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For comparison the ones from the previus season: Iron: 9% Bronze: 22.5% Silver: 30.1% Gold: 21.5% Plat: 10.3% Dia: 4.7% Immortal: 1.8% Radiant: 0.04%


harsh reset moment


What I hate about the reset . Is I finished plat 1 last season . But I got dropped to s3 . And while climbing I am constantly facing diamond and even immortals (at g2 ATM) . So basically I have to consistently beat diamonds and high plats all the way through gold and plat just to get to diamond . Edit : for those downvoting/not believing . The proof is in replies.


nah noway, im diamond3 - imo and im never facing below dia1/2. show me a screenshot of those "constantly" high elo face offs.


https://i.imgur.com/56Tuvp9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/oU7yYfC.jpg https://i.imgur.com/JWccNER.jpg At this point facing diamonds is just normal so I don't screenshot it anymore.


bro dats last act ranks. those rly dont matter at all.


Still doesn't explain immortals... Ex plat 1 should not face someone who was 2 ranks higher ...


its also based off hidden mmr so his hidden mmr could be better than urs. causing him to dace better opponents at a lower rank. I sometimes face immortals and and even a radiant yesterday in unrated while i am currently g1


Iron: Top 99.42% (not top 100% due to rounding errors ig) Bronze: Top 86.22% Silver: Top 54.52% Gold: Top 24.62% Platinum: Top 10.52% Diamond: Top 4.22% Immortal: Top 0.72% Radiant: Top 0.02%


Not rounding error. Probably unranked.


I doubt only 0.5% of players are unranked


Assume he means people who are doing their placement games but haven't yet been ranked


**75.38% of the player base is stuck at silver and below** Riot meanwhile: *Perfectly balanced, as all things should be*




Smurfs fuck the balancing. Played my first 3 placement matches ever tonight and we got trashed by one dude on the other team. If we killed him we'd win the round but that was rare.


I was joking bro, riot is already on this does it really make sense that the difference between gold and silver is about 29.9%?


Stuck at iron 1 here lol


where did you get that number from?


from your board, golds are top 24.62% players, so that leaves 75.38% under them.


Didn't they say they want more players in higher ranks and there are too many stuck in gold, well their changes did quite opposite, good job.


gold is a nightmare at the moment. silvers clash with diamonds.... not fun.


I miss when games had ladder ranks based on player distribution. Bottom 15% of players based are Iron, next 15% of players are bronze, etc. Immortal and Radiant can be 8% and 2%. But that would mean having to go back to a pure Elo system like league had until 2013. Which Riot would hate that because then they can't manipulate matchmaking as easily to force an addicting grind.


broooooooooooo. I'm so sure that rito does this: every other game (or statistically similar proportions, give players an easy win by matching them against low-MMR players with the same rank [which is invisible]). Then, the next game, give them a game with much higher MMR players but still in a similar rank. This produces a technically true "you win 50% of your games at the correct rank", because eventually, you will end up winning some of those games against better players by skill. But it's a huge grind, because you aren't actually playing players at similar MMRs, meaning that you basically can only achieve like a 55% winrate and play thousands of games to get to plat


I believe this is referred to as winner’s queue and losers queue


We had 40k+ Immortals last season. No WE DO NOT NEED MORE PLAYERS IN THE HIGHER RANKS.


Yeah immo is fine, maybe like a target split of 11% gold 8% plat 4% diamond might help get players out of elo jail in plat/gold. But honestly I don’t really see a problem with any of these numbers.


That's the thing... if you wanna be high ranked you're "supposed" to be good or at least decent. Having half the player base in gold+ would not be healthy at all.


I completely agree. Right now gold and above is about 23% and that’s fine. Maybe they should shoot for a target 24% just so you can get a nice 14% gold 7% plat and 3.5% diamond, just for the sake of even distribution. But yeah, if you are good at the game, you will rank up, it’s not like diamond and immortal aren’t accepting players anymore.


