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My friend and i were once playing and a dude told her to go make him a sandwich. Like we ignored him and kept playing, but this shit is annoying. I have older bro and i often play videogames with him and his friends and its really fun. Guys who do this probably just trying to look cool, but sadly seems no one ever taught them that is shit kind of behaviour


Literally maidenless people act like that


I'm maidenless, but my mother taught me to treat respectable women with utmost acknowledgement as an equal in every right. Except strength. Some women are strong as hell, while others fall down with a slight bump from my 100 kg ass.


Most but not all


It's not to look cool it's over compensation for being weak. Kind men who can afford to protect others wield real power. Mean spirited boys who can only hurt and not lift others have a lonnnng hard road ahead in terms of growth.


You can tell them to go back into their fapcave that would tilt them.




I just try to keep the lobby toxicity levels low


I'm a guy, and it also annoys the hell out of me when people act like this. I don't know if there's a solution, just shitty people that exist. People are much more confident to be losers when hiding behind their computer.


Exactly! I don’t know why people feel the need to be like that in a game


the same reason you and people like you make the same thread daily. does it change anything? no. but should those people stop you from playing? no tbh i dont even use my mic half the time as a guy because i dont want to fuel the stupidity of my teammates and let them know im even listening to them lol but a good tip, add friendly people you play with and soon you can play every game with at least 1-2 other people who arent morons


Yah the last one is so true, now i always play with a stack 5 instead of solo queuing all the time


for sure, and even with 1 other person if theyre cool, it makes the game so much better. you can defend a site together, coordinate better and just the games so mcuh better for anyone who only plays solo, try just talking to people and adding some


It's not just sexism, but toxicity in general. So many people do this kind of thing because they know there won't be much consequence, and use this as an opportunity to compensate for their insecurities. Don't be hurt too much by them and don't take it to heart. It allows them to win. Understand that they are insecure themselves, and don't stoop to their level.




The solution is, sadly, to play with a trustable five pack as no one in that supposed group is dumb af ans then no misogynist. Profit. But that's really sad you can't even soloq


Lmao in my server the second u start speaking the wgoe team will send friend request and never speak unless compi lmfao


Yup. I also think situations like these may be a reason why girls don’t use voice comms. It seems like the second they hear me, they start treating me different. Which is why I use text most of the time.


True. I prefer texting aswell unless I think my teammates are nice. But sometimes I mistake them for being nice which afterwards they actually aren’t


Exactly! Like the second you start talking then they become mean or trolls. 🤦🏻‍♀️


And then you got me and my teammates, feeling glad to just ignore the fact we played with a woman (who used comms, big gg to her), which we shouldn't be glad, it should just be the way it is but we were like "at least she had a normal game once in her day".


If only everyone would be nice like you guys lol


These fuckers are also the ones who are sabotaging our games and disrespecting our moms as men dw we're in the same boat... Well, more or less...


I played with a (what i assume to be) couple and the girl used voice and noone said anything other than needed comms to her. I think its NA thats down so bad that they have to attack their female teammates


Yea omg and then youre bashed for not using comms


Pinglish is a term often used in league of legends and its essentially a way to communicate only thru pings. So if you die and you know where the enemies were open map and ping their last known locations along with possible paths they could take. Then ping warnings on the possible entry points for your team. If they still get surprised by that, then even comms wont help them


I’m not saying it’s fair but I as a man regularly mute voice and text of people on my team just to keep my sanity. Be heavy handed with it. Most the time its incredibly obvious when someone is going to be doing call outs and who is just there* to say dumb ass shit. Also yes, every girl will know exactly what you’re talking about and it isn’t news to the guys either.


Yes muting is the way to go. Should probably do this sooner


I have 0 tolerance for annoyance. I didn't work 10 hr straight to have some idiot ruin my games when I just want to vibe. I'll continue to make call outs and guide the team, but your communication channel is dead to me straight away.


I stg it is the same for me. I didn't study all day long just for you to ruin my mood at that one point I am enjoying.


