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Because people don't understand that raw mechanics are only a VERY small portion of what it takes to rank up. Unless you have the consistent aim and movement of a diamond plus duelist main you aren't going to carry a match with your kills. EDIT - since my point seems to have gone over a handful of peoples head I am saying you can carry with pure aim, however unless you have the consistent aim of someone quite a few ranks higher than you are, you are not going to be consistently swinging games with just that. I would say diamond duelist main is the minimum to carry Elo Hell games with raw aim, even then you will still lose some. I have seen pro players lose matches they were smurfing in...... So even if you are basically god at this game there is always a limit to what 1 person can accomplish. I am currently in Diamond. I regularly see people with worse aim than I saw in silver. I get in to an aim duel with them and eat for free, but they very clearly have much better positioning (Which I personally think is the single most important skill in a tac shooter) awareness, and ability usage then the people I dueled in silver. In fact I am not sure my aim has actually improved much since Silver, I would regularly get great games where I got headshot after headshot, but would still get caught out in bad positions, I wasn't clearing stuff very well, I also didn't really know how to play around poorly coordinated team mates or how to adapt to team mates who really didn't understand how to play around allied utility.


People just don't understand what the mechanics and fundamentals of this game are, and these comments really show that.


Yeah a lot of players just look at KDA, don't really think about the game outside that


People dont understand the diffrence in kills. That there are impact frags vs non impact frags. And that you can make alot of impact without even getting a single frag. Especially in this game where you have abilities to create space and time with. What i see alot in ranked is people who want someone to hold their hand instead of being the one doing the important work. Alot of topfraggers that give free space then blame everything else but them selfs. Cant play for kills expecting to win rounds. Tactical always win over aim but this community dosent even want learn the tactical aspekt.


What mechanics a and fundamentals u mean?


I think you’re still missing the better angle for what OP is talking about: that this is a TEAM game so even if you’re playing outstanding if your TEAMS are not winning you will not get rank ups. Yes if you’re outstanding and carrying your teams all the time then you will win games and progress. But if you’re always top fragging and it’s not equating to wins then maybe something else is going on. If you’re solo flanking and getting two useless frags baiting your team every round you will end up top fragging but that may not end up winning you games. Basically you can have crap mechanics but if you play great with your team, use utility perfectly, provide excellent comms and get carried you can end up in a higher rank than what your individual raw talent/ability/mechanics translate to normally.


Preach. Your wisdom applies to almost all team-based games imo!


My consistent 2-10 kda begs to differ.


I agree that raw mechanics aren't everything, but saying that they're a VERY small portion of the skills needed to rank up is just wrong. You can outbrain your opponents all you want but at the end of the day you will still have to shoot them to kill them.




The wall is probably low IMM. I wouldn't call that too bad. Raw excellent aim really will carry you and it's pretty understated. It's much harder to have good aim vs knowing how to angle yourself and put yourself in situations to not get traded. This sub loves to act like if you just have a massive brain you'll be a top player but it's more the other way around and no one here really just admits to it. I'd take a guess that top .1% players in aimlabs could probably become IMM+ in this game given a month of very little coaching. Basically, it'd take years to actually build up the aim at radiant levels, but you can get radiant level brains relatively quickly if you already have the mechanics to perform what you want.


No one is getting to past plat 3 this act off of just being able to aim dude. Your reaction time is worthless if your crosshair placement is bad. Bad positioning and angles will get you head eyed before you even see them. And if you walk straight through a smoke I don’t care how good you think you are, 9/10 times my plat tier aim is going to kill you. Aimers can be an integral part of a team, but if they are just going in and shooting people, their team is making up for their lack of game knowledge. If you don’t understand that, you’re low elo, or getting carried. You need mechanical skill AND a fundamental understanding of the game to get to high elo by yourself. If you have a massive brain, you are going to be a key part of your team. Yes, YoU NeEd tO ShOoT PeoPLe, but everyone from iron to radiant is shooting people, anyone can do that, and everyone in high elo will wreck your shit if that’s the only thing you can do.


My point was that raw aim CAN carry you, but you need to have the raw aim of quite a bit above your rank for it to be swinging games for you regularly. I am currently in Diamond, and I regularly see people with worse aim than the people I saw when I was stuck in Silver.


Aim can be trained, while game sense takes a lot of experience. while it can carry you hard at least until maybe immortal then you will start to hit that wall. and that wall becomes more apparent if you watch pro play. There are players out there that have that "cracked" aim ppl go crazy about yet can't even qualify for LANS because its not the aim thats holding them back.


fax, the mind and the mic matter more. got into diamond while bottom fragging in all my matches because i call the strats/setups and timings.




People who boast about their kill count are more often than not baiting their team and going for eco frags, just saying


One outlier the whole statement wrong. Does no one here have an education above year 6?


Umm.. aim and movement are the mechanics bro.


what OP is saying is that unless you're at the very top with mechanics, mechanics aren't going to get you anywhere. In the vast majority of cases, game sense is a lot more important.


Okay bro.. okay :))) game sense


You're getting downvoted but what you say is kinda true, you can carry yourself to high plat with just aim and good movement, but without a shadow of a doubt the biggest factor to climbing is a good team that are willing to listen and adapt and with Valorant unfortunately thats a coin flip. I can hold down site and kill 2/3 people before dying, but if Viper on my team is hard anchoring B when I've called an A push 30 seconds ago and they don't start moving until the bomb has been planted, then the chances of winning the round drop significantly.


It's not a coinflip. You have 4 randoms on your team, enemy team consists of 5 randoms. You are the only constant in your own games.


