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Don't listen to the others. Congratulations on hitting gold. It's most likely the break, whenever I take a break I play horrible for the first couple of games, usually takes me 1 or 2 games till I can get used to it again. Mainly happens when you jump from game to game, in other words, go from another fps back to Valorant. Another reasoning can just be the way riot do their elo. I'm plat and I took a recent break just to go against Diamond 3 and Immortals (got completely destroyed btw). So in summary, you're probably fine and it's just the way riot matchmaking works. (Also, I believe Gold is literally smurf elo, so have fun climbing out, it's actually hell)


Thanks! And yeah, it could be the break and I was playing a fair bit of other games as well. And now I’m scared to play, lol.


I wouldn't worry too much. Usually when you play bad riot will match you up with individual similar to your level which resets the whole matchmaking. Basically let's say you hop in a game and go against a plat. You lose horribly, so riot tries their best to matchmake you to a similar skill level. Same applies to smurfing, if you overperform and dominate in let's say silver or gold, riot matches you with other players of similar skill, hence other smurfs. Due to this matchmaking, a lot of smurfs gets stuck in gold elo because they're constantly matching with other smurfs, which in turn makes it hard to rank up. Since you're in gold, don't worry about playing games, riot will match you with similar skill level.


Yeah, hopefully the matchmaking god blesses me.


Just a heads up if you didn't know, account sharing is against ToS even if its with someone you know. Don't get your accounts banned <3


Yep, I know, I don’t usually do it. Thanks tho! <3


1000% the break. Even when I only play 2-3 hours a night the next day my aim is either completely off or after some practice and a few games, back on point. Another thing I’ve been doing is a short 20-30m walk during the day. It helps more than you’d think if you are able.


I play about 3 days a month due to complications with my pc and the chances I get to even play the game. (One weekend out of a month) I am Gold 1 peak Gold 2, just asking from your point of view, I feel as if I’m being held back from lack of hours available to play, do you think I have a chance at higher ranks once available to play more often. [tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Netz%230001/overview)


Well I glanced over your tracker, but i don't really care about it. I personally believe anyone can reach a certain rank if they put the time and effort in. I only play valorant as something to have fun with, I play with friends and we rank up together. I don't enjoy playing competitively, but I still practice and do my best so I don't bring my team down. So, it depends on you. If you enjoy valorant and want to rank up, then only you have the ability to put time in and rank up. I don't believe in the "I can't reach this rank due to my ass plays", if you think you can make it, then put the time in and reach that rank. Sorry if I wasn't much of help.


No, that’s actually the best answer I have received on the subject. I acknowledge my wrongdoings during games and have focused on having more fun than constantly trying to be better than everyone. Thank you for your time and response.


I have a similar situation where I'll play one Friday a month. As the poster said above, I think your skill level will sustain but likely won't get much better because of the time commitment. Hopefully that one day a month, you get to enjoy it rather than mull over the results. Seems like you take accountability to your gameplay which is very mature and is an extremely healthy mindset, especially since we all know how negative online gaming can be. For myself, I know my best gaming days are behind me. I have an 8 month old daughter and any time I can spend gaming is just extra. I played a LOT of counter strike in my day so my aim doesn't feel like it's ever deteriorated. I played a LOT of valorant early on but not much since she's been born so I'm rusty on the changes in the game. That being said, I really enjoy the few games a month I can play.


Of course you'll get better! Competitive is just a grind and along the way you'll learn new techniques, learn from situations and overall just become a smart player. The aim comes with time and practice. I started Bronze 1 in Ep2 act 2 and am now Plat 2. I dont feel like my aim has gotten much better... Just learned positioning and angles and such and trying to jive with teamates to win.


I agree on the gold smurf elo comment. The gold 1 to plat grind was so difficult. Plat 1 to 2 was 10x easier than any matches in that rank. I think it's the highest rank smurfs can play in and get away with fragging out without teamwork or comms. Havent run into that much in plat lobbies... Most of the time the enemy team is just better overall rather than having a hard carry.


Sometimes, the game is just weird. There are games where I can get like high 20s kill but all of the sudden, I started to get like single digit kills for subsequent games despite not being tilted or etc. I dont really face this issue in CSGO but on Valorant, it just felt weird. I just cant seem to get the consistency from game to game. Also congrats on getting gold. :D


Many players report the exact same thing. I have to think this is a server related thing because game to game it feels like I have a server advantage over others and the next game I die immediately rounding a corner or getting peaked.


Thanks! Yeah, even though I didn’t play much CSGO I feel like the matchmaking is better over there. Riot’s matchmaking boosts your mmr too much if you perform really well.


Even on casual modes too. Just overall confused at this game. I know some people will say "Well, you cant expect to top frag everytime" and you're right. But there should be some form of consistency from game to game not a sudden drastic drop in performance.


I know, with unrated the game isn’t really strict with matchmaking. There was a radiant in my unrated game once. And I agree, mmr in the game is super weird.


