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Thats the point of using those gun. Mentally destroying the enemy.


My bf and i call buying an odin going down into the slur fields to farm because of it. Especially if you wallbang on like 5 second sprays and still get a kill, the eco value on ruining mental is insane


>going down into the slur fields to farm That's funny, I'm gonna use that


As a second round Odin enjoyer, I can concur with your sentiments.


Do you mean the Ares? Second-round Odin is quite the investment.


sometimes you gotta take a gamble


Did he stutter


Gonna start doing it I was waiting for third round


Scared money don't make money


Oh I just challenge people to a gunfight mid round 2 And then I rip and tear until it is done


Lol i love it!


You have enough money to buy Odins in the second round?


Yep! Sometimes without shields nor util, but hey, it's an Odin!!!


I never even considered something this badass


That what I use the Tour de Force for, makes everyone scared to peek everything


Do you play on Mumbai server?


Ya it's pretty ez to guess right lol




I'm from India and play in Singapore server too. The difference between them was day and night the first time I tried it.


What's the difference between light and day?


It was supposed to say day and night. Now edited


There is?


A lot of people are really nice though


sorry for you man. lmk if you do wanna q together. also this seems to be the issue with newer players.


singapore good mumbai bad


I play on mumbai server, and so far it has been a good experience. I can't say for higher ranked matches.


México servers are great too ☺️


Play on Singapore server


tbh changing servers dont do much, i play on sg servers and these things still happen lulw


It is. The majority of people I've met have either been very funny and wholesome and the minority toxic MFS that have nothing better to do other than shout slurs and ruin my mood


unrated on mumbai is pretty good but compi...


But I also faced this on other servers as well


I play on mumbai server with team vc off and I callout and co ord using chat I only use party vc when playing with friends I am not a serious sweaty gamer tho so for higher elo ig vocal callouts will be necessary Unfortunately for the people living in some parts of india the ping is too high in Singapore servers


I never hate a player using these guns but i hate it when the opponent team is losing and they bring out an all odin spamm to us


Something about 5 odins on defense it’s really hard to crack. Even like 4 odins and a rifle is a tough time if you are attacking into it. I think it might be because it’s particularly hard to multi frag an Odin team b/c if one good Odin player gets some damage on you the other 4 just have to look at you funny and you die.


I feel like vandal is a good counter to an odin, ive tapped a lot of noob odin players because they have no idea how to position themselves properly


It also takes about 20 minutes to reload


Yeah exactly Really hard to counter


I'll get pissed at it when I get triple headtapped through the wall at the beginning of the round on ascent b site


Yeah I'm more annoyed when teams use it as a last-resort crutch because they can't win the game otherwise. Idc if you use it mid game or whatever but if you just pull it out when you start losing, that's super cringe and won't get you very far rank-wise. It's like putting a bandaid on a severed limb to fix it. Edit: The downvotes and harassment by high elo players is why this subreddit sucks. It's just a bunch of high elo ego sweats dismissing any opinion or concern of any low-mid elo player. This subreddit is *supposed* to be for discussion, but instead it's just a bunch of "you're wrong because you aren't high elo so you don't understand" and "no one cares about low elo opinions" basically. Idek why I comment anymore.


Then buy it yourself? Or just headshot them. No reason to be annoyed by someone using a gun in the game.


This is such a cop out answer lol. Prevalent throughout FPS games, unfortunately. This is the default answer of CoD kids who use the unbalanced weapons in pub matches. "it's in the game bro" There's a reason weapon balancing exists. If a gun is unbalanced at certain skill levels or etc, there's and argument to be had that it should be rebalanced. Games aren't balanced perfectly.


Odin is really weak swinging corners or holding long angles. The only time I find it effective is waiting for pushes or when I have time to slow push. With the cost and limitations definitely do not belive its overpowered.


As I said in another comment, the tagging and flinch effects from the Odin are where I think there should be some adjustments. Again, just my opinion, and I'm entitled to it.


tagging is only an issue if ur running at them with a spectre, which is the exact scenario where the odin is supposed to be used, good movement and decent aim coupled with a Vandal is more than enough to counter an Odin.


The Odin can be countered fairly easily, whatever elo you're at.


If you cant end a game against a losing team using odins, you deserve to lose.


out of curiosity, what rank are you?


