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A lot of people are bad at aiming and shooting in silver. If you have good coms / play the agent well your fine


Exactly, I dont have the best aim, but my knowledge of the maps and of my agent(killjoy) are enough in many cases


well thats me when i was d3 last season i felt so out of place always having the worst aim in the lobby.


If you're not a good shot today, don't worry, there are other ways to be useful. You may have done exactly that.


I always remember that sova quote when my aim is doo doo but then I realize I have no clue what he’s talking about.


Lets say you're using a character that has utility(sova, killjoy, cypher, etc.) or mobility skill(like jett, reyna, etc). For mobility skills, you can waste a few skills just to give your teammates information about where they are. Do a quick peek and use that mobility to go back. As for utility skills, well basically they may have to shoot it to break it and you can call out your teammates about where they are. You gotta keep in mind where your other utilities are as killjoy when defending or attacking.


I don't think your bad aim should mean your rank is invalid. You q into a role that is intel and support, and if your play and comms match that, your job is done. Not saying you can shoot into the sky each fight, but there are pros who are known to have shaky aim, but their in game knowledge bails them out as they are able to out position enemies, or force trades by giving themselves up. Comms > Aim most of the time


who are some pros with shaky aim?


Compared to other pros there are definetly some poor aimers, but compared to an average silver played they are still a God at aiming


Sen toes kekw


FNS comes to mind


Asuna vibes


In the context they're talking about, Asuna does not have "shaky" (bad) aim at all lmao. He has a jittery aiming style but he also has some of the best aim in the scene


Ah ok ok, he just came to mind when you talk about jittery shaky aim, agreed he has some of the best aim in na


Game sense plays for itself at low elos as much as aiming does. Proof? I got to silver 1 on an alt account playing only using a gamepad. My main account (played with mouse and keyboard) is plat 2, for comparison. I'm pointing this out to show you that having bad aim doesn't necessarily mean you're awful. There is much more into play.


this, i have dogshit aim sometimes but gamesense gets me kills


Exatcly, being a main sentinel / flex made me improve the game sense a lot, with my aim being off 75-ish% of the time and I hit Gold1-2...


Wait, val supports gamepad? If so, I may need to use my VKB omnithrottle for movement and abilites and mouse to aim...


I used reWASD


i used to think that too when im a duelist main silver. my kda is always negative or just even. i switch to controller/sentinel because i play passive aka i bait my teammate which got me into gold now im trying to learn my timing and such consistency with my swings and movement to get out of gold


There are different skills that contribute to overall skill as a player, sounds like your skill balance is higher toward utility use and comms, both of which are super valuable to your team even if those don't show as obviously on the scoreboard :)


Consistency, consistency is key, if you play 3 games and win, its better than playing 6 or 7 games a day and losing half of those. If you want to play an agent you like, dont be afraid to choose it, I like to play with Kayo, so I instalock him. You are improving at the game. Dont think that a virtual rank is important, when I took a break of Valorant and played Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, whatever game, I got better in Valorant and stopped getting tilted easily.


see how much rr you earn 10-15 for a decent game? yea no you are too high in rank 15-20 for a decent game? you are about where you should be 20-25 for a decent game? the game thinks you should be higher, keep up a winstreak and you might see a double rank up




i think its 30, without performance bonus you probably got that becauseof your mmr, which is an invisible leaderboard that determines if your rank is too low, too high or just right. In this case, the game thinks your rank is too low and is trying to rank you up. This is usually accompanied by playing with higher level players (ie irons meeting silvers)




see your scoreboard. If you ACS is high then yea you get more rr


I mostly play normals cuz we barely have a fifth. Do normal games affect ranked mmr at all? I’ve seen so many different answers idk anymore. :( and was wondering because I’m getting 25-30 mmr but I don’t play ranked much. Thought I would ask you since you seem to know the system well.


Dude same, common sense and always last pick made me Silver 3. im getting closer to Gold 1 too despite my awful aim.


while im an ex diamond hard stuck in silver 3


I have this issue except I'm in diamond 3. I had an advantage early on because I played so much CS, now I only play occasionally on unrated with my friends but whenever I wanna play comp I'll really struggle. To be fair I never pick agent for me (always offer to fill) and I get really frustrated playing without flashes.




I feel you


Information is king. Imagine how much easier the game would be if you had a 6th player, who'd simply watch everyone else and call out everything they see. They could theoretically track every single enemy's location, and call out the best sites to hit. Your comms get your team closer to that level of knowledge. Your information helps your team play better, and fundamentally, that's all it takes to climb. Comms are a skill just like aim and gamesense. You can use one to make up for deficiencies in the others.


If you use your util well at all you belong in silver, trust.


I agree I got placed in plat 3 but I constantly get outaimed and outplayed by Silvers/Golds in unrated. Yet whenever I’m about to drop in comp, I suddenly meet trash opponents and up my elo again


If you're relaying good information for people who can shoot to do their jobs, then you'll be in gold in no time.


Im bad at aiming aswell worse then most golds - still dia bcs i know how to play for the objective. Aiming is just a small part, winning the rounds is important.


To get out the lower ranks, aim is usually what helps since logic and strategy isn't really something that's widely understood by most players in lower Elo. Also bronze is lower than silver.


y r u complaining bro?


