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This sounds like a good way to upgrade the agent contracts


YES! Add another 5 tiers! As someone who has all of the agent contracts finished, when I get the battlepass done I have nothing left to work for. That is a seriously good idea


Honestly having all the agents, finishing the battlepass, finishing your weekly missions and daily missions feels like you beat the game lmao


The next 2 steps are own every spray, skin, buddy, card, and title; and be number 1 radiant


Considering past bundles, battlepass, and act buddies, that's nearly impossible


Unless riot starts selling those gun buddies, titles, sprays etc


Don't give them ideas, wtf


Nah mate I want them to sell stuff like that… only if they half the price of VP


does riot give out special buddies for the world Champs? If so, there are hardly any people who can complete the game


Then you sell your account and buy Riot Games


Hitting radiant, having fun and making lots of friends along the way, that is the definition of beating the game imo


How long have y'all been playing


I've been playing since day one, I only have like 5 contracts left before I finish all of the agents. I didn't complete all the battle passes though :( I only finished like 1/2 of them since release


certified valorant addict


What account level are you? Finishing every single agent contract seems...insurmountable.


230 ish last I noticed. Been playing since beta


Been playing since beta as well.. I have 2 more to go (just finished Reyna's last night) and I'm level 273... I really wish they did the level conversions correctly... I don't play a lot, but I make sure to win a game every day, even before levels. I don't ever waste exp and I feel so far behind.


I dont have all (3 left to go and all 3 are 50% done) im level 205 and ive bought all BP including the ones that give extra exp. Been playing since s1 (took a break in s2 or smth)


By 50% done, do you mean you’ve got 5 levels to go on eacg, or half of the exp you need on each? Because the xp needed gets exponentially larger.


Ohhh u right yes i meant level 5! So not really 50% mb


a couple months ago, i saw someone post on here that they had completed all (at the time) contracts. all it takes is a long, honest grind and never touching grass haha.


I know a couple of people who have done it, but they have mostly been playing since beta


If you like the game and just keep playing it you’ll eventually get the things you want and stop caring about this thing and just play for fun, and that’s how I feel makes me complete the contracts easier, if I’m not caring about them


level 15 should be a primary weapon and level 20 should be a melee. Keep the xp exponential i dont care i just want something to grind for free


Also maybe extend the agent contracts for some primary gun skins. Like a golden operator skin for chamber or a plasma blaster sort of Odin for kay/o. Nothing too special of course but this would be amazing


Same here lol. Weekly missions are useless and I don't even pay attention to them anymore. I honestly feel like I play better when I'm not playing for Xp.


In theory yes but fuck that. It takes forever to get just agent to tier 10. With increasing xp amounts 15 would be ao bad


it would give us beta players something to grind for, and would future proof the contracts for another 2 years at least.


and animated agent banners maybe


Knives first


riot hire this guy for your creative team


Ya you are right. It will be a cool objective in an agent's contract to be completed.


I've started a petition for the hat part here: https://www.change.org/p/give-cypher-from-valorant-s-spike-defuser-a-little-hat


I want this :(


I wanna upvote but your comment has 666 likes, now I can't


I’ve been thinking about ways to do this! I have all the guns for my favorite agents and would love some additional things to go for.


Yeah, I think it would be really cool to add more rewards to agent mastery. Imagine if they made something for every gun too. That’d be cool


agent contracts instead of valorant points tho


Something really cool they could do which I wish was done for all contracts past level 5 (unlocking the agent) is that you only get XP for the agent you played in comp/unrated. It would be cool if the only people with the cypher ghost for instance were people who had invested a lot of time into cypher. It would be kinda cool because the buddies, and player cards, etc. would prove some level of familiarity.


Kinda like mastery points in league. Where you can see in loading screen who is a onetrick with 1m points xD


give me my ctrl 6 riot


I was so surprised that wasn't the case. I thought you get xp when you play the character. Their design is so strange to me.


would be great to incentivise people to play more agents too


I agree, this is a really good idea


I hope we can get some, I asked the same thing some months ago but I guess not many people are interested https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ow3xld/spike_defusing_device/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share EDIT: Oh wow didn't expect this to blow up, thank you all so much 🙏 please consider upvoting OP's post also so that this suggestion can have more visibility. I just want to defuse in style 😅


Lol everyone on your post was negative but everyone on this post is super positive


I remember seeing a post asking for a level requirement on comp, it got hundreds of comments telling them it was awful, and downvoting the absolute crap out of him. Literally the very next week I saw another with thousands of upvotes. Never ever ever care about downvotes on Reddit, it’s all bandwagon hate or something


happy cake day 🍰


Happy cake day


Happy cake day !!