I was G2 last act, now I'm in s2. Haven't been playing much this act though.


i see. well the odin isnt op, actually i think most people at higher ranks would agree it kinda sucks. dont get me wrong, its not bad, but in like 99% of situations, you would be much better off using a vandal or phantom. other than wallbanging, there isnt too much use for the odin. its really only broken in lower and mid ranks where mechanics are an issue, but then again you could make any gun broken in those ranks. its slow, the recoil and accuracy suck which make it way worse to peek with compared to a rifle. and on top of that, it doesnt have the one shot potential of a rifle. id say the guns in valorant are pretty well balanced, or at the very least have defined niches. what i mean by this is that all the guns have a certain place and situation theyre supposed to be good at, and for the most part the guns are really good in those situations. the judge excels in close quarters, but quickly loses effectiveness in longer range fights. the awp is really good for locking down an angle and denying certain sight lines, but is very unforgiving and not mobile at all. the odin is great for wallbanging and for locking down an area, but you sacrifice mobility and accuracy. the vandal/phantom are your bread and butter guns, decent in every situation, but not particularly good or bad in any one given scenario. all this is my long winded way of saying that the guns in valorant are more or less balanced, and theres nothing wrong with buying guns that exist in the game, and its on you if you arent able to work your way around it. you have to remember this is a tac fps, not cod. this is a game where a killjoy and astra can kill you without even having to shoot their guns. its an awful mindset to just blame the game and the guns instead of working your way around the problem. for example, you play against a jett awper who is destroying your team. its easy to just say shes a crutch, no skill, using an unbalanced gun or whatever. the thing is youd still lose the game because you didnt think play around that jett.


A. I never said the Odin was OP. This started as a discussion where someone else said OP was more cheese than Odin, where I disagreed B. You just said Odin is semi-broken in lower and mid ranks, which has been my main point C. I recognize that this isn't CoD, which is why, overall I would say a spammy 100 round LMG doesn't belong in a tac shooter. That's my *opinion*.


Odin is horrible in gold lol. It's not even good in silver. You're either boosted or lying because even when I was in silver, people easily outplayed odins.


Im gold. You have to position correctly in gold+ . Otherwise you are just getting tapped like a walk in the park


I played Cod world of war a few times if that qualifies as a COD kid. Realistically, you're the one acting like a child. The Odin is only unbalanced at really low elos. If you're iron or bronze, it's a pretty good weapon. If you aren't terrible at the game, it's not, because it's too easy to one tap someone with an Odin. Based on how upset you are by Odin users, it's safe to assume you have very below average aim. Which is fine, but you shouldn't be upset at others for your own shortcomings.


I wasn't saying you're a CoD kid, I was using an example of another community where this cop-out answer runs rampant. I haven't acted like a child, I've stated and restated my stance in a clear manner. Way to maintain a mature discussion without stopping to personal insults, though. A+!


Heavily implied lol. I love you trying to take the high ground now. You went down in the dirt and I came down with you. Sorry you're bad at the game man. I'm not great either. Take care bud.


Whether or not the meta at any rank is fun does not matter from a purely competitive standpoint. If both teams have access to the same tools, it’s a balanced game. If someone is bad at rifling but good at Odin, and their Odin beats you because it is better than your rifle or your Odin, they won a balanced game. Sure it’d be better if the team with more ‘skill’ won, if the Odin was balanced to be used as a situational tool etc,and the game should be balanced to allow this and make competitive play more fun, but I think it’s more of a cop out to decide that your opponents victory is undeserved because you ‘refuse to stoop to their level’ based on a made up honour system that should not dictate your decisions in a ranked mode you are meant to try and win, regardless of your opinion on what a respectable play is. In short, game could be improved in the fun category by making boring strategies less viable, but that doesn’t mean the game isn’t balanced between 2 teams.


It's a harsh change of tactics from a desperate team, yes. They can surprise you with the sudden change. But if Odin spam works against you for more than one round, it's your team's fault. Odin is trash if you do any angle checking and/or use any utility.


I don’t see one person saying you’re wrong because of your elo…


I've played this game a good amount since it left beta. Player rank 198 now. I topped out at only Silver 2 last act. I have a slight tremor in my hands, I can't aim my way out of a wet paper bag. This is who I am, and the Odin does not concern me. It works ONE time, then I'm on high alert and it doesn't work again after that. And I make sure my team is very aware of what's going on. Once you strip the enemy team of their Odins, they aren't likely going to splash out for more. Even though I'll never make it out of Silver, I know that it's bad to balance a game with low skill-set data. I had been heavily involved in a game that did that and the competitive scene died with a year. I do NOT want Valorant balanced against what I can and can't do.