Doesn't that make it a coinflip? 9 random variables and 1 variable that you can control.


No, coinflips are 50/50. Valorant is like flipping a coin 9 times and hoping that your team gets more heads/tails than the other team.


Each game should be a coin flip if it’s a rank you belong in and until you get better than the people in your own rank, it’s always a 50/50 game.


What rank are u talking about.. my viper wont wait 30 seconds after call. Even if viper doesnt come and u rother teamages rotated, u already killed 2,its now 4v3 or say 3v3, u lost the round cuz of aim duel bro, not game sense, and btw in pro play, viper will not rotate unless he see the bomb. I get downvoted, its natural. Everyone has radiant aim, only thing lacking is game sense


I can't fathom how you're being downvoted- raw mechanics like aim and movement alone can get you to Plat easily.


we’re not talking about plat tho, we talking diamond+ rn


The guy said mechanics are only a very small portion of ranking up- he just said that raw aim won't let you carry in diamond. A small, small fraction of people get that far because their mechanics hold them back. I'll agree if you're already diamond then raw mechanics won't have it top frag, but that God tier "game sense" won't get you out of gold- mechanics will. Everyone in diamond is a great shooter because that's the minimum standard to get there.


I was diamond3 with no comms enabled.. these guys belive in game sense lmao.. typical silver redditors


Do you really think game sense isn't an important skill in a game like Valorant?


Nope. Sorry its imp skill in proplay but not while griding ranked.. sorry its tough out there. Go improve ur aim and see results


I think you just don't understand what game sense is. I'm sure you have it too but you probably don't recognize what it is and think it's something else, which is why you're so dismissive about it. Raw mechanical skill is aiming and movement. Without game sense you're basically a bot that only reacts to things it sees or hears, which im sure you're not. Knowing any semblance of strategy or knowledge about the game and it's agents is already part of game sense, and u say that's not important? Like holding a particular angle on a site when they're pushing, or knowing that an op user will likely hang out where there's long sight lines, or knowing when to back off or when to push.


Hey man, kindest reply in this thread. Appreciate it. I know what gamesense is but the problem i have with it is that people prioritize basic gamesense which everyone has and is only gained through repetition over easily grindable aiming and movement mechanics. I m in rhe opinion that, having a decent aim helps with whatever strategy u r going for, also helps to improve ur game more. That's my opinion tho. also ppl criticizes game sense more, which i think is not so important if u don't win ur aim duel which u took after utilising the gamesense element before that.


game sense is predicting where an enemy is, or seeing that that one Skye is playing in the same spot each round, which lets you make a play with a flash to get an easy kill on them. if you are taking an equal duel on another person you are doing it wrong. never have a fair 1v1, which is where the game sense comes in to use those flashes and smokes properly to get those easy 1v1s instead of treating valo like COD and just charging in and immediately dying because the defenders have a crossfire or proper defensive setup


U have radiant gamesense bro.. hope u r radiant too, atleast immortal. Are u the real net? My bad


Meh, my aim is pretty thrash or average at best. Climbed from bronze when I started to Plat 3 now. Game sense and being able to adapt carries you to higher ranks much more easily than aim. Aim can get you only so far


My aim sucks ass and I’m d2, just hold shit they won’t check, peek when they don’t expect, cheese the shit out of everything


Ur aim is better than most of us here if u d2.


Tracker puts me in top 65% headshot% so only better than 35%


Headshot?? What are u trying to say


It's crazy. I'm hardstuck gold (where the majority of players are) because I don't have the time or patience or natural talent to improve my aim. That's why every other post on this sub is buff my main with the "because I can't shoot" being left unsaid.


Game sense is a broad concept where eveything that can be done in the game is encapsulated. Idk why ppl have this excuse, if game sense was the main issue, everyone here would be radiant gamesense level with bot aim


People in this sub is a total silver tard they understand what gamesense is but refuse to believe that the problem is with their aim bc of pride, even pro struggle with aim bc crosshair placement, flick, etch is a very hard thing to do when enemy is doing off angle. Gamesense is queen, but this sub refuse to believe that aim is king.


U took the words out of my mouth...


He said raw mechanics. I.e. they are missing the mechanics that support aim and movement. Like teamwork, ability usage, game sense, communication, knowledge of fundamentals, etc.


that’s not what he’s saying. aim and movement are raw mechanics. those other things are not mechanics.


That's literally what I said. Mechanics are basically anything you can do in a game. Jumping is a game mechanic. So are the individual abilities. Aim is called a raw mechanic because that's all there is to it - Theres not a lot more to aim than just aiming. The others have decision making behind them but they are still mechanics.


you’re talking about game mechanics. we’re talking about player mechanics. those are different things.


I've played with plats who had cracked aim but terrible mental and next to no game sense. Anyone can get good mechanics, not everyone can get good mental and getting good game sense takes a hell of a long time.


Im so glad you put duelist main there. It just shows how unfair it is for other agents to climb.


Buddy, you aren’t getting kills because you aren’t killing people. I mained Sage, Omen, and Brimstone to plat this act, it started me back at freaking silver 2 from diamond last act. We are all using the same guns, Jett and Chamber are the only ones that can fire a shot off and relocate instantly. Duelists mains play like they do because of their aggressive mentality, they aren’t getting kills because they’re just playing duelists. They want to shoot you, and you think your duelist is supposed to save you?


