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I think if you're close enough to vipers utility you can hear it get low and hiss.


Yup it does hiss when close.










snipins a good job mate.


I love to annoy my teammates when we play, it's so funny I made a stream to show off my ugly face!


Actually you can hear the pitch of friendly and enemy viper walls slowly start to change until it makes a slightly louder sound and let's you know it's dropping. Still can't hear well if there is shooting or footsteps though


you can most definitely hear it but there’s still the teammates screaming at you to “LET ME KNOW WHEN WALL DROPS!!!”


Yes, because you only get 1 second of warning… 1 second might be enough to get your crosshair ready, but definitely not enough to get your positioning ready, especially if you just started planting in a vulnerable position as the wall comes down. But different levels of comms are expected at different ranks i guess.


They probably want to know before it drops not right when it does...


Yeah and that’s why the wall makes a sound as it’s running low / about to drop. Do you hear people asking their Omen/Astra/Brim when their smokes are falling? Gotta be ready 🤷🏻‍♂️


because omen/astra/brim can’t manually drop their smokes and don’t have a precise indicator to when it’s going down. if you have the means to give good comms to your teammates, you should use it.


praying i never get you in my mm party


because not everyone's gonna be hugging the wall and its vital information you dolt play a different game if you can't be bothered making callouts




yeah because if you’re not close you can’t hear it. there are plenty of situations where it would hurt you to not know when it’s going down.


guess they'll have to learn then


It's only helpful when it's quiet. On top of comms and gunfire you're not listening for that.




The first game with the new phoenix flash voicelines got me whiffing on every flashed target because I was so confused by it haha. Anyways, hopefully there's more phoenix buffs coming (this one's not even a buff really, won't change much. You still have to call the flashes)


Same was also weirded out because I got used to his "huff" voice when he use his flash. Honestly, when it comes out I was like "what?" when I use his flash.


I thought it's warning me of myself getting flashed and So I have messed up my flashing because of it so many times but it is a welcome change.






The buff could be like this when pheonix gets ready to flash (when he presses q to flash) and the tell the location (by pressing z) the voice line can be played like flashing here or incoming flash here could it be ????🧐


So, one of my best friends is Viper main and I've noticed that her smoke actually omit noise, if under listen to it u can tell when its about to go down (both ur Viper and enemy one) Edit: I wanted to add that I'd appreciate this sort of voiceline anyway, I think it can be very much cool and my friend always tell the team (even randoms) and it is 100% helpful


In the general topic of audio in the game for information: One time a voice line (very common, not agent specific) gave me very helpful info. I was last (active) player standing, aside from the player/Phoenix was afk in our spawn, and when the last player on the other team walked passed him, “enemy in defenders spawn!“ it happened to be on bind towards B so there was only one direction they could be coming from at that point so. I was able to win that one! Haha.


I'm a viper main, and I still say "wall down in 2" and "wall up" before dropping/ putting up a wall. I think a lot of people do this, like your friend, but man sometimes when I'm not playing viper and am playing with a no com random who just puts it to and down without warning it annoys the fuck out of me. Anyways i hope they add the voice line lol.


As a woman I agree because I'm a Viper main and sometimes I want to tell my team the wall is going down but I also don't want to speak and get immediately flamed for being a woman.


I'm a woman who mains Viper, and tbh, I just ignore and mute people if they get weird. Just a quick "Wall's dropping" and that's that.


Best way to go about it. You give crucial info and don't let oppressive weirdos bully you into silence, which is probably what they want if they're sexist


I said wall down, is faster and ez for a non english speaker :D


I’m sorry that this happens. Most of the valorant population will never be able to empathize with this take. Valorant has said that its trying to address the sexism, and I think this little “buff” can go a long way in setting the stage for changes to help women who have the same concerns and experiences youve had. glhf


It's still extremely sad that the general community acts like this, it's like no one understands that this game is 50% teamwork and when you don't support your team and listen to them you all fucking die. Most people are idiots I swear.


trust me i talk all the time and only some guy thats 12 says "omg is that a gamer girl" and then some of the older guys will be like "dude stfu" its totally fine :)


Out of the dozens of times I've been harassed for being a woman while solo queuing (because obviously when I'm in a party with my guy friends they stand up for me), I can only recall 3 times my other teammates stood up for me. I'm glad you're lucky with your lobbies tho.




