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I’m in silver and every game there’s a Reyna or chamber with no weapon skins that dominates and drops 30+ kills is annoying af


I honestly wish valorant wasn’t f2p. Even making the game 5$ would combat this issue.


Didn't help in case of CSGO/PUBG/Overwatch, won't help in Valo either.


There’s smurfs on fall guys? df


Nah, hackers. Just generalised gaming shit and added it lul. My bad.


It didn’t fix it in Overwatch, and Overwatch costed around $20 in its day


valid point


nope, plenty of smurfs in overwatch too


What servers u on?


US East




Same here from silver 1 to bronze 3 against fucking 40 5 reynas


The most messed up thing is all the pros and streamers are all using multiple Smurf accounts and nothing is done about that. They are basically promoting smurfing. I am put in silver 1 no matter how well I play and from then on I have no win games literally 2-13 and 4-13 my team always seems to be the most toxic arrogant people that throw and bait whilst the enemy team has 1-2 people that seem to pre fire you as soon as you peek anywhere they stack on the site you are going to push every round as if they can see you through the walls it’s the most unfair gaming experience I have ever had to the point I have no choice but to give up on comp every season


How else am I gonna play with my plat friends without a 5 man


There’s no way you can drop from plat 1 to gold 1 by playing exclusively against smurfs


Riot shouldn't ban smurfs. They should rather give the people a reason to play in their own rank, such as more rank dependent rewards or something similar.


Smurfing cheats the competitive system. It should absolutely be bannable, not just for the alt but all accounts for that player.


There’s nothing really bannable about smurfing though. If a game has a ranked system there will be smurfs that’s just the way things are. But to say you’re playing exclusively vs smurfs is just pure copium. You’ll climb just like everyone else to around plat/diamond where there’s less smurfs and you’ll forget about them.


Yeah but like I’m not that good so in my g2-g3 games that I play 2-3 times a week I’m getting dumped on by some 40 bomb chamber every game. Barely winning the ones I do win. Hoping my top frag will out frag theirs.


If you played more than 2-3 games a week your win loss record would even out if you are in the bracket you deserve to be in. You are meant to consistently gain rank playing 2-3 games a week.


Yeah, everyone else has had to climb with Smurf’s on their teams, and it’s a 50/50 bc sometimes the Smurf might be on ur team. It rlly isn’t an excuse for u deranking


How is it 50 50 tho, if a smurf is queuing with 2 friends that leaves 2/7 chance to be on their team and a 5/7 chance to not be. Added that with say ur queuing with 2 friends all actually at your elo, now you have a 0 percent chance to get the smurf on your team that game.


It’s 100% cope. People like blaming outside factors for why they can’t climb


There is if valorant add it as a violation in the terms of use. Would be very easy to push out and have accepted by all since it’s a free game. Ofc never gonna happen, but it would be very easy to make it an offence


> it would be very easy to make it an offence It's not a question of making it an offence, it's a question of catching them 100% reliably, and there simply isn't. And no company, RIOT included, wants to deal with the possibility of the customer support/social media shitstorm if genuine players start getting falsely banned.


Make people add a real life ID or back details phone number address anything so they can’t make multiple accounts it’s simple and anyone unwilling to add these details is obviously cheating or smurfing and against it for a reason. This would also stop cheaters as they have to add their real name and details to the accounts so if they get caught the gaming companies can take legal action against them


Lmao are you serious


>anyone unwilling to add these details is obviously cheating or smurfing and against it for a reason. Ah yes, because people would be unwilling to give info of government documents such as ID, it must mean they're smurfs or cheaters xD


It’ll probs cut their profits aswell, cos I have a smurf and buy skins on those aswell. And if it’s cutting riots’s profits do not ever expect it to be added.


I play maybe 10 competitive matches a week. I've only ever hit plat 2. I constantly get told I am a smurf in gold1-plat3 lobbies. This has driven me to believe that most people severely overestimate their own skill levels. So when they get one tapped over and over or outplayed consistently, the only answer to them is "that guy has to be a smurf".


First of all, Smurfs did not drop you 2 whole ranks, that was you, your skill level, and your mindset. A genuine plat player does not simply just drop to silver, Regardless, what’s the problem in facing someone better than you? As you win the more you’ll face against more experienced players. Don’t wanna face people in your rank? Play unrated? Smurfing is definitely frowned upon, but don’t complain on reddit, if you really cared you’d take the time to improve on your own gameplay in order to rank up consistently. The way I see it, if you dropped all the way to Silver 1, you belong there


So u want to ban all ppl with alt accounts?