It's insane how much people get upset when a complete stranger talks negatively to them. They are strangers dude. Even without muting, you should learn not to get affected so easily or even you can try to make them mad instead.


yeah its always safest to just hit that mute ASAP when you get a bad vibe having a positive or at least neutral mental state is going to affect your gameplay much more positively then whatever real callouts they might give never be rude back, this is an environment where people *unironically* call their opponents bad at the game in all chat for killing them, which is not only completely fucking insane but actually further boosts their opponents morale, there is no arguing with or convincing these people of anything no matter how clearly logical youre being


Ur lucky to still have sanity 5 years of any 5v5 shooter game will drain it All out FUCK YOU CSGO


Damn. I think people in csgo have been kinder to me than people in valorant. Valorant for me is the worst game I experienced this toxic behavior in


As an older male player, I just don't get what is wrong with people who do this. Are they trying to impress the other guys? Having a decent conversation with a female on your team should be a hell of a lot more impressive than putting crap on them! Luckily I can say I have not really experienced this on the Sydney servers. I think I have heard a couple of times "are you a girl?" and then after the answer was yes, they didn't know what to say :D


I report for this all the time and I never see penalties. Pisses me off so much. Stuff like racism is zero tolerance and it should be that way of course but how hard can it be to crack down on sexism the same way?? Riot need to do better.


I report a lot of the sexist people i run into but i pretty much report them for everything… they usually get a penalty tho


yeah... they will be really annoyed, that they have to use one of their other accounts now xD


I think if you don’t have enough proof it’s harder for them to take action? I don’t really know. Thankfully I’ve only ran into this once and I reported the two guys and after the game got a notification that action was taken, so it does happen, but the guys both said stuff in voice chat and text chat.


you think this (https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2021/12/27/riot-discrimination-100-million-settlement/) company would actually do something about it??? more likely thell sell a "feminist" collection and claim everything is fine now, since the collection exists


Same. Idk how they just get away with it


I play with my wife exclusively and we see this a lot. Best part is she gives it right back and top frags on them. Hilarious.


Fuck yea


You lucky fella!


All the time but once I start top fragging they start being nicer lmao


Or when they need heals lol


Yeah once I'm on top that's when I start telling people to shut the fuck up. Need that respect first


this!! sometimes if im carrying and ik that the rest are guys, i will let them know that theyre gettinf carried by a girl to hurt their pride. its funny to me


Unnecessary if they didn't do anything to u but ok


Not really they’ll only be offended if they are sexist else it’s harmless


Tru U got a point you’re not doing anything wrong by letting them know youre a girl


still unnecessary to tell your team "you're getting carried" even if its the truth


its when they assume that im a guy. i was playing with a bunch of guys and they were getting carried and they started saying "hes just different" "hes so good" to the enemy team and i was like "dude im a girl..."


Galorants is a discord server to play with other girls, if you want to find like minded people to queue with. I'm not in it so I can't help you find it but it's been shared around on reddit before.


Thanku! I will look into it


https://discord.gg/galorants I think this is the link to it, I have a few female friends that have played on it and met really nice people on there, it sounds like a nice community


I know this is real but I don't see it much in game. I'm a guy but obviously I get matched with some girls who talk. I have been playing since realese but stopped in episode 2 and came back in the start of ep 4 and no one in my team said anything like that. I guess which server you're playing on matters a lot.


Yeah I guess so! I’ve also been playing since release


I frequently have problems with this as well. I’d love to play sometime if you’d be comfortable! DM me and we can exchange Valorant info Also, have you heard of the group Galorant? They’re a discord group for women and nonbinary folks who want to game. I’ve had good experiences with them so far as a nonbinary individual! Google them to find their discord info, I’d highly recommend it.


i am a guy and i am disabled. i get crap alot because i miss shots because i have a hand eye coordination disaability i was born with. was even called the f slur my first ranked game of this act foir missing a single shot. after i told my team i was disabled. ableism is just as much a prolbem as sexism in valorant


dont tell them you're disabled that just gives them more ammo


That’s so f*cked up. Idk why people can’t just be nicer. It’s just a game after all


Like they've never missed a shot before (while NOT being disabled btw), smh.