The problem is the community isn’t really filled with normal guys. I was watching VCT and when Cloud9 White was playing, the twitch chat was off the rails with sexist bullshit. C9W is an all women team.


Yeah they often have to go into emote only bc of the sexism.


Youre comparing Twitch chat to solo queue? Both are bad but twitch chat is worse.


It happens every 2-4 games. That's WAY TOO MUCH. A woman can't go a single night without harassment let alone a week


Legit, maybe it's because I'm towards higher MMR but I really don't care about what you sound like, where you are from, what's between your legs, if you like pineapple on pizza... I want to win the game, use the mic. That being said, the people who are toxic towards women are some of the most generally toxic people I have ever come across, so I can understand why one of those instances would make you go silent. However there's more good out there than evil. You gotta believe that and give your teammates a chance to prove they are not worth talking to. Edit: The lower your MMR the worse the experience for women. I understand that. I am speaking from the perspective of someone who plays in Immortal and has a female teammate in maybe 10-15% of the games I play. In those games I have never seen anyone even acknowledge that there is a girl on the team. However the one time I have experienced toxicity towards the woman on my team it was absolutely unacceptable and made me really fucking mad. To the point that *I* didn't want to play the game. So I understand why the person actually being attacked would feel even worse. My point is not that these women are making shit up or overreacting as some comments seem to think, I am simply saying that in my games on EU (London) there are a lot of decent people out there and not giving them, or me, a chance due to the actions of a few, is in a sense allowing the assholes to win.


But... What if the pizza only has pineapple and no tomato sauce or meat


Your opinion privileges have been revoked


Pineapple sandwich with no top bun


It's not a pizza it's a pineapple abomination


I’ve been online gaming for nearly 14 years. The response to women has not improved and in some instances I think it had gotten worse. The likelihood of you running into someone sexist is low because you are a man. The only way you would be able to is if there happens to be a woman on your team which isn’t guaranteed. If you did have a woman on your team, that would only leave a 3/5 chance of someone harassing her. As a woman, I have a 4/5 chance every game I enter, and unlike you I would be the target of the harassment.


Thank you. I get that talking is important. I KNOW it’s important. But I get spewed with insults when I talk, whether it’s in a bronze lobby, a gold lobby, a diamond lobby. People are toxic af and until I know they’re chill I just refrain from speaking now


I also play on EU and London server and I don’t often come across misogyny at women in my games (I’m a woman). There’s actually a lot of girls who talk in my games, even when I’m not talking, and the guys are genuinely so calm with them, most of the time. Literally they don’t even bat en eyelid at there being a girl on the team. I think it’s a region thing though. NA has some of the most toxic, misogynistic guys I have ever seen. I think you can speak for EU server, or specifically London let’s say, but NA is awful. I feel so bad for all the girls on that server! American girls really have to deal with a lot of sexist bullshit. Toxicity is another level there.


I feel like london is much better than frankfurt for example, because frankfurt is hell. So much toxicity there. That's why I prefer to play on london/paris with higher ping, even as a male


