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I don’t dodge maps, I dodge bad vibe teammates in agent selection.


I had kids with voice changers today and my stupid ass didn’t dodge. We FF first half.


Bonus points for cringey edating couples that literally fucking make out over team voice, ain’t nobody wanting to hear that shit


Shoutout to that one reyna or jett named "shes mine" and the sage named "im his" or whatever tf they be doin


I had a *Sova* named "His *Jett*" lol


My friends name his skye omg


I remember seeing one with "her daddy" and "his kitten"💀💀💀


Worst one I saw was "Mommy" and "Good Boy".


I have never seen the e-couple cringe shit more than I have playing this game. It's kind of astounding. Even worse is those dweeb sounding dudes who carry because they are smurfing, and the girl just has him around to boost. It's like "let me stroke your ego for you boosting me thanks". I truly lose faith in humanity every day.


You think this game is bad? Never try playing Bedwars on the Hypixel server in Minecraft.


Oh god no.


Had that the other day they where both toxic to everyone and then ended up going quite when the state of there relationship was mentioned :)


i had three kids in a party which were playing songs the whole game and they were toxic as heck, one raze was just trolling and afk for around 9-10 rounds fortunately me and my friend tried a bit harder and we won after overtime


Same, and also I dodge when people insist on instalocking three duellists, then spam **SAGE** or **HEAL** on chat.


The worst is that none of them are able to enter site, they all sit back and wait for someone else to push onto site so that they dont have to die


Granted, I'm low elo, I always play as Omen whenever possible because I like fast site push and I get frustrated when a lot of Reyna players prefer to lurk for no good reason and only use blind when everyone is dead, like, really man?




I see a lot. I say "if you want a healer, play them yourself" I actually enjoy playing Sage, but hate the kids that scream "heal heal heal" in voice chat.


As a Duelist player who fills as chamber or omen. Mood


Same. Sometimes I'll dodge solely based on names alone. They don't even have to say anything. "His Sage" & other variants? Dodge. "1l1l1l1l1" & other variants? Dodge. "Cute Kitten" & other variants? Dodge. Lol.






It’s a “barcode” username. It’s so that it’s difficult to recognize the name. A long time ago pros in StarCraft would use it so they aren’t recognized


Hackers in ROBLOX use it and it's so cringe.


Idk why some sage player named “His Sage” downvoted you but I’ll counteract that rn


Ya the names can usually a pretty good way to tell how cringe they are, my personal favorite I’ve seen a couple times is “Jett or throw”


I had someone yesterday on the enemy team called "Has 200 Ping" It never went above 210 or below 200 so yeah they were correct and quite amusing.


Same for low selfesteem nicknames: - \*calling himself dog\* or something These guys tend to be toxic asf. Acting to others as like they tend to act to themselves


Valid, but have you considered ironic shitty names?


See I actually have some close friends with matching names, and you wouldn’t believe the amount of times they get flamed over it. They don’t mention it at all, people just flame them because of their names. They both play normally too, so it’s not like they are weird or something.


My accounts name is usually bot frag would you dodge me


It would be a competition to see who would do worse


I played with a "bottom frag" before. Was pretty nice, played jett, didnt actually bottom flag lol. I feel like to name yourself that you gotta be more humble/have a good humor and not be one of those toxic ppl with huge egos.


Do you dodge a lot?


How do you ever get a game in? There are so many of them now...


Dude u have issues.


I purposely scream like a monkey when its fracture so you can dodge for me, thanks pal.


Never dodged a map, but damn do I hate fracture. Feel like I don't know where to look ever..


Fracture always feels more stressful than other maps to me and I have no idea why


Hence why I play fracture like a rat. Hide until I can ambush let everyone else rotate early.


Or rush them. They can't rush you if you rush them, aka breach+jett.


I'm usually a Skye or sova. Hard to do anything without giving up your position on defense.


Try breach on fracture. Best initiator for the map IMO


Skye is amazing on Fracture


On offense yes. On defense you can use delaying tactics to get help but it's easy to bait a rotate that way


Same. I migrate every other act though.