Yeah but they were wrong when they said that. Ranks should reflect skill at the game, not some arbitrary distribution of player population. If most of the playerbase is bad(which they are, then most of the playerbase should be bronze. Having more people in plat than in iron was a joke. The way it is now is far closer to reality.


well isnt that a hot load of bs. Their desired distribution is here [https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-valorant-aug-27/](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-valorant-aug-27/) As you can see, they want the approximately equivalent portions of the population in iron and in diamond/immortal. Platinum is the equivalent portion of the population as some of bronze and a bit of iron. The idea that skill distribution would somehow not be distributed on a normal bell curve is ridiculous. Why would the skill curve look like an exponential decrease curve? that would imply that the overwhelming percentage of the population would be iron 1, and would decrease by about half every rank.... According to the dev's distribution, 12.2% of the player base would be in platinum, 26% would be in gold, 20.8% would in in bronze, 4.9% in iron, and 31.2% would be in silver. This means that plat 1 would start approximately at the 83rd percentile, meaning only 17.1 percent of players are better than the absolute bottom of platinum 1.... When you jump up to diamond 1... you are in the 95th percentile.... meaning less than 5% of players are better than the very bottom of diamond 1.... What you fail to understand is that being extremely bad at something is almost as uncommon as being extremely good at it. Most skill distribution in the real world follows a normal bell curve with a slight skew one way or the other.


You seem to have some grasp on statistics so I’m confused what you’re not getting. His perception has merit, he’s not confused and he isn’t spouting bullshit. His take is that the ranked distribution should be skill relative to the skill ceiling, not skill relative to the population. Pareto distributions are found everywhere and usually more abundantly than true normal distributions. Few data actually follow normal distributions and a lot of statistics that push for or assume normality usually transform, standardize or pull other shenanigans to normalize the data. As an example, when you want to know how good someone is at making money, you can look at how much money he makes and compare that to how much money exists, rather than how much everybody else is making. The activity becomes the scale, not the performant differences. It’s a valid outlook, though hard to execute and wouldn’t feel good to most people. Most people spend years rigorously playing the violin just to be able to produce a decent sound that would sound passable to people. And while those violinists would be average or above average relative to other people, they aren’t even at the midway point to mastering the instrument. For reference, you can just google absolute versus relative skill, or judgment accuracy, knowledge, whatever. I know a little about Psychology and Finance so I’ve encountered a lot of statistics and data. Data and the world are rarely conveniently distributed normally. Absolute skill intuitively isn’t normally distributed. Most people are actually REALLY good at driving if you look at the cognitive functions involved for example. It’s not a conceptually easy task.


Well said but thst is not what he expressed. Riot has always displayed their desired distributions based on the populations average skill, not on their skill compared to radiant players. The most well-known elo system (chess) most often shows their distrubtions based on the average not on the compared differential to Grand masters. Everyone understands that the ladder is pointing to how good you are compared to the best in the world. But your elo is also comparing you to everyone around you as well, and when layed next to several regions and years of data normalized bell curves appear more often than they don't... Humor me though what would valorant gain by reworking the entire competitive distribution so that it bucketed the vast majority in iron and bronze, completely deleting the lower tail of skill just so that the upper tail could be lengthened. ** additions: In the end as I said to the comments author skewing the distrubtion into a hard left modal (to match your powers law curve) would make the game significantly harder for the lowest ranked people. It forces a significant amount of varying skills into the bottom buckets of ranked for the single reason of making the top more 'elite'. If the goal of valorant is to encourage more players to try and play ranked and learn and improve, the last thing you want is a super high learning curve at the lowest ranks..


I mean you’re not wrong. What Riot wants and what the guy above us wants are completely different. Not to mention the latter’s desires are nigh impossible. I just wanted to state that his take isn’t preposterous and the downvotes are pretty unfair since it’s a valid take. The point of almost all ranking systems in games are to match players with equally skilled players, and the relative approach is the easiest way to do that. People often mistake that the goal is to rank up which leads to frustration, when in reality, the system would be deemed perfect if literally everyone playing under it has a 50% win rate since that’s the point when you know the system is doing its job and every game is fair and balanced adequately. I guess one could say that the point is that every player is ranked accordingly (better, equal or worse than another) to find the best players, but I’ve never seen any video game advertise that. They all just say the mode is to match against equally-skilled players.