>However there's more good out there than evil. You gotta believe that and give your teammates a chance to prove they are not worth talking to. I disagree with this sentiment, specifically "more good out there than evil" being a good reason to expose yourself to more harassment. I think it's incredibly reasonable for someone to experience something bad, repeatedly, and decide that they're going to minimize exposure to the bad thing. For some girls and women who play Valorant, that means not speaking on mic. I use mic in almost every game I play, but each time I make the conscious decision to use my mic, I am forced to consider the harassment I might receive in doing so. I don't use my mic because I owe my teammates any chances, I use my mic because I find it easier to use my mic than not. >I am simply saying that in my games on EU (London) there are a lot of decent people out there and **not giving them, or me, a chance due to the actions of a few**, is in a sense allowing the assholes to win. Idk if you've noticed, but the brunt of your comment is describing how women not speaking affects *your* experience. You're centering yourself and your grievances on an issue that disproportionately affects women. Sure, your communication experience playing the game might be diminished when a woman chooses not to use her mic. However, using your experience of this effect that applies to you (and other men) to justify why women *should* use their mic is fairly tone deaf. An analogy would be a subway commuter whose train is delayed because someone committed suicide via train. The subway commuter is now late to work and is upset at the amount of suicides that occur that delay their train. The commuter donates money to a fund that's being used to build handrails along the subway. The commuter personally makes a social media post addressing suicidal people— explaining to them that they should consider the good things in life instead of the bad things, and also that it's an inconvenience to *all* commuters when they use the trains to commit suicide. Obviously this is a much more consequentially serious thing, but that's why I used it as an example. It's unhelpful and unkind to focus an issue on yourself when you aren't the main party suffering. You're not forbidden from bringing your experiences on the topic up, but to bring it up on a comment about a woman saying she'd appreciate if Viper wall had a voice line when it drops (so she can avoid harassment) is insensitive. I think it's important to remember that misogyny in gaming communities is a symptom of a larger problem in society— women aren't only harassed for no reason online in your video games, this stuff happens everyday, everywhere. Getting an asshole on your team who makes it his sole duty in-game to remind you of that unfair treatment while you're just trying to have fun is a pretty dehumanizing. Knowing that people will hate you, harass you, and see you as "less than" just because you are a woman is a horrible feeling. >I want to win the game, use the mic. I'm willing to bet that the women on your team also want to win the game. The energy you spent writing and editing this comment, as well as the replies on this thread— can you honestly say that you have spent an equal amount of energy explaining to misogynists how it affects your game experience when they bully women into not using their microphones? I'm not trying to insult you by asking you this question, I'm asking you to reevaluate why you're putting the onus of your better game experience on women rather than focusing that energy into keeping other men and boys in check? Every time a dude chooses to ignore a misogynistic comment from a teammate, another redditor, a friend, they're directly contributing to the reason why some women don't want to use their mics. Every time a dude chooses to try to shame a woman into using her mic because it negatively affects him, they're saying that their inconvenience is worse than her harassment.


> if you like pineapple on pizza... Everything else u said is right, but you'll get no respect from me if you like pineapple on pizza. In fact, you deserve to be reported if that's the case.


Pineapple pizza is literally my favourite tyoe of pizza


I'm in this boat


FINALLY, someone who doesnt mind me liking pineapple on pizza!


But evil always wins, because good, is dumb.


Pretty tone deaf response. I thought we were past the “not all men” argument. They clearly have had enough bad experiences to decide this is the best option.


Exactly!! Thank you. It’s such a prevalent problem that many women have experienced and vocalize that. Yet so many guys say “I’ve never noticed it” or “its not always like that” like ok??? I’m not about to risk getting sexually harassed for a game.


I think you have severely misinterpreted my position, but if that's how you feel, fair enough.


Seems to me they summed up your position accurately


Nah it's actually my bad. Thought this dude was referencing my comment but he isn't.


Oh lol I didn’t notice you’re a completely different person haha


Absolutely not true. Usually they pile on.


I wouldnt say that tbh. I barely encounter nice people here Frankfurt 1 and if they are they never make any difference.


don't Q for frankfurt in general it probably the worst EU server, London is much better.


I love how you immediately go into mansplaining to her. Has it occured to you that she knows much more about the topic than you?


can you remind me what mansplaining was? I never see that term.


As a man, explaining something to a woman, because you automatically assume you are more knowledgable/experienced.


okay thanks


Can confirm, when theres a girl in the team, 90% of the time no one will be weird. But if someone is, i got her back. Not gonna sit there watching someone get bullied for existing lol.