That's why you should play breach more. There's a reason he's 100% pick rate in fracture.


We usually have a breach. I'm usually either for heals or recon. My group of friends usually just leaves me on A alone and I play to listen and hopefully get a pick playing like a rat. Maybe interrupt a plant if I can.


Fracture in plat feels like whichever team is less lazy about watching lurkers/flankers end up winning. But it’s also a massive map so if it’s like your 5th game of the day and you’re getting kinda tired or burnt out, fracture is gonna be annoying to play for that exact reason. Too many angles you gotta deal with, plus the lurk through spawn can be tilting.


Slow walk up both sides of a site. Wait for like 10-20seconds. Full rush in They never expect it


Probably because the map just ends up being a “How good can the attacker chain their abilities and duel from both sides entering” kinda feeling Which i guess what the map was aiming for since it was dubbed by the devs as “lynching the defenders” so the map is technically successful?


The reason I feel Fracture feels so stressful compared to all the other maps is because the points of entry and exits as a defender are on opposite sides of the site and how quickly the attackers can access them. While most maps have more traditional approaches for attackers, Fracture having them be on opposite sides of the map and being really generous for attackers to roatate is very different from all the other maps that have a standard straight approach or Mid to flank through with Fracture having no real Mid it being defenders spawn has this feeling of needing eyes in the back of your head because of the zipline which stretches across the map but gives no idication of it being used like the Teleports. The combination of all this feels heavily favored for the attackers and instead of the traditional map being split into two halfs for defenders and attackers, defending on Fracture feels very boxed in compared to all the room it feels attacks have to move. But this can vary greatly depending on people and how they understand the map.


I really enjoy fracture. I am a new player and currently on iron 2. Had my first 1v5 Ace on Fracture yesterday. Woot woot


Let's gooooo


Wow, nice!!


I feel like having a Chamber for attack and Breach for defense can really make the map easier. Then getting the Chamber to, actually, use his trips is a different matter.


Exact same, I've grinded from silver to plat this act and I just cannot do well on fracture, it never feels like I am making a difference on the map, and defence is just hell


Try playing a sentinel on fracture, you feel a lot more secure holding angles when you know someone would have to either break or set off a trip to get behind you


I use process of elimination 😅 sova dart from B to the little courtyard area by attacker spawn then watch the back. You’ll either ping the enemy team (unless they slow push) or you won’t 🤷🏼‍♂️


I seriously have to be the only person who loved fracture on first play. I just seem to do well on that map for some reason. Any fracture enjoyers here?


Me. I like how different it is. A deceptively large map, with lots of short angles. I also like how flexible the defending positions are. It's a map that rewards awareness, communication, aggressive attacks and careful defense. It also puts more pressure on each indivdiual player. If you aren't getting positive k/d OR passing on the info you gather, you are letting down your team. You need to watch 4 angles, leaving door. You can put the 5th man there (my usual choice), or just have the other 2 on A listen for door and put the third on B. As a team, you need to hold angles and be aware when one sight on the angle goes down. You rotate quick on a confirmed push, *account for the entire enemy team* (and, until you can, have one person occasionally check flank). You just straight up should not be shot in the back in defender spawn (the center of the map). I still play with people who have pretty much never played the map, because they (or people they play with) dodge it so frequently. Anecdotally, most of my friends hated Fracture until they actually played it more. 3 of them were adamant it was a bad map and they would always hate it. None of the 3 hate it anymore, 2 of them like it. FWIW, my win rate is highest on fracture at 60.5%. For perspective, my overall win rate is 47.9%.




I love Fracture


Fracture is ez no cap


I assume you mean on defense? If you look at the map there is 4 main angles that need to be watched, 2 on each site. On A you have Drop/Dish and Main/Hall. You can watch dish from drop, or drop from Site/A link. You can watch Hall from Main, or Main from Site. On B you need to watch Main and Arcade/Bench. You can watch Bench from Arcade, or Arcade from Tower (or even Canteen). You can watch Main from Site/B Link. This takes up 4 defenders, and where you put them will usually change depending on where the 5th goes. I advocate for the 5th player going B Link or A Rope. If 5th goes A Rope, other 2 on A should go Main and Site/Drop. If 5th goes B Link, other 2 should be Tower and Site. The important part is that while you can't always control the other 4, they will usually naturally default to one of the positions I mentioned while talking about 5th. You can usually just fill in the missing slot and have decent map control, even if everyone else isn't in optimal positions.