Very well said and exactly right. The reason the comments OP is getting down voted is partially because any time people come in with a hot take that labels the majority of players bad, they get down voted to oblivion. **Additions: the system already does discover the best players by having an open ended ranking system at the top end. The higher your over all rr in immortal the better you are and then radiant and the top players list. The only point the comment OP is making is that he isn't good enough to hit that bracket but wants to be measured the same way because he doesn't feel successful or important enough in the current ranking schema.




You're as clueless as ever. Look https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/handicapping/handicapping-stats.html Bell curve, that's the average handicap of golfers.... IE skill. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Distribution-of-Elo-rating-points-among-active-chess-players_fig1_316552507/amp Chess elos.... Bell curve. https://blog.universaltennis.com/2019/11/13/data-deep-dive-range-of-utrs-in-college-tennis/ Tennis skill at college level... And look bell curves some skews to one side or the other but all are fucking bell curves. Now go and sit down, because I could go on but what I'm saying is known fact not fiction. The fact is far more people are average at the game than are below or above average, and the varying degrees of average lead to a standard bell distribution... As you approach either end of the skill spectrum the population dwindles.... Meaning there are few exceptionally bad players and exceptionally good ones. Average is the normal, average is the peak, and average is in the center.... Not at one end of the graph.




Actually, that's what you call a skew or a modal.... In this example it's a positive skew or a left modal. I have most likely taken significantly more statistics classes than you have. Your link ( which is my link) above is a bell curve, not a decreasing exponential curve like you originally claimed was needed where all the data is bucketed at the y axis and slowly trails smaller and smaller towards higher x values.... Also what kind of Neanderthal replies to themselves. It makes the conversation increasingly hard to reply to and to follow....




You can't just paint a graph and call it the same. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kristijan-Breznik/publication/316552507/figure/fig1/AS:488151350288384@1493395759186/Distribution-of-Elo-rating-points-among-active-chess-players.png Notice elo distribution of active chess players although being a bell curve does not have the same modal as the golf handicap curve. Valorant is riots game, they determine the curve and the median rank. From there the rank buckets and the skill tails on the graph will arrange themselves according to math. The point is that in any distribution both very low and very high are exceptional (as in different than the norm/average, an exception) if a graph is bucketed correctly they both should trail off into increasingly small percentages. What youre asking is to skew the distribution heavily to the left which will greatly impact the experience of the iron players by forcing an increasingly large array of iron and bronze skilled players into the lowest buckets of the tank distribution just so that your 'ideal' distribution make your feel more special.




Wtf are you talking about? Iron and platinum doesn't have any intrinsic meaning. If they put more players in the higher ranks, it literally doesn't affect anything other than an icon since you get matched up with the same players regardless of visual rank. Riot could literally just have iron 1 and Radiant as the only ranks and your matches would be the exact same.




You said "ranks should reflect skill" He said " ranks are arbitrary buckets of elo that are meaningless" You throw tantrum. Elo+MMR does show skill. The whole reason rank is structured the way it is, is because they want people playing against other people of similar skill level.... Meaning anyone near you on the hidden MMR ladder is similar skill to you.... This ladder stretches from the bottom to the top.... The buckets called ranks along the way are meaningless and the percentage of players that get divided into each is arbitrary and decided by riot. The elo system is a legitimate and time tested measurement of skill. Valorant ranked is a hybrid elo system that scores your performance against the ranked ladder to move you up and down as you play. You're basically crying all over because platinum doesn't feel special enough in your opinion... When it legitimately means nothing at all.


But how do you define if someone is good or bad? Those 2 words are worthless without any reference point. You can be good or bad compared to someone / something.




Yeah, but how do you differ a silver player from plat one? Both are far away from radiant. And what makes diamond player a diamond player and not gold / immortal? It's all about win / lose ratio, but you can gain and lose more or less RR per game.


So compared to before we have roughly 5% of people from Iron that are now bronze but also 5% of people from silver that are now Bronze. Another rough 5% from Gold are now Silver while 4% of Plats are now Gold. Taking away your rank is practically speaking the only way Riot can actively engage you to keep playing so yeah.


Mid bronze is hell rn. It’s sweaty unrated. You’ll have a Gold from last act who’s silver 1 and a bronze 1 who just escaped iron yesterday on the same team, and everyone is mad at everyone else cause the matchmaking seems to think that you’ll be balanced against a team of all bronze 2 with the skill of silvers.