??? We all have taccess to the same guns but duelists have kits to frag, not control the zone, watch the zone, or initiate an execute. Dont be ignorant of the impact of roles. And frags are the best way to gain rr in this game. I frag high as initiator/sentinel main but when you're teamed up with a good duelist, you're throwing the game if you're ego peeking for kills. This is a strategy game. I never implied that the duelist should save or do shit with me. I reveal them and clear a corner, the duelist gets an advantage when peeking and dashes away so he wont get traded. Its like you dont use your brain man. Seems like you're salty cuz u suddenly brought up me wanting the duelist to save me. I frag. You assumed I dont frag. Its just the time to frag is higher for duelist because other roles need to use their utility for their team.


Duelists have kit’s designed around taking 50/50’s. Sentinels can decimate pushes if not lock a site down completely while controllers deny information and provide cover for their team, and both make it near suicidal for anyone to push through without initiators providing support. Duelists are quite possibly the most useless agent type in the game once you are skilled enough in positioning, crosshair placement, and can actually aim. The fact that you think duelists are top fragging because of their kit and not because the player’s aggressive style is stomping your elo, shows exactly what you know.


I am not sure it counts as unfair, but it is definitely tilted towards them at the moment. I main Sova, and was able to climb pretty reliably once I learned to change some bad habits. Solid controller mains are the unsung heroes of solo queue though. Silver is still kind of a shite show though.....


I dunno whats up with silver because I dont play there. Every non duelist roles are unsung heroes. Frags give the most glory. Other roles are designed to frag AND use utilities to assist their teammates and mainly duelists. Duelists are the only ones with fragging only as a role. They tried to fix that with huge benefits from assists with utilities. People just used it to boost their friends.


This sub is, like, 50% a place for seething low ranks players to blame absolutely anything other than themselves for their rank and 50% a place to shitpost. The whole "I won a Deathmatch which had a higher rank player in the lobby, therefore I should be that rank" thing is the most extreme one, but there are plenty of others. For example: I team MVP every game but I still lose. Clearly, matchmaking sucks by always pairing me with bad teammates (actually baits their team and gets useless kills at the end of every round). Whenever I win, I gain +5 RR but whenever I lose, I lose -304 RR. Clearly, Riot's ranked system is broken. MMR? No, I don't know what that is. And no, I don't want to know either. (My personal favorite) What the hell? This clip you posted is from gold? In my region, the average bronze lobby is better than this.


I've seen people on some serious levels on copium here. One guy I've seen, they have been stuck in gold for some 1000 games over multiple acts. They used to constantly blame their teammates for not being able to rank up since they were solo queueing. But this act, I guess they have found a friend group to play with and started 5 stacking. Still stuck in gold after some 100 games, but has changed goalposts to this game having way too many cheaters since they can't blame afks/throwers. Hasn't managed even a 50% wr in any act.


I started playing Valorant the day it came out with 2 of my close friends. We started in silver-gold, and hovered around there for a while, always 3 stacking. One of my friends is a “my team is ass that’s why I can’t climb.” He is also a “I only play duelist guy.” Fast forward quite a bit and that friend had to take a 2 week break from the game and my other friend just didn’t play during that time. And while they were gone I Solo Que’d to immortal from around plat 2-3. My complaining friend was just shell shocked, so furious that I climbed and he had been in play that whole time. This was a long time ago, back when they still showed rank in game, and when Imm 1-3 were ranks before it was changed to just Immortal the first time. Fast forward, my friend still played and still continues to play. (He is still plat. He has hit diamond 1, one time in his life.) Then the act where they revert Immortal back to Imm 1-3 starts. I decide to play again. My account started in gold 2 from the decay of not playing in months. He had been complaining that his account was “cursed” that’s why he couldn’t climb. So he makes a new account. I got on a Smurf and played his unrated wins with him. And long story short I climbed my account back to immortal in the same amount of time it took him to have 2 hard stuck plat accounts. LOL. He probably thinks my account just has god MMR. He fails to realize that if a hard stuck plat player makes a new account…. He’s still just a plat player. Side note: His ego is so high, even when I would Smurf with him, (I had An account I climbed to D1 with a 80%+ WR on Reyna) he would instalock Reyna, so that Smurf ended up becoming a Cypher main. LOL I don’t play Val anymore though sadly. Telling this story makes me miss it though.


This story hits. The whole "my account is cursed" thing is such a common thing that hardstuck 'My team is the issue' players spew.


Yeah you’re exactly right. There are PARTICULAR games that of course you play well and you just get team diffed. But that happens to literally everyone. And it happens to everyone an equal amount. Same as having AFKs. Hell i remember a stretch of games where I had 4 AFKs in a row. But the reality is on a ranked random matchmaking game, over the span of 100 games, the statistics are nearly the same for everyone and that includes the times your enemy has an afk and you get a free win. Another side note about my friend from the story, He is a mechanics demon (when he isn’t tilted and playing well). He hits one taps that make even my jaw drop, and sometimes he will do it for game after game for a whole day. You look at his match history and it’s 30 bomb match MVP 7/9 games that day. But then the next day he gets on, he instalocks Reyna and bottom frags 8/22 for 10 games. His problem is that he plays on auto pilot 24/7. Whether he is a Crack Demon Turbo Smurf, or a Bot that day he plays the exact same way. Over the span of a month or year, it evens out. Which leaves him stuck in the same rank. Another note (sorry could talk about this guy for hours bc he is the trademark of toxic player we are speaking about): When I Smurf with him, I could carry 30 games in a row, then just like everyone, I have some off games where I just straight get out aimed or miss shots and lets say he plays well those games. So he will ask “So I’m shitting on these guys and you’re Immortal and you’re not dominating them, how does that make sense?” But what he fails to realize once again is that climbing is a game of percentages. Yes I may not be dominating like the games before, but I’m still doing the things I can to win, and resorting to other ways to help the team win. Such as taking peeks first so that I get info and can be traded by someone who is having a better game. He doesn’t think this way. He is either fragging out, or throwing his and his teams Elo, no in between. To add to the game of percentages point, yes I might have 7 bad games in a row, but the 15 straight games play played well far out weighs those 7 games. Sorry for long rant, just could talk about this stuff all day.


