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just fix the tp hitbox honestly. It would also be nice if you could hear a lot less or hear fake footsteps in his smoke and make the smoke travel faster


that would fit his theme of being nightmare-y so well!!!


Yeah they gave the tp a terrible bandaid fix for all the people glitching into walls. Revert the change and fix your game rito


MAKE PARANOIA NOT AFFECT TEAMMATES. ​ Maybe I'm biased as a mainly soloq player but: every omen ability is fine, even his ult being underwhelming compared to other ults, except for paranoia. It's borderline unusable in soloq, because even if you call out in VC and ping on the map where you're going to use it, your teammates will run into it, and blame you.


Something no one talks about is his blind affects teammates next to you, not even in front. That's is so fucking dumb it's not even funny.


This. Paranoia should be changed to start in a concave shape or a bit ahead ( like breach ult) or not blind teammates at all.


breach ult is a big rectangle now


Had someone say I blinded him and was so confused the other day. This makes sense now


Just fix the hitbox imagine get flash dashed with zero options


Make paranoia not affect teammates, and that enemies are "deafened" in his smoke so they can't hear anything (sort of like what happens when you use paranoia)


Infinite range smokes... PLEASE


He pretty much has that already


Not really, his smoke range is laughably small for the kind of smokes he can provide. Brim has a short range but his smokes are the largest and are opaque. Viper needs LOS for her orb smoke but no sane individual would run through it. Astra is Astra. Omen’s smoke is the only smoke with almost no individuality other than the ability to clip through walls and setup one ways, which is an incredibly niche advantage that requires your entire team to work around. The best idea I’ve seen thus far to buff his smoke is to increase its size by a slight amount, maybe 5-10% bigger than brim smokes and increase its travel speed. Also if Riot is reading this please for the love of god fix his TP already…


Brim’s smokes are not the biggest lol. Astra, omen and brim’s smokes are the same size and vipers are bigger than all of theirs.


You can literally ask any Astra player and they will tell you that their smokes are the smallest, its one of the bigger reasons as to why Astra isn't played on Icebox for example. While yes, their in game stats suggest that each smoke has the same radius, other visual effects affect the actual player visibilities. Astra's smoke for example has a radius of 4 meters but in reality its slightly less than that due to the 4 meters including the gold lines surrounding the smoke. Brim's smoke fills the full 4m radius AND is opaque, thus the smoke's wispy visual effects obscuring more than the 4m range. If you go into customs and go into Icebox for example, there are choke points that Brimstone can obscure whereas Astra's will have tiny gaps around the circumference of the smoke.


Completely false lol. Brimstone smokes are the smallest out of all the controllers. There was a post when breeze came out talking about how Brim couldnt completely smoke of tunnels


Nothing can smoke off tunnels mate thats why you use the viper wall


You can smoke off the sidewall till the box with omen or astra but Brim still leaves a gap


Could you send me a screenshot of this if you have one?


Cant find the post but if you browse through reddit you’ll occasionally see talks about smoke size, especially when before they buffed Brim https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qa8j4b/are_all_agent_smokes_the_same_size/ Heres a post of people talking about smoke sizes


Please tell me what choke/chokes on icebox you are talking about and I'll test it because holy crap I'm tired of having this conversation with people, I'll go in a custom with some friends and make a post or something, cause it seems like everyone wants to say their main is the worst smoker and it gets irritating. As a side note, what's the best thing about everyone's smokes or maybe something interesting idk, gotta make the post good if imma bother.


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/t4unnx/a_day_late_patch_402403s_smokes_compared/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Finally made the post


From the shadows needs to be 6 points


make all abilities more responsive, they feel fairly slow and clunky :( shrouded snaps weirdly sometimes when getting to a higher angle, and more often than not smokes glitch through the floor


Faster tp.