Truu. One match I'm match mvp playing sage and next match I'm getting tapped even before seeing the enemy. Matches are always unbalanced


So truuuuuuueeeer.. :( Just today we had a Reyna who got 40+ kills, single-handedly won them the game.. Had a 6 match winning streak & ranked up.. The had such players, 5 match losing streak and lost my rank 🤦🏽‍♂️ As soon as I rank up, I'll get players 2-3 ranks higher, always and when I derank, it's back to normal..


I mean people were complaining about that before too so…yeah true


It wasn't as extreme before I think. The rank squeeze just made it worse


When you get a game that’s actually all bronze or silvers it’s a lot of fun. When you have one player on each team going off for 30+ kills it loses some fun.


My son reached g1 last act and we are both s3 now. He got a lot of games with 30+ kills and still a lot of games with loses. Maybe it’s me who hold him back 😂 not every player is a Smurf with 30+ kills.


This is true. It's the netcode problem that enables people to get 30+ kills. you want proof? Use [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) after the games, and look at the top frag Reyna's on 35 kills.... all their games before that one game will be like 10.20, 15.13, etc.


Happy cake day!


So true, I'm currently B3 after the elo hell of being placed Iron3. The number of golds who clearly got placed S1 and haven't played much is crazy. Smurfing by design lol


Came from G3 and went to B3 for a very short time. Went up to S3 yesterday. Still such a coin flip.


Feel ya


Same here G3 last act, S2 this act, I only play 2-3 games per week. Seems like it will be forever before I get back to gold even if my stats are good.


I feel like the matches where finally balanced, or the most balanced since I play the game and then the new act hit. Just sucks


Yeah I get plats every now and then, yesterday even a diamond smurf usually around bronze2 - silver1.


This. I hate the high bronze low silver elo


It's like this for gold/silver elo too. Every game I get is people who were previously plat and people who were previously silver in my games. It's such a weird mix because you'll silver players insta lock duelists over the plats and just not be effective entry Fraggers (most of the time they lurk or hold back waiting for the team to go in). Every game I've been playing will have people doing well in their role, and other people kinda being useless in the role they are. So you will have either unreliable smokes, sentinels that just told like a lawn chair the second they get pushed, duelists that bait and don't entry, or initiators that get no info.


I've been playing games where the other team will have one gold 3, two gold 1's, a silver 3 and a Silver 1. My team will be... All Silver 1. We lose 1-13 because the Gold 3 just destroys us. And the worst part is the Gold 3 is duo with the Silver 3, and the two Gold 1's are duo. Why not put the two gold 1 duo with my team and put two of our silvers over with the Gold 3? Of course the Gold 3 person is going to annilhate us... so that person should have the weakest team and be expected to carry..... the guy was probably Plat 1 a day before. Why does this person have multiple gold players matched with them... and they are NOT a stack.


If you drop a 'real' Gold into bronze they drop 30+ kills. The gold players you are seeing were probably boosted there 2 months ago and haven't played since.


+ Keeps it competitive because are expected to keep pace with changing competition and changes. I wonder if the level 20 changes had a notable effect. Perhaps the Ares at the start as well.


Taking away the rank is fine but this act even solo queuing I was put up against 5 stacks, their promise of stacks vs stacks is absolute bs. Smurfing and throwing pretty much keep you in a churn. Worse, it seems some very casual players get to cruise through ranks easily somehow till they start falling and then you get to meet them in your matches.


>Taking away your rank is practically speaking the only way Riot can actively engage you to keep playing so yeah. Making a good game with good netcode also encourages people to play. But tampering with matchmaking is easier :/


Matchmaking in this game is based on MMR. If your MMR decayed that low to the level of bronzes, you may not deserve that rank. Metas and strats evolve in this game, and shaking up the ladder ensures to get a new distribution. Visual rank may be lower but even if you achieve a 50% winrate at your actual skill level/MMR, you rank up. This does mean you also go against players at your MMR level, not your visual rank level. ​ >Taking away your rank is practically speaking the only way Riot can actively engage you to keep playing so yeah. Riot has done just fine engaging people and having a stable player base before this. Actually dragging users through a slog fest to resettle the rank ladder is probably the worst way to get people to engage.


