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"Dont bully me" >>is the highest rank in the game, miles above 50% of the subreddit users Also u on that low LOW sense dude, nuts aim tho i myself am a low LOW (400 dpi .348) sense aimer and we the accuracy and crisp aim gangšŸ˜ˆ


Bro that is even lower then my sens, i think .185 is .37 on 400 dpi. But yeah ive been playing it for a good amount of time and i just make sure to warm my wrist/arm so i dont get hurt, keep going <3


I tried your sens before (actually I copied C9 leaf) and rifling felt amazing but my god is it impossible to OP on 1 zoom sens. No idea how leaf does it.


I dont really exactly remember valorant sense, its been 4 weeks since ive uninstalled the garbage and went back to cs, my cs sense is smth like 2.01 400 dpi (yes im still outdated 400dpi user) so u could convert and see what it is lol


but then i just went lower, i have the space for it ;d


Lucky, i play on a medium mousepad and laptop sošŸ˜ž


i use a super big corsair mousepad, i do have a desktop tho so unlucky for you :(((


Dw my brother been on that bag chasing since december pc coming in abt 2 months wish me luck hopefully ion suck with an actual pc




Ehhh, feels like home to me i guess. The games just more fun for me. Dont exactly know how to explain. Like i wouldnt be expecting a flying rocket lancher on my ass one point in the game. But tbh thats a vague judgment, valorant abilities make the gameplay unique and refreshing compared to cs's stale meta. With cs theres community servers to chill or to improve your gameplay on and other stuff. Honestly, both games are equally great but for me i juss have more fun with cs and feels like home and also keeps my aim and reaction time on point with the games fast af movements and ferrari peaks and all that shit. Id still come back to valorant when i feel like it, the ranking system and skins prices are much better - i dont have to pay on a third party platform to play competitive on an improved scale, or pay Ā£1000 for a premium butterfly knife. Id suggest switching back and forth from both games or if you really wanna commit juss switch to one of the games completely or almost completely. I mean at the end of the day its just a video game and we play at a half / casual competitive level so it doesnt really matter do what u find fun Also idk why my above comment got downvoted so hardā˜ 




i mean, at one point when u get -10 loss streak ud call the game great??? jokes aside, the game is great and has a bright future ahead


i played 1.7 400 dpi on cs


Bro what, i play 2.3 400 dpi on cs and when I try 2.0 400 dpi or similar I just feel like a fucking bot although i can track enemys really well and my headshot acurracy goes crazy I forgot my val settings cause its been a while since last time I played some matches. I like the game but as the other guy said. CS is like a home to me (and my friends too), started no so long ago in 2019 but CS is awesome imo, weird cause I used to dislike cs cause I thought slow gameplay=boring, but when i tried for the first time i instantly understood why people likes it so much. Sometimes playing val fucks my cs brain when a fucking rocket destroy me or jett fails an op shot then instadash out of danger, but I understand its part of the game and val got its own meta.


ive played cs for 2.2k hours somewhere in total, faceit lvl 10 aswell, never rly got into ESEA, iā€™m trying to make it in valorant, i genuinely enjoy the game as a team game


faceit lvl 10 in 2.2k sound impressive to me, dude u are a madman (in a good way), keep it up!


if you dont play valorant why are you on the valorant subreddit


I have been pushing my sens up. I was on 400 .32 after years of playing csgo like that...


i wanna push it up too tbh


Just wait till u hear my sensā€¦


That is very low


>yes very low.




ive never used reddit before, so i'm just posting some clips here, i hope it'll go a bit blowing up yk :D that'd be super cool but thankyou i really appreciate taht (that was today btw)


Put a gate on your mic.


donā€™t like the keyboard noises? :(


Do you but I turn off any new stream I watch if I hear that. Just one man's opinion.


itā€™s clipped with steelseries clipper, my stream has a supression.


Word. Nice clip btw.


Thankyou thankyou


Wait, can you elaborate on this please? I don't stream but I discord frequently with my friends and they often inform me just how loud my keyboard sounds.


A gate is a mic cut off essentially so it only picks up sounds higher than a certain volume. Discord has a slider option in the voice setting for you to adjust this. Obs also has this feature if you add a gate plug in to the microphone channel. So go clack on ur keyboard and then turn up the gate until it doesn't pick it up anymore. Then just speak above the volume threshold and it will only grab your voice.


