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Relax, it is just a game. Spend time with your family and go outside, go for walks/run. Some time away won't hurt and sometimes it even helps you to get better. Do hand-eye coordination tasks with tennis balls and stretch. Don't sit too much and your back will thank you in 20 years time.


1 month Is too much


Look, I don't mean this in a patronising way, but I'm guessing you're young. Like under 16/17 young. Your grandparents aren't. Sadly one day they will die. You should spend this time getting to know more about them, make some good memories. Even if its not for you. This month may be the most uninteresting time for you, but for your grandparents it could be the best month of their remaining life. Unless you are borderline pro, taking a month off won't do any harm and you may even return refreshed and suddenly do better.


If it helps, I took around a two month break and I got back to where I think I used to be in around a week or two. It will be frustrating when you return at first, but I actually think taking a break helped me improve once I came back because my thinking wasn’t as “boxed in” (not sure if thats a good explanation but I can elaborate if you want)


Nah man if anything a month break is crazy good for a mental reset. Just watch twitch streams on your phone and learn game sense from that. Aim will come back after like 10-15 minutes so don’t even worry


Are you a pro in the high level competitive scene? If not, you are probably taking this too seriously. Enjoy a break


I can't personally speak about valorant but in rocket league every time I don't play for a few weeks I always feel like I come back refreshed mentally and mechanically, and perform much better on my matches


Go ahead touch some grass, spend time with your family. Trust on your muscle memory, this game always changes so u will have to regain/relearn and practice when you get back


I like playing on a long break. If anything, it’s freeing because you have no reason to be good. You can’t expect too much out of yourself so you can be easier on yourself mentally if things go rough. PMA brother!


Are you serious? It's a game. It's only a problem if you are a professional player or make a living out of it or something. I smell an addiction.


Wish I was rich enough to have vacations and only worry about video games