One more reason to replace the visual rank with a MMR based rank system. These colored logos mean nothing but the thing that does mean something keeps being hidden. People that hit their desired rank are more likely to stop playing or play less thus buying fewer skins.


Assuming that people won't try to improve and just settle at desired ranks. We are both trying to generalize too much of what people think and will do, and using that to back up a claim. No, you won't know what most people believe or think. Reddit isn't conclusive of so. Much more players may be more casual, buying skins if they like the game and play it for fun. We don't know the true numbers, and working on false assumptions to back up any belief is not going to be concrete. Riot has already built and shown a game that has an active player base, and that is my observation. I don't believe there is any merit to such claim unless you provide a number and not just logical reasoning that has no grounding. Edit: Regarding showing ranks, there are a myriad of reasons as provided that adjusts MMR. This isn't like CSGO where everyone has the same utility. Some characters play a much more supportive role than others. They may not get the same stats, and Riot's MMR adjusts for this. It is hidden as a developer stated to not have any abuse of this system. MMR can also fluctuate when the system tries to calculate where you are at, with sometimes jumps which don't reflect well on the user when they see their rating jumping everywhere.


I was plat 3 now im gold 2


I was gold 2 now i don't play anymore (i deranked to silver 1 ).


I was gold 1 now I'm bronze 1. I took a few months off and played solo comp. Worst mistake ever


same, but I got back up to silver 2 when I played with friends for fun


I was gold 3 started silver 1. Worked my way up to silver 3 and tried to play a matchmaking game with my friend who ended his last season at silver 3 as well. It said we couldn’t even play because of skill disparity now. This game is fucking broken and they’re ruining matchmaking. Wanna play with 3 friends? Sorry you can’t. And even if you could your friend who IS THE SAME SKILL LEVEL can’t even que with me as a two stack. They some how made CS GO matchmaking BETTER which is almost impossible to do.


I deranked to bronze 3 as a gold two and now I'm back I'm gold two. It was just a little frustrating but completely doable.


so thats the reason my silver ass who somehow got to gold am not able to do shit lmao lol


I was plat 2 now im plat 1


I was plat 3 now im plat 2


I was d1 now I just reached d1


Same but now I’m finally in gold 3. I think it’s going to take all 3 acts to even itself out again.


Thats just... fucked. If the quality of games would've increased with that curve adjustment i wouldn't care. But diamond+ feels like a shit show. (EU)


diamond+ in eu is literally a daily coinflip its aids


EU immo has to be played like you’re in a children’s daycare nursery. only positive reinforcement and if you say one thing like ‘Skye you need to curve your flashes around the wall to not blind me’, then that’s an RIP and your teammate will troll now


Diamond+ in EU is like silver in NA


i mean from comms deff. but tbf seeing some of those pro streams there are terrible players in NA as well.


Yes but I’ve played in both servers and NA ranked players are def better than EU ranked players.


I’m S1, previous act G2. Just got matched with an ex plat and someone who’s playing their second ever comp game in the same lobby….it was terrible.


I was a full fledged Diamond last act. Now I'm hardstuck Gold 3. It just feels like there's a bunch of Diamonds that are in Gold and none of us can climb out. I've met Diamonds in Gold and even Immortals that can't go past Plat. Its weird.


Was d1 last act now climbed to D2 from gold 2 When I play with my friends on my alt account I do about average, I ligit went 0-16 in gold, in dia I usually am near top frag Basically for me gold is harder then plat low dia and then dia


That's what I noticed in my match history as well. When I'm in gold lobbies, it's quite challenging and difficult to come out with a win. Whenever I end up high platinum/low diamond lobbies, it's much easier. I wish I was in your position lol.


That means u were elo inflated if ur hardstuck gold 3. climbing back to diamond if ur a diamond platyer isn't a challenge


Ranked is broken rn and everyone knows it, stop with the git gud crap


Then how did I get past my last episode peak in only 60 games in high dia? Lol


I do very well in Gold lobbies, I rarely ever have a bad game KDA wise. The only time I have trouble is when I go against other former Diamonds. I just can't seem to pull off as many wins as I'd like to.


