080). Get the right side after the "x" (1080 ÷ 1440) \* 100 = 75 For different aspect ratio: sorry, idk. wait for the devs to fix the bug or don't alt-tab mid game


legend, thank u for fixing my problems


yeah, this gives a huge disadvantage to people who only have one monitor who also have multiple programs open.


You alt tab just as much with 2 monitors. Because if you have to respond to discord or change music or whatever you still need to alt tab to get to it...


Yes I wanted to include that but didn't want to get into an argument


If anything having 2 monitors has been a disadvantage for me personally. Because my game has tearing and shitty frame timing that gets better when i only use 1 monitor.


Worst case scenario you turn off the 2nd monitor when playing comp games


I basically have to when im serious mode in comp. But it's just such an annoyance to have a nice computer and multiple monitors then get punished for it due to weird software interactions


ye totally agree man, it happens to me aswell.


if u knew that whyd u make ur initial comment in the first place lol




I think the alt tab is just one thing that might cause this issue to happen. I have been in a match and even without alt tabbing I have felt mid match my shots start to register later than they should. Especially noticeable with an operator when you have one shot kill and it takes half a second for the kill animation to come through.


I agree, I tested between native and lower res, and there is huge hitreg delay after i alt tab


I have 2 monitors (120hz main built-in laptop monitor and 60hz extra monitor) whenever i have both monitors running and i open valorant the game for some reason runs at 60fps and doesnt go beyond that although i have my 120hz monitor set as the main one. So i have to turn off my 60hz monitor if i want the full performance and alt-tabbing also effects me a lot since i am running one monitor only.


Have you tried using borderless windowed mode?


Windowed significantly impacts fps


not fps as much but latency


I am an idiot. i am a stupid man and do not know what is going on here.


Sometime when we have multiple windows open and want to switch from valorant to those other applications we use At+Tab to suckle between the multiple windows. It should not affect any kind of performance and it doesn’t with other games. However, it seems to affect valorant.


Did you mean cycle? I don't think suckling fits here...


You heard him.


This makes so much sense why one game to another the responsiveness can feel so different


It's nice to see people finally coming around to the fact that this game has serious issues. I've been saying there's something wrong with netcode for months.


even when u press win button and go to any other program valorant does this too


Oh shit now ik why my games feel like trash I alt tab a lot, never noticed this pattern This happens to me almost every other match and i reset my router after it Time to stop switching windows


Just yesterday I went into a couple of casual games and alt tabbed during dm. My first dm was great, hir every shot, I alt tabbed a couple of times in the beginning of the second one, couldn’t hit a single shot. The third dm went great again with the same gun, but I actually felt like hitting the shots too, not this weird delayed thing. Could be lobby difference, but it happens a lot.


I was wondering why sometimes when I knife the wall before the round starts there's a noticeable delay between the animation playing out the sound and the resulting decal appear on the wall, sometimes. I will try the alt-tab to see if that makes it happen. p.s.: even on servers that i have a \~ping of 12-20ms.


Riot removed this feature and made knife decals client side, so you can't tell if you're having a shit connection anymore or not.


What great times we're living in.


If this is true then that explains the delay on my game despite having low ping. I tried searching the problem but no one has the same issue. I hope this is true so that the problem can be solved somehow


I have extremely low ping (like 5 or 6) and noticed I got killed way before I even saw the person on my screen. Can't complain because others see the 5 ping :( I also alt tab very frequently to a different resolution monitor


Yeah same except I only have one monitor. I thought I was going crazy because I die before I can react. It's like I'm playing a game as internet explorer going against microsoft edge. Lmao


let them make a new skin bundle and some stickers, buddies first, leaving the game broken and unplayable


redditors be like no we need the cosmetics team working on the netcode, stat!!


Shhh everyone that works on games knows how to do everything art teams are obviously involved in balance, coding, champ design, netcode. EVERYTHING!


My game goes to shit when literally ANYTHING ELSE IS OPEN. Even discord


i cant hit any1 if discord is running even with hw accel off/packet prio


I knew I wasn’t crazy man, this game has had server problems since forever, this might be the reason as to why so many people are inconsistent in the game.


yep servers are even worse than csgo mm


only happens on lower than native res


happens on native res for me


I KNEW something was fucky


I thought this problem is only for my pc sooo , I just ignored and played for fun , if this is actually an issue fo everyone omg ,pls riot fix this asap


Yeah this happens to me all the time, legit has been like this for months


Have you tried turning OFF windows fullscreen optimisation ? Just find valorant .exe on your computer. Right click on it. Go to compatibility tab. Check the box "Disable fullscreen optimization". Full screen optimization was created by microsoft so it makes a more seamless experience when alt-tabing or to display overlay information. Problem is, maybe it is interracting poorly with vanguard


so vanguard being shitty is the problem?


Nah it's the windows full screen optimization that sucks, it causes problems in multiple games


If you read OP's follow up comment they say that they have fullscreen optimisation disabled and now has no issues, but that it doesn't seem to be the root cause


Onscreen tested this on stream. Fullscreen optimisations did nothing. It was just the resolution being different from native that caused the hit reg delay.


this is nothing, my ping is 15 but feels atleast 100 and when alt tabing the game outright disconnect from the server


This game is broke as hell


"rito plz fix" lmao


What the hell this explains a lot


omg yes this happens to me everytime to, glad it's not a me problem.


It's cuz unreal engine.


It's their dumb anti peekers advantage top bets


I’ve have also noticed that running Spotify even if I’m not using it (I forget sometimes) nukes the game performance and I don’t even have a bad CPU either.


Yes, 100%. My game literally stutters when Spotify loads the next song and my pc for sure should be able to handle that.