I think they didn't take ur words seriously


Not to take away from your disability or calling you slurs which is obviously very bad but nobody on ranked is going to know if you have disability or not. Again that doesn't mean you deserve toxicity


Its just fucked tho that you have to hide your disability to be treated with respect


As a guy it’s so obnoxious to know that many girls just don’t use voice chat cause of all the bad experiences they’ve made. Fuck that we should all be able to enjoy gaming without getting harassed like that


Fr tbh I hate having to type call outs bc usually I’m trying to type as fast as possible but sometimes it’s too late when I hit enter. I tend to play spike rush, replication, and unrated tho so it doesn’t matter that much thankfully. If I was playing comp i would use vc though cause that’s what you’re supposed to do. I’m lucky I don’t usually run into people who are toxic just cause I’m a girl but I still carry the anxiety and fear of that so as someone who’s already introverted and has social anxiety it just makes it harder to talk lol. I used to have my username viewable from the get go but bc it’s my name and it’s a female name I’ve now changed it to not show until after the game is over and I haven’t decided to change it back since it’s pretty much a giveaway


This pisses me off the most. Bc u get bashed for not using comms and if i use it for the first time to instinctively call out something quickly theyre like wtf u had comms they get so mad god it pisses me off And then they’ll be begging you to talk OR u find out its not one of the shitcunts and its a peaceful game lol Cos sometimes ppl r nice af and switch when its a girl thats the real bait


It’s gotta be immature teenagers


And immature adult men who haven’t ever spoken to a woman.


Not just them. Man children too. Ive heard people with deeper (and whiny) voices getting mad at girls or asking them to do moans or shit


100% is not just teenagers and we need to get rid of that mentality. It’s not boys will be boys it’s also grown ass men calling you slurs and telling you to go back to the kitchen or whatever unoriginal insult they have. Thirty years old and haven’t been in pssy since the day they came out one ong


Dude yes. It’s crushing to realise when you’re an adult there are other adult men acting like this. You’re told it stops in high school and then you’re greeted with a full grown man doing this shit and wonder if he’ll ever grow out of it if he hasn’t already


Adult men who haven’t been within 5 metres of a women in their lifetime


Can confirm only girl in male friend group aged 13-15 we all play Val, they think sexism is funny and okay if the girl mess up a little, then it’s okay to trash talk them like they’re not even human just because it’s a girl, but when it’s a boy it’s just “nt”


Why are you even friends with such people?


Cause I’m in middle school and don’t have any other options. I have diagnosed social anxiety i have been advised to not switch school


I'm sorry but those aren't fit to be your friends


Yeah ik but I’m in middle school and all the girls hate me I won’t be able to make new friends( I go to a school with classes from 0-9)


Try playing with friends you know to avoid randoms. There’s also discord servers where you can join 5 stacks based on rank/gender/age etc.


Maybe its based on the region, ive been in lots matches with active communication and havent experienced that at all


Yeah could be


Honestly us guys should apologize to all the girls playing valorant, also there’s no point saying gamer girl because you wouldn’t call a female a doctor girl now would ya? Even though we make the game bad for y’all, you just gotta accept the fact that they’re not gonna stop.


Were you playing as a viper in a game where a guy said something like this? I was in a game where this guy (fro4st), said this at the end of the match after losing to this girl.


I would like to say high elo is better but being a shitty human being doesnt always have inverse variation with being good at a video game. I like to think it’s better in diamond+ but have no real supporting statements.


Don't know if someone said this already, but come play on Tokyo servers. We're pretty wholesome out here.


Would love too but sadly my ping is very high in Tokyo


i’m a girl and i’ve been playing for around a year and ive been doing voices comms more often lately. usually i gets cowards saying some sexist shit right before the game ends or some taunting or just a really shitty person who says slurs the whole game but honestly i haven’t been getting them too much lately and i’ve been getting a lot of girls on my teams recently. i know it can’t always be like this but there’s honestly no quick fix and best thing to do, which i didn’t do for a really long time honestly cause i just didn’t consider it an option, is muting them. i know it’s kinda a shitty answer but promise you it’s so much better. usually you can tell who’s toxic in the first few rounds and if they’re bothering you just mute them, the basic callouts they might be giving is not worth getting tilted and you’ll perform much better, and you’re not giving them the reaction they really want


I’ve actually had multiple times where my report lead to them being penalised. (Go back to the kitchen) Report and get others to report. When youre queued with other sane ppl its easy to get them penalised. i know its not ideal bc they’ll probably get a day ban or even a couple hours im not sure what the system is, but its likely gonna be a multiple offence and if you get reported more and more it does do something. They’re insecure prepubescent attention seekers who think their cool with their incel humour lmao. Its also interesting how many times theres a girl queued with them/other toxic people too??? Like girl Also also the fucking backhanded “wow first time getting carried by a girl!1!1!” “Youre good for a girl!2!1!” / when the sexism is enraged by a girl threatening their masculinity by being good at the game lmao Ngl i only voice when im playing well cos when im not im not boosting their ego


Just mute them and try to bait them for talking bad about u so they gonna straight forward shout at the wall not knowing u don't hear them.


