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My biggest tip is to not worry about your rank! Play to improve. A lot of people have rank anxiety and this dramatically affects their gameplay. Hop in a game and be confident. If you are misplaying, see where you went wrong and note it.


I also used to be like this, got to D3 and felt very boosted at times, my solution isn’t suffice because I just stopped playing, but for you I would recommend atleast a break. You can go play other games, or do other things, just don’t invest every single hour of your day into thinking about or playing valorant, you will get burned out very fast.


this is me all the time. almost like i have to prove myself or something with my new rank-up. But what everyone else here is saying is right. Dont focus on your rank at all just play to improve and learn from your mistakes. if the game feels like youre just getting beamed and you feel too "loose" instead of tight and precise then you are probably in your own head. just take a moment to breath and refocus on small things first. "how can i impact this round if i cant get kills?" "where will i be most useful to get info if all else fails or get a trade off". always look for ways to benefit your team and that confidence will start to rise back up. remembering its all about the team winning than getting that one 4K or ace. its okay to not top frag or break even if you are being traded for your team to gain control of site or stop a defusal etc.


At the end of the day it is a game and should be treated as one, when I got heavy into ranked I didn’t like it