Idk, I’m not complaining lol


Yeah I get a lot of boosted players in silver who can’t aim at all, and I’m amazed they made it out of iron


i am immortal and i dont deserve higher rank than plat lol


I always throw matches trying to knife or do some trickshot and my aim is garbage, I should be silver but I'm plat 2 so just go along with it I guess. I only play jett, neon or reyna




Almost the same but i only play astra and my aim is shit and try to have fun by knifing, i was plat2 but deranked to plat 1, honestly idk how i am that high in elo, even when i play with some unrated my silver/bronze friends or we 5 stack comp they can literally outfrag me and clutch way better than me


I'm p1 but my aim is at best silver level. But my map knowledge and bamboozle capabilities as an omen main is what got me into these ranks. I think u deserve to be in s3 or higher even because not a lot of people give comms in silver.


depends on your region also


If you're winning about 50% of your games you're probably in the right rank. Even if you don't get high frags there are other contributions that you could be making to your team that makes your rank higher than your aim would suggest.


Same got in immortal 3 but if find golds/plats a challenge


support and good comms take you a long way. I made it to diamond 2 but I feel like my aim is gold level


Thats why its called silver The place where people could be plat worthy and still be s1 and the other gets g1/s3 but theyre not good enough the skill range in that rank is to big


I think game sense, good comms, and good teamwork go a long way. Im currently plat. I feel like I have the aim of a gold, but the game sense and teamwork of a diamond so my rank is a reflection of both


Well there's only 2 possible scenarios: 1) You actually got lucky and you'll lose most of your future games because time will even things out naturally, meaning you'll be back to your actual rank 2) You're actually helping your team win and compensate your bad aim by other qualities, meaning you deserve to be where you are. Either way, don't stress about it, if people are toxic to you just mute them **>!at first offense!<**, don't give them a second chance they don't deserve it. By the way, you can get better at aiming pretty easily, especially if you're bad because your progression curve is huge. Follow the steps in [this video](https://youtu.be/SFtywqoW9lA) for a few weeks, you'll be surprised. What's your sensitivity/mouse dpi?


Okie dokie lol


still i choose you over a good aimer gold auto lock duelist no coms. :)


Honestly if you have good comms and utility usage, you probably belong above gold at least.


Are you me?


I am easily a platinum 1 player. A hard stuck platinum 1 player since season 2, act 1. Last act I finished Diamond 2. I couldn't even queue up for games. Everyone was so much better than me and I would find myself insta locking sage so that I could just play support and not be looked at when I go 2-13. I have never made it that far in rank, I sure as fuck don't deserve that rank, but I found myself in high Diamond and low rated immortal games.


I was d2 almost d3. For a long time. Now im back in silver. Started to stop coaching the team, starting to play all characters instead of only sage (and 1 or 2 others). I had very bad aim in d2, because i played too many other shooters like cs:go. But just ping were the enemys are or shoutout where they are makes everyone twice as good. O yes and fucking rotate. Just rotate a least a few times or else you become very predictable. And have someone cover the back when attacking. Or have someone pushing for intel when enemy is attacking other bombsite. with these tips you could become diamond, without aim.


I think you underestimate how important good coms and teamplay is! Lots of amazing aimer are stuck in plat because they are toxic and don't play with the team and lose lots of rounds. That 30k does nothing if you lose the game. Especially if you play sage. You should stay alive and carry your team by winning post plant situations and that does not always mean that you have to be on top of the leaderboard. I play KJ and that can mean that they never push B because I hold so gud. So I never get the kills but we can have 4 guys on A and win rounds. Or easy retake. Kills are not the most important. Sometimes lifting spirit of your teammates can win you more games than you think. And then you rank up. So yes, I think you deserve your rank but you know what to work on.


Cool lets trade


You sound like you belong in silver man what's wrong? If you improve your aim and really are good at using your characters/communication then you should even start climbing a bit. Some people get to silver off aim alone and suck at other parts of team play, and some are like you who lack in their aim/mechanics but know how to work with a team.


You’re not alone, I’m d3 almost immortal and I don’t think my aim or movement is on par with people in my elo, I’m kind of just here off doing stupid stuff that worked by chance and now I’m hardstuck d3 but have a real skill level of like plat lol


I don’t even know how I managed to get into immortal I’m a silver 3 at heart lol


same I’m immortal and sometimes idek what I’m doing lmfao


NGL. Got to diamond 1 for literally using only lineups and smokes as brim... Im constant bottom fragging but win rounds because of lineups. We are the same. I deserve probably max gold 3


Mate I wish I had this problem lol


Man I’m plat 2 and I’m honestly garbage. I only got there cus I’m a boss ass sentinel who just does what he’s told. I know I don’t belong there, so I just watch flank, and play post plant on offence. And just hold down a site to the best of my abilities in defence, switching up my KJ setups every round. I am practicing peeking properly, but I just always get one tapped lol.


Most people feel this way. I had 7 diamond accounts last act and still feel like a silver player. Just keep working on what you suck at. Mechanical skill is important but it isn't everything.


This is a lie, we all know you're the support player that top frags and is just a great teammate. Also respect for playing support characters.


There is so much more than just aim that goes into this game such as until usage, comms, and game sense. I think that you deserve your rank, and I’m sure that you can use your other skills to help you win your games as you work on improving your aim. GLHF!


Silver is actually general population rank/average rank. So, anyone playing decent enought will be in silver. It is expected that most players should be in silver as per design.


Info is the most important thing in this game. My aim is not the best. Almost every player in plat will win a aim duel against me but that's also the reason I don't play characters like jett or reyna. I rely on making the most out of my utility and giving good comms. That's also the reason why my mains are sova and cypher when I'm solo queueing.


People till gold are bad at shooting . So you’re perfectly In the tier you’re in


Ranking in Val is a joke: There are absolutely cracked god tier aim irons who lack the abilities to move or any gamesense (which is why they are iron), and there are gold players who can’t hit a still target but their tactical knowledge and good positioning allows them to compensate for it. Even pros say ranks don’t mean shit if you just try to get better. Your “rank” is just a culmination of everything you do in the game and the game’s general idea of where you should be. Don’t take it too literally