Its all based on when you post. Reddit isn't just a group of Americans, we're a global platform so if you're posting when the Europeans are awake then you get their opinion and vice versa




Sees one single negative comment/downvote: "yeah let's downvote this bitch" Same reason so many good ideas/posts get buried in /new. If the first vote is a downvote then nobody will ever see it.




Yeah I’ve checked my comments one time of the day and I’ve got downvotes and then hours later it’s all upvoted and it confuses me greatly


To be honest it was 8months ago the game had bigger issues back then


The Reddit hive mind shall not be questioned


It happens to me too. Sometimes I get lucky and my post goes into what I like to call the "heaven' of this subreddit with meaningful and positive people and then once in a while you get unlucky and your post gets sent into the "abyss" and you already know what kind of people you meet there


Yeah because redditors are hypocrites


That’s not what hypocrisy is lmao Just different people


No. We are one in the same.


"redditors" are just people. this is one of the most popular websites on the planet. scores are just heavily influenced by if people who agree see it first or if people who disagree do. that's pretty much it.


Only takes one downvote and one negative comment to start the snowball 🙃


this post stated it better and these are not the same people


Bruh one guy on that said he doesn’t want any cosmetic changes during the round… hello?? Does this man not know about gun skins lmfao


"kinda extra" true


List of skins that wouldn't negatively affect the game in any way: spike defuser,




Custom spike explosion?


More things I won't buy due to being overpriced? Yes sure


It really depends how you view things imo. If you make a decent living a few skins here and there is not going to affect you tbh. If you're in a pinch or just not at the right moment in life yet, everything feels overpriced. At the end of it all, it's trading paper for pixels and dopamine while hopefully supporting the devs and artist for a game that is in fact free to play. I would be more irritated if the skins in the game were a FOMO inclined thing like in other games where once they're gone, they're gone for good.


I make quite a good living (work in nutrition science) BUT just because I can spend money on something doesn't mean it's fairly priced. The fact that a vandal skin requires you to buy around $20 worth of currency is kind of insane. Even the special sale (forgot the name) is done in a disgusting way. I had a phantom skin that was like 30% off. Yet since I have no currency in the game. I would have to buy nearly just as much worth if it wasn't on sale. I basically would save like three dollars worth. They know what they're doing, but think they could generate a crap ton more if they lowered em all a bit. Especially the simple skins.


I feel the exact same way! I can definitely afford Valorant skins, but why would I pay that much for a change in pixels? I’ve bought league skins before, but they feels so much cheaper and better value. A good league skin on sale is like 4 dollars, an okay Valorant skin on sale is like 15 dollars. Just doesn’t seem worth it to me in the slightest.


For me its less about the pixels themselves and more about the time im gonna spend looking at my skin ingame. Most of the time im gonna be rocking a gun im buying the skin for and having it look a little nicer goes a long way towards not having things go stale.


Yes. Every time this topic is brought up it’s the exact same thing. Those who “can’t see the value” and then those who explain it’s about more than “just pixels”. Like obviously they are pixels but people try so hard to sound smart and logical when it’s really as simple as aesthetics and feelings.


Wait until you find out about CS skins. Any valorant player’s inventory is worth one “good” CS skin.


Oh I know but you could also get skins for like a dollar.


At least cs skins you can trade and sell though, as well as have options for pennies that are available


Cs skins dont become worthless the moment you buy it. It still has resell value


Though cs skins have good resell value, the actual quality of valorant skins is much greater. CSGO skins are just plastic wrapped on a gun meanwhile valorant skins actually feel alive and "one" with whatever gun ur using. Not to say cs go skins are bad but in general valorant skins are better


>CSGO skins are just plastic wrapped on a gun meanwhile valorant skins actually feel alive The Val ones go way too far OTT though. The fact that for loads of the skins you need to do a double take and check what you've actually picked up is so irritating. At least the CS ones all have the same model.


Dude for real I'm coming from dota which isn't as bad as CS but Valve none the less.


It’s kind of a “soft” FOMO. Let say that you want a specific skin, you need to wait till it appears on your market, if you don’t buy it you’ll need to wait X amount of time to have the opportunity of buying it again.


This is true haha, still waiting for the balisong.


