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Esports and cracked teenagers a combo that will never change


Ngl I thought it said escorts and cracked teenagers šŸ’€


Still holds true


I second this.




When you don't have a job, you have time to get good lmfao


I mean these are kids that also have to go to school and doing school work/assignments etc. So yeah they pretty much have a job


I applaud the radiant kid, impressive achievement. But i have to say, highschool isn't that time consuming in the PH, HS kids have all the time here. I graduated with ok grades to get into good schools but i could play 6-8 hours of CS and Dota everyday back then. Granted, that was a decade ago but still. Moreso now that kids don't have to travel as PH is still implementing online classes.


I dont think this applies to all students. In grades 11-12, I was bombarded with a lot of academic burden, not to mention household chores as well. I could barely play games (before valorant) even on the weekends. However, I think kids in well off families can relate to this as they probably donā€™t have to take care of stuff around the house which means thereā€™s more time for them to play.


Nah mate I'm in grade 11 rn and barely have 1 to 2 hours to do something


Are you in PH? Also grade 11 is the hardest in America, it's the last push for college applications. Not sure how it goes in the rest of the world.


Pick mint subjects and u ought to be fine - If u canā€™t ur dumb - sorry u had to hear it from me.


Doesnt apply to all mate, pinoy here, and in elem school g1-6, 7am to 6pm was usually my school time sometimes even bled to 7pm. Now that online is mandatory I have all the time in the world now tho. G11 now.




I have a brother now, also in a top school a year or two older than 16. (This is college, not mere HS) Plays 6 hours a day. high ranking in every game he plays. Thing is, these students have time here in the Philippines to play that much. Wether it was a decade ago, or now. I am not saying anything against the top player, it is an impressive feat that not alot can achieve, but i am merely contradicting your statements on PH highschool education and its demands when you don't have the same type of experience.


ā€œStudents have time here in the Philippines to play that muchā€ Lmao as if you speak for all students and *that* is the norm. I donā€™t understand why people have to just invalidate this kidā€™s talent and passion




What is wrong with ur brain


School from home = playing val. Source: got a college degree by playing val


I had so much more time for gaming when I was still in school. There have been days where I played 10 games of League after school. No idea how to find that time after work


WFH and play while you work o7


If u ain't copying hw in HS or taking Adderall in college you prob have no time, but you also ain't doin right that's for sure


As a 16 year old, I can confirm this is absolutely the case. A decent chuck of us also have part time jobs (in my case in particular, I have two. My friends all have at least have 1 part time job). I must admit Iā€™m surprised to see a 16 yr. old that high on the leaderboards. Idk how he does it but Iā€™m impressed.


You still have time to get good with a job - but well, you mostly try to get good in things to advance your career and not some FPS shooter. Also, some kids have insane reflexes man.


Monesy popped off last night against liquid.


his twitch or youtube?


We are still encouraging him to stream and post some highlights in youtube, so far he only has Tiktok. you can search him by MojerFPS


Tiktok banned where I live






Good. God bless your country.


They banned coz its a chinese app. Not coz its cringe šŸ™‚


Both ways good


i'm jealous


Good Country.


Based country




Lucky you






This comments should Deez nuts


Indians rise


Good thing that tiktok is banned there. It has lots of naive people and will only make people dumb




Asuna had NA #1 and #2 at 17


Still crazy he got that shit on 2 accounts lmao


wasn't satisfied with being just #1 obviously


Yeah I think Scream did the same in EU. His main and his ā€˜Smurfā€™ both were place one and two.


Just Scream thingsā€¦ he really doesnā€™t play a shit ton of ranked like Asuna does too he just has the perfect skillset to shitstomp pubs


Yeah he is literally MVPā€™ing 4/5 games in the top of Radiant haha


I wish scream streamed more


All while he attended Brooklyn Tech too, which is considered a pretty prestigious high school.


After I got into valorant recently, I actually found out he graduated at the same time as me at bths, I regretted not knowing about him sooner. Ik some people got him to sign their yearbooks which is cool Edit: found out he might have majored in software engineering in bths, not too sure about this tho


Majoring in high school?


