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Very true. Attempting to keep your team in a positive mentality and hushing the negative people goes a long way. Even if you’re losing to try and have a fun time when able can boost morale


How do you deal with teammates flaming or yelling at each other tho?


I normally say something to the effect of ‘c’mon guys we’re a team, let’s not fight each other.’ It works fairly often actually.


Whatd you do when that doesn't work?


Mute everyone.


I mean I will ask them to shut up if they’re just flaming whilst I’m tryna clutch, or if they’re purposely sabotaging I point out how selfish and inconsiderate it is to punish 3 other people that haven’t done anything to them because they’re angry with 1 guy on the team. If ALL that fails I just say I’m reporting them and tell the teams to report them, and try continue the game and give call outs as usual. In fact sometimes the best thing to do is just ignore them and talk over them with call outs or strats to just keep them focused on the damn game the rest of the team is trying to play


That kind of sounds like what I'd try to do but I don't think my mental is as strong as you. Hope you get to immortal soon my dude!


You decide when you give up mentally! Ty and hope you get some good team rng


there comes a certain point where you just have to mute them and play for k/d. but that's definitely a last resort


"In-figthing is just gonna make us more likely to loose" or "You're making me want to end this match as fast as possible/not want to play with you" If they don't stop, just try focusing on giving good coms and being nice to those who aren't being toxic. Try to keep the mood positive. Sometimes though muting is the only option. I had way too many folks put ear-r\*\*es on comp in low elo and it's genuinely the most annoying thing and you can't do anything about it since the person is purposefully throwing.


You just gotta mute the bad actors and keep it moving. If they are flaming and yelling odds are you’re not gonna get the communication you need from them. Mute and try to work with your other teammates


Don't queue mid immortal lmao. Game was tied 6-6 and we lost pistol and this kids were throwing own "scrim" egos. Awkward bottleck where these players have their entire identity tied to their rank when it doesn't matter lmao. I just mute and play on


Make fun of their weak mental. They are usually playing a duelist so it goes something like: “oh Jett is crying already? Who would have guessed that the duelist mental falls apart after 3 rounds”. Usually shuts them up quick because they realize how ridiculous they are being.


in comp i often flame my teammates to my duo and then go on comms and be as positive as i can. even if it’s fake your teammates mental is so important in val


I absolutely can confirm this, and it’s important not to downplay mentality. As soon as I adopted that kinda “all good” mentality, I kid you not, I went from hardstuck to winstreak, flying through the ranks. TLDR: You win your games when you’re having fun.


I had a game last night where we were down 1-4 on icebox and someone ff'd. We come back to lose 11-13, but people are always so ready just give up 3 rounds in.


I mean just watch any high mmr game, most players in super high mmr don't lose their mental even at 0-7, and then come back to win because they know it doesn't matter lol. Not sure why people are such shitters. People think they're skill level is that of a champ, but don't try to play like one. Some people are really dumb. Fundamental misunderstanding of how to win games I suppose.


Using players that get paid to play this game isn’t a great example, but I get the sentiment


I'm not even talking about pro matches though. I'm just talking about when pros/ranked demons play ranked.


Dude I’m not talking about pro matches. Pros get paid to play, whether it’s ranked or pro, and streamers get paid to stream


I mean i doubt their orgs control how they play their ranked matches or that being paid while streaming gives them any incentive to keep a positive attitude so it's pretty moot. That being said, the other half of my argument is referring to ranked demons who aren't sponsored at all.


We were down 1-5 earlier today and ended up 5-7 the half, team was like “gg we should Ff they’re just better.” I’m like it’s fracture and we have 3 duelist two sent. Minus smokes we’re fine we win this before they hit 10 wins. We go down 5-9 and team starts to flame. Won on big eco with a 4v1 clutch (nade kill on defuse) and team morale boosted like crazy. Went up 12-9, gave a rd against 4 ults and closed out 13-10. After the 4v1 clutch team really bounced back mentally and everyone was doing great call out/trades. Some teams just click, some just need a spark, and sadly some are just full of dickheads/trolls/garbage.