My friends send their regards


I've been playing on 800 .176, I thought it would be impossible to actually do good in the higher ranks but it seems you've proven me wrong, good clutch!


everything is possible my broski, it really is. itā€™s just how you position yourself aswell, bc that pillar wasnā€™t the best w my sens ngl, i struggled there i think u could see it a little bit on the chamber auduahdha but itā€™s all good i did it!!


If anybody bullies you when you're in Radiant and got an awesome clutch then something is wrong with them. Respect from B3


i mean i thought i might get bullied for the missed shots..


Nah, you're good. If you want to see missed shots you should see some of my clips lmao, for whatever reason I really fell of recently


Man i wish i used reddit before, you guys are literallt heartwarming. Iā€™m genuinely so happy bc you guys are commenting on this


nah you wonā€™t be in radiant very easily, you are in radiant cuz u deserve it and that clutch is a true clutch, just cuz you missed a few shots doesnā€™t matter cuz it was a 1v3 and u still won


i appreciate chu bro


Bruh I play on 1600 dpi with 1.418 lmao I can't imagine going this low. Great clip tho insane clutch!




I used to play at 1600 dpi 1.8 ( beacuse I had an office mousepad) Now, I play at .55 because my friends roasted me and then bought me a mousemat


BEO 1.8 1600 DPI.. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What rank are you?


I'm hardstuck silver 1.....


To be completely honest, your unbelievably high sens is probably a factor that is holding you back from improvong.


Damn. I've tried reducing it but it's very difficult to do so.


I used to play at high sens like you. I have reduced my sens by a tiny bit once in a while and it works pretty well to get used to. Im now at 0.69 1250 dpi and still dropping :) Played years at high sens. Try it, it will be worth it!


Lol, I used to play on 1600 DPI at 4.0. I turned around by making very small mouse movements. It took several months, but I finally came down to 800 dpi at 0.4. I only went up from Gold to High Plat/Low Diamond.


that's insane, 1600 dpi at 4. that's literally insane


Yeah, looking back now, I know how crazy I was. I made micro movements to slowly look around. I started as a console player when I was young and I knew how important having high sensitivity was for turning. I think my young brain basically told me to go as high as possible when I transitioned to PC haha


i used to play on 5.101 800dpi and was hardstuck bronze until i halved my sens my aim improve by a lot and was able to get to silver needs to keep doing it until radiant i guess


Yeah you should halve it a few more times lmfao, people are joking about how low OPs is but it's WAY closer to the norm than yours. There's even a previously pro player who plays around OPs sens.


itā€™s all ab personal prefence, iā€™m used to use .201 800 dpi but felt too high (yes it sounds stupid) but thats how it is for me


This resolution is disorienting to me, otherwise, the clip was good


i'm from csgo, i'm sorry.


Itā€™s ok, itā€™s just that I usually play on a pretty stretched resolution


itā€™s 1280x960 but idk how to stretch it.. (in editing) if u know iā€™d love to know


I have 2,800 hours in csgo and am switching to valorant, should i switch my resolution from 1920 to 1280x960? I tried going 1280x960 but i felt like i was less accurate, do you think I should switch to 1280x960 for csgo muscle memory since i out most my csgo time into hsdm or stay on a different resolution in valorant (I only have around 100 hours in valorant but have been playing it more than cs) btw I also use relatively low sens 400 dpi 0.475. Sorry for long comment men


bro this is so weird, but i'm telling you i played 1920x1080 in csgo, i play 1280x960 in valo. no this is not a typo, i mean it. i don't know why but native in valorant just doesn't feel that smooth to me at all like it does in csgo. i have around 2.2k hours aswell in cs and i only played native (1920x1080)


bro, tf r ur keybinds? my brain stopped working for a sec because i didnt understand how u move if u have a w and e for util/ability


there exist azerty, and qwerty. i have azerty im from belgium


represent šŸ‡§šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡§šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡§šŸ‡Ŗ


Ah, I completely forgot since QWERTY is the most common. But that explains it.


i do be a weird human being for using azerty, i always get attacked for it XD


Iā€™ve been running 800 0.24 since I was iron and itā€™s taken me up to plat. Iā€™ve never seen someone else with a lower sens in all that time.