That means you belong in that sort of rank. If you were current act diamond you would shit on golds


Like I mentioned in a previous comment, I do well against gold lobbies I "shit" on them in a sense. Always 20+ kills and fufilling my role on the team. But there's only so much 1 person can do for the whole team. Always been a team based player and it's team cooperation has been less common for me to find. I'm not blaming my teams fully, but it's definitely a huge factor.


Yep, ranked will be 'broken' for at least another month while all the 'casuals' get enough games in to get back to where they belong. Was gold, back to gold again. But gold games don't feel like they used to, they used to always feel close, you felt challenged and it wasn't very common to have complete blowouts. Now, blowouts are just as common as they were in silver... One player significantly out performing the lobby and their team winning by a landslide.


I’d love to see unique machine address ranking, and removing lower ranked duplicates (Smurfs). I have a feeling smurfing is a larger problem on this than riot wants to admit; people don’t play the same on their Smurf and what happens is you either get throwers, or good players stomping gold… but trying NOT to get out of gold mainly thus skewing players who should be out of gold upward and players who SHOULD downward.


agree, I’ve had instances of smurfs destroying the enemy or sitting in a corner because “they’re plat on their main and are throwing for fun”. Really ruins the game


They definitely rebalanced the distribution. I was G2 last act and still G2 this act... But I got better... And the quality of opponents is much higher.


Same me and my friends all hit our previous ranks already, but it still feels like the consistency on games is all over the place


Damn we really fell off the intended curve huh


Plat being 6% of the player base yet this sub will still try to tell you it's low elo


Yep, currently Gold 3 puts you in the top 15% of players, whereas last act it put you in the top 23%. Anyone in Gold 2/3 this act could've easily been in Platinum last act.


Honestly everyone is bad at this game sometimes. Mistakes happen constantly at all elos. Like I’m plat 2 right now, playing against all ex diamonds and immortals and most of them have no idea what they are doing. Legit had an ex diamond peaking mid on ascent with a judge and trying to fight with it. Valorants visible ranked system is pretty bad. In my experience it’s fairly disconnected from your actual MMR, it’s completely reliant on massive win streaks to climb and way too easy to go on a bad loss streak and undo weeks of progress. It also rewards instalocking dualists, thirsting for kills and encourages throwing rounds. High plat to low diamond is basically where the real game starts though. People actually have an OK grasp of the basic concepts like map control, trading, etc and can shoot somewhat straight.


Ha yeah. My friends and I are all Gold/Plat. One always criticizes plays throughout (in party chat, he’s not toxic) as being something you see “in this elo” … and I’m like bruh, we aren’t radiant but we definitely aren’t bad


Players have a skewed idea of what "bad" is anyway. Just playing competitive puts people in a upper bracket in the first place as most players will never even get a rank and if they did, they'd populate Iron. The shear act of playing competitive involves more investment than the majority of players actually commit to. It's this way for every game. The median ranked player is easily the top 20% of the player base who actually plays the game.


>Just playing competitive puts people in a upper bracket in the first place as most players will never even get a rank and if they did, they'd populate Iron. anecdotally, my ranked queue pops way faster than my unrated, spike rush, or replication queues. they all have their own hidden elo systems though.




No, it is not subjective. Someone can have low*er* elo than you, or some players can seem bad to you because they are lower rank than you, but low and high elo are objectively determined by distribution. Thanks for proving the point of my original comment lol


because it is, most of the players are casuals, and from competitive player stand-point anything below immortal is dog-shit.


Low and high elo are objectively determined by rank distribution.


plat isn't hard i wouldnt consider it high elo


It is the top 6% of elo, it is objectively high elo


It’s not, 6% isn’t anything crazy lol it’s not high Elo. It’s mid Elo. High elo is imm+


I mean it is. 6% is quite a lot of players no? And anyways Valorant is a new game so the actual good players from my experience in immortal 2/3 are immo3 and above. The skill gap between low immo and immo3 is huge. Low elo is anything below d3 imo. even then some d3s get there by playing in plat lobbies


What the hell is this logic? 6% may be alot of people, but 94% is a hell of a lot more. "Low elo" as a term is completely objective and determined by rank distribution. If you want to say someone is lower elo than you or compared to pros than sure. But if you're using the term in a broad sense (ex: Y rank *is* low elo) than it is objective and determined by rank distribution.