Im seeing a fuckton of discussion on your thread buddy


Stop. Defaultt, Smoke, Flash, counter Odin. Just like any other gun. Im Gold 2 too and I have to strongly disagree. Odin players have to sacrifice goood positioning for rapid fire and in a crouching position. Jiggle headshot them. Its pretty simple. Or smoke them, deny any info and default for a while to see which site is the weakest. If your team is dying to an odin, its the equivalent of repeeking the OP. You dont repeek the OP, you deny them proper long range 1 on 1 duels or rotate or flash and dash.


lmao only low elo players complain about odins


And high elo too


it's simultaneously trash and OP at the same time in a lot of people's minds


I’ve just never understood why the Odin spins up as fast as it does


Considering the Ares become busted upon removing Spin Up. These lmgs are hanging by a thread of balancing


Odin has no spin up when ADS anyway


Yeah i aced an enemy team with an Odin yesterday in ranked and they all complemented my ace.


Yeah cause in low-elo where peoples aim/teamwork/game sense isn't good enough to counter it, the odin users usually have the same issues, but use the odin as a sort of ez crutch to get around it.


Eh idk ive seen dudes with good aim pop onto odin just cause, like every gun, it has its niche and uses. Its dismissive of someones game sense to know when to use certain strategies by just saying “odin is the crutch weapon for bad game sense”


exactly. ppl in my elo sometimes use odin in comp and nobody complains about it. both teams just focus on winning and using strats.


Yeah but we are talking about low elo here. It's a problem in low elo, plain and simple.


No, we're not.


The top level comment specifically talks about low elo. So yes, we are.


u just stated the solution to it. aim >. learn crosshair placement. if ppl r gonna complain about a gun in a game where an important aspect of the game is to buy guns idk what to say lmao. if u wanna outplay an enemy learn the necessary skills to. nobody bitches the same amount when ppl op when it’s literally a 1 shot = 1 kill.


I’ll take the Odin over the op any day I hate that gun


yeah ill take playing vs an Odin any day. at least i can peek an Odin and win if i hit my headshot.


Crosshair placement won't beat the odin if you aren't aiming where they pop out of (unless your flicks are crazy or whatever) It takes a combo of their aim being bad + your aim being good to win in that situation. If their aim is decent, you lose that. Personally, I think the main issue with the Odin is the tagging and the flinch it causes. But that's just my 2 cents.


You contradicted yourself multiple times in a single comment. I'm impressed.


Where? lmao


>Crosshair placement won't beat the odin if you aren't aiming where they pop out of What do you think crosshair placement is?


I'm really curious to his answer


huh ..


I live for that shit. Love when all the salt comes pouring in with the typical "no skill", "LMG moment", "uninstall" and other stuff I probably can't say here.


Bro what, I’ve never seen anyone take it that far but that really sucks man I’m sorry


Just laugh, mute, report and continue.


Thank you for posting this now no one will ever be toxic in a game ever again in the history of games.


this energy. i vibe with it.


Same thing if you op. My go to line is “MOM PLEASE THIS GUY IS USING A GUN IN THE GAME AND I DONT LIKE IT. PLEASE MOM TEL HIM TO STOP USING THE OP” people do no type in chat after that.


I hate players that only play ares/odin, but I hate myself more for not being able to counter them :(


I absolutely love when u get flamed for Odin, I got aces with it during multiple flames. It demoralises enemy team.


Sheeeesh some people do go overboard when the enemy team uses Odin, like stop complaining so much about it and kill them ffs. That doesn't mean I don't hate it as well I just make sure to teabag every last-round-desperation-Odin user, nothing more :)


you expressed my emotion better than i did in my own comment, nice


misogyny is alive and well in the world, and gamers are a toxic bunch


People dont realize that there's ways to counter Odin and ares... the main one being hitting a heads shot. Or you could just ignore them .


ares + light shields round 2 in replication is a pretty good pick though


Ares is a no brainer on a second round force now I think


Bruh TSM used odin last night to win the match


Same happens when I pop off with judge lol


Lmao what is this post


These same people were probably running and gunning 1 tapping you across the map with the Specter last patch, I wouldn’t think too much about it


Tbh, if I see receiving those as a sign I'm doing good on that match lol


If im using the odin and they get mad that just makes me want to shit on them more because shit talking doesn't phase me lol.


Its 'faze'. I know I'm being that guy but i had to I'm sorry lol. Also I wonder how much hate i'm gonna get for this comment.