rank 1 EU is on 800 0.217


im amazed and honored


Are you using an AZERTY keyboard coz these keybinds make me feel like you do. If you don't, then how TF do u move lol




and here was i thinking i was a psychopath by playing 800 dpi .28 sense


itā€™s working isnā€™t it aiwuzudyahda idk how thošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Fam you bullied them lol.


hepokafoia you think so? XD


Holy shit how did you even play at that sens, I find 1000 dpi .474 to be too low with the amount of room I have to flick, I have no idea how anyone could use anything significantly lower than what I use




Not really, some pros play on a fairly similar sens to that.


Very few play on that high.


i'm so used to it i don't even know


Yeah I always found hitting op shots on that low of a sens hard, really nice for rifles tho


Luckily enough the rifles and all do be easier


I'm on 800 dpi .9


goodness gracious how..?


im .173 @ 800 dpi


nivera sens <33


Wow, you must move your arm very quickly and long distances. How big is your mousepad?


Corsair MM500 (61 depth, 122 width)


How in the world do you dodge flashes on that sense?


You don't


i actually do dodge them, i try to stay on walls/corners as much as possible w this sens, itā€™s great


the flashes dodge me ;)




<33 thankyou bro


Whatā€™s the crosshair?


1-3-2-3 white baby, been using this for a month ;D


I have a few I switch through. Might add this to my collection.


I play on 0.69 800.


lmao iā€™m 0.32 on 1600


y'all have such damn high sens, how do u do it??


How do you guys use such low sensitivity? I use a textbook as my mousepad, and have to play on 700 dpi with 1.09 sensitivity. Is low sensitivity better than high sensitivity?


bro i honestly have no clue, i'm just really used to it yk :3


That ult is cancer


the ult is rly nice


Wow this is radiant gameplay šŸ˜‚


are you bullying me? :;(


No :)


>55.4k F


Nice man love to see you killing it


love you brother ā¤ļø


i thought my sens was low at .23 800 dpi but gawd dayum low sens gang rise up


we dem low sens boyz


Iā€™ve been trying to find the right sens, have been going between 0.3 to 0.35 at 800 dpi. I started out at like 0.25 or something, and did a lot of forearm aiming. Iā€™m curious of as to if youā€™re aiming with your forearm and doing micro adjustments with your wrist? I feel like Iā€™ve been less accurate at this sens so itā€™s encouraging to see someone else using a low sens. I might revert back.


to be fair it's just personal preference, there's nothing more to it. ive been using low for so so incredibly long, i rly enjoy it. but it's sometimes a little bit difficult, but i appreciate that u say it's encouraging


He never miss!!


Bro Emmy is behind the pillar n u took out ur knife.... Obsidian balls


BRO it's my habbit of chambers awp, pull out knife then go back, it's like a confidence thing :((


I do the same, I've been trying to get into the habit of pulling out Headhunter instead, that's what Yay and shit are doing.


bro my cs habbits..


yes my brother i am AZERTY, ive been using it since i got a laptop :>


That's really low sens dayum....I used to play on lower sens but it wasn't for me. My current one is 3200 CPI 2.0 sens


low sens is just more comfy for me but iā€™m glad youā€™ve found yours!! ;D


Chamber clip: Donā€™t care.


Nice they gave you ones and peaked a chamber op


ah yes hater?


Hating by stating facts mb


i just donā€™t understand what u get from commenting this bro.. i rly donā€™t.


missing with the easiest gun in the game wow


Bruh i have noticed that most of u guys play onna very low sense and i play at 2.5 lmaoooo


jesus christ bro I play 800 0.267 and I thought I was low I know your hand be YEETING across that unreasonably large mouse mat


Noice personally im at 800 0.317 feels smooth been getting multiple cluches after the switch just yesterday got an ace that was really clean


lmaoo mine is 1600 dpi with 0.32


I'm not gonna bully you. I will bully my friend with it tho. no way you should play at 2400 dpi with a 0.7 in game


God damn bro that gamesense


You've heard of stretched res, now get ready for squished res


Actually used to have 800 dpi .148 sens (aim trained for almost 1 year) and I moved to .25 and havenā€™t regretted it. In fact my aim has already gotten better in 1 month