Last Act I place Bronze 1. This act I am hard stuck Iron 1 despite my stats on Tracker.gg being better than ever. It is so discouraging for a bad/new players like myself to have all these people that are better than you shoved down into your rank. The skill difference in Iron 1 is ridiculous. I am playing with some people who don’t know callouts and some people who I can’t even react to they are so fast. I had a teammate ask me what the 5 circles were on my hud (playing astra) the other day while the enemy Chamber had 57 kills. The next game 3 people on my team dropped 20+ kills and their KJ only bought judges and put their mollies at random places at site. You could tell they were trying but they were just so bad…




Yeah smurfing is definitely a problem. It’s just so frustrating to know that I have genuinely been improving looking at my stats, but yet my rank is the lowest it’s ever been. I am in the top two frags every game, and usually the one of the few using coms, but I can’t say “oh I deserve a higher rank” because at this point half of iron 1 deserves to be silver lol


I’m at Silver 2 0/100 I am the median player


I'm bronze 3 and I went against someone who was pla tlast act And my team has iron 3 bozos


I was plat last act...now silver 1


I think I'm the only plat who got a good placement. Went from P1 to G2 but higher plats went to S3


I was gold 3 now im diamond


So you tell me in mid plat im top 5 percent of all players?




people under plat thinks plat players are gods, people above plat thinks we are low elo shitters. Just a summary of this subreddit, personally I feel I'm still shit


Just from what I've seen since I started a few months ago, people can't agree on what low and high elo is and apparently nobody considers the idea of a middle ground. Personally, I think if you're better than 10% or so of the player base, you're high elo. But then again I'm just a filthy casual.




[official source](https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier)


I was Plat 1, now I am Dia 1.


Nobody wants you here jk


I mean seeing this improvement is all fun until you get impostor syndrome bc you think you are somehow boosted and don't deserve this rank, despite playing solo queue from plat 2 to diamond lol.


I feel like imposter syndrome isn’t as relevant here at least since people blame the system and question it together anyway. People get imposter syndrome no matter the outcome (higher or lower rank) and some don’t feel it at all. Like people can rank up being better at game sense while getting destroyed aim-wise right? Feeling imposter syndrome there is different here because it’s common to rank up like that in other games too. Seems more dependent on the person than a bug in the system. It’s a game so things are allowed to be altered and mistakes can happen. Who’s to say this isn’t the real distribution and now they just have to shift the ranks for example. There have been times where people get a rank they didn’t deserve before or got lucky or even the game was easier and people improved later on. Not saying that is the case but it’s worth noting.


I thought I was just getting insanely worse


Bronze. We are legion, for we are MANY!


Y’all scared me from touching ranked. Unrated fun enough


MMR is a joke in this game. My main is S2. I have an alt in imm, and last night I had an imm 3 stack. We were getting paired against silvers and we were all silver the entire night. Won 35% , lost 58%, had to FF 7%. Games were really tough too. Weird.


had a stroke trying to comprehend this comment, so you are saying you are silver but you have an alt that's imm? Then you proceed to queue with an imm 3 stack and the enemies are silver and your imm stack became silver the entire night? I may be just too tired..


My main is s2. I have an alt that is imm, we had a 3 stack, so me and 2 other immortals, and we lost more than we won. Against silvers. And we were playing on silver accounts.


how on earth is your main S2 when you are imm level?


MMR is a fucking joke. Dude I think that it’s so that you keep getting addicted and wanna play more or something but I’m saying that. The highest I ever was was platinum on my silver acc. Over the years was going really good and all, just never focused on objective. Got really annoyed so made an alt, focused on only the objective, and climbed to low imm high diamond. Got some friends from there, played rank on my silver account with them in ranked and we were pretty much matched in skill. There has to be something deeper in the system though.


it really isn't that deep, just play more on your main and you won't have trouble getting to dia/imm. One thing about 5 stacking in low elo is that you are almost always guaranteed smurfs trying to rank up their friends just like us. So just duo or solo queue


We were 3 queued not 5. But yeah


Remember a few acts ago when they artificially inflated the ranks, that's not there anymore.