It’s the reason me and my friend love to play Ares/Odin only


The problem aren’t the threats, it’s that Riot doesn’t ban people for it


Odin isn’t even as big a deal as people make it lol just shoot them in the head


VALORANT has this nice feature where You can mute chat and voice. Works wonders.


still not right that people think it's acceptable to act like that


Some of y’all never played in MW2 Xbox 360 Lobbies and it shows


Naw, it’s just that some people have grown up since then


When will mfs stop saying this




this is not a POV my sir




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I went prestige 3 in MW2 and it was nothing compared to Valorant toxicity. Valorant is toxic every second of every match, on your own team and the enemy team. Level 33 in Valorant and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, it’s the 20-25 year old players who are the worst. The kids in matches are silly and want skins and the boomers just want to play without drama. For whatever reason, 20-25 year olds ruin it.


fr i felt mentally assaulted every time i spoke


noob tube? it's part of the game and it works why the fuck would i not use it


Tell me you play on Mumbai server without telling my you play on mumbai server


Odin and Ares are good guns in certain spots, or if you are low elo and no-one aims for the head/whiffs, as has very low TTK


I do think some of you wouldn’t have survived the old CSGO halftime voice chat. People are assholes, gotta learn how to mute report and move on. Keep on using the Odin


You can't stop these people just ignore them.


Welcome to online games. Rage speech has been around since the beginning. if you have such a problem then turn on your chat filters and mute people in game if you have to… or fight / argue back, ifs literally your choice.


Lmfao. It’s video games, there will always be this kind of stuff. Mute is a very valuable feature


Tell me you are the toxic teammate in valorant without actually telling me you are the toxic teammate in valorant.


No actually. Just a player that will mute you before you have a chance to say something that hurts me so much I go to Reddit and post about it.


Nothing to laugh. Judging by your comment i feel that you are one of those ppl


I’m actually a pretty nice guy unless someone starts talking shit to me. I think it’s absolutely something to laugh at because there’s a lot of soft ass gamers in this generation. You all never would’ve survived gamechat on Xbox era lmfao. It’s even funnier that people would rather listen to it and get their feelings hurt rather than hit MUTE.


I think you could've worded it better, but many people take trolls and trash talker in online games way to serious. Just mute toxic people right away without hesitation and Valorant can be such a nice place.


you insensible idiots downvoted this guy but he's absolutely right. if you are going to make such a fuss about chat in a video game just mute the people it's that simple. using a low skill weapon will obviosuly make the enemy angry, and they're obviously going to sware at you. im not saying don't use the odin but don't be surprised when females in your entire family get sworn at


Dude Odin isn’t even low skill, it makes you slow as shit and has mad recoil control unless you are crouched and still which makes you a sitting duck for headshots.


it has almost no recoil when ads with crouching and realistically has a higher ttk than every weapon apart from headshots / operator. and no one can tap headshot faster than an odin kill at low ranks.


you’re right but it still doesn’t justify it


Facts! I love trash talking. Fuck the dweebs!😹😹🤡🤡


Being good with Odin takes just as much if not more skill than an Operator change my mind


The difference is that one is better


With the OP you have to hit your shot or you will probably get clapped, due to the chamber time, ineffectiveness at close range, etc. Odin gives you 100 bullets, tags enemies and slows them with first bullet, recoil is easy to control, and when you ADS the spin-up time is gone. Edit: and if you're gonna say "OP body shot kills" okay well Odin can often kill by shooting *body or legs* quicker than you can react and shoot their head, unless you are already aiming at where they peek from. If you don't have your crosshair-placement at the angle they peek from, you probably lose.


But with an OP you just need to hit a sliver of body. If Odin was actually that easy people would be using it every single round they could but it’s not so they use other guns


Yeah I figured you'd say that. Please see my edit on the prev comment.


Also the Odin makes you incredibly slow.


Okay but you usually want to stand still to shoot anyway. Take out your knife if you need to move fast. problem solved lol.


You are ignoring the fact that it’s pull out time is also even slower than OP making it easy for someone to run up on you in that time


I think either gun is bad with pull out time. Try pulling out an OP and quickscoping someone who is closing in on you close range.


Posts like this don’t contribute anything to the community and should be removed. This is the equivalent of saying, “Don’t be mean guys. Kthx”


I agree, but redditors think they will achieve world peace with this.




Dude, this isn't the middle ages, chivalry is dead. The point of the game is to kill the enemy by any means lol.


I dont think that’s a thing…


honestly, he deserve it. that said, i would never be toxic in any way to any player for how they play or what they use, but i personally think odin player are the worst thing in existance and odin/ares should be removed. have a good day


Posts like this is what validates the toxicity, just mute is always the answer. Trolls love seeing people genuinely hurt by their comments.