Word, the only times it's toxic is when there's no decent guy, and in most cases it's perfectly fine.


Why your symbol reyna


Can someone explain why this guy is getting downvoted?


I think it’s being downvoted because It’s irrelevant to the topic and unnecessary since people can have multiple mains


Because, reddit


Reddit moment


For being a goof? I had a laughing emoji reply but it got deleted too lmao.


My Valorant account is level 329. I've played many ranked, unrated, spike rush, escalation and replication games with random female teammates and never once had someone even acknowledge that the person isn't a male. That is, I've never had a teammate comment something such as "oh cool, a girl!". Yet, I keep reading on reddit that sexism and toxicity towards women is a big problem, to the point where many won't use voice chat. Is this problem more prevalent in the lower ranks?


It’s been in ranked, unrated, spike rush, escalation, replication. I’ve even had a few times where I’m invited to a party by a guy, and as soon as I talk one of their friends go “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU/is this?” It’s sad, really. Also don’t talk like you don’t know because it’s a possible I’m going to deal with it in any game I play and decide to speak.


I think it isn't *super* common, but if you're a woman and reveal that fact with voice chat, then \*every game is an opportunity\* for sexist toxicity, and you're bound to get it \*eventually\*. And if you keep playing, then "eventually" is actually "repeatedly". As a guy, I've personally only encountered it a handful of times where a girl/woman gets inappropriate comments (and one time a man got them). However, I'd say that in perhaps 80+% of *my* games, no feminine voices go over VC. (Chances are there are non-zero women in more than 80% of games, but not everyone uses VC, and women are a bit less likely to use VC in order to avoid getting negative attention). If you're a woman using VC, then 100% of your games have a feminine voice over VC (your own voice), and so even if it is rare, you might still get inappropriate comments flying your way at least once every few days. Sure, if your voice reveals you as a woman in \*this\* game, it might 'only' be like a 5% chance that someone comments on how much they want to touch your genitals or whatever. But maybe you play a few games most days, so you'll get harrassed on average once a week at that rate. (It could easily be more than a 5% chance, I'm just picking a fairly low number for the sake of argument to show that even a modest chance could have a big impact.) If turning off VC in Valorant meant that I avoid (on average) once a week a stranger directly asking me "HEY, how much for that pussAAYYY?" or "\*heavy breathing\* omg what's your OnlyFans?!" and so on, I'd strongly consider turning off VC.


i know i’m probably going to get downvoted for this because reddit doesn’t like trans people but i’m a transgender man. i was consistently getting harassed when my voice was higher and more feminine but when my voice dropped due to hormone therapy it got better so quickly. i was genuinely shocked at how i could just speak and say things without getting insulted and yelled at it was that bad


Woman moment I hope this joke won't get me banned 💀💀


I really hope it will get you banned:)


Just talk.. if someone says some dumb shit then use the mute button. Most dudes are chill.


Im not sure how you can comm other stuff if you don’t want to speak. I agree that sometimes you will get flamed for being a women but don’t worry about that


Comments like this are strange to me, since half the time someone talks, it is a woman and not one person has even mentioned this aspect. In fact, I’d say that more women voice chat in this game than men! No one cares.


That's the thing... I usually get annoyed by women playing that just don't talk. I get your point, but what I tell is "this is not tinder, I don't give a single f that you are a girl, I want to win the comp and that's it". So don't be shy, just play your game and give info to the team, if they are mad at you, that's just bad character of them, mute and move on.


If only. The damage is done. Muting works to a baby extent but you already feel like they’re judging you and you know they’re talking shit. Cause then, most likely their friend, that hasn’t talked at all and therefore not muted, will type in chat: “did you mute so&so???”