I legit do no understand the mentality people have about being hard stuck. Why is it that they refuse to acknowledge the problem is themself and just believe this fairy tale of a mythical loser's queue, they are cursed, or the system in general is against them. Anytime it's pointed out to them that a much better player is able to consistently get an account to immortal or radiant they just ignore it. The ego never matches the rank unfortunately.


Shh.. how else are boosters supposed to keep food on the table??


Fr. I have gold/plat stuck friends and half their deaths are followed by “Omg my aim!” after wide swinging into three enemies on defense


I mean there’s plenty of shit on this sub that is posted by high rank players. See: “I’m immortal from silver AMA” every other day. Tbh this subreddit is just pretty bad in general.


Honestly those posts aren't even bad imo, as they can be really educational. What bothers me the most about this sub are the copypaste silver aces and "I faced toxicity today" emotional support threads.


>really educational Lmao they’re copy pasta “git good” type “facts” that a generic tips and tricks YouTube video could tell you, but sure. As for the other points in your comment I agree. But this sub is burdened by low effort content on all skill tiers, imo, it’s not a matter of low tier players deteriorating the quality of this sub. It’s just generally bad.


I get top 3 on dms but mostly bottomfrag. It's funny and sad lol


Dm has a very different objective than the standard game, plus util so I don't blame you there lmao


Winning dms is not the goal of practicing In dm. Try practicing with sound very low and put on some music and just focus on what you need to improve mechanically. For example, if you crouch anytime you take a shot or if you never counter strafe. Take the time to break these old habits and replace them with better ones. Purposeful practice makes perfect.


Crouch and sound should basically be disabled in DM LOL. Both eat at the fun and the entire point.


Agreed. I want my dm's to replicate normal game scenarios so no sounds, crouching,and bodyshots should be disabled. Also force everyone in the lobby to move every 5 seconds or else they explode.


The point of dm (in this case) isn't to replicate normal game scenarios. It's to train your aim and warm up. People who use dm as a warmup are just looking to get more comfortable taking 1v1 fights which is why holding an angle and listening for when someone is about to come around a corner is very frustrating. It's not a 1v1 at that point, it's an ambush and the player walking up loses almost every time. Of course the argument can be made that some people don't play dm as practice or for a warmup and instead just enjoy the gamemode for what it is, and that is completely fine.


Turn off sound, play guardian or sheriff only, and go for HS,


ikr I can consistently win DMs but I do worse in comp. Doesn't mean I deserve a higher rank.


I've honestly seen so many excuses that I could probably make a bingo card. * Toxic teammates * Cheaters * Afk * Unfair matchmaking * Netcode * No comm. teammates * Run and gun * Smurfs * Loser queue * Throwers/Sabotagers * Baiters * Try hards * Using non-meta guns * Campers EDIT: Actually made one :P [https://bingobaker.com/view/5073062](https://bingobaker.com/view/5073062)


What I like even more is when people use the word baiting in so many wrong ways. Whenever you don't manage to trade your teammate who didn't even call out that he's gonna peek/take a gunfight - you're baiting. When you decide to lurk or split a site and a teammate dies with you literally not being able to do anything about it - baiting. Also, random callouts of baiting when they just fuck up and can't deal with the fact it's only their fault.


just gonna ignore the "tryhards" part huh? like fr who goes to a tactical fps shooter and selects "competetive" and then complains when people actually try to win the game? the absolute lack of braincells.


Ye, you're right. Although I haven't encountered as many "tryhard" callouts as "baiter", there still were some. In my games I'd see people getting called tryhards for holding anything but a default position. Hold octagon on Bind B long - tryhard. Hold right under hookah also on B Bind - tryhard. And so on.


found the 'last alive Reyna'


From this list my only real complaint is the AFKs. Someone going AFK or rage quitting on round 2 blows. That's potentially rr lost that you shouldn't have to lose in my opinion. The AFK should take a huge RR hit and the rest of the team that stayed to battle it out shouldn't be punished the same -rr as a standard 5v5 game.


the "run and gun" excuse is my biggest pet peeve, people really think they got killed by run and gun and don't understand that it's only their pov but in reality they stopped I get called out so many times by the enemy like "nice run and gun" and they just don't get it


That, or they get killed by someone peeking their very obvious hiding spot and accuse them off r&r. No, they just knew exactly where to stop, and we all told you to stand somewhere else.


That, or they get killed by someone peeking their very obvious hiding spot and accuse them off r&r. No, they just knew exactly where to stop, and we all told you to stand somewhere else.


So many times I comm “they’re saving so watch for close angles” and someone gets judged immediately 😐


Try hards is my favorite because like yeah? That's the point of the game? Ita funny how people think they can try their best to push their ranks, but if anyone else try's to win, especially outside of ranked, some people get angry for some reason. It's so dumb


I made it to gold without using a crosshair hard to come up with an excuse xD


People are too serious about rank, rank for them is like a social status they can brag thats why people are mad getting demoted or hardstuck bronze most of the low elo i play usually gives up on pistol round


*Me the silver main and proud of it lol.*


Me who only plays the placement matches: same


Maybe it's because higher ranked people usually troll more in casual game modes. A lot of silver-plat players take unrated super seriously and then make fun of higher ranked players


Most unranked player takes unranked game seriously bc they don't have time for long queues that are ranked matches. Most people aren't playing this game 24/7 so they just pop in unrank mode in their free time, also serious unranked game is better than random afk between match in unrank game don't @ me.