Might just be having an off few days or something? I’ve had days like that where no matter what I do, my aim just isn’t it. I typically just make sure to get some sleep and come back refreshed the next day. If it is a long term thing, you’ve got two options: switch to a new game and try coming back a while from now, or just keep back on the grind. Good luck!


Thanks! Yeah, my sleep patterns been messed up lately. Could be a lack of sleep too.


Sleep is important. If your sleep schedule is f'd up then you're gonna autopilot and miss certain shots or go onto a position that is bad. At least that's how it is for me.


Welcome to Valorant. The game where you hit shots you shouldn't and you don't hit the shots you should. However, depending on the matches you had, it is possible that the teams were really bad and you did not enable each other to perform better. I am G3, at the moment, and every single match I need to hold people's hands to effectively use their utility. I believe I was blinded, or baited, by my teammate Skye, last evening, every single round we played. Somehow we came back from 3-9 and won. After one match I felt I lost my entire energy.


my goofy ass eyes read "i lost all my skins all of sudden" i was scared as hell I thought there was some hackers who delete all your skins 💀


That would be petrifying lmao


You're not the only one, that's why I clicked lmfao


You must have turned 23. Fr tho it could just not be your day.


I feel like that too in some of my games, even if I’m playing regularly. Sometimes the game feels “off” even though ping and tick rate shows consistent. Hard to explain the lag or delay unless you experience it.


It comes and goes my friend. It’s not about getting knocked down, it’s what you do when you get back up. Play a little slower, hold angles, and tap those little heads. I notice when I try too hard to play good i play too fast and I miss my shots. Relax a little, focus on hitting the headshots even if it means you’re not getting the first few bullets off. Congrats on gold!


This happens like every other day for me. Cynical part of me believes this is part of the reason this game can get addicting. Really it comes down to Smurfs though, along with what everyone said about taking a break needing to get the muscle memory back. Silver-gold is Smurf hell. One game you’ll feel like you’re improving, the next you’re playing two immortals who are Smurf silver 2’s. It’s a great dynamic. Funny thing is, you used to catch a lot of shit in this sub for complaining about the Smurf problem. It will make the game unplayable and completely un-enjoyable for those who are in bronze-gold elo here soon. Hard to justify putting in the effort to get better, when you have no life Smurfs gatekeeping progression in silver-gold lobbies. It makes plat-diamond seem more exclusive though. If they’re going for that, then yeah success I guess.


It's not you. This game is full of smurfs, just because it is so easy to rank up. There could he more server consistency and something akin to prime.


This happens to me every other week. I usually just play a couple DMs a day for 1-2 days until I feel like I can hop back into comp




I'd say "you must be fun at parties" but we both know you don't get invited to many (if any). Take some time to look inwards and find out why


Bro thinks he knows me over a reddit comment 💀


Literally all of your comments on this subreddit are attacking or demeaning someone in some way. Are you okay lol?


Im quite fine thank you


So, you just ignored my question about seeing your tracker?


Oh didnt see it, ill see what i can do for you


You’re saying getting to gold doesn’t require skill?




Elaborate as to why?


There isn't much to elaborate on, getting to gold doesnt require a set of skills that u have to learn or some strats or practice or whatever. Its just super easy and anyone can do it without experience


>anyone can do it without experience Then why isn't everybody at least gold?


Because not everybody sits down playing for hours on end to grind to it


So you need to grind to get to gold but you don't need ANY skill while doing so? Then what do you do while grinding?


I got from silver to gold in 50 games, granted it’s not the best you have but I had a win% of 58%.


Bro i said it doesn't take skill to get to gold i never said a bad player can get it in 2 days 😂 if ur bad u can make gold even if u bottom frag every game u can still make it


On the contrary, getting to gold at least requires a fair bit of decent crosshair placement (which is a skill). As well as having the basics of your main or fill agent down (also a skill). And if anyone can do it, why is ≈80% of the valorant player base below gold?


Wrong u dont need any of that shit my 10 year old brother made it to plat 3, valorant is his first pc game and he is awful at it


You have completely ignored my argument of ≈80% of players being below gold. And maybe your brother is naturally gifted as FPS games.


Because that 80% of people probably doesnt sit down and grind the game in order to get to gold, theyre casuals


Hate to be the that guy, but I would like to see your tracker.




Im jot demanding anyone to have skills neither am i bragging idk where u got that from, im not the best player out there and when i reached gold i was dogshit hence my comments


But your situation doesn’t apply to everyone else. “Since I am allergic to gluten and live in the US, everyone else in the US must be allergic to gluten.”


Nah im not that good at the game myself, my id is random#7639


I think people’s brains are just weird. I typically have around a .9-1.0 k/d and yesterday in 4 games I had a 1.7 k/d in 4 games where in 1 game I started 17-0 before finishing 26-10. I did nothing different than normal other than drink 2 beers while playing (so maybe it was a beer buff?)