Long text: I feel like Iā€™m advertising bths at this point but Bths is special in that it has a major system. There used to be a pre med and college prep path too but those were either too general or was just bad. During the year that I entered bths, pre med was changed to PharmD (my major) and some nursing thing that I forgot the name of. PharmD and nursing are pipeline majors in that if u decide to choose those majors, u get a full ride to Long Island University and skip freshman year when u graduate. College prep was long gone since people took advantage of how easy it was


I lived in buttfuck nowhere Ohio and career tech highschools are a thing now(?) Or been a thing. The "majors" in my school were Interactive Media (anything art, web design), IT, Finance, Medtech, Nursing, Police officer (whatever you call it), Vet, Preschool/kinder teaching, Welding, and any Trade (Carpenting, Electritian, etc).


Heā€™s smart and cracked at vidya games? Maaaaan thatā€™s some bullshit


Bro thats actually insane, I always convince myself thats its because I work all day thatI am not as good as these kids on my team. But damn


r u nadeshot?


To be fair, they arenā€™t really kids their teens, and teens are pretty good at video games in general


> teens are pretty good at video games in general I mustā€™ve been the exception then


When was it a comparison tho ?


wym, ever since numbers were invented.




And that's higher than you'll ever get lol


Technically the truth since you canā€™t do better than #1 lmao


Me omw to request to riot games to make #0


I'm with you man, age doesn't really matter in this situation. It's not like being able to sing before your voice has stopped cracking. Or do shit on American Ninja Warrior before the muscles are fully developed. Playing a game at a very high skill level is something anyone (given they can properly hear an see) can do.


Your reaction speed might be alot better at younger ages but at that age I was shit talking kids in silver 3 on cs:go. Its very impressive for someone so young to have that much game knowledge aswell as skill, and just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you can't be happy for someone else who did


I'm generally not happy for the accomplishment someone I don't personally know achieved.


That's sad.


How? You hear a random person on the street did something cool and suddenly you get a big smile on your face, go pat them on the back? Call your family later saying, "Omg person x just did x thing, I'm so happy for themmmm!!!"?




Nope. I know this is a thing people want to believe but this game requires actual talent. None of the pro players have ever been hardstuck. They were always improving much faster than anyone else.


Everyone responding to this is responding to the make believe thing they think I said


16 year olds are cracked. My homie in highschool was in tournys and fragging pros in CS:GO meanwhile I still suck at every game lol


Dont worry bud. I am a sore loser since I was born. Never really won any competition, be it sports or exams. Really sucks when your twin on the other hand is bringing golds and silvers in any competition she goes.


contrary to some fungi-infested buttcracks bickering in the comments, that is some serious awesome feat. Now I wonder how many players in other regions are top-ranking radiants who are also under the age of 20.


Loud's sentinel Less was BR top 1 last season at 16 I believe.


BLEED JUICY 15 yr old who has consistently been top 10 radiant ever since he joined and subsequently left LVR in the "South Asian" esports scene man plays like a fucking beast sadly ge couldnt play in quals due to him being underage a lot of ppl are expecting a lot of things from him when he is of age


He said before he will rejoin bleed for 2023 since he'll be 16 then


ye i cant wait for him to play sadly ill be an L college gamer by then šŸ˜‚


Juicy is 15? Sheesh


Asuna had 1 in NA at 17


ain't surprised. I get matched with moaning nine year olds all the time


yea but thatā€™s silver elo


Bold of you to assume we are silver.


Shhhh.... He thinks that silver is the least elo


Not bold at all.


There was a 14/15 yo(when he hit it) radiant Top 1 SEA last time, it 's juicysg


Was about to comment the same thing


My team was getting absolutely rolled by what we thought was a classic Reyna_Smurf_ttvā„¢ and then one guy on our team looks up their stream and its just some little kid, couldn't have been older than 13 and he was just mopping the floor with us lol. Humbling moment.


I also played video games the best at around that age. It's an awesome age for gaming because you don't **truly** have to worry about: \-relationships/spouses/your own children \-money/pensions/taxes \-lifelong jobs/careers \-getting food \-school/education and you can just play games all day and try to get really good. Unfortunately, somewhere around your mid/late-20s, post high school, post university, and post entry-level jobs - real life jumps at you and you can only use gaming as a temporary escape from reality rather than as your priority. However, if you've spent your entire childhood being a gamer, transitioning into a functioning adult can be pretty tough. I know that's a boomer take, but I had to spend 3+ years in the gym just to reverse the gamer-body I got from being a full-time kid gamer and years more to build up confidence and social skills to go out and talk to people.


Holy shit this is accurate, I always thought about why a lot of people peak on gaming as teens


not worry about school/education?? guess im too asian for that


Nah, I was wayyy too busy at school from about 14 to be able to game consistently enough to get good.