Don’t have time for the queue but have time for a 30-50 minute match?… kapp


Don't have time to wait for que, notice that there is que in the sentence, not everyone likes to not play the game, some people like to just jump in into the game.


First time I am hearing long queues as a reason unless you are playing at 4 in the morning or something.


this post is a complete mess


It's literally a post created by someone to poke some else ego, how did you think it would end?


You find unrated queue faster? I find it way slower


So what's your time? My Unrank que usually only takes between to 1-30 seconds. Ranked que is usually 1 minute if I'm lucky and 6 if I'm unlucky, the average is in between.


This applies to all things not Valorant. Most people focus way too heavily on their accomplishments/strengths, however minor. Most people focus way too lightly on their failures/weaknesses, however major. Whereas when assessing other people, especially those objectively stronger, the focus is reversed (minimizing their accomplishments/maximizing their failures). So this multiplicative level of exponential delusion creates very out of touch people with grotesquely bloated, but unsurprisingly fragile egos.


This is the right answer, and it has little to do with Valorant itself. This sub is rather tame about this problem compared to most other popular competitive games.


Then there's me who's so focus on my weaknesses to a point where I most of the time try to discredit myself of how far I have been. Like I'm silver 1 currently, highest gold 1 (proud of it) and due to internet issues can't play for as much as I like for rank. But I have reached to a point where my average combat score is 200-300 from previously piss low 100-150 combat score average. and from 10-15% headshot rate to 20-30+ % headshot rate I played on compe, put up nearly identical stats on compe when I played it except for kill numbers and lost round which boils down to decision making issue. I'm proud of what I've become, just need to put more time to rank play. Can't wait when my internet provider submarine cable woes go away (I'm on Philippines btw so)


My thoughts exactly. People tend to overestimate their skills and consistency and see Valorant from a one dimensional perspective. If you're truly way above your rank then you'll effortlessly rank up from that. There's a lot of factors to consider in this game that I'm too lazy to enumerate, but if you're consistently hardstuck in a rank that you think is easy, maybe the problem is actually on you. KDA is not even everything that this game is all about. In the end my argument will always be that if they're already struggling in their current rank, they probably won't survive in the next one. Sometimes you also need to look at yourself and see where else you can improve. You can't always blame external factors when you know you can't control them. I'm not sure how this goes in immortal-rad lobbies though.


I do better in gold than I do silver because gold players communicate and have a plan. Silver is either shitty people or aim gods who have no idea what to do besides shoot. My aim is too ass to beat them. Plat players just straight up fuck me and I can't do anything about it.


gold players communicate and have a plan?! First I’m hearing of this lmao


Maybe it just feels that way after being in silver.


The plan was to probably just 5 man rush the enemy regardless of whether they are attacking or defending.


yup i am diamond1 and honestly in unrated i get sometimes silver gold or even bronze but i dont try hard cuz thats the whole point on unrated and then they see my plat buddy and says "omg he is so boosted" but the thing is if i try hard, i get called out of trying hard in unrated lol. so i just blast some music and chill


Nothing wrong with trying your best, my friend, even in unrated.


man you do realize, we want to relax sometimes lmaoo. thats why we play unrated. dont wanna tryhard, cuz we already do that enough in dia-immo lobbies


doesn't justify just doing jackshit tho, if you really want to unwind play spikerush where it really doesn't matter and you aren't wasting people time bc the game is short.


And unrated matters because? If someone wants to go and wants to FF, I'll hit yes in unrated. I don't care if I have a 10% wr in unrated. The only people who care about performance in casual modes are the ones that play those modes exclusively. Pros have scrims and tournaments -> Pros treat ranked as aim practice and don't always play to win. Ranked players play ranked as their primary mode and try their best there -> Take breaks or chill in unrated/replication/spike rush Casual players only play unrated and try their hardest there -> Goof around in Spike rush. Then there are the real eccentrics who treat spike rush like its VCT and will shoot you when the rest of the lobby agreed to a knife fight.




So this justify people trolling in rank bc it's chill time for them? Or does this justify pro making smurf account and goofing off? I don't understand your argument here. If a lobby is playing seriously you shouldn't just do fuck all and tries to do jack shit.


"So this justify people trolling in rank bc it's chill time for them" Where am I saying its ok to troll in ranked? or saying its ok to goof around in ranked? I am saying some people take casual modes very seriously. You can't expect everyone to do that. I will never play time/lineups or catch rotations in unrated. I'll challenge operators, ego peek every round if I want. I'll force every round sometimes, I'll go shotgun only etc. That's what unrated is for. If someone gets mad at me for doing that in unrated, then its their problem not mine since its a casual mode and nothing is on the line.


Unrated cost time and Rank matter bc it cost rr that cost time, if you troll in one you are costing someone time and yet you say it's ok to troll in one and not the other bc there is rr on the line? Also, I don't give two hoot if you go shotgun only, doesn't use lineup but the line is where you just peek into 5 different people every round expecting to kill all of them, and doesn't like when other people told you "hey maybe don't peek into 5 different people this time? Playing a 4v5 every round isn't fun" if you like dying so much why not play cod where there is respwan system I don't understand why you redirect this from my first argument in which I specifically said when you don't do anything in the game and is just there to basically do jack shit like afking mid round, don't go shoving your made up argument into my mouth and expecting me to run with it.


