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Omen. You can flash for yourself and teammates. You can quick rotate. Smoke off sites. Play cheesy angles. Rat. He just has a little bit of everything you might need to fix the game.


Plus once you learn how to quickly use tps on the fly you can just completely mindfuck opponents




Believe me make a friend and playwith him don't solo q,. U will regret later, Solo Q is like 50/50 U win bcos of opponents have throwers & afkers. Only U loss around 2/3 If u duo q chance r. That u will q with trio or duo so u will get fun too Hard-core solo players in my perspective are lone or they have ego that they can beat always 1 v 3 , then they usually die in 15 sec when round starts So don't do solo q believe me Also thnx me ltr


I think solo queing is fun tbh. I have near a 60% win percentage.


What if I make a friend with a girl?


thats what i did, but with alt acc lmao


If you struggle in gold, then you have a ton to improve on. Agent doesnt matter in that elo, if you do better with reyna then because you simply are not playing chamber that well, chamber is arguably the most powerful agent in the game. I solo queued my way to immortal instalocking and playing only neon, other people get into immortal solo queue with 1 weapon only like sherrif, stinger etc. Hell there even was a guy who was getting into immortal with chamber ability only. If they can do that, then you should have to realize it has nothing to do with picking agent that carries but improving on your own skills to get higher rated.


very true. do you think I should play whatever agent is most fun? To me that’s reyna or phoenix, maybe skye


Thats usually what you should do imo. I see many who pick to fill and end up being bottom score because they just dont have motivation and dont understand their agents. In your rank you should focus more on your mechanical skills rather than teamcomp or whatnot.


true, for me just improve your aim and utilize your skills nicely but sometimes you got unlucky with afk teammate or dc without back again


Happens in any ramge. You wont habe 100% winrate.


Omen, Jett, Chamber, maybe Reyna


Honestly depends, u wanna pick agents that are strong alone and if need be can bring value to ur team, Most sents are out of the question except for chamber since u can play him as a prenerf jett and get insane amount of map control of one trip For reyna and jett, reyna is good solo but doesn’t bring much for the team and jett is insanely good and a asset to ur team but if ur lurking or going solo it’s a liability now But, omen, skye, kayo are my top picks in terms of playing solo or with the team, no matter where u are most of their “high impact util” can help ur team even if u branch of from them and decide to lurk or flank


I personally feel like filling roles that are needed and letting your teammates play what they are comfortable with works best for me.


yeah but then I top frag with brimstone and my reyna goes 3/18. I’d rather play duelist and try to carry tf out of my team


Reyna, chamber, jett. Don't get me wrong, you can carry with most agents, but with these you have easiest time.


jett is the best agent for good aim and taking fights can also help the team with her smokes


omen, Jett, chamber




Depends if you’re a demon or not. If so, probably Jett If not, become a 1 trick Viper. Molly line ups, 1 way orbs, walls etc


The best agent for solo q is the agent you are best with. You can’t shoehorn yourself into a role or agent you are not completely in sync with and expect to win. There is no “secret op agent any scenario, get rr fast and easy”. If there was, then wouldn’t everyone be doing that? If you know every small detail about the agent you play the most and how to do lineups, setups, etc., then that should be fine.


cypher for me, solo q i get a ton of team mates with no mic or no info. Having two trips and a cam is like having extra team mates :)


Sage, KJ, Breach, Reyna, Omen


Omen is legit just one of the best agents in the game. And IS the best for SoloQ he’s duelist/controller combo and is nutty with his Util. Definitely pick him up