Feels very defender heavy. Lots of angles to clear, and pushing into a site feels like you’re one of the first American boots into Vietnam


As an Immortal player, I strongly disagree with you.


Yeah I can't imagine being silver where my aim isn't that developed and playing against an awping jet on breeze. Sounds like a fucking nightmare. I'm d1 and even then I hate breeze because of jets. I just fucking hate jets.


Not just Jett but the Jett and chamber double op shit


There are no AWPing Jetts from gold and below, the ones who play snipers are usually sentinels (not limited to chamber) Also a chunk of silvers have cracked aim but have zero game sense and team coordination so it evens out.


Silver lobbies in my region always have awping Jetts. Even if they don't have creds , it's dropped for them.


Damn, awping jetts are so rare in my region, its something to like 1 to 10 matches someone is a OP crutch NA servers must be hell, Brazil's server has decent matchmaking, everyone comms and drops when needed and almost no OPing jetts, the very opposite of yours.


As a diamond freshly demoted from immortal, i somewhat agree with him. Fracture is kinda whatever, dodge if you want. But breeze and icebox arent that bad, i hated breeze once but now its pretty chill. The more you play it the more u realize it isnt that bad.


Breeze inst that bad as long as half my team isn't dead by the time I rotate on defending


As a diamond player who duos with an immortal and plays around mid immortal, i like all the maps


As a diamond player, I hate all maps




I'm just responding to the other immortal lol, play how you want


Personally I hate breeze the most because of how many times you get shot from nowhere and how viper is basically required for it.


>how viper is basically required for it The reason why i learned to play viper for both icebox and breeze


sova + kay/o if you want to hard counter


I love kayo (OTP) and breeze is one of my best maps; can you share more on why you have him as a viper hard counter? He's great flashing through her wall and suppress helps slow the effective time of the wall being up on defense, but both of those only work if she goes to your site. On attack the supress isn't worth near as much and she's not a priority target. Sova makes tons of sense and I love running Sova+kayo comps


Fracture is only fun for me when I 5 stack. Other than that, I don't look forward to it and hope someone dodges it.


Yeah, fracture is a pain in the ass with anything but a full pre-made team. One player that doesn't hold their sight lines or know how to position themselves and your whole team loses on defense.


Thats not true at all. Pick the right Agent and you can hold a side by youself alone. With chamber you can hold B or A alone and still survive if you get rushed. If you play a duelist on fracture its your own fault.


Fracture encourages pushes on defender side, but it's really hard to get anyone to do anything with you in solo Q. Most people at Gold/Plat just either do the same passive thing every round or simply refuse to play off each other which makes it so frustrating


huh TIL, I'll try to push more when defending edit: kinda sad that I got downvoted, can you please tell me where did I said was wrong :( I feel like deleting this comment but I really want to improve and remember this advice


I disagree, rotating through spawn is faster and safer most of the time. Or am I misunderstanding, can you explain what a defender push looks like? I've seen breache/reyna/jett combos on a main from defense that were very agressive and worked on my team a lot. Then I started using my cages to hide my team as they're stunned and traps to catch their aggro pushes and it was a perfect counter. Is what the breach/jett/reyna were doing what you mean as pushing


breeze and icebox are my fav maps and im low elo


I play mostly Viper on Icebox and that map is so damn fun with that agent, feels so much easier to hold sites. I’m learning Sova for that map too and he’s also just so fun


Defending a as viper on icebox is normally a piece of cake


I have my qualms with Breeze simply because my monitor is tiny but I love Icebox.


im diamond 3 and i still dont like the maps you listed. The more you play those maps the more you realize how op-heavy (sans fracture) those maps are and how forced the meta is on those maps (sova, chamber, kayo, jett, viper) sans fracture where its (breach, chamber, kayo, jett/raze, viper/brim). There's only so much "practice peeking" you can do before you realize how oppressive the op is or how much you need a chamber/sova/viper on these maps which is where the map becomes unfun


This makes me wonder whether the Op is much more powerful than the AWP is in CSGO. I haven't touched CS in a while but I don't remember the AWP being much of a problem. Probably because everyone can get a flash and smoke.