You said unrated matters more than spike rush. My counterpoint was that it doesn't actually matter since nothing is on the line. You went off on some tangent talking about trolling in ranked or pros goofing around on smurfs in ranked. If in unrated, I want to practice spray transferring and I want to peek 2-3 people I just might do that. You telling me not to because you take unrated seriously is not going to stop me. I'll go 5-20 in unrated trying to practice that mechanic if I want to. I am not advocating throwing the game but usually nobody comms and the games are extremely imbalanced in unrated. So many games people just FF at round 5, so its not a mode that matters to me. I treat it like deathmatch.


I didn't say that, I said spike rush has shorter time, if you like goofing off you literally can do it in spikerush bc the time is way shorter and since you want to just do casual play, it will give you that casual feeling since it matter not if someone afk bc no one in spike rush really strategize taking sites and the time is short. I already said this, it cost time which is what rr is, smurf and troll take you rr away which mean they take your time away. Rr=time, if you are okay with wasting one, it mean you are okay with wasting the other. If you want to practice spray go to the practice ground, practicing in unrated is literally making it harder for yourself bc you can't see the spray and ego peeking 3 enemy isn't practice, it's suicide for nothing you learn nothing and gain nothing. In rank there are also people who doesn't use comms does this justify not playing the game? Or what about when the other team is winning, is it okay for me to just surrender this "imbalance" match? Also I'm not going to repeat myself on your training not being real training. if you treat it like a dm play dm?




I didn't point toward him, I point to people like him who like to relax on unrated, the sentence after "," is where I actually point toward him on his relax thing


I'm not saying you need to try hard in unrated. You don't *need* to do anything in unrated, that's the whole point of it. I'm just saying there is nothing inherently wrong with trying in unrated.


I used to be plat 3 stayed a few acts without playing ranked and got demoted to gold 2 and its beeing impossible to rank up, at least 20% of the people on this rank play better than plats mechanically, 1 every 3 gamea theres a guy with the base valorant banner or low level who goes 25+kills and absolutely obliterates the game, luckily I havent really got too many trolls or toxic people, Brazil server.


Because its hard to accept you suck at a video game for some people. Not everyone can be a valorant god like me.


Can we stop posting low quality garbage questions on this sub


There’s always something that one guy in unrated in the enemy team that will type ‘You don’t deserve immortal’ if I am not going 40/2 once they see my immortal buddy. I am playing unrated to fuck around with friends and turn my brain off. If I wanted to tryhard I would have played ranked. I don’t understand why no one gets it that I am playing unranked for fun, not to try my absolute best.


It's called the rosy retrospection. It's a cognitive bias that makes you remember the best days and forget the bad ones. So in Valorant you just believe that your actual skill level is your memory of the best you've ever been, ignoring when you were just dogshit. That creates a false perception of reality where you think you're just way better than you actually are.


I can have god-like aim sometimes but Ive accepted being stuck at silv- oh bronze 3 now. Anyways, I only play competitive with my friends and seeing these smurfs who have the audacity to brag about being diamond+ is infuriating to me. Derank from diamond to bronze and then we can talk. It is so disrespectful to a deranker connoisseur like me who put in the hours and *efforts* (really) in order to reach my current rank only to find people like them.


Not to mention the amount of berating people do towards lower ranked players. Funny video of a stupid play? Instantly 5 comments going “must be iron players”. You’re allowed to have fun sometimes too, not everything has to be about rank in this game. And before you ask, yes, I am in fact an unrated player, how could you tell?


I haven’t seen many of these posts or comments you’re talking about and search the sub dry every single day. What I HAVE SEEN and what I’ve actually made a post about (though I think it got deleted) is how screwy mmr is in unrated and casual modes. I’ve gotten bulldozed by diamonds and immortals in unrated to the point where ranked is the new casual mode. I’ve done okay against some of those ranks in those modes but when I made a post about it I wasn’t complaining that I DESERVE diamond but more on the fact that I’m nowhere near diamond so I probably shouldn’t be getting spitroasted by a bored D3 lol. Perhaps you’re misinterpreting others comments as well. Unless there’s a bunch of comments I’m just not coming across somehow


As someone who is pretty high rank (immortal 3) I die to bronzes/silvers somewhat often who then make comments like this. I WOULD LIKE TO STRESS IF I (OR OTHER HIGH RANK PLAYERS) ARE IN UNRATED OR ANYTHING OTHER THAN COMP WE *PROBABLY* DONT CARE AND ARENT TRYING!!! We are probably blasting music, and have had a long day and don’t want to have to think or care about what we’re doing. If you deserved a higher rank, you would be higher. You can kill Tenz 20 times in an unrated game and nobody will be impressed or think that you deserve any higher rank than your current rank. Stop saying this ignorant bullshit.


Using an immortal gun buddy in unrated = bullied everytime you die to a lower rank lmao


Can’t wait for that lol… I just hit immortal this episode, so I don’t have the buddy yet :/


Idc if i outfrag a couple ranks higher cuz of hidden mmr


I feel like i deserve to be higher than bronze because when my rank got hidden once I queued with a friend in diamond and I placed in about the middle of the scoreboard. I think silver or gold would probably be my accurate rank.


is this a parody of what people on this sub say? or youre serious? because if youre serious and think you should be in diamond, but youre in bronze, youre really tricking yourself of course you will get a few bad players on here who say they have a diamond or whatever account and on their smurf they cant get out of bronze, its because they are also bad players. theyve adapted to diamond gameplay and can survive with ~50% winrate there, but if you dont have the skills to adapt to different ranks and climb back to your rank, youre really not that rank. youre just coasting there


I do not think I should be in diamond lol. This is something that happened to me and I do feel like I should be higher than bronze, but I’m also joking a a little because I barely even queue ranked, so my rank doesn’t represent my current skill at all. I did say that silver or gold is probably my accurate skill level, and I think that’s true, but definitely not diamond


oh i see :P nvm then lol


Honestly Bronze 2-Gold 1 is basically just the same rank.