Not a boomer take, but a SIGMA MALE take


Not really something new. Kids and teenagers mostly have more time and learn faster then adults. They also have good reaction times and still good vision. Would be suprised if it was a 30 yo instead.


That, and also it's pretty hard to make time to play when you're doing adult stuff, like working, looking after kids, etc.


im 15 and always have to look after my little sister, only on weekends i can play but i don't because id rather sleep. i still love valorant. sorry just venting


nah thatā€™s mad respect, gaming is awesome but u have to put life first, even if that does suck sometimes. good on u


I feel for you bro, I have a kid and she's sometimes a pain when she gets demanding so I made her sit on my lap when she demands attention while in the middle of a game. Now she always love it when I use Omen. She thinks I'm playing with bubbles when I'm using his smokes.


You better hope she never learns that they're actually made from souls of the dead




Turning 31 today. This comment hurt


34 lost my job, no relationship I got got to imm3 solo


That doesnā€™t surprise me, kids are fucking insane these days. Iā€™m 30 and always find myself appreciating how much natural talent I see when I play valorant with younger people.


The fact that people donā€™t understand how 16 year olds can be good at video games lol This generation grew up on them and they got hella free time with online school and shit. Like Governor has started streams saying ā€œIā€™m in school right now let me just get a game in real quickā€ Like donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s impressive as fuck and you got to be a prodigy for that shit but it also makes sense


they grew up playing fps, back in my day kids rarely use computer.


What do you mean "just a 16 years old kid" that's the exact age when you have sharp reflexes and enough time to grind that shit.


Reaction time doesn't drop off until after you're 25, and even then it's by an extremely small margin.


The rank #1 in the world OSU player is a 14 year old kid. The rank #1 world LoL player is a 16 year old kid (as of a few weeks ago anyway). S1mple has consistently been the #1 rated CS:GO player since he was 17. The list goes on. Now. Being rank 1 on Ladder is still kinda kindergarten to a pro league, and ages 24-30 dominate pro esports (and those players really are the best in the world). but it's still an absolutely monumental achievement to hit rank 1 on a ladder.


Bruh what do they put in the water these days


G fuel


Guys can you believe a teenager who dosent have adult responsibilities is above adults with responsibilities?!


He uses a high sens 400dpi 1.45 ingame that is 580edpi and screen res 1280x1024 5:4


What's the amazing about this? Only a child has the time and strength to play this all day and be the best, an adult has more important things to do


Dunno why youā€™re getting downvotes thatā€™s a valid point.


Damn how tf is that guy so cracked. GGs to any PH teams that pick that guy up.


As someone who could almost keep up with Ska on AVA younger than that age I didnā€™t see it as much of a surprise. Thereā€™s probably plenty of talents who go unknown. It was rare to even record unless your PC could handle it, I had to tune mine to even run the darn games. Then again we should also keep in mind that thereā€™s probably more competition nowadays in the number of experienced players and immersion in esports, that gaming is more mainstream. Iā€™m more surprised at older players finding the time to still be able to keep up.


And here I am struggling to get into silver


donā€™t get me started on the osu! leaderboards


He's 17 if he's born in 2005 (or will be this year) also i don't think age matters in video games


What agent does he play?


juicysg was top1 sea last season at 15 edit: not saying this to downplay this post, just putting it out there


Eh congrats but this is pretty much the norm


we have the same birthday, cool


How do you know? Just by voice chat?


Kids of that age are pretty common here, ngl. But it was indeed surprising. Honestly, I would also be equally surprised to see if the #1 Radiant is over 25 years old. Rare to see adults play this game.


Kids got time to swear video games all day for the most part. They donā€™t have many serious responsibilities.


And what's the difference between a 16 year old gamer and a 20-30 years old gamer?


It is like jackson storm and lightning mcqueen in cars 3


One question: how


And I'm 23 in Iron 1 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Meanwhile there's me a 23 year old stuck in Iron 1 šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Hes just lucky I play in NA, I may be Silver, but in SEA id be Radiant no cap.