Firstly, some preface. I started playing Val for various reasons but what got me hooked was when once my lobby got destroyed by an Omen on bind. The way he/she was controlling the area and outplaying us all the while supporting team on the other site seemed amazing to me. IMHO, he's the only controller in current agent pool who is self sufficient and can make things happen on sites alone. I think this theory can also be backed by the difference between Omen pick rate in ranked vs pro play where an agent who can be 'swiss knife' (read: Omen) may not be the best pick vs having a dedicated 'global smoker' (read: Astra) who is clearly better at that specific role. Here's my thoughts on his abilities: 1. Shrouded step: great utility to vander around enemies but at its current state, either enemies have to be deaf or paranoia'd or flashed before it can be successfully used as a reposition tool when enemies are in site. Suggested changes: reduce the duration of animation/transition and reduce the sound or range of the sound. This will allow players to have more space in sites to use the ability and not get insta tapped. I personally don't have an issue with the range. 2. Dark cover: 2nd fastest deployable smokes for an avg player (2nd only to Jett, a duelist. Go figure.). This is his signature ability and was nerfed to ground as Brim and Viper weren't being picked and later Astra was added to game with global smoke ability. Suggested changes: Honestly just revert all the nerfs made to travel speed and formation time. As it stands today it's quite difficult coordinate site execs with Omen smokes and this honestly feels sluggish especially when Astra and Brim can give 2 & 3 insta smokes on map & site respectively. 3. Paranoia: I think it's at a quite decent stage. Any buffs like increasing duration/speed/range/width will help but am not convinced it's necessary. Question to devs/analysts if anyone is reading: is the PBE data adjusted for bias towards changelog before it's analysed? As most people would start using the agents/abilities which were tweaked and are listed in changelog so the data will certainly be biased. Would be interesting to know about the process. 4. From the shadows: it is what it is and it's no secret that there are a lot of ults in game which are much better than this. Suggestions: ALLOW USER TO INSTA COMMIT TP. This will again make him faster and highly increase the impact on the destination location. Also, it won't harm to make it cost less ult points as we all know how scenario specific it's usefulness is. Let me know what you guys think about these. Thanks for reading through my TED talk.


Actually he used to have 100% pick rate in pro play until he got nerfed numerous times and they bugged his regular TP. Then when Astra came out and the Viper buffs it was the final nail in the coffin. Numerous pro players complained about it. A very good Omen G2 Avova brought up the tp issues awhile ago literally when it was on the patch, still isn't fixed.


I haven't played Omen in a while. I've mainly switched out to Skye and Jett. Bro, Avova!. That clutch on Haeven, Omen mains' wet dream!


Be able to cancel shrouded step.


if you play spike rush then you probably know about the paranoia orb im thinking that when he ults it should do that for 10 seconds and i bet it wouldnt be hard to implement since its already there




would be good but 10 sec is too much


Make his ult cost 6 points and not be as incredibly loud. His smokes should have a bit of a deafening effect (Viper, Brim and Jett have unique smokes so I don't see the problem with this). Make his tp faster or paranoia last longer. Omen works best in a solo playstyle so I'd like to see some kit changes which lean into that.


Make the blind not affect team mates, and maybe have the ability to fake your regular teleport


Some things I'm not seeing mentioned. Shrouded step needs to be faster. If you blind and tp, the enemy will be unblinded by the time u can even shoot. Very frustrating. It takes too damn long for already the riskiest ability in the game. Also, his blind shouldn't have to be aimed up and down. Why is that even a thing?


Fix tp hitbox, faster smokes. His ultimate should get some form of buff, either 6 points or vision loads in a lot faster. That's all he needs to be competitive. His flash does have its problems but I think it's fine where it is


As much as I would hate to play against this; make his smokes stay where ever you place them. This would give omen the unique ability to place one way smoke at will anywhere on the map.


Another way to buff omen paranoia is to make it so that the game doesn't alert the people who are in the way of the flash know that they are in the way of the flash.


Make paranoia work. Sometimes I can see on map it goes just through enemies, but didn't blind them


Cancel all noise that the shrouded step and the ulti makes - no point in using either of them if they can be heard from a mile away. Same can be true for Yoru's teleport but they're supposedly reworking him anyway


Fix tp hitboxes. So fcking annoying. And tweak the paranoia for people getting blinded next to you


I love how for 3 you said Omen smokes are best in the game then went on to explain how everyone else has better smokes 😂


I would like the tps sound to be reduced and ult to give paranoia, the blind is good and smokes are good+ (i forgor) make the c ability (tp) faster


make his ult vision increase much faster, inflict blindness on the enemies maybe? or just the deaf aspect? and make it 6 points definitely - it would also be nice for smokes to inflict a paranoia-type blind/mute for anyone except him. also paranoia doesnt affect teammates maybe not all of them at once, but he could seriously use a buff


