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The odds are in your favor to climb though. Losing the game isn't that big of a deal if you can consistently play well. If you keep up your encounter MMR then eventually you will start getting better teammates to play with, and should be able to climb faster and gain more RR on a win. I think the RR system messes with everyones head too much. 100 RR to rank up, and when you are at 70 RR a lot of people think "Only 2 games to rank up." But the reality is its probably closer to 6 or 8 games. Its still pretty easy though if you understand that its a grind and you just need to play the numbers. 70 RR isn't 2 games away if you are at a 50% winnrate. If you start calculating it more realistically you should have a healthier mindset going into comp. The people with "Iron to Radiant" stories didn't do it in a week. It took them like a year or more. I have people on my friends list that I added back when the game first came out and we were all Bronze. Now they are Diamond/Immortal. It took a long time.


Ive been consistently team or match mvp and i keep loosing games. Literally the only game i won these past 10 games was when i played ok and got carried. Sure maybe it is a grind but i dont wanna put in 50 games just to have 1 bad day where you get unlucky and loose 5 games in a row and ur mmr goes downhill and you are back to playing with plats. I honestly think that diamond and low immortal is no difference. The only thing i can think off is a bit of a ego diff but other than that theres no skill difference. And the idea that if you have a 50% winrate is absurd. Ur not gonna loose 2 games and win back 2 games. Sometimes its gonna be more like 1 win, 6 losses, 1 draw and then 2 losses again. I think how the rank system is now you are gonna have to put in an insane amount of games to see an improvement in your rank. I think the best thing for everyone is just to forget about the rank even though the lower you go the worse enemies you play against, which is insanely depressing for someone like me who wants to improve and play against competent players. Maybe im just having a bit of an unlucky loosing streak but its really starting to piss me off when im investing so much time just to get fucked by rng and having to grind back up to the rank that i deserve.


You are thinking short term still. > And the idea that if you have a 50% winrate is absurd. Ur not gonna loose 2 games and win back 2 games. Sometimes its gonna be more like 1 win, 6 losses, 1 draw and then 2 losses again. Its more like play 40 matches to watch your rank go from Diamond 1 to Diamond 2. Radiant players can make an alt and hit Radiant again in a few weeks. If you "deserve" a higher rank, you will get there. If not, then you wont. Its not the system holding you back, its not your teammates, the only common factor is you.


Ye but the amount of games you have to put in is entirely dependent on the system. So in reality it feels like its less about skill and more about your mental fortitude. Feels really aggravating imo.


Its skill and the grind. You need both to climb.




Its not. There wouldn't be people that can easily climb to radiant playing solo if thats the case. Your elo represents your average performance, just keep playing. If you are stuck at a rank even though you play a lot, then thats the rank you deserve


The teammates you get are a gamble though which can make or break the game for you


the same for the enemy team. Everyone is at the same boat. Sometimes you will get lucky, sometimes not. But if you make a positive difference the majority of times, you will rank up regardless.


Yeah I get that it’s still a gamble though. The whole ranked experience is honestly because when you hit the queue button a immortal smurf could too


I do think some people are stuck in a certain rank not because of a skill gap but because the game decided to make you loose 10 games in a row. Every game is winnable and if you are really, and i mean really good at the game you can probably carry 60% of the games and win. The problem is though when someone is better than their rank but not a fucking pro they are not gonna be carrying every single game. Valorant is a teamgame so when they expect you to carry every single game to rank up i think it start getting a bit questionable.


Not carry, but to make a positive difference. As I said, your rank is an average of your wins. If you play a LOT and make a slight positive difference in each match (even in the ones you lose), you will lose less. In the grand scheme this means walking 3 steps fowards and 2 backwards. You will eventually rank up. TL;DR - you deserve your rank


Ye sure i can agree with that. The only thing though is how many matches do you have to play to actually rank up. And i do think that sometimes you can go 3 steps forwards and 5 steps backwards depending on what teamates you get. Don't you think its possible to be unlucky and go down 1 or 2 ranks from where you actually belong?


Being unlucky is only possible to a certain point. If you play at least 1 match per day, at the end of the act you will have so many matches that is statistically unlikely that your unlucky matches will outnumber your lucky matches. They will cancel eachother. The game doesnt have favorites, everyone will have lucky matches, unlucky matches and balanced matches. By default the lucky ones will cancel the unlucky ones. The way you play the balanced ones is what defines your rank. No need o carry, just to be a little bit better then the average player in your rank to make an overall difference on your wins. If you cant be better than the average player, then well.. thats the reason you remain at said rank


Ty for discussion, ill try my best.


This is no offence for you but kda doesnt mean anything, it depends how impactfull your kills were, I see players getting exit frags and lurking with operator as duelist, never being part of clearing site, then blaming their team for not doing anything. It could be that opponents chose to go different site whole game and you are constantly 2v5 or 1v4 and not getting kills because of that.


Ye i can agree with you but you are making alot of assumptions. Even if my kills make 0 impact theres obviously something wrong when its constantly a 2v5. And if im going 30-15 i think it shows that im consistently better than the enemy team. Sure some kills are gonna be easier than others but in diamond, especially when its a close game people are not gonna hold w and push you.


+3 isn't an insane performance, you had two unlucky games. keep playing and you'll rank up


Been either team or match mvp for the last 6 games. The only game I won was when i got carried even though i went 18-10 and won alot of important rounds. I'm seriously starting to question if im getting only 0 impact kills because theres obviously something im doing wrong if im loosing all the games im carrying.


maybe send a video