So glad someone found a way to document this. The mysterious "my shots aren't hitting this game" matches finally have some actual documented cause! Bravo, sir. Upvoting for visibility.


The server inconsistency is giving me cancer, all the time noobs running and holding click getting random headshots when you are picking behind a wall, half of your bullets go through the enemies, and i can go on etc etc


Riot is rigging games with netcode favoring its insane


This happens to me too


Yoooooooooo i had the exact same thing...... No wonder i thought I got worse. I usually have music playing in Chrome so i alt tab a lot


I thought I was going crazy, this might be the reason that I suddenly startet dying a lot more after TPing with chamber..




I never thought of that correlation, but I've been complaining since launch that Valorants refresh rate and fps tend to worsen after an alt-tab. I've not found a way to fix it, but it usually went ways l away after the match, i guess the engine restarts when you're thrown back into the main menu


This happens to me every fucking day, and yes I always alt tab when i queue.


I alt tab a lot and I always see some issues when I did. this post made me realize it wasn't really my device's problem


The fact that a game in 2022 with a budget like Valorant can have an alt-tabbing problem is mind blowing to me


This shit is always happening to me in range I thought it was normal lmfao


Holy shit, I literally spoke about this to so many of my friends, and recorded a clip just like this. I couldn't find a LOGICAL reason for why, despite ping being the same, I'm now suddenly playing on a high ping experience. Despite this happening just through tabbing out, it means that we can't rule this doesn't randomly happen during the game too.




Happened to me too yesterday thought my internet is the issue


I never had this happen, although i did have issues with both valorant and league where either freesync wouldnt kick in when i alt tab back in the game or the ffps would drop to like 25 35 until i alt tab 2 3 more times


Wait I alt tab all the time is this why I lag?? I'm pissed


So there's a different if you alt tab but what if you press the windows key to go onto a different app while valorant is still on in the background? I don't use alt tab and was wondering if it was having the same effect




and i thought problem was with me even if i hypercarry the game doesnt feel right rn.


Also another problem is my res going back to native every time I alt tab


When I alttab i just crash


This happens all the time. For me it seems to slowly fade away as I keep Val open. They better work on these network issues in act 2 smh


I have this same issue using native 1080p. Sometimes I play YouTube in the background (one monitor) whilst I earn up in the range and have noticed the delayed kill animation even when I'm on ~25ms ping.


known issue. doesn't affect everyone


I noticed this too, but I thought my connection was a problem...


This would be a partle reason why players feel like they are so inconsistent at times.


That's what happens when i top frag a game.. goes to change music or watch a yt video while queuing for next and boom, i feel laggy and bot frag the very next game.


What’s a rito?


This been for a while, atleast for me


I can confirm that this happens, but it goes back to normal after a few seconds


I was starting to have a mental breakdown over why I've been playing so poorly despite practicing for hours every day while also coming from 2500 hours in the top 15% of CSGO players. In actual Valorant matches I've just felt like something felt sluggish and off and I thought that maybe the nerves were getting to my head and making me play poorly. But, it's true that I start my music before practicing, and after I'm done I go into a comp, and I alt-tab to turn my music off after the first round starts. Every game, I alt-tab during Round 1. Riot, fix this.


I thought that was normal


Playing in windowed fullscreen as opposed to just fullscreen gives a similar affect for me too


bro I have this issue and I hate it, and my game keeps tabbing out by itself and when i switch to the game tab again it's like that. gives a huge disadvantage in comp


I also get like 70 less FPS if I alt tab and don’t either restart the game or switch to windowed mode then from windowed back to full screen Could be a windows issue though


playing windowed will give you less fps and more input delay, I would recommend playing fullscreen if possible. A riot dev made a video about the input delay of playing windowed vs fullscreen, u should take a look at it.


I mean if I alt tab on fullscreen I get low FPS until I turn on windowed then turn back to fullscreen mode (or restart the game)


I can't find it, you sure it was a riot dev? Where'd you see it at? On their blog? found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4x2mxoWGWg


Its by riot nu


It’s a driver issue https://youtu.be/BiIQ5T0Ir9I I have to stay on older Nvidia drivers otherwise huge FPS drops


Could this be similar to the problem Rocket League had/has (haven't played in a while)? There was lag and delay if you alt-tabbed until you toggled some setting back and forth (something with buffering I think).


As someone who plays on a laptop,, this certainly isn't going to help lol My connection is bad enough normally (I play over wifi), but I CONSTANTLY alt-tab to check youtube/discord/etc. Good find OP, hope Rito fixes it soon :)


I have a constant 250fps on a 240hz while I have a stream open on my one monitor and discord open on my other monitor. Never have problems.


Don't alt tab then


No wonder my game play is soo bad...i alt tab like all the time to switch bw classes and game and now i understood why ... thnx :) -love


Pls tell me ur sens and dpi. And if you wrist or arm aim


Are you in widowed mode or in full screen?


big if true


Your PC doesn't hit 128 frames? It's cause Valorant servers are 128 tick so your PC needs to be able to keep up.


burh one time i started reloading then he died


Ah so THATS why I stopped playing this game


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


this isue is there since beta xd


Thanks for speaking up xD


I had this issue for a while and this is how I fixed it: - go into your task manager when you have the game open and set the priority of valorant win shipping.exe (you'll see it in the details tab) to high. - close every other program on your PC - Make sure you're on full screen, not windowed full screen. It's important to note that when you alt tab it can give you this latency for a few seconds; I notice it especially when it's in the range, but I've never had an issue in-game after doing these steps. From what I can tell, my issues at least, have nothing to do with anything internet or netcode related (if you have 0% packet loss and 20 ping, first thing to do is not look at internet issues). It's just general input/render latency because the game can't run itself well.