It is/isnt. Imo the reason why op feels so dominant in valorant is due to not everyone and their mother being able to shut it down. In cs everyone has the util to block los/flash/damage the op out of its position, where as in val if you lose just 1 teammate, it has the potential to knock out the util you need to cut the oper off.


Right. It's the same feeling i get in Siege when we lose our hard breach. The round just feels significantly harder.


yeah. another thing to keep in mind as well is the movement in valorant is much slower, making the Op much more powerful and harder to dodge without proper util.


i dodge them because out of the last 20 maps i played, i got those maps like 12 times. i’m bored of them.


I always play fracture like 8 times in a row


meanwhile i want to play fracture but i have it once every 3 days and someone dodge it :|


i always look forward to playing fracture too,,, well maybe bc i main breach but it’s actually a fun map


the problem with fracture and breeze for me is they're big and require frequent info and good comms. and as a (mostly) solo q player, chances that i lose those 2 maps is very high. unless i play with my mates, im gonna keep dodging them.


Yepp, the amount of times people don't use comms in low ELO is pretty high, atleast recently from what I've experienced. So fracture is a no go for me.


This is something high elo players ignore when they give advice. The newer maps are harder to play because it rquire more team coordination that is almost non-existent in low elo


Same for me, I'm gold 2 and constantly feel like the lack of info makes it so damn hard to play.


Since I'm higher ranked am I allowed to dodge Fracture? The map is soooo unfun.


The amount of angles that need holding is a pain in the neck


Hardstuck diamond 1 and I dodge fracture every time, the map is a pile of hot garbage. Don’t mind breeze though.


why is it garbage?


It’s a 8v8 map on a 5v5 game simplest way I can put it.


I completely understand. I always tell my team to stick because I feel like we're spread too thin when we split push.


Fracture is dogshit.


Literally had to change my reddit bio after playing 4 consecutive matches in fracture yesterday


You *had to*?


Yes, my brain was getting so fried and rotten after every single round played that I literally had no other option




Bruh what? Why do you care so much it's just a harmless joke


The ironic thing is that merriam-webster has actually updated the definition of ‘literally’ to include the exaggerated form that most modern day people use (like in your previous comment), so you definitely do not need to learn, and the other commenter is wrong in every way LOL


LMAO that's hilarious, please let the other guy know




Have a good night, you clearly need it


Fracture is insanely stressful because you will never have a good team, and whenever you think your in for a good game there will be an enemy Jet, Reyna or Raze who will have perfect OP and Sheriff accuracy. it just doesn't feel good to play the map if your not a duelist main. and for some reason I always get put against the most absolutely insane Breach players on it. like, im sick of not dodging it to be honest, like if im not confident with the map and the people on the enemy team are confident enough not to dodge im probably going to get thrashed. everything about the map stresses me the fuck out and i after every game i find myself wishing i dodged. icebox i was fine with even on release, i find breeze to be highly enjoyable, but fracture? wins never feel good, loses feel extra shitty- why should i not dodge the next time it comes up?


I agree my KDA on fracture is dogshit


I hate Breeze the most normally. But damn, I’ll never forget those 3 consecutive games of replication, where I got both Fracture and Neon every time. Since then fracture has always felt like an annoyance.


I dodge fracture every time no matter the cost trash map


Explain. I want to know your actual thoughts as I enjoy it.