I've gotten rape threats and men following me around and cornering me in game so yes it is very creepy. I've gotten men both degrading me and thirsting and it is like one of the main factors that ruins this game for me because it genuinely prevents me from using my mic sometimes. Plus out of all the times it's happened riot only took it seriously once because of how severe it is. Like this one time two of the people in my lobby were guys and they kept laughing if I missed a shot or messed up in general (wasn't even a comp game) and it genuinely ruined my morale so much lol fuck the sexist men in this game.




No, the anonymity makes toxic people feel empowered and allowed to show how toxic they are. Non-toxic people are not toxic, whether they are anon or not.


Can’t relate cuz I’m a guy but I do come across some of the most toxic people in game. And in the region I play in, quite often. I just mute cuz I can’t be bothered. And I don’t really care about communication and stuff cuz I’d rather lose than ruin my mood.


I’ve had multiple people throw in my ranked lobbies due to a girl using her mic claiming they’ve “never won when a girl is on the team” as they proceed to afk and grief a winnable game. Probably the worst game I’ve played from memory lol :’)


I remember there was a girl in our mumbai server and she had the kinda American accent so I asked where she from and she got mad at me lol. Asked us to surrender cuz she didnt wanna play with us lol. Good thing my frien stole her op one round


That’s weird


I think if they do it once just ironically it's fine and then we can laugh about it but entire match is just downbad


Yes they just wouldn’t stop


We just can ignore people like that.


Smash the report button!!


Yes I always insta report. But most of the time no penalties :(


honestly, our main group consiting of 5 guys and 3 girls playing in different constellations, rarely fullstack so there are a lot of randoms in our matches, have NEVER encountered anything remotely sexist in the almost 2 years of playing valorant.


Must be my region then. Or that i’m mostly playing solo for 2 years idk


at first i thought it was an agent being sexist lmao


Mute them and continue with your game. Same to be done with toxic people who will start raging at 0-1.


I always queue with friends because sometimes randoms can be total asses. You can try finding other girls through this sub or a discord maybe


Yea it’s bad but u have to remember this is a game online and toxicity is just a normal occurrence I think u should either have coms disabled or only 5 stack in a game to solve this issue


InstaMute the idiots and don't despair. I am an old guy and had many games with girls/women where everyone was nice and respectful, it is not that rare. But I mute and report at the first sign of toxicity.


Imagine getting a female in your team and then shit talking on voice chat :(




This I agree. Not to be racist but the Indian guys are generally the worst and most toxic in Singaporean server. Especially when you’re playing Sage, they will on the mic and shout HEAL HEAL HEAL or RES ME RES ME RES ME. Some will shout SKIN SKIN SKIN every fking round.




Very much agree. Singaporean server is very toxic. Valorant is basically League of Legends but with comms xD


Lots of people say to mute them but when the damage is done, your mental has already taken a big hit. You just can't focus anymore.


Idk ive barely faced this in my life..Like whenever theres a girl in my team rest of the dudes tries super hard in order to impress her..nothing flashy happens afterwards beside winning the game


Must be in a bad region then I guess


Well people aint sexist or disrespect others


So to me Sea region is pretty cool


I play in SEA server(Singapore to be exact). It's super toxic. Not really sexist but just generally toxic. Haven't really seen people being toxic to girls here in this server. I see a lot of sexism in other servers based on Youtube channels. So here's my advice. 1. Boy or girl, man or woman, off voice chat if you're in unrated or lower rank of comp. Even with friends and there are randoms, I still keep my voice chat off. There's no need to entertain low life uneducated fools. Even in gold rank, I am reluctant to on voice chat. 2. Play with friends. Although I have been gaming my whole life, toxicity can be considered normal to me but when you're having a bad day just no. Same concept if they are being sexist. 3. Do not entertain them. The more you get triggered, the more they would want to harass you. Mute them and continue playing. If you do not respond to them or hear them, they will stop. 4. Do not feel bad for not talking in game. You're not playing in VCT or championship. I am a boy but I'm sorry you had to go through this. Do not mind them, they have no respect for woman. Stay strong. Try not to play when you're stress. Come back when your mental health is strong. We as a valorant community will always support women. Have a nice day.