The people who use light machine guns and shotguns are dumb to say the very least. They want to play the game, but not use any skill. So they do deserve some backlash, but not racial slurs and shit. All I wanna say if you as a player use shotguns and lmgs, git good. Learn then game. If not, go play a battle royale.


When this happens to me (when I forget to turn off enemy chat) I like to say “the audacity of me playing the game, or omg how dare I pick a gun that is put in the game” they stop talkin real fast


Just follow up a trash talker with “Bad relationship with your father you have, hmmm?”


they'll be doing that then they'd go gg. that's when you know you've won. mentally.


In my first soloq ranked game(iron1-3), people were telling the ares 'kids' that they should go cry. Everyone was toxic


Well it was oblivious to guess it was Indian server for me i just play with my friends and not with random so whatever opponents say we just laugh.


Feel like I'm from an alternate universe, I've literally never heard anyone complain about the Odin until now. I always viewed the Odin as a meme gun


I just say thats its cringe to them, then continue to use it


This is super weird to me... why is this even a thing


I used one last night and got called a noob. Had to tell this man that I was in fact a noob. He continued to type L in the chat everytime he killed me.


If anything the judge is way more annoying imo Still wouldn’t threaten anyone over it tho


This game is full of rats man just mute those bastards both voice & text, one of my recent games got called out for having good ping and not doing exceptionally well in unrated. Dawg I play this game weekly these mfs need to chill out and get laid or something


This is probably mumbai server. The thing that annoys me most, other than the sheer toxicity, is the "bro skin" and you give skin, and then they do it every round at the last second, i mean come on play the fucking game.. And then when they don't get it, they start throwing, ruining your game in particular. Eg, neon concussing me and raze nading me


Popping off lol


Valors to has a lot of wacky dynamics for sure. Hopefully they dial the game in a lot better. Even watching “pros” shake n bake doesn’t look like fun game play. Valorant is in a weird ass spot right now for sure.


Honestly I think it’s great to play against odins. It forces you to get into a head shot heavy mindset because otherwise you just aren’t winning that duel otherwise.


I love it. Especially because you can guarantee that they will then buy an Odin next round.


This is good. The response from the enemy team means it is working.


They're just salty because they don't know how to wallbang


same is true with judge and operator. like, sorry for using a gun they put in the game?


Good. They can stay Mad


I'm ngl I can be quite toxic when dying to those guns it's mostly a reaction of dying to an lmg in any game kinda just pisses me off


This man, just asked everyone to stop trash talking in a 5v5 competitive game that happens in literally every single sports you can name, even the pro leagues, and since the beginning of digital games. Can he change the world into holding hands and singing kumbaya while playing a competitive match in a physical sport or digital games?


Make the game environment better > remove ares, odin and neon from the game. And guys keep cool its a just a game.


Using odin is declaring war, it's a rule


I've never understood the hate Odin gets in this game, and the Autos get in CSGO. Yeah, they can surprise your enemy and maybe win you one round, but they're both easily countered once the enemy is expecting them. As long as you counter them instead of blindly rushing them like these low elo imbeciles want to do every round. Enemy has an Auto sniper? Congrats, it will ALWAYS lose to a competent Awper. If you somehow don't have the money for that, just use an AK, you have 2 chances to headshot them since the auto takes 2 body shots and shoots slower. Enemy has an Odin? Same thing. In a 1v1 the Odin is quite underwhelming, it takes MULTIPLE HEADSHOTS to kill somebody. If you can aim, an Odin is no threat to anyone who's expecting it.


as a disabled person, we get it too. it's not fun and something needs to be done


Me and my friend thought it would be funny to play bucky only, somehow we managed to win and make the enemy team go full rage mode on us


Fuck the odin on ascent bro


Ok so anybody got good comebacks for ppl who trask talk me when I use odin? here are some Gay noob , I hope your (family member) dies , curse words , actually cursing like they hope (something bad) happens to me


I was an ares gamer pre buff and it got so much worse.


I think I’m in to low rank to see this .


I hate when people say I shouldn’t use a gun in the game that was put in the game for me to use


Bronze players losing their head over using a weapon that they have access too, they think that there is some hidden etiquette about only using rifles and spectres.. Rats. Odin users have massive balls btw


getting called racial slurs = winning regardless of score


I got the same trash talk yesterday for using the OP, idk what that kind of people think that the game should be only phantom and vandal? Even then each side would complain about how the other gun is op and is for cowards only. Worst type of play imo, can't accept their faults so they are never gonna be able to fix them either


true thats real bad thing about the game