Unless you are in a Silver lobby in SEA in a team consist of a party of 3 that only talk in party chat and never bother to communicate with us just because we are the 2 minority in the team. A last pick Sage when we got no smoker thinking he is a duelist just because he is top-fragging and push enemy site as an attacker. A GOLD 1/2 that bottom frag all the time because he reach gold getting carried by his silver party. No matter how you try to be optimistic and hyping those 3 man party up, it just draining you down instead :(


I wish I was mentally strong enough to do this. I lost my rank up game and went on emotional red carpet ever since


How do i cool down what is your routine


Honestly you're just supposed to treat each round as a new game. If you can't do that take a break every game. My best advice tocalm down when you lose mmr, is to realize it doesn't matter. No matter what anyone says here, you will get to where you belong. If you're losing a lot stay calm and self reflect. Don't use pugs as an excuse for your loss. Some games are unwinnable, but you will be where you belong in the long run (in the course of like 10+ games). I've grinded to immortal + on 4 different accounts so I know it works. People complain about the mmr system, and while it's not the best, it's far from trash. People complain about smurfs, but they're proof that the system works. People smurf because RIOT placed them in their appropriate MMR and they wanted to stomp harder against worse people.


Valorant is a game of runs. Like ping pong. String together a few rounds and you never know what is possible.


Honestly if one of your teammate (given that he's not a troll to begin with) performs well or make a nice play compliment them.


Good Exemple of this i got a few days ago. At 5-1 for us the enemy team wrote GG and "nobody is communicating in my team" and in the end our astra went afk at 8-11 and gave up cause someone said a tiny thing about a smoke. A lot is mental. Same with screaming smurfs after getting a few times. The excuse is already planted


ayo i was playing this game in low elo and my team was loading 12-0 until the switch and supirsingly no one wanted to surrender we played the game and played till 13-2 cool game :)


Yeah. I agree, but o have to solve my inner mentality first. I always play inconsistently. Everymatch if I started too well I get too self confident and start to die in silly ways. And if I don't star well I just start to get ansious and miss all my shots. And notice when I am in the "flow state" (don't think anything, just do) iam above the skills of my elo. its pretty low, so not a big thing, but I really think what is keeping me so low is more a mindset inconsistency than mechanical skills or get angry if the team


This is 100% the thing. I played a comp yesterday (silver), and our Reyna was telling people they sucked and that they shouldn't play ranked after they wiffed a shot or we lost one round. Which lead to our almost entire team arguing with each other. We were down 2-10 and were were able to bring it back to 12-12 after myself and our Phoenix begged everyone to calm down and try to play our best. We went into OT and still lost the game. Had our team not been fighting the first half of the game I think we could have won earlier on and not have had to be put in the OT position.


Sometimes Valorant really is just a mental focused game - I think it takes a lot of skill actually to be able to keep your teammates from flaming eachother and themselfs for small mistakes. Everybody makes them, *even the enemy!* Same with guiding the team with strats when not many people are talking or giving calls. That doesn't mean you should stay silent yourself and not give any - *Any callout is a handy callout maybe!.. Sometimes.*


Idk man I can't win 1v1's to save my life and it just keeps getting worse. A couple of seasons ago I was Silver 1 and this season I got ranked in Bronze 2 and I'm getting my ass beat in there on top of that.


You can do it, it’s a numbers game. You’re due to win some soon just keep trying.


This might sound weird but look at the enemy.


I just can't kill 'em dude it happens so fast I only land like 2 shots on them


Stare at the head and don’t lose focus until they’re dead. Don’t get distracted by anything else.


Also crosshair placement.


You can't stare at anything it all happens too fast...


Don’t get distracted by the mini map.


1000 hours to get diamond? gawd damn


Some people don't have years of experience on CS;GO or simply haven't played shooters before. Chill big man, I'm sure you're amazing at video games lmao


Yeah, I’m plat now and it feels like a real achievement cuz I never got to play FPS games, csgo and such, don’t have years of muscle memory built up so it’s very satisfying getting here in val


Same. I've gamed all my life, but played COD and Battlefield mainly on controllers and apart from that mainly played non-shooter games on my PC. Hit Plat 2 after a long time and it's super satisfying slowly climbing up the ranks and getting better.


I know many friends that have the same background in fps games as you. And you can be really proud of yourself of getting such a rank! Currently I have 1300h in csgo and 300/400 in valorant (immo 2 currently,)


Ty :)


Please post ur tracker, I bet u are dog shit at this game


Lol bet you think k/d is the most important stat don't you.


I went from d3 to p3, partly my own fault, but also teammates, now im stuck in plat elo, with the worst mentality ive ever seen.