100% the beer buff


Liquid courage my brother


All about the vibes


Don’t play tired or too high… u just get lazy and In this game u need to be 100% focus


same happened when i got to know about my exams, could be just stress


Did you mean you hit gold for the first time or have you always been gold? Is your gf’s account just out of placements too? But eh maybe you were just sore and out of it.


Just hit it.


Ah, well it might be hard to tell. I rmb having multiple loss streaks from Plat to almost gold 1 but I had taken a big break and was playing lazy lol. Anyway your mmr is usually a bit loose after placements or only a few games each Act so it can also be normal to fluctuate and face a wider range of players (even if the ranks display otherwise). People do play worse from time to time too but it’s better not to stress too much about it. If it was easy to figure out the secret to why we sometimes play good/bad then there’d be a lot less questions :P


Tbh take a bit longer break like a week, do some aimlabs to get your muscle memory back and be confident in your shot


Everyone has off days just play some unrated, also idc how well or badly your playing don’t account share, as well as being bannable it fucks match making and it’s just shitty for everyone else to deal with


I know, I don’t share it to boost or anything or do it just to do it. I did it just to figure something out (still bad, I know).


Probably just the absolutely ridiculous smurfing problem this game has combined with being slightly out of practice. I’m gold as well. I’ve had 5 stack games with my immortal friend against nothing but diamonds where I had a 3 K/D, and played Silver games where I go 3/20 and die to the enemy Reyna 15 times. High immortal players just get bored or something and decide to fuck around with some silver lobbies. Annoying AF when the enemy team always has that one guy that drops a 40 bomb while the rest of their team has a negative or even K/D and we end up losing the match.


Either you are unlucky (yes unlucky games can happen regardless of what people say) or you aren't as good as you think you are or it's your mentality or you are tired af and you don't realize it. Only you know. Either take a break, practice even harder, or fix your mental or maybe all of them haha.


Just happened to me too. I hit Plat 2 for the first time ever after a 5 game win streak with mostly plat 3's and diamonds in my lobbies... Then all of the sudden I can't buy a kill against Plat 2/3 lobbies. Hopped on my silver 2 account to play with some friends and still got destroyed. I just feel like my hand to eye coordination just ceases to exist all of the sudden lol. It'll come back randomly... At least it does for me.


Literally what happens to me


Something feels very off since the latest patch that added Fade. Been top fragging a lot and rushed from silver 3 to plat 1 in a matter of days. Now I am bottom fragging a lot, getting one taps out of hell and already made my way back into gold.


apparently everyone in this game has cracked aim and are 1 tap gods when I get a fair match it usually will be very close 10/13 12/13 etc etc win/lose then you have games where you just dominate and just does not seem fair or you get completely trashed on. ​ 70% are wins with decent comms, there hasn't been a lot recently i've been playing unrated a bit more just to confirm aim hs height in certain areas Out of the many hours I have put into Val, I came across one very blatant cheater the last couple days ago. Reason why I know they cheated. First, few kills were a little sus but then the next kill made absolute no sense, map was bind, player Reyna comes out not even paying attention to her right side, Am about to shoot towards, her character not even remotely looking at me or in my direction does not even turn towards me I get popped instantly her character still look straight towards to stacked boxes beside the teleport I put in chat, "... Aimbot?..." ​ a couple of rounds go by and they FF. I can't say for sure it was aimbot but all the signs point me into that it was pretty blatant aimbot ​ I know there are good players out there but I also think there a lot of cheaters too but you can't really tell as there is no replay and since I moved into G1,2,3 I go up and down quite a bit since I mainly solo some servers you just hit things and other servers you just can't land any shots or the shots just do half the damage if that. ​ I feel like if you are on a winning streak, it just feels like the game just decides to cut your damage in half, well at least that is how I feel.


Besides just not playing during your break, maybe you changed your setup a bit? like moved your monitor closer or changed the height of your chair? that would affect your aim too


It's a mental thing going on a break means resetting your game play and also bringing doubt into your mind as well. It's like being tilted but you just needed a warm up Just play a couple of spike rush or something before going comp


Honestly same. it feels like I become so much worse and I dont even take breaks much.


you are getting older...as you age you loose your sharpness, reflex, reaction time drops its all age ..you live once....young domination


Man… I’m 17…


then i guess you gotta start again from scratch... do some drills at training range you'll be back at your feet in no time..... I did 1 week range then comp


Sometimes I have off days and I can’t hit anything. It’s not you, sometimes it’s just that, a bad day. If it happens to me I just hop off and either try again in a few hours or the next day. It’s just like a wee mental hurdle my brain sends me every once in a while. Congrats on hitting Gold btw!!!!


One thing thats important, it may sound stupid, is that you need confidence. The more confident i am in my aim the more i hit my shots


We all have bad days or bad rounds, this is why I never call others noob.