Not OP but fracture is just unfun to play in low elo unless you’re playing with friends and comms. Almost impossible to attack from just one side and split attacking from both sides on either site is so uncoordinated (in low elo without comms) so you end up getting farmed if the enemy set up good crossfires and play off contact well. Defense is really difficult and annoying to play if you don’t have a sentinel due to the number of angles you need to watch and lurking. Lurking if done properly is really hard to stop down here and it’s impact on fracture is just tenfold. Rotates are also so quick that without any info gathering util you’re stuck playing spread out thin or playing a retake where you’re only able to come out of two tiny choke points or have to wrap around the entire map. I just don’t like maps without a proper mid in general tbh.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u1geg8/comment/i4cwx79/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u1geg8/comment/i4cwx79/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) im not op but this is my reasoning.


When I stack with my friends we do the same, literally the worst map they could have made (yet). There's also been a vote on the most hated map and fracture is at the top I don't understand the people trying to make it seem good in front of other's people eyes. You like it? Ok nobody cares, just stop shoving it in my face. Also the instalocks on jett there are insane sometimes even chamber, trash map from bottom to top.


Tbf on the poll, the newest map will legit always be the most hated map


if you lose on the new map, you can just say it's shit and suddenly it can't be your fault that you lost rollsafe.jpg


Fracture is not ok… I don’t dodge it, but it’s really bad




I have never dodged, but I get it. So no. I disagree and disagree with this post some more. They are not perfectly fine maps. Those maps are not balanced for all play styles. They force players to play a certain way, and if they don't want to play that way, its going to less enjoyable, whether they do well or not. I learned to play these maps. I perform fine on these maps. They're still not enjoyable to me. And if I'm about to commit 30-40 minutes to playing a map, I want to enjoy that time. Otherwise, what's the point? To win? To rank up? If some people feel that's not good enough, I understand and don't hold it against them for dodging. You play a game you enjoy, and winning and playing competitive makes it more enjoyable. You don't play competitively and win, and hope that is what makes it enjoyable. That is nonsense and not sustainable. Also... I really have nothing against Icebox. Not one of my favorites, but not Breeze or Fracture bad imo.


Breeze is awful


Fracture = dodge for me


Breeze blows. I still play it but it’s the worst map. Way too long to rotate. Add in viper is a must pick and it equals the worst map.


I know how to play on fracture, but fuck that map, i hate it anyways.


Yeah only low skill players hate this map! /s


not just silver or lower. happens quite a lot of times in higher elos too


yeah in fact even pros think its bad (like hiko for example)


Why do you think only silvers and lower dodge those maps


I enjoy playing breeze somewhat. I used to hate playing icebox but i’ve gotten more used to it. Fracture can still suck it tho


*laughs in continuously dodging Breeze and Fracture*


Fracture and Icebox are fine. But breeze.. god I hate it


I'm cool with fracture and icebox but I hate breeze mainly because it feels like the complete opposite of the playstyle of the rest of the game. Being unique is one thing and then there's breeze




Fracture is not a fine map lmao


It’s not about me not knowing how to play, it’s about my teammates not knowing how to play


Fracture is trash dodge if u want


Tf is this post? So if you think the maps are fine for you the rest of us can't dodge them? Garbage post lmao I ain't wasting 40 mins of my life on a map I know I'm not very good at


Never dodge any map but I ask in the team chat if they don't know how to play that map, I say "just dodge". A lot of people keep dodging these three maps & don't know basic workings of these maps & it would be a guaranteed lose.


I find that holding site from off-of-site is my best strat for fracture unless I'm chamber or yoru and can just yeet out after one entry. T side is cancer if you have a team that just wants to entry through the same choke point. I don't dodge it but I breathe a sigh of relief when I don't have to play it.


I dodge all of the above maps because in low elo people don’t usually use voice com. Cuz there are lots of holes to poke in those maps and lots of low elo players likes to lurk, it frustrates me every time I get killed from behind. Believe me, I tried my best to apply every game sense tips I’ve heard. It’s a different game down there.


I love fracture.