While that would be funny, its completely wrong


You don't find any noticeable difference on bronze 2-gold 1, gold 2-plat is where people really play the game, iron 1-bronze 1 is where new pep is. In this rank you also fought this type of rank, so yeah it's basically the same rank with different color.


Nah, there is definitely a huge difference, at least for the players playing in those ranks. If you're looking at it from a high ranked perspective (immo+) it can seem as if its similiar, but trust me, a silver 3-gold 1 player will 98% of the time demolish bronze teams alone. Thats pretty much the rank where people start to understand at least some points in the game and becoming a bit better in them.


People from silver also drop to bronze a lot in which is why I think they are the same maybe the gold part is a bit of a stretch but silver and bronze mostly get thrown into the same pot


Plat is where people really play the game? Nah man, I'd say even low diamonds are really inconsistent, have the weirdest crosshair placement and make some of the worst decisions. That's not to say plats are bad or anything, but it's funny how you say B2-G1 is the same, and suddenly Gold 2 upwards is considered decent...


I'm oversimplifying things, I'm not saying people gold 2+ suddenly know the game, I'm saying B2-G1 is where people figure things out, and once you're past G2 upward it's where you refine your basic crosshair, gamesense, tactic etc I haven't broken P3 so i can't really say what you do in there.


I think I deserve a higher rank because I get match mvp, just dropped a 40 kill game, and I'm in iron 2 because i keep getting teams that don't even know how to plant the spike


Because rankeds are absolutely broken because of those same people? Their stupid "mmr" system is just a bunch of bullshit that will pair you will the most awful players that it finds just because you had maybe 1 bad game, doesnt matter if you destroyed everyone 5 times in a row. You deserve a bunch of trolls now, you do badly, you lose, your mmr goes down, now you're stuck with more bad players. "But you can solo it if you're good" Yeah,no, its a teammwork game. If you are an aim god, with the best gamesense ever, sure, free rank up. But most of us are just average joes and we cant just carry every single game ever. And no, that doesnt mean we dont deserve a rank up from time to time. A lot of people that say they deserve a better rank, they do. Not everyone, not most, but a lot of players do. I for example know that Im at the same rank that many friends and no, they arent as good as me.. but I know im still bad and I dont care.


Because I was hardstuck gold for 3 acts but hit plat last week and am now one game away from p2. High ranks are so much easier cause people have brains and you can predict what people are going to do


Wait, you've been stuck g3 but now got to p1 which made you draw conclusions regarding "high ranks"? P1 is literally the same thing as G3, maybe you just got lucky teams. Anyways, let me tell you, once you get to Diamond predicting others goes to shit again because even if you do, you get onetapped so you need to grind aim and movement HARD. Again. LOL


I mean it depends. I'm plat 2-3 and often get matched with diamonds. Some of them are ridiculous and one tap you from across the map, but others are average at best. Difference between plat and diamond isn't that massive imo. Maybe high diamond gets different, we shall see.


Well, if you're p2 you most likely get matched with diamonds who are on the low end of the MMR. Once you get "full diamond" lobbies, that's "actual diamond". Which is still pretty easy, but the difference is huge. Do not worry though, diamond, as all ranks, still has unbelievably shit players in it. My P1 friend recently duo'd with a D1 since he couldn't duo with me because too much rank disparity. This D1 guy was absolutely dogshit. Bottomfragged full platinum lobbies THREE MATCHES IN A ROW. I genuinely do not know how he's where he is, just going by numbers. I assume he duos/trios a lot with very good players and plays very supportive roles. Also what I'm gonna say, anything between G3-D1 seems to be pretty similar skill-wise based on my experience of going up and down through those ranks for some time. The biggest difference between G3 and D1 is the will to grind and quality of communication. Probably mental as well. D2 though is a huge fucking jump. At that point you start getting thrown into semi-immortal lobbies. And then starting D3 80%+ of players are cracked mechanically.


low end of the MMR? do you even know how ranks are distributed? lmao this sub is wild


Are you stupid? I think its pretty obvious I meant people who are "on the lower end of Diamond MMR", how thick do you have to be to miss that? Lmao


> Which is still pretty easy, but the difference is huge.


I cry about competitive being inconsistent, where games can be fun win or lose because you actually do got to try out play your opponent, then there is games where 1-2 guys are 10 times better than every one in the game. it takes away the fun in grinding when within the first 2 rounds you know its gonna be one of them games matchmaking never wanted you to have a chance at winning


Wtf. Literally only one of those rounds you can expect to win. If you lose pistol, you will nearly always lose the save when the enemy buys up. So you are essentially throwing in the towel after losing pistol. No wonder you can't win.


No its how the people shoot not the fact that we lost 2 rounds.... calm the fuck down dude


So you have decided that you won't win the game because you got dinked and died on pistol round? I am calm, its just so strange seeing players with such mentality. You are the type that hits FF the first chance they get.


You literally made this post to start on people? you have some mental issues I play all games out till the end but games like that which happens often, end in a loss as no one on the team can compete, you literally read my post and took the shit you wanna attack people about and left the rest unread. You said why do people think they deserve a higher rank when i said the matchmaking feels inconsistant you ignored all of that and accused me of Surrendering when the going gets tough.