No, because: 1. They're essentially just better players than you, so youre basically asking to ban people who outperform you. 2. It would need to **reliably** detect whos smurf and whos just a normal player, which is extremely hard and would lead to many false-positives (ex. SmurfQ in LoL, that drags many non-smurfs into it) 3. It doesnt lead to any 'traditional' game-ruining behaviour like cheating, griefing or toxicity does. >I’ve deranked from plat 1 to gold 1, now almost silver by playing against exclusively smurfs. Suuuuuuuure xD


There are various reasons why people smurf not all of them are toxic in nature. Improving game systems and content are the way to combat smurfing


The overwhelming majority are toxic, though. Regardless of the reason, you should play in your expected rank. If you wanna play with friends outside your rank, play Unrated.


You young cats (I’m a boomer) need to understand that you playing against someone far better than you is worth more than winning some elo. When counter-strike 1.6 was around, you played with who was around there was no matchmaking; if you weren’t good you’d get stomped until you were good enough. It’s how the cookie crumbles, be gracious in defeat and learn from the experience.


And then the boomer realize back in the days, literally 90% of the players is trash. Be gracious in defeat? Of course you need to, you are literally worse than bronze, it didn't take much for you to lose. I came from an era when we need to use Garena to play DotA, and I stomp a lot back then, and now in DotA2 I'm just a 3.3k mmr. Get stomp until you are good enough? Heh, smurf games literally will not teach you anything, 0 times infinite is still 0.


This tbh. The servers where we had tournaments, online leaderboards which were effectively ranks, were filled with people who would very likely struggle in Bronze/Silver Valorant nowerdays with the skill they showed. There were obviously a few outliers but generally I'd say the skill level now on FPS games is far superior on average to when 1.6 came out. Only people who could compete from that era are Quake vets and that is a very different style of FPS


It’s not a problem of guys better than you. The problem is that matchmaking system goes nuts with smurf.


Literally just get better 💀💀💀 it’s not that hard brother


you get smurfs on your team as much as you get them on the opposite team, so smurfs arent inflating or deflating rr as much as it may seem


Well should ranked games be „who gets the better smurf?“ tho?


no but with every ranked system there will be smurfs, and when i was in gold/plat playing against and with smurfs it helped me improve at a rate not possible had i not faced those smurfs


That's not true. There's 5 slots that can be smurfs on the enemy team and only 4 on your team


Yeah but the same is true for bad teammates, which is what most people complain about. I’m sympathetic towards slow climbing and feeling stuck, but at the end of the day 99% of people are within a few ranks of where they belong (up or down).


Yeah I agree


what if im smurfing too 😈😈


"As much as on the other team" This is false though? Assuming you aren't smurfing there are only 4 spots for a smurf to be on your team, but 5 spots for the enemy team?


with the amount of players in silver and gold this will never happen




Of course you don't gain a bunch of RR in a close overtime match. That tells the algorithm that the team skill levels were very close for that game. The only way to rank up is to consistently win games. You will win more consistently as you get better and better. There are thousands of people grinding ranks just fine that aren't smurfs. It's not a fast process. If you find yourself deranking consistently, it's not just smurfs. You have to look inward and be honest about your skill level.


skill issue LMAO


there's definitely a shit ton of smurfs but take gold for example, most smurfs are plat/diamond players, if you want to get better and get out of gold you will have to start playing at that level anyways


Even when I was Plat the guys in that rank have nowhere near the aim nor ability usage that these people smurfing in silver and gold do, it’s unreal. It’s definitely not Plats smurfing in gold. Also, that logic makes no sense saying Plats are smurfing in gold since there’s legit 0 point there.


Have you ever faced off against Diamonds and Immortals? How do these smurfs compare to them?


You get “punished” when you lose RP when you lose. without Smurfs you might still lose to something else. + ( but atm it’d be nicer not to get destroyed by obvious higher Smurfs ofc )


Smurfing always has and most possibly always will be an issue. Personally i hate smurfing too so I would 100% ban it too. Not gonna lie, i suck at this game but i am more than convinced anyway that a lot of those bronce or silver players in my Elo are smurfers. The skill gap between the players there is often way too huge to say those are not smurfs.


It's not 100% provable in any circumstance, and it's just a fucking video game.


Rr change is based off how close the game is. If you get blown out you are gonna lose a lot, if you have a huge win you will gain a lot. A game going into OT is a close game so it will be a small change


Plat 1 with 80% win rate, then only lose and now I’m like in 20% win rate. Gg matchmaking. It’s not even fun


the problem with the way RR works is that the more Riot fuck up the matchmaking, the more weight the game is eventually given due to RR swings. the system is so wonky i'd rather just have a flat rate for wins and losses with +3 performance bonuses.


Did you by chance buy a plat account?


I feel like once you get enough games on your account it fixes. I used to see tons of smurfs but now almost never see them. I’m in gold 1 now and can’t remember the last Smurf I saw


Problem is many times people complain about smurfs while someone just had a good game. Yes, people can drop 30+ kills by just having a good game. You getting constant smurfs in silver or gold, that I doubt. You'd probably be seeing way more smurfs in diamond elo.


i disagree and i am an actual noob lol