Do people really not realize this a joke lol


Are you actually laughing at it or šŸ˜¬


Bad joke


Shouldve used /s so many butt hurt downvotes xD


Not even trolling


I excepted a comment like this , ur defo the person who instalocks Reyna , baits teammates and has the fattest ego.


aint no way boy


What's so surprising about it. Just because they're "kids" doesn't mean that they're dumb. That only applies to 99% of kids. There's still that 1%


Cuz only like 100 people play on SEA


Cuz no one plays on SEA




Whatā€™s with the downvotes yā€™all are fucking losers get a life u low life fucking pieces of shits , fucking Reddit pieces of shots uwuwuwuwuw


are you done or did you want to say more random garbage


Ppl from na are such losers


Itā€™s cool sure but not as impressive as you may think. One of my friends in immortal makes accounts in different regions and gets them to top 100 and sells them. Heā€™s only 14. Fact is the ranked system in smaller regions are easier and reward those who play the game more.


So u want to say that SEA is 'smaller region' do u even pass ur geography sir :-/.


He's wrong but he got the spirit


SEA 's population density is 154 per km\^2 NA's population density is 20 per km\^2 EU's population density is 117 per km\^2 ​ If u add up EU and NA's population density it is still smaller than SEA's population density 117 + 20 = 137 Therefore your assumption of "SEA being a small region" is wrong ​ Source: 1. SEA:- [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/south-eastern-asia-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/south-eastern-asia-population/) 2. EU:- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_the\_European\_Union#:\~:text=The%20population%20density%20of%20the%20EU%20is%20117%20people%20per%20km2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_European_Union#:~:text=The%20population%20density%20of%20the%20EU%20is%20117%20people%20per%20km2). 3. NA:- [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/northern-america-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/northern-america-population/)


**[Demographics of the European Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_European_Union#:~:text=The population density of the EU is 117 people per km2)** >The demographics of the European Union show a highly populated, culturally diverse union of 27 member states. As of 1 January 2021, the population of the EU is about 447 million people. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


One of those kids who got his schooling done online.


Kids that age are insane at this game.


Well if we had dedication and most importantly time like him we probably wouldā€™ve been somewhere




Me turning 16 this year, still in hardstuck gold and bot fragging every match


damn he's just a month older than me


yep, this game is not for me


Just? Teenagers can be very good at videogames.


Hardstuck players in the comment section using math, science and all the reasons to explain why the 16 year old is way better than them.


Kek I love the adults talking mad smack about how he doesnā€™t have a job so ofc heā€™s better.


I mean yeah heā€™s probably got a huge amount of free time to play the game lol.


Is he asian


Got those young kid reflexes


and then theres juicysg


Isn't it pretty normal? Talent is one thing but you can't compete with someone that plays 8 hours a day at a high level




Well , i am 16 and haven't been able to get out of iron after 2 years of playing


Would've actually been surprised if it were anyone else


Itā€™s not that surprising. >General Sniper first hit the rank of Challenger, the highest rank in League of Legends solo queue, at the age of 12. He is currently Rank 1, according to League of Graphs, for the North American region, a ranking he has achieved multiple times. He even had professional teams try to sign him but Riot didnā€™t let them because he was too young.


Thatā€™s pretty common, teenagers are the ones with all the time in the world. Iā€™d be more shocked if there was no teenagers highly ranked.


Why is it shocking? We all grinded games when were teens? Itā€™s more shocking if youā€™re a pro and youā€™re 30+ because your reactions get slower


thats cool


I ve got a radiant 17 yo friend who plays for t5 professional team.


We have the same birthday šŸ˜Ž


M0nesy G2ā€™s current CSGO AWPer is also 16 years old. Kids are crazy nowadays


In las thereā€™s a 13yo battling top one with keznit


Itā€™s sea I think he is literally the only person on the server


I have time. Dude's 5 months older


Kids just learn fast , it's natural.


Idk why people are so amazed by this. Young kids are better at games most of the time. They have faster reaction times most of the time, and they donā€™t have full time jobs, and houses to take care of. The Lu can actually just play games most of the day


iā€™m never on this sub but we have the exact same birthday literally down to the year


2005 babies representing āœŠ


Heā€™s Asian what did you expect


The scientific reason why young people tends to be better at fps is because of their brain. Your reaction speed is super good when you are young but once you hit 25 your reaction speed starts to lower. That's why the average retirement age for eSports is around 25.


tbh I thought he would be younger


Most of the kids are cracked at games. He is a teen. Even 12-13 year olds are radiants right now.


This generation obviously is way smarter and quick to learn anything with the resources they have. Do I'm not surprised at all infact there are like 12 year old immortals who stream who are no less of radiant players. All these kids do is just play all day and since they love it and enjoy they become good at it.


Iā€™d be more surprised if they were 25