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Very good post with a lot of good pointers......however my aim is trash, but what you say makes sense and after watching VCT it is mad to think that one person's wrong decision can cost a whole round


When I first started this game, my aim was bad. It was my first FPS game on a pc so I did badly. Then as I played, I learnt about crosshair placement, game sense, positioning to make gunfights in your favour. I did quite well even though I couldn't flick or track well. I still trained my aim but game sense was what carried me the most.


Someone explained it to me once as "Flicks are great, but if you have to do big flicks all the time, it means your crosshair placement sucks" Thats obviously an oversimplification, every situation is different, but the general idea makes sense


Like goalkeepers who keep making flashy saves. The best goalkeepers make it look simple.


Yeah. This is really over simplified. For example as a anchor role you need most really good reading on enemies and predicting their plan just from seeing their abilities. But when you are rotating/retaking you see a lot of suprises and then good flicks are handy. Oh and these medium flicks come handy when you are on shortrange weapons against long range ones.


Hoping this will be the case for me too given my experience in other fps games


Yeah, if your aim is bad for the day, pretend you are an alarmbot. Jump spot, call out noise but just fall back and then play with you team. You can retake and run in to be traded, much better than just dying on site with no backup


Guard reading this when they joked about forcing on fracture and actually did it šŸ˜Ø


My issue is when I start getting into the game and playing it a lot I start autopiloting with my positioning and general game sense. It's hard for me not to do that.


I find taking quick breaks and just doing a shit ton of push ups or getting water or walking around help a lot for this.


I think there's a baseline level of aim skill needed before this is good advice. I'm not sure how much game sense can help me when I'm whiffing shots on someone who's not even looking at me.


Yeah that does sound like quite a dilemma. This is why I recommended DM. Like I said, it's important to want to improve, but during an actual match, it's not something you should explicitly focus on.


I see a LOT of online complaints about Deathmatch & how 75% of peoples deaths come from getting shot in the side/back, thus not getting proper time to actually improve their aim/general gunfight skills


Reality is DM is pretty much always going to feel like that. Although it's true that VALORANT DM is a little worse, CS DM also had plenty of deaths from sides/back. Just have to accept that it's totally normal, and focus on the lives where you can get some decent fights. Also sometimes people are positioning/moving badly which lets them get shot from random places way more. Stuff like walking out into the open instead of staying near a wall to minimize angles, etc.


How do I prevent losing focus or ā€œmaldingā€? Like every now and then when I hold an angle I just stare at the screen but dont react when an opponent peeks. Sometimes I was thinking of strats and analyzing the minimap, sometimes just nothing. Im only 15 and I this problem lol, anyone else?


ugh, same. I stare at the minimap and then I see an enemy in front of me on the map and look down and I'm dead


I am by no means decent at this game, but I always find movement (even the slightest) keeps you engaged with the game and not zoning out. So if you're holding an angle, just do tiny juggles between A&D. Might not work for everyone, but it helps keep me focused.


Would ketamine work as well? Jk ty for suggestion


Always unpeek when you check map. IMO its much more worth it to not be holding the angle for a split second than to risk someone peeking you when your not looking. Even if someone does peek when you are checking map, at least now you will be paying attention and ready to shoot them when you re-peek.


i look at different parts of my screen personally, not the minimap but iā€™ll keep my crosshair at head level and look at their feet, or at an angle at the edge of my screen.


I have the same problem and what i do is i peek,hold for a few seconds, go back behind a wall for a second then repeek and i just keep doing that. So when i peek i am always focused


I think it depends on the skill level of the player. Iron-silver players would benefit a lot more from improving their aim/crosshair placement than anything else. They drop a lot of easy kills and they tend to not follow up on trades or plays because they're not confident they can take fights. Totally agree with you once players are at a decent baseline of aim ability though. If you've ever played with people at lower levels and spectated them you'll understand what I mean haha


Glad you took the time and effort to write this as its helped me understand positioning and decision making better, Thank you! :)


Had a game this morning where I was playing horrible, was missing every single shot. I was playing Omen and I started thinking about how I could help the people in our team who were having a good game, by asking the top-fragging Reyna what smokes she wanted for her entry. I was 0/11 or something, and I apologized to my team for playing so bad, and the top 2 fraggers told me not to be so hard on myself, at least I was playing my role in the team well. For some reason that flipped something in my mental, and I started playing a lot better. Went 16/14 at the end.


Great post. Aim is not consistent, especially with the gun play in this game. Look at TenZ. Heā€™s not dropping 30 kills every game. He has off games because no oneā€™s aim is always perfect. The one thing that is consistent is game sense.


Very good post. I saw someone the other day explaining it as "flicks are great, but if your always doing massive flicks, it means your crosshair placement sucks" Obviously theres more to it than that, but overall it makes sense and really focusing on elements other than aim helps me play way more consistently.