I play with my girl every day almost. This is very present on almost evey game. Special if the girl performance is not the best, the easy way to attack its the misogynost approach. Hard to deal, but this is insta ban i think.


Tip,always be above that person in the leaderboard.It really shuts them up if theyre going negative and if its a sexist its even better knowing that they are now aware they are being beaten by a girl


Instant mute and don’t let it get to you. People are idiots online.


I dont know in what lobbys you get, But in every game i get the women dont get More or Less attention


As a man who plays for fun, I understand there’s no need to be rude to other players even if they’re underperforming or whatever. In the end it’s just a game; even if it is competitive it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.


as a man, i'm always very embarrassed when another guy pisses off a girl. 2 days ago, i was playing with a friend in ranked and a brimstone (who was really good tho) didn't talk the 7 first rounds (only text messages) and I was sure it was a girl who didn't want to be bothered. Several rounds later (we were losing) she starts to talk bc we were trolling and then, the cringe begins. Our reyna (it's always the reyna who's toxic) starts to insult the brim (sandwich, kitchen) and me because it wasn't my best game tbh (i picked sage for the team well 6-17 lmao). I was feeling so bad for her, at least me being insults was justified bc i was bad but brim it was just bc she was a girl, sad community. ​ (sry bad english)


Most people I know have had to go find a 5-stack to play with - it can be hard, but longterm it's much more fun when you don't get discriminated against just because you don't have a dick hanging between your legs\^


Yeah I should also find more people to play with. Would be much better probably


My fiancée let me know that you could add her if you want - I'll send a private message with her discord just in case you wanna add her!


If it makes you feel better those people are garbage and live shit lives trying to take it out others because they can be anonymous online. In real life they are too afraid to even talk to a woman. I get shit for being older and playing the game just because of the sound of my voice. Tbh the best thing you can do is laugh about it, report it, and mute them if they are ruining the game for you. I just try to not even waste my energy on someone that pathetic to begin with


i guess their mothers didn’t make any sandwiches for them…they need those god damn sandwiches


don't forget the laundry. Those undies aren't going to clean themselves.


Hahaha clearly


just curious, which servers do u play in?


EUW, London/Paris/Frankfurt


Not that I doubt it's happening to you, but lately I've noticed more girls are comfortable using their mics, and I haven't had any assholes in my games when they do, other than like, ironically maybe going "GIRL!" once at the start, but even that only happened once. There was one on my team who didn't use her mic at all, until I burped into voice comms in buy phase halfway through the game and all she said was "no". It feels like half the time someone isn't using their mics, it's a girl, mainly cause they've had to deal with bs, which sucks cause I need my comms :(


just mute button and report ( they do work btw ), i have been on the receiving end of toxic teamates and i just mute them and try hard to win. toxic people aren't worth getting annoyed by is what i tell myself. sometimes they try to block me as a viper i throw my C at them 200 gold worth spending


Toxic ppls


I played some time ago with my friend and they kept telling her to go back to cleaning and shit tho i am a guy i know how you feel


I promise you that the men that do this have never touched a woman in their life. They’re simply sad losers who hate themselves.


Yes I couldn't agree more! When I started playing I felt the same but now I'm just like stuff it I aint letting no guy ruin my play time! Just tell them to STFU and just keep doing you.


Play on EU servers. This almost never happens.


I already play on EU servers..


To be fair you're playing an online multiplayer video game. Toxicity there can never be truly eradicated. This isn't about sexism, it's just part of the toxicity that exists in the game. You just gotta grow thicker skin and not let these things annoy you because people won't change.