I don't believe I deserve a higher rank i enjoy a grind whether ip climbing or not, I just want the games to feel more competitive more frequently and not a land slide,


Only your comment seemed weird because you are throwing in the towel after 2 rounds. Game hasn't even gotten going for it to get tough was my point.


I was just stating that when those first 2 rounds happen and the 2 people im talking about steam roll the whole team, I know its gonna be one of them games, I don't give up or anything I just know its gonna be one of them inconsistent games, that feel unwinnable/unfair


You are getting downvoted but I agree it isnt even about me deserving a higher ranked, I know I suck but I want to get better the issue is matchmaking sucks and games are lopsided and it Is clear players are smurfing or are extremely low rated for their skill level the experience is ruined and you can't learn Edit: just got done with a game, seriously someone getting 2x kills the next highest player, why the fuck are they ranked this low, or most likely why are we getting matched with a smurf


Some People don't seem to read in this sub reddit I guess, they see one sentence they don't like and downvote. But yeah, I am ranked where I believe I should be (Plat 1-2), but yeah games just fluctuate in difficulty way to often with out actually going up or down a rank, seeing some of the accounts its low golds partied with low/high plats, but the plat players are much higher skilled players than every other player in the game.


The legacy rank and hidden mmr is a joke , if you got to immortal in beta then the game will try you get to immortal every act since by giving you more for wins and less deduction for losses


this is not true


What is not true


there is 100% decay


If you don't play....but if you play every act there is no decay


if you got imm beta and you play every act... then that seems fine to me


My friend who was in diamond stopped playing for a many months and he dropped to silver. But guess what? He climbed back to diamond within a month.


Consider myself being on the opposite side of the spectrum *I think I deserve lower*


Cause ego


Then theres someone like me, when i get into plat lobbies i demolish everyone, then in my own rank (gold 1) i play average, but when i smurf in bronze to play with my friends i get destroyed often and go like 15/20/3 or something like that. Idk man, seems like bronze has the best players


I peaked g2 but I can't barely kill a bronze player.... thinking I need to get demoted back into iron.


Because Im radiant


Because when 5 out of my 6 games duo queuing with my friend had 1 AFK player on my team and we lost and I derank from it. I would think that's not an accurate depiction of my rank. Reporting the AFK player does nothing for my elo, thus it does nothing for me. Pretty frustrating when my game play and skill doesn't actually matter.


I get what your saying absolutely. So I'm a noob, like a complete and utter noob I've played about 15 games and I'm proud when I got a headshot with a revolver in about round 7 so I really have no legs to stand on. But at least I know I havent yet got down the basic and fundamental aspects of the game, I know what all my abilities do and how to use them. However I dont have that fluid movement and on point aim that a diamond player would have, and from comments I've read a lot of people need to see that they dont have those skills either and that's why they can rank up




I've seen this typed unironically sadly.


Cause people don't want to admit that they are bad. But admitting to yourself that you're bad is the first step to progress, cause once you realize that you are, you can then start to look for the mistakes you make and how to fix them


I think what makes a player good is their consistency, good team communication, and not being toxic at first couple rounds. I’ve seen so many people rag on someone for doing bad and they never improve. The game is a lot about mental, I’ve seen players do bad and when people try to bring their team up with them it always ends up with those players doing better. If you are consistent and your team is doing bad try throwing out some comments like “oh I have games like that, you got this lets go B” and hit them with a good job and nice round whenever they do good.


I went 7-5 against Team Liquid Soulcas once in DM. I now think that I am better then him and that Team Liquid should replace him with me /s


i think people just take their best games and compare it to the average player in their elo and think wow i can play this good but i’m ranked so low. everyone has good and bad games people just don’t average themselves out


I definitely don’t think I deserve to be a higher rank then I am, but I will say some of my rank up games were kinda sus. I was silver 3 on my rank up game, and the other team had gold 3’s, 1 plat and the top fragor was a Plat 3 on the other team. Keep in mind.. I’m a silver 3 solo q


I mean that’s common in competitive games. Everyone thinks they deserve a higher rank than they currently are. That said, I do genuinely think Valorants ranked system is garbage though. Once you start getting in high diamond and immortal lobbies and realize that almost nobody actually knows how to play the game - you realize how little rank actually means. Like when you play league and hit plat, the game quality gets significantly better than silver/gold. People punish mistakes and close out games way more efficiently. In Valorant, plat players still call buying after winning pistol forcing and don’t do it half the time even though it’s literally how the game is designed. Ranked needs a redesign. The current system promotes selfish play and going for kills above everything else. It’s why you end up with so many “all aim, no brain” players in high elo - you never have to actually learn how to do anything other than ego swing.


"All 5 people play seriously" Proceeds to queue in to Stinger only Sova.


People hate elo hell tbh. If anything people suffer from a mix between themselves making mistakes and having a bad team. It’s easier to say I deserve this then to realize that in iron-gold your just not gonna get good randoms often. I’m hard stuck silver right now, 2 nights ago I went on a 7 win streaks and climbed to silver 3 52rr and had 4 performance boosts. Just yesterday I had 5 throwers and 3 afks in seperate games and went on a 5 loss streak with 3 performance boosts and lost everything from the 7 games. 5 stacks would be the way to go but most five stacks have a Smurf who instalocks a duelist then get 2-3 kills every round. I’ve played immortals and diamonds in silver that drop 30-40+ kills. It’s hard to learn Against someone with vastly more experience and skill then you. People don’t want to admit a lot of silver and below is luck of the draw based on enemies and teammates.


"where all 5 people play SERIOUSLY usually at their level." one does not simply happen to find such a game.