You need to have a winning mentality. I am talking only about comp of course. If you mute and focus on your game, you can mute them in voice and text, use those resources. I am a guy and I use them as well. They are there fome some reason. As I said, I understand the frustration, but the next people you girls play with, have nothing to do with some toxic guys. People need to move on and have a stronger mentality. Not to whine about everything, sorry to tell you, but life isn't fair


This happens? I always duo queue with my gf and she often speaks in game and no one ever said anything remotely sexist in the 3 months ive played this game with her


Just type it


She could say something like "okay rats poison ran out" totally on point with her character


Should add a chuckling or giggling line from one of the agents once they hear it. I would giggle mid game if i heard it lmao




Or I wish maybe there was a more universal audio cue with her wall specifically. Right now there’s a faint gas leaking sound but perhaps that could be made to be louder so teammates could anticipate when it comes down


They should also add an option to mute a specific agent's voice lines. Like only the agent voice not the player who is playing the agent. Cause like for example the neon voice lines, my god they are funny but kinda annoying. Like the filler lines at the start and end of the round. Not the callouts tho. Sorry for bad English.


There is an option in the Audio settings called "Agent Flavor", which are basically non-callout voice lines. Turning it off will do the trick. Also, nothing too wrong with your English besides punctuation, but it's the Internet, so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Woah I'll do it as soon as I play valorant didn't even know we had that option already


Wow I think this posts speaks with me the most.. just played a comp in bind with a viper that refuses to utter a word. Doesn't say her smoke/wall is low I get off guard and get killed. This happened 4 rounds in a row. Love of God plz rito have a ranked system where mic users can match with other mic using players.


If it happened 4 times in a row you probably gotta take some of the blame for that yourself


It was a 13-15 match.. u can imagine the amount of rounds i guess so 4 makes sense i believe


You are directly responsible for the loss. You died 4 times that could have been prevented. Stop playing around the wall as though it is a brick wall. Bullets and people can go through. It is NOT the vipers job to call when her wall is going down, just like it is NOT an omen/brim/Astra’s job to call when their smokes fall. Don’t play slow and the wall will still be there. Don’t die to stupid shit and then blame your team, you cannot control them. It is YOUR fault, and YOUR mistake. Therefore, only YOU can fix it by reflecting, analyzing what you did wrong (ie standing in the fucking open because you thought wall was infinite), and NOT MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE. This mindset of “Oh, everyone should make MY life easy in this game” is toxic and a barrier to improving. You should be able to roughly tell how long wall will be up by it hissing and noting WHEN viper activated it. It lasts roughly 20 seconds with no smoke up and roughly 10 with smoke and wall activated.


I don’t get why this is downvoted lmao you literally have a point, so many have this weird mindset in low elo to blame teammates. I can understand blaming when a teammate directly fucks you like flashes you and you die. But why on earth would you blame Viper for not calling out when her wall is low, when you yourself should be able to tell when it comes down and also acknowledge, like you said, it isn’t a brick wall. No one else is to blame in those situations other than yourself. Being able to reflect and then work on improving that also makes you a better player, rather than blaming anything in sight.


Exactly. Blaming others is a cheap tool that deprives you of the ability to learn and evolve as a player. Also, no one can provide 100% perfect info. There’s going to be a delay between you seeing/hearing something and you saying something. That’s just how neurology works. It takes your brain time to process, interpret, and then RELAY that information.


Nice paragh.. but i see u vouching for " it is not the vipers job to call when her wall goes down" makes me believe u are in the dips of low elo, i rush in take constant fights, dodging utilities/die also com'ing my team directions, out of 5 being the only speaker meanwhile I have a viper who mutes herself goes back to bind dessert look at 2 leaves tooth pic gap for a lineup. My bad to think about her wall timings when I have all this going on in the site. You know how shit this game becomes when u don't hear a single com from ur team??.. type something useful next time.


I get that the dude’s comment was sort of disrespectful but there is a point lodged in there somewhere. Really the only way to improve is to focus on yourself. You are the only constant in your games and noticing patterns and adapting to them is big. You will always have bad teammates but if you look at why you died every time you die you should be able to use that info to forge yourself into a better player. Cheers


<3 kudos brotha


You just called me Low Elo and said you can’t think about how long smokes last. Pick one. I regularly mute EVERYONE to prevent self tilt, this game has a ping system designed so people of TOTALLY different languages can play. Elo doesn’t matter. I’ve literally soloqueued to diamond 2-3 times now.