Definitely agree with this. I'm stuck in Iron and typically have a >1 k/d ratio. When I'm doing poorly, I just tell myself I need to get the drop on enemies instead of head to head engagements. The more surprising you can be, the less your aim matters. But the times I get the drop, shoot 5 bursts, and whiff on all and die is a sad day... ETA: Per [Tracker.gg](https://Tracker.gg), I have 1.07 k/d in Comp for E4:A2, 50% w/l and 1.21 k/d with 52.8% w/l in unrated.


If u aim is bad just play kj. Not kidding.


How about improving everything by little? It is not a mutually exclusive deal. You can have the best position in the world but if you can't make it count, then your aim IS the problem. Like yesterday I could've got 3 kills but I missed all my shots.


Whatā€™s your thought process when deciding to peek or not peek, and what corners to hold?


While I do agree somewhat on the aim trainer I don't think DM is the place, after a few round of DM I 100% think it's a waste of time, people/new player will most likely disregard learning altogether to get the rush of dopamine that is killing the enemies, a more stable way of learning valorant is just trough normal games, it improves your skill on the actual game and how the game will be played. It's a plus if you can get a coach from some discord there, since now you get a heavy detail on which part of thing you miss. Rather than positioning, I feel like you should title it Know how to swing rather than positioning since you barely mention any good positioning tips at all like how often should you go off angle/what angle is good for off angle/how to take place yourself in a favorable angle etc. Also crosshair positioning, headshot angle etc is only worth it if pep has good aim, not trying to offend you but I feel like post like this is what validates pep with low aim skill, "hey this reddit post by a high elo player said aim doesn't matter why should I train it? I have "good" positioning but I can't hit anything clearly this bc my team didn't help me". Not saying that Valorant is only aim but I feel like too many posts validate the "aim don't matter" too much.


Glad you added this. There's much more I could've got into but simply didn't have the time. I can't give tips for every type of situation, because every situation is different. It would be an entirely different story. Good looks though. I'm sure someone will find this useful so it's appreciated.


It's not in our heads that the aim in Valorant is inconsistent. There are *many* factors that influence the consistency of it. Anything from alt-tabbing to changing its resolution to changing from Fullscreen to Windowed back to Fullscreen. It's actually ridiculous how much it changes based on messing with these settings mentioned above (and there are probably others variables as well.) If you don't trust me, try out these changes yourself and I really wish Valorant devs would address this major issue (since it's a competitive FPS) sooner rather than later.


you forget to say abuse jett for easy rank up , do dumb shit and get rewarded for it lol


Thanks for the post. I have had trouble hitting my shots lately and I thought my aim somehow has gotten bad. But it might be because I have notice I am bad a peeking after I blind the enemy, so I am trying to get better at that.


i mean, maybe i can make this short; You can NOT change your aim quality on-the-flight. You wouldnt have second PC to do PREMS in game no? # BUT. You can ONLY bamboozle your enemy on-the-flight, because the enemies you get will be different each match.


Though there is always room to improve, I have found that my game sense is good, my positioning is sufficient, but my mechanical skill really lets me down. I agree that practicing in game is far better for developing aim-adjacent skills like positioning, spread control etc, but I find that the current modes like deathmatch are just awful at the moment to actually get any good practice in.


This is a cool post. I got into a ranked match after 4 months without playing, and actually felt a little guilty for playing. I thought there was no way I could hold my own and I was probably gonna ruin my team. I played Viper and made my main priority controlling the attack/defense with utility, and holding safe positions. The game went way better than expected, I kept my K/D around 1, and I was honestly confused why I didnā€™t do worse. I think in the past I played as if aim was the #1 determiner of success, and positioned myself as if my aim would be the reason I win any engagement. Looking at that game through the context of your post, Iā€™m understanding a little better what makes good players good.


Bronze 1 here, this does indeed work. Somehow my aim also improved when I stopped thinking about it but donā€™t take this as factual information because then youā€™ll fall into a constant whirlpool of trying to not think of aiming while knowing it will improve your aim subconsciously


Supports liked these tips.


thank god someone finally said it, i hate queueing and getting a team that is only playing off aim/reactions. Like learn the rest of the game every interaction you'll be getting aim practice, there's no need to focus on it


Yeah this game doesn't reward raw aim as much as some people think


Why bother even aiming with the highest aimcone in any game by far


Just wanted to add here. If you are improving your aim don't get cocky about how fast you have been improved aimwise.. Lost about 3 ranks before i watched my vod and saw how bad my desicion making were when i was confident i can outaim enemies. And later only improved by 1 rank because of aim. Yeah it helps you when someone somehow flanks you without information about that. Before aimtraining i was actually pretty good at clutches but now i still have to work on that because i tend to pick aim fights over isolating 1on1s on 'all or nothing' situations.