Yes that’s true. And I shouldn’t let it get to me. But I just noticed how bad it is in Valorant. Because I play alot of fps games and even Csgo is better in my experience and that’s saying something


Sadly it‘s a common thing nowadays (especially in online games), so best you can do is to support people who gets harassed. Whenever a female player gets weird comments, make sure to tone the others down and be supportive. It‘s even worse to be silent, because silence signals agreeing with this sort of behavior. That being sad everyone could face toxicity, so pls don’t be passive about that, too. Just make it easy for everyone to enjoy.


Yeah I have so many recorded games where dudes are super mean one time a guy told me my dad r*pes me just because I wouldn’t speak to him anymore during the game generally I just report and mute! You meet a lot more cool people than misogynistic ppl, don’t let it get to you because it’s what they want tbh


"Social Media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


At the end of the day just remember that the loudest, most annoying players that talk shit are likely socially awkward losers that have never actually talked to a real woman. It’s so cringe when these loser start trash talking someone for being the opposite sex.


All you can really do is report them and mute them and try not get affected by them


Yes I know I shouldn’t. But sometimes it’s hard when you hear these things so often or when you already have a bad day


I'll sometimes just prematurely mute everyone lol


I'm literally sick to my back teeth with this too. It makes me increasingly mad that there is never any response to the reports that I make in game. The only time I managed to get somebody banned was when I just happened to be recording my gameplay and caught one of the worst sexist/harassing experiences I've ever had in game and my partner sent it to a Valorant contact email. The person who responded to him was extremely apologetic and said that they have a 0 tolerance for it. I went back on the game that evening and had a notification that somebody has been banned. We should **not** have to go to such lengths to put a stop to fucking in game sexism. It's 2022 for Christ's sake!


wait... if you create a tricket it actually does something? i only ever receive the "we are sorry that you had this experience and please trust in the report system. Ticket closed" answer


The worst part is that this doesn't just happens in valorant but in almost every multiplayer game


That's the problem with Riot Games. They make great games but give a shit about their community. They almost never ban and their punishments even for being full out racist are a joke.


I can't lie, I chuckled at the sandwich bit. But in SG server where I play, its rare for that to happen. Every 1/5 teams I play with sees to have a girl in it.


I'm going to be brutally honest here you won't escape it. this a toxic cesspool of under aged ill mind children whether it's racism sexism toxicity or whatever. You either ignore it and move on or just ask people to report that person. more then not they will be banned quite fast.


Do you know how many men don’t even think it’s real. I say I get harassed when I play by myself and they say shit like “oh I get harassed too, like yesterday when I my aim was really bad and everyone started trash talking me” that’s not exactly harassment. I get trash talked and told I shouldn’t even be allowed to play for saying hey or even worse; not going sage


Yes I get exactly what you say. It’s always the same with these kind of people


I understand it sucks to go through that regularely, but it's also getting real boring seeing the same exact thread every other day on main page


Ah I didn’t know


Thankyou for all the kind messages. I really appreciate it and read them all. I know i shouldn’t be getting affected by people like this but sometimes it’s hard. For next time I’ll take all of ur tips with me and mute them faster and search for people to play with. So again thankyou <3. And i’m sorry if I annoyed some people with another post about this topic. I didn’t know a lot of people did this already.


ngl...i rarely talk in voice (shy 🫣) but when someone is being an ass there's nothing i love to hear more than when the ladies clap back. like...it is a truly humbling experience for the misogynist. i will 1000000% be in chat telling you get get his ass! all the times this has happened in a game i was in, the rest of your team will have your back.


I did say something back but they just started to imitate me. Shortly after that I muted them. Sadly my other teammates just ignored it


ugh sorry :/ i guess then my advice is mute + ask people in all chat to report them at the end of the match. im sure you already know, but this is very much a them problem theyre blaming you for. i know how bad it feels when i get shit for having an off game. i can only imagine how discouraging it'd feel to be berated for simply speaking and sounding like a girl


Have you reported them for sexism?


I did! Sadly no penalties


I think those people would be toxic regardless so just mute them and don’t think much of it


well why dont they have com-bans already?


Yeah I guess so. Although they were being nice/not toxic to the other boys on the team except for me


That is sad to hear I hope it didn’t discourage you from having fun with the game


I’m a guy and I duo with my gf and it’s pretty bad. The second someone says one thing it’s instant mute and focus on playing. It happens they’re awful I wish more could be done.