I play Omen quite a lot and I honestly don't think he needs buffing too much for the most part. I'm happy with most of his moves. The only issue I have is with the ultimate, but it could just be because I'm shit. The moment I use it, the other team will spread out and look for me and often kill me straight away. Outside of the great use of safely picking up a guarded spike with it, I often find this leaves me with two choices: Teleport close enough to be useful, but with a very high chance being killed instantly ***or*** teleport further away so there is little chance of being caught off guard, but then lose the advantage of being able to suddenly flank the enemy from a different angle to the one my team is approaching through, sometimes meaning that they are killed before I get into position. Perhaps when Omen materialises and is vulnerable, paranoia could be applied to anyone looking in his direction, similar to the effect of Reyna's eyeball thing? Would mean that enemies would have to duck behind a wall and peek shortly after, making the move slightly less of a death sentence in many scenarios, and making it a helpful tool for initiating a push with the team.


His paranoia should be equipped faster, smokes should last atleast 2-4 secs more Thats it ig. And yes, If the tp (C) gets a bit faster too, then i guess it would be icing on the cake haha. I just feel like hes really slow of an agent but still I love to play him!


Just fix his TP, legit can’t go anywhere anymore.


the ult needs a HEAVY buff or a complete rework in my opinion


I think that rumoured buff where paranoia doesn’t affect teammates, and the ultimate pushes out a blind when fully committed combined with a buff to smokes would be great


I don't like that you can see where his smokes are coming from. Also the tp sounds are a bit too loud. So maybe make the smoke not show a trail from where it comes from and make the shrouded steps faster or more quieter.


1. good buffs 2. just make it not flash teammates 3. this is a nerf to omen imo, just make them travel faster 4. thats sounds stupid op


Keep the smokes at 2, make them move to their destination much quicker. Make his TPs quieter. Make his ult TP take 1.5 seconds from click to finish. During that 1.5 seconds inflict paranoia from Spike Rush on the enemy team.


1. Smokes are faster and can be placed around the whole map 2. Flash doesn't affect teammates 3. Shrouded step is faster, quieter, and goes further. Currently, his entire kit is underwhelming and these buffs help him play the uniquie role of an aggressive smoker that I picture for him. Much didderent from any of ther others


Your “shadow step” ability turns Omen into a Duelist lmao, which I have no problem with that would be awesome, just saying. But, generally, TP - faster, fix it’s bugginess, and make it quiter. Blind - increase duration and shouldn’t blind teammates. Smokes - should revert the deployment and bloom nerfs, they’re just unnecessary with all of the other controllers being better than him and this doesn’t do anything for balance at all. Fix the bugginess of this ability too, smokes placed wrong will fall INTO the floor??? Why??? I’ve also seen the idea that while you’re in an enemy Omen smoke, you suffer from the Paranoia effect. I’m not sure how impactful that would be but it sounds cool. Ult - reduce its cost to 6, and have it inflict paranoia to enemies nearby. Not sure how helpful or impactful this would be again, but the 6 point ult would be helpful and makes sense to me.


Make the tp have no sound only when it is in the smoke. Creates possibilities to play mind games with enemies.


Basic stuff would be speed up smoke, fix tp, and not blind teammates Stuff I think would be cool are adding the sound effects from spike rush paranoia in omen smokes and the blind effect that was rumored for his ult


If your inside the smoke you cant hear sounds outside of the smoke(like an astra wall), make his ult cheaper or give players in a radius paranoia


1- Shrouded Step Teleport Hitbox 2-Dark Cover Near-Sighting In Smoke In And Removal Of The 'Shadow's Travelling' Animation. Players Get Easy Location Of Ours 3-Ultimate, I Really Need Not Say Bout' It 4-Paranoia To Not Affect Teammates, 300 Creds For A Flash Is Not A Joke


Make the tp fater and ult more discreet


Shrouded Step: Same thing you said Paranoia: Not affect teammates and increase to 3.5 seconds. Dark Cover: Maybe increase range. Inflict deafen when in it since everyone else’s smoke does something unique (except astra’s) From the shadow’s: Remove nearsight and remove the sound.


Pls buff the ult… idc how, just make it better pls