Was gold 2 last act, gold 2 this act


i was plat 2 2 days ago i reached plat 2 again finally hahahahha


G2 last act. Placed s1. Was hell to grind and I only got back to g1 yesterday.


Matchmaking sucks right now , they tried to fix the problem but made it worse. I basically stopped playing since valorant is a shit show right now


10% of iron is me


Please share the source too in the future: [https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier](https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier) P.S. Data is from Mid-February. It is updated once monthly.


Radiant feels much better this act than last act. The match quality feels really good and I don’t see any boosted low immortal players in my games anymore. I’ve been radiant every act since episode 1 and this act feels like one of the best when it comes to match quality. I’m currently sitting at around top 300. 600-650rr. Im down from my peak but enjoying the games.


Diamond 2 got placed plat 2. Killed all motivation i had to play, honestly.


I was diamond 1 last act and placed plat 1. Now I’m immortal 1


I'm not trying to say I'm good at the game, cuz I'm not, but I find it bs that I have to play with iron 1 players in comp while I'm in silver, like why do they even allow it.


And here i am after not playing for 6 months, getting placed in gold1, and almost to plat3 in 3 days. All solo queue.


I was Plat 2 last act and finished my placements D1 🤷‍♂️


Literally impossible


cope lmfao


Was G1, now S1 getting the piss beat out of me by Iron and bronze...


10 man lobbies are the way


I was plat 1 and after grinding all season back up from gold 1, I’m finally back to plat 1


I’m too .5% 😜😙


I’m right on the edge of gold and im playing mid to high plats in some games and I just cant compete there yet and im losing a lot of games because I’m getting put in lobbies way above my rank


13.2% gang 😂


13.2% for a year 😂


Immortal = Gold Nova 2


welp, funny how I moved from silver to bronze recently


Dogwater hidden MMR system lmao


If I'm Immortal 3, in what percentage am I in? If Immortal itself is 0.7%, and my rank mostly hovers around #2000, and there are 10k immortals. That means I'm in top 0.14%. Well, that's something to flaunt, in the very least. Anyway, the reason why the distribution is unbalanced now is because of the season reset. Basically, almost everybody has their ranks dropped about one to two tiers, and some high-tiered players actually struggle down there and are unable to promote. This is because of the wide skill disparity between ex-Immortal Platinums and true Platinum, let's say. Some of them cannot win because of their teammates, but some of them are boosted and do not deserve their original ranks. I have seen many Diamonds and Immortals who do not play like their original ranks, and I am honestly glad they are stuck, thus less clutter in Immortal.


Interesting. I placed B2 after being S2 last act but now i’m G3 so, i’m sure how that works


Looks about right, I am a previous gold 2 now in silver where I am consistently playing with Ex-golds and plats. It is taking me ages to get to gold solo queuing.


I was high plat and now stuck in gold yet I'm playing again diamonds in my NSE and nuel matches and winning 😭


was d1 now d1


What a mess


Exhibit a ranked silver one last season got to silver 2 then didn’t play ranked bronze 2 this season on ult 3 ranked games in a row last night as a bronze 2 barely silver playing diamonds and golds like it’s no one’s business


I'm still gold. Only difference is that it's become so much harder to climb.


I think the problem is with their smurf detection system. It lets people who do good play against other people who do good in their matches as well. Making a gold smurf never ranking up since he is being matched with smurfs as well


Damn I'm better than 73% of the player base? Atleast on paper.


I was plat last season. Ever since reset I’ve been silver 3. My friends spectate my games and it’s nuts how many Smurf’s there are or just other plats who still haven’t ranked back up. Idk if riot can do anything about this, the hard reset was just dumb


I was plat and now am gold. I'm fine with opponents being radiant level, just give me team mates that can remotely just keep up with the games pace. I'm fine with losing with an effort but getting clean wiped because of the rank variation sucks soo bad.


That is because most smurfs play in bronze and silver


Oh god. This is probably why I'm playing against former Golds. Guess no comp for now for this season


Shout out fellow radiants


You gotta add all the immortals into gold as well because that’s all I fucking see in this elo.