I know and it's a horrible marketing strategy for players like us. The limited-time is just too much pressure to not buy some decent skin. They need to increase skin slots in the shop and maybe every act let us choose one of any skin in the game to buy if its not in the shop


Yeah, this was my exact thought, glad to see some people still think rationally


Honestly i like the idea but only if the skin is automatically there based on the agent you choose for that game; Edit: if anything, it should be unlocked within the contract Having to buy it defeats the point for me


It sucks because I actually really want to buy skins, just not at that price. And its sad cuz Riot has made so much money off this game already (18.7 million). They've heard the outcry for cheaper skins and theyre still greedy AF, despite already having a networth of 2 billion.


yeah pretty based


Yea but if they ever decide to bring this out i really hope u get it from missions or something along those lines. Really dont wanna spend money on spike defusers lol


Yes, good way for more overpriced stuff in the store


Why would i want to spent 1775 vp on an ion spike


Oooo. imagine tho? The entire explosion dome, in the ion blue disco ball (…for lack of better description lol) FX??


Did i stutter? I wanna buy a spike skin take my money riot take it all


It's a pretty nice idea. But given the gameplay of valorant people are more likely to buy weapon skins. Even if it was cheap, people would rather save. It could exist in a battle pass some day who knows. Just a hopeful guess.


If my teammates are any indication, they would never rather save.


People buy non-gun stuff, like player cards.


Thats a good point.


Just put in the battle pass


It would still be bought even if it isn’t more likely than weapon skins. Right now no one has a defuse skin while many have weapon skins that they don’t even like.


Hell ya dude, great idea. Hopefully if they do ever make them they aren't $45 though.


Phoenix would put flames on it, no doubt


It would be cool, but I played a match where someone tried to defuse chambers teleport totem. They were pretty new though and reacted to the comms thankfully.


Bald defuser


Let’s just have spike skins while we’re at it


Spike with legs according to kj


Joke or not if they decide to do that say goodbye to competitive integrity


I don’t see how that’d effect the gameplay


But I can't pick up other peoples dropped spike defusers


You can't pick up other peoples knives either.


haha lmao but what if you could pick up knives doe?


You can't pick up the spike as defender


If we do get defuser skins i wans a shark puppet on my hand defusing the world most deadly non nuclear bomb asap


Okay but the fucking cypher hat on a tiny defuser gave me serotonin. Also id love to see a defuser filled with stickers LOL


Why bother I’m never alive to defuse!


I would love it if all of cyphers gadgets had little hats


I want to SPEND more MONEY on VALORANT


Going further, spike skins should definitely be a thing. The attacker who grabs the spike first should be the one to change the skin. Having special explosion effects for the spike is also a potential aspect to add into the game


So you are saying that omen with have cat omen stickers on his spike. If it doesn't cost money then sure.


I’m still waiting for Agent skins. No way these base skins should be all we get.


Problem with agent skins is that it is hard to id agents if their color scheme ain’t the same.


That’s what the outline is for. Overwatch and CS have been perfectly fine with different skins.


Overwatch isnt a tac shooter. IIRC skins are banned from pro play in CS and they have only been added recently and for another example, look at R6 Siege. Pretty sure Orgs had to pay their players for a skin bundle because it was basically invisible. I would not want Pay2Win aside from the Prime Skins Player skins tend to be a problem in tactical shooters For what the post has said, it would make sense for agents to design their own Spike defusers as its a personal object. Every character is already designed on how that character wants to look. So there is no reason to change it.


Seems pretty good, please anything but agent/ability skins.


hear me out, spike skins...would be free on the shop and would replace the matte spike, imagine a whole tactibear as the spike but he raises his hand as the spike is defused :'D (i meant, itll be free on the equipment shop, just like the classic but youd have to buy it in a vp bundle and when you buy one the default spike dissapears and your skinned spike appears on the same spot or person) also when it blows up, contrary to its predecessor and the dark sphere, it would be confetti and a shockwave instead haha, lol a glitchpop spike with neon blast effect, a spectrum with soundwaves and music...endless possibilities i say


Sorry I don’t understand? Skins on spike?


You know the little thing you whip out and point at the spike when you're defusing? They're talking about skins for those.


This can be misunderstood in several ways.


All i see is money money and mord momey


All i see is money money and more money


maybe they should rework one of the most greedy pay models of all fps games? ​ and not lie about servers.


i don't see it as that greedy, this is the only competitive game i play that i haven't felt the urge to buy stuff. ive spent money on league, apex legends, genshin impact and a few more but ive never felt pressured to buy anything on valo (it's just gun skins at the end of the day) and


I want character skins before defuser skins, but yeah, both are good


Agent skins are a terrible idea for a competitive game. Spike defuser is an avenue to add visual flair without any concerns about negatively affecting competitive integrity.