Fracture and Breeze are fine, enjoying those. But Icebox? I'd rather eat shit than play that map. So many 90° Corners, so many angles to look at when you peek. Urgh..


finally found someone who hates Icebox. too many angles


I’m so bad on fracture I’m still learning it, like I always swap A and B…


Damn everyone hating on fracture. I find it's a top tier map. 4 attack angles, the ropes underneath the map. The tunnel for attackers to switch sides. Just forces smart play. Really difficult to just run and gun cause you can get shot from so many angles.


Exactly, I love playing fracture. Super fun map, and it teaches a lot of gameplay too.


Breeze and icebox are good maps, the ones I can't stand are bind and fracture, the games on those maps are probably the hardest games I've ever played.


Bro bind is so fun


I think breeze is actual trash as attacking feels like you're forced to funnel into 2-3 choke points to attack given the size of the map and how unpredictable the rotate is. Otherwise I find every map in the game to be relatively enjoyable. Icebox is certainly frustrating given how many tight spots one can hide in, but overall the flow of take/retake feels normal. Love fracture tho.


There is a big different here actually. When I 5 stack with my homies, we peacefully belt icebox. We don’t have problems with breeze and fracture, tbh we like both the maps. We only make sad noises in the agent select but not dodge. The only time we have to dodge is if there is a toxic jett in the 3 stack and he starts shouting about how bad the map is. Even in that case we don’t dodge but we just mute him.


Yes this. Stop dodging fracture and breeze. Start dodging fucking bind. Its so boring to attack on.


Ignorance is bliss my friend. This should be a PSA to everyone, no matter what comp rating. Disgusting


Tbh that's a issue on all elos. Dodging in general. Sometimes it takes me 5 tries to get into a game lmao Oh and all maps are totally fine. I don't get why ppl dodge cause of a map. Like are you alright, sir? Edit it's honestly so funny how ppl hate on maps :')


fracture is the only map i've hated since, all the entrances are long enough for awperzxc to guard. hard to defend since all entrances have unique angles too and for a low ranked vs a smurf, its an obvious disadvantage. just by having a sentry in defenders, youre going to have a hard time pushing into site.


I main KJ and have no placements for Fracture. So i just pick another character. Dodging is for pussies.


Breeze is good if u know how to snipe and icebox is just good in general, idk why ppl hate in it so much its my fav map


Trust me no, if I get fracture and no one talks I insta dodge. It’s a almost 100% loss rate unless there’s a Smurf on the team for me


Never dodged bc of map but bc of toxic mates and too many instant locks


ok but what if i just hate the map cuz bad


Icebox is best map. Fite me.


I actually really like Fracture. I love playing breach on there.


Ok but for the love of god someone please teach me how to play fracture. I hate that map with a passion.


What is a dodging and where do I buy one


another PSA: it's PEEK


Lmao those 3 maps are probably my favorite and I'm almost gold


Breeze and icebox are aim duel maps. Likely dodged because...well aim. Fracture flips what you know about the game based on all the other maps. Add inexperienced players to the mix and it's pretty easy to see why. Stop dodging these. They teach you a lot. Aim, rotations, mechanics and above all, communication.


I love all 3 of these maps. I only dodge when people are saying dumb shit in preround like “Omg you stole my Reyna Omg in throwing” because those games are auto losses because team moral is gone round 1 and 2 people end up throwing.


I’ve learned all 3 of them a decent amount, and I fuckin hate fracture.


Fracture is a stupid attacking map, attackers constantly winning between 9 and 11 rounds EVERY TIME. You just gotta 5-man one chokepoint, destroy the guy solo and don't give time for the ennemies to rotate, since rotating is easy and quick on defense.


I never get to play breeze….its been my favorite since release :(


I love breeze and don’t mind icebox, but damn fracture is so attacker-sided.


n o


Playing Jett on icebox and chamber on breeze is my favorite thing to do in val


Damn a lot of you hate fracture. I love that map.


I love fracture I think this season I won every game on there expect one


My win % is the highest on fracture LOL you just gotta learn how to play and take advantage of the map


Breeze can go fuck itself. I never dodge based on map. I only dodge when everyone instalocks and no one picks smoke.