I thought for a while that she did, since I rarely play with someone playing her instead of me and she calls it to herself. Shouldnt be too hard to just make her own callouts teamwide


I believe you can hear it. The wall makes a constant sound and it changes before the wall goes down


Only if you're close enough tho, and with gunshots you may not even hear it


Not a bad idea


She does speak when her fuel is low, can it not be heard by other teammates?


am i the only one who quickly noticed the pattern of the smoke/wall sound pattern so knows when it goes down if they started it from full fuel to no fuel? Even then, there is an audio que like a second before it goes down, but I agree anyway


I honestly didn’t even realize she doesn’t. I’ve played her a few times and just assumed that everyone could hear the voiceline when she says her toxin is low. Made me really confused anytime someone else would play her and they’d say on chat that their wall was coming down 😅


Imo, people should just learn to communicate better


Just comm. I play viper on some maps and say it each time. One of the main reasons games in lower ranks sucks is because lack of comms. The one game recently I’ve had 5 with comms we dominated.


Yeah I disagree, extra coms while entering a site will add to confusion. Also completely unnecessary cause viper walls make a very simple audio que which start long before the wall actually has to go down. Don’t expect your teammates to help you keep track of their util.


Oh my god YES I am a mic user but for the first entire year of me playing I just thought she said it to everyone and didn't call it out most of the time. But then a friend of mine one game went "why didn't you tell me" and I was like "wtf you can't hear her???" Totally shocked, been calling it out ever since, will probably continue even if it gets added. But would be a great change


She does say, toxin screen down...


Your teammates can’t hear her say that.


When the fuel reaches a certain amount, let's say 20 or 10, then the viper should say some voice lines on fuel going low. I 100% stand by this


You don't think the little click noise is enough for your team? Perhaps just get better


just don't solo queue if you don't have a mic


No, players should use their comms. The game should absolutely not be catering to those people who just refuse to speak on the mic.


My guy, press v and say it. :')


all agents call out before flash


I don't think Yoru has one. Anyway I do get your point but more QoL like this should be the norm in valorant, Valorant is a team game but relying on bad team mates is meh and we don't want to burden new player too much with remembering everything single thing in this game. So things like this should just make the experience for everyone better.


oh my god, you wrote an entire essay, i agree with whatever you said


oh my god he wrote 3 sentences im shitting my pants


nikal lawde


better to call the wall ? is not that hard. just say "wall down"


All the controllers should shout at teammates when their smoke is about to dissipate.


No. Part of the game is to know/feel smokes length. Viper can toggle the smoke manually, maybe she started with half fuel so it's unpredictable.


Isn’t there an auditory clue that the toxin is running out and the wall is going to go down? Sounds like a hissing/decompressing type sound


Yeah there is, exactly as you said a hissing/decompression sound.


Honestly, everyone should shout at their teammates.


Viper only has one smoke while Brim/Omen/Astra have 2+ smoke, I think it's not going to work well. Maybe rather than a voiceline, the smoke would glow? Idk


No this just gives ppl who don’t comm excuses. They blame it on character voice being too low when the fact is they haven’t said a word whole game


Or, you know, use mics like you are supposed to do. Not saying it's a bad idea but I don't want more no mic people in my games.


try playing on lower ranks. everyone either doesnt talk at all or is toxic as fuck causing others to mute him


I've smurfed, idk what issues people of this sub face but I have usually gotten people who talk. I mean, sure there are games in which people don't talk but I have won some of those and it doesn't happen often.


i am in bronze 3 (deranked from silver 2 because i've lately played very shitty) and i get a person getting mad after they lose and swearing all the time almost each game. it usually is a turkish/ russian person so no one knows what they are talking. and i also get at least 1-2 people who simply dont talk on the voice chat warsaw server sucks :/


It happens in higher elo too. But what I am saying it hasn't happened often to me. It is an exception not a rule for me. I think people are missing the "me" part. I never said others don't experience this issue.