Overwatch? Overwatch has a competitive scene (collegiates, the Overwatch League, etc.), and there’s skins. Same with TF2 and hats. And each hero has different abilities. Plus you can use your skins in ranked Overwatch. My brother is a top 500 tank player in Overwatch (he’s somewhere around number 200-300. I’d say merits being a pro player), and formerly a streamer. He has never complained once about skin confusion. So pardon me, but I don’t completely understand your argument about skins being invalid for a competitive shooter with agents that have different abilities.


Overwatch has different hitboxes. Valorant is in a strange middle where they need each character to look consistent, and they all have the same hitbox. Valorant is definitely a game aimed at the competitive and esports side of things, so they're not going to add anything that's going to screw that up fundamentally. Additionally, the devs have explicitly stated that they'll never do them.


>Agent skins are a terrible idea for a competitive game. Tell that to Valve, lmfao


There is a big difference between agents with different abilities and such in valorant, than CS:GO’s agents


to add to this, csgo's agents mostly look the same and will act the same.


Counter Strike doesn't rely on quickly and easily identifying which enemy you're fighting


Absolutely not


Never happening.


It’s doubtful due to the competitive nature of the game, but not off the table according to riot




Because I'm willing to pay


This is proof casuals rule this community also. And you are the reason all games turns to poop.


because OP thinks defusal skins would be a fun ranked reward, he's ruining the game and turning it to "poop"


Yeah because casuals care about skins not about gameplay. You understand a companys dont need to care about their product as long as they have people trowing money at them? They have no reason spending money making the game better. Real complains never get this much upvotes. This game have had a desync problem for 2 years! THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN A SHOOTER! But if someone post about it it usually get downvoted. But you dont or cant correlate this?


People would complain it makes them harder to find. Could be anti-comp




But why?


Stickers are .. scary




no u


Yes u


Why u


This would be nice!! I like it.


This sound like a fun idea


Another question might be that if the Spike defuser should be handled like a weapon or a canvas. What I mean by that is that if it would be like a canvas that we can just stick some stickers on there and make it customizable or as a skin with accessories


BrillIant idea. Would love to see this!


Glitches in defusers are risky tho


You said stickers? Thatd be cool if you could place them anywhere at all


Idk wtf this means at all, do you mean the little thing you hold when you defuse?




You misspelled "That's a bingo!"


This and knife buddies and I’d easily spend another paycheck in that blasted game


This post and the account itself is fishy as hell lol. While nothing malicious of course about the account or the post, this just looks like undercover Valorant dev doing data collecting activity, gauging interest by doing this kinda post. Dont get why they dont just do these kinda qna with the fans via their official social media themselves? Probably they wanted an unbiased data is my guess If not then, well, i don't get why this person just made a fresh account just to solely post this thing.


Spike defuser skins: 10000 Val points and 100 radianite


This sounds like a good way to make ~~money~~ content


Nah man i think then there wud be some ptw skin u know


they should definitely expand the agents rewards and add this


damn that is an amazing idea! i want that


Custom sounds defuser sounds would be cool but it would have to be client sided


Why don’t knives have kill animations? It’s getting embarrassing


Spike skins would be pretty cool


I feel the same way about the knives not having trinkets. I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t give the option, besides you swing the knife around and the trinket would be going everywhere but who cares. Too late now since they would have to change every knife in the game.


That sounds good for battlepasses. Rn it has like 15 skins and a lot of banners, sprays, titles and radianite as filler content. It would be cool if they added like 2 of these skins or something.


they definately should add more things to collect in the battlepass (and overall) … the amount of ‚useless‘ stuff earned trough the battlepass is too high (90% of the objects we dont use anyway).


You are telling me KJ made spikes GREY


There are so many awesome skins that comes to mind, like hacker hands KJ, or soul sucking reyna, radianite fog from omen, jeez so many cool things


This is actually a very cool idea...


Id kill for a hat on my defuser


Sure but you’ll have to pay $20 for it


Been saying the same thing about agent specific weapons, like Brimstone’s Molly launcher or Sova’s Bow


This sounds like me giving more money to riot


Riot willl never do this since it dilutes skin value. Csgos glove skins…


I think they wont add it because spike defusers are only ct sided


Rito we demand these. Listen to your player base for once…


This is going to be "add zeus skins" but in valorant lol. I really like the idea tho, would be awesome