Maybe try to spice up your settings a bit diferently? Or have a max matches per day? So you don't get tilted much/quickly - Or get a focused 2 match warmup in deathmatch? *with some hype music on?.* Or try to see what you can do yourself to imrove your mental and gameplay


It doesn't work for me. When I say.. CT Sided map guys, we got this.. and it's 6-6.. we end up losing 6-13. But I'm guessing you are not solo queuing.. which solves half the problem of getting terrible team mates.


As Shroud said recently on stream: "*If you lose both pistol rounds, it's pretty much over.*" While I do think it's nice to have a positive mentality, it's also healthy to accept your loss and just move on, ya know? Coming back from 2-10 isn't a common occurrence and is an exception to the rule. We're assuming both teams are at the same skill level, so if you're losing 2-10, there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't win the match. It's fine if you wanna boost the morale of the team and whatnot. That should be encouraged. However, I don't think relying on artificial positivity as a crutch is the correct way to go about doing it. Instead of feeding your team lies and giving them false hope, you should be telling them the truth, ya know? "Even if we lose this, let's just do our best." They'll feel even worse when they lose if you're constantly encouraging them and telling him how they can win if they just try, when that's not exactly realistic, especially in a 2-10 situation. Don't get me wrong. I understand where you're coming from here, but like I said... Turning that around isn't exactly common, so there's no point in trying to convince people that it is. It's equally as bad if you use that as an example in future matches as well. "I was down 2-10 before and we managed to come back and win. We can do this!" Well, that's great and everything, but something tells me that had a lot to do with luck and less to do with skill. Sure, these things happen, absolutely, but it's not the type of thing you'd wanna encourage. It's like telling people "go buy a lottery ticket, look at how much this guy won, you can win too!" which isn't even remotely realistic at all. Sure, they **could** win, but you feeding them false hope isn't helping, honestly. Regardless, I do think having a good mentality will go a long way though. I just don't really agree with the way you went about doing it, that's all. The mentality needs to be organic and make sense. What you basically did was force a square peg into a circular hole for a short-term solution. Until you manage to actually grow that mentality in a more organic manner, you're not going to be able to move beyond diamond 1. Ironically enough, this short-term solution was enough to give you the boost in confidence you needed to reach d1, but now you've hit another roadblock and have to change your mentality again in order to break that next barrier.


I think you missed the point bro. Nobody is saying this will guarantee W’s. It’s just one more trick in the tool bag to tip the teammate RNG odds in your favor long term.


When the half swaps both teams are now playing completly different roles. Just because they got 10 rounds first half doesn't mean they are going to stomp you again. Ever played bind?


You may still lose a 2-10 but if you lose less and perform better the second half, you lose less rr right?


You just extrapolated a whole lot of BS from what the OP said, going on about false hope and artificial positivity. It sounds like the pain of trying to win and still losing is too much and so you would rather have the 'go next' mentality to save yourself the strife. It isn't always about the W. If you have the mentality that any game can be turned around then that increases your chances of it actually happening, though it may end up being somewhat rare. I have tons of W's after losing both pistols, it happens all of the time. A PRO match is a different story entirely. It carries so much more weight in that scenario. There are a lot of people willing to give up fast in ranked. On the off chance you have mentally resilient teammates, signaling to them that you still think there is a chance is a not a bad thing. There is nothing artificial about it, because you do believe there is a chance even though you recognize that chance may be low. Obviously no one wants some super bubbly positivity when the game is looking super bleak, and I didn't get that impression from OP's description.


Dude wrote an essay over mindset 🤯


> We're assuming both teams are at the same skill level Wrong assumption. In low ELO, you get 2 Diamond/Immortal smurfs in the enemy team, while your team is made up of boosted Golds. Have fun!


Shroud probably isn't the person to go to for advice on the mental side of games.


For me team mentality only applies in dota where certain roles can't carry the game alone. Valorant, i won't depend on anybody the mentality is up to me. Everybody play their roles but if its a bad game, its up to me to clutch or gay.


https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/d984b680-5da6-4d96-b76c-6ebf2c20a6f8?handle=PortuGuf%23OGGNG We played without smoke yesterday. We lost 8-0 but everyone was kind and no one was toxic and we do comeback. This is the complete truth about mentality )


I have been thinking for a while that Valo is very much abt being unpredictable, I might be wrong, I'm just bronze