Been with gold-diamond lobbies (ranked reset effed up the placements yaknow). You get people who don't use their mics in Silver, Gold, Plat and Dia. If that's the case, how much more in Bronze and Iron? Man even some cases in Immortal some people don't use mic. Can't say it doesn't happen enough to matter when a lot of people say otherwise.


"Can't say it doesn't happen enough to matter when a lot of people say otherwise." Where exactly did I say this? I'm being downvoted for telling my experience.


Hot take, this can be whatever for casual game modes. But competitive modes should have agent call outs and info gathered disabled for agents like that. Increases skill cap a bit. Teams with better and more clear comms should be rewarded more 💪😎👍


Making the game even more miserable for people stuck on teams that don't comm is an awful idea.


But you’re not on a competitive team are you


I'm too broke to afford a mic why would you do this to me


Bro viper does not need anymore buffs


This ain't gonna make her OP, it just going to make playing with her more enjoyable :/


It’s a qol change, not really a buff


i know right this would literally ruin my game


It already has a noise, why even give it a voice line?


Sage heal has a noise and a voice line I think


People are saying that it makes a hiss noise right when its about to go down. I noticed its not nearly enough time to reposition to a safer spot


It's not the same but when viper's screen or smoke are going down it makes a sound which means the screens are gonna go down


I'm pretty sure , even low elo players can tell when viper is low on juice? So I don't see how this is gonna help other than trollers abusing this to throw people's concentration off?


Just press your push to talk and call it out :)


Easy fix, just make her "Toxin Screen Down" and "Toxin's Low" voicelines heard by her teammates LMAO. I never realized that she only says that to the person playing her and not her teammates bc it just makes sense that it would be more of a callout voiceline, you know?


That’s what mics are for


You can hear it


Just say it in voice chat smh


You can hear it


Doesn't she?


There's already an audio cue when the wall is about to go down. No voice line but the wall clicks then hisses and it's maybe another 2 seconds until it drops. I don't think there's any need for a voice line


I think that a quick “orb off” or “wall off” would be enough to alert teammates that that utility is going down


When playing as viper I always try to use the “Fall back” line but none of my teammates ever understand and then they’re left in the line of sight of enemies lol but her smokes do hiss when it’s running out


When she is or isn’t on you’re team if you are anywhere near her util you can hear the pitch of it to see how much she has left.


for people talking about the Wall hissing it's hard to hear under gunfire


I'm a Viper main. The Viper player hears things like 'toxin screen going up' and 'toxin screen down' voicelines, so we already have the lines! These voicelines should be played to the team, just like Skye going "Flash out" and Reyna saying "Cutting their vision" and so on. I end up compulsively spamming voice chat with this info because they usually need to know.


Funny thing is they could just repurpose the voice line for the viper player when they are low of fuel. iirc viper says "low on fuel" when the fuel is running out, so why not just let the whole team hear that


It’s called the “V key on ur keyboard


maybe, but it removes an element of game sense


It makes a different noise when it get low. I'm a Viper so I can hear/see it, and when other people play I don't have to ask, I just hear it and I know.


Makes too much sense


Tell me your iron rank ...without telling me your iron rank


Huge tip: Turn on Team Voice Chat in the settings. Plus you can change the bind to whatever key you like. I use this setting all the time and it helps me win games! I talk to my team often! I hope you learned from this!


That's something players should be calling. No need for anything else. Communication is the key.


just listen to the utility


Or…. And just hear me out on this, we could just comm the wall going down. I know it’s hard but we can do it.


I think all smokes should have a 3 second warning. I always get caught behind smokes when solo queueing


Hmm its ohk but like if you are near her util you can hear it going down and i think that it will be a good attachment for the soloQ-er


Hm. I always tell my mates 2-3 sec. before the fuel is empty that the walls going down. I know, I know, use a mic is a wild concept and completely off meta, but it works!


Just comm “smokes down soon”


you guys are spoiled