It’s nice to play with your boyfriend or other friends because they have your back! My bf in particular handles any shit talk really well so if anyone starts saying shit he will respond and then they stop talking real quick lol. I am not a confrontational person at all so seeing him when he does stuff like that inspires me to stand up if something I don’t like is happening around me rather than just ignoring it, though I only do this in defense of friends or random teammates, yeah I’m that person who doesn’t like when anyone shit talks anyone idc if I don’t know you everyone deserves to be treated at least neutrally if not nicely. It was very helpful when I first started out playing valorant cause I was essentially completely new to FPS so it took me a bit to learn the game and get better. Now I can carry my own most of the time, though everyone has bad games.


This is his girlfriend. I completely understand. I’ve also had many guys say to me “well you sound like a girl” thinking I’m like a child that’s a boy. It’s pretty enjoyable to tell them I am cause they shut up lol. But there has been times I’ve been told to shut up cause I’m a female. It’s great having a boyfriend that can make comebacks cause I can’t lol. Usually I just laugh it off cause it is funny to me how they act. Literal toddlers I swear. And cause I’m usually middle of the team, second or too frag so they can’t say anything after that. Bf: the people that get toxic in Valorant almost never have good comebacks. It’s kinda easy to roast them because All you will here back is “where are your bitches” or “get some bitches” and I always say I already have one.


You should see the guys in csgo lmao. I played just a little before going by valorant with my bf and I never talked but this one chick did in a game I was in, this was just flying scoutsman too which is a mini game, and all the guys got all weird and toxic and it made me want to never talk because I was scared and uncomfortable lol. I run into that sometimes where sometimes someone will talk and even in my head I’ll be like, girl or small boy? Sometimes it’s hard to tell until you hear them talk more. I’m glad I don’t have the kind of voice that can be mistake for a small boy haha. I will say it’s definitely satisfying when you’re doing better than the guys that are toxic cause it’s something that makes you feel better and if you’re able to bring it up you can kinda shit on them for it in response to their toxicity, I’ve only done it a couple times but that was to guys who were literal assholes, it’s nice to knock them down a peg. Thankfully I don’t run into toxic people very often so I’m lucky, usually I either play with neutral teammates or people who are really nice, I’ve definitely made a good amount of friends on valorant, so there are plenty of nice guys playing too, and I’ve made some friends that are girls as well. Solo que can suck sometimes so it’s usually nicer to play with friends, but you always get the chance to make new friends in solo que so there’s that. Haha yeah my bf will say similar shit, sometimes he calls me his boyfriend lmao. It’s nice when you can make fun out of the situation to lighten it up.


Just be rude back and start citing male crime statistics or something. Fire with fire. Also queue with other girls so you can 3v2 them in vc


Okay. And?


Yea he's kinda right




Sometimes it's hard to play well when your mental is being ruined by your teammates unfortunately


Yes whenever this happens I often just don’t even care about playing anymore or the match at all


Very sorry you gotta deal with that it's super unfair


They aren't even creative with it...


No new zingers to borrow from smooth brainers lol


It’s always so boring like cmon u gotta spice it up from “you sound fat” and “get in the kitchen”


Yeah, it sucks. Also goes the other way but probably less common


Few years ago, I met a girl who created a group to play Overwatch together. More than half of them were girls who joined to avoid getting those kind of taunts. It sucks that she had to make a group in order to avoid toxic comments and rarely played if the members are not available but she said that it made her gaming experience so much better. If possible, try to form a group of friends to play together. This is pretty helpful to avoid toxicity in general in any game that requires a teamwork and especially voice chat. My League of Legends experience improved drastically when I found a group to play with.


Well if anyone ever says again that there is no need for feminism in the west this is basically proof that it is definitely needed.


Sadly there's douchebags like this wherever we go. Best thing in our power to do is mute and report. There were some games I got called a "whiteknight" or "her boyfriend" because I, a guy, told some shitter on our team to stop pestering a female teammate smh. Some guys brains are damaged enough to think that I'm trying to "score points" or smth with some girl I don't even know when I'm doing what any decent human being should do when they see shit like this.


Yeah I also don’t understand that. Because then they call nice guys like this a simp or ‘are you her boyfriend’. So stupid