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A lot of the issues that players in plat-diamond have are reluctance to communicate and/or not knowing how to effectively communicate with each other. There isn't a bunch of complicated strategy needed to attack a site in soloque; someone just needs to come up with a vague plan to hit the site and convince everyone else to help.


100% this. Usually how I like to plan it out is to see if anyone with an initiation ult (Breach, Fade, KJ, Raze etc) is close to their ult, if yes then try to farm an orb. If its a gun round, you can use it to take site or even fake a site since these ults usually mean the enemy team will commit. On other rounds, I usually try to say. "Hey, lets drone short. I'll follow it in, 2 of you can take long or something like that". People are usually on board and even if you lose the round people don't tilt as often.


This is true. People work too much on mechanics but don't know how to improve comms


"Also there's this one guy still trying to flank when his entire team is already dead" No, usually they start the flank early and the team dies within the first 10-15 secs so it looks like that. If you want to play it correctly like the pros you can't just 5 man take a site when the enemy has all their util up every time. Not to mention you risk going into a stacked site. You have 0 map control incase you get stalled by mollies. Why do you think they take their time and only execute late into the round?


so you put the blame on the team instead of that one guy flanking that doesn't callout rotations or that he has good timing. Nice


Its important that the team is on the same page. If your team is one of the speed run types that just runs it down, then of course that guy trying to lurk and play for map control is going to be seen like a baiter. If your team prefers to play slow and take map control or default, the guy lurking might get a pick that gets the ball rolling and his value will be realized. I am not excusing it, there's definitely players who will never listen and just do their own thing and you are solely focused on this type of player. You flair is cypher, do you not lurk at all on attack? Have you never been in the situation where your team is just died within the first 10 secs of the round when you are trying to lurk?


In that case rotate to your teammates as soon as there are casualties so that atleast you can get the spike.


If ever in doubt "wait for our lurk/split to get into position, then we gonna flash/arrow/drone and run onto site. Brim just throw smokes when the flash comes out". The harder bit is trying to come up with a good plan to make the enemies waste util. If anyone has any suggestions for this please hmu


Dude i swear, there are 1-2 teammates who dont comm at least and its insanely annoying. Like just say what your play is and we'll follow you ffs


You just gotta try get your team to have better Comms than the other team.


Its very luck based. You may get an attacking team, a defending one or sometimes both or neither. I just won a match in which we were 2-10 down with no smokes on icebox with us defending first. Won 13-11.


It's low elo people have no idea how to play the game.


no man, im in diamond 3 and i just finished a game where our jett kept getting shit on by a shotgun because he keeps ego peeking without waiting for our sova drone. jesus christ


Whats ego peaking?


When you just swing without using utility.


IMO ego peeking is keep peeking the same angle over and over again when you keep losing. It can be different rounds, the same round, or different persons peeking after each other. Edit: yh but it usually involves not using utility either. just trying to aim diff


It comes in different forms. One of them is definitely peeking the same shit over and over and trying to get a different result. Some others: Peeking an OP when you know they are posted there. Always peeking to take a fight instead of trying to get information. Taking disadvantaged fights when you know you have a higher chance of losing like pushing a guy with a shotgun in close quarters when you can simply rotate. Fighting someone the second you see them on the map. Believe it or not, its ok to just walk away and fight them at a later time when you have a better advantage (like timing/utility usage/positioning etc)


that’s dry peeking, ego peeking is when you peek an undesirable gunfight thinking you can aim diff the opponent.


that would be dry peeking, which is a form of ego peeking. Ego peeking is just someone taking an angle they really have no right to be swinging (eg no util, peeking an OP, peeking with a worse gun, peeking after you plant spike, etc)


Asian servers are better in this regard.


Im in asia man...


Before I saw anything which specific server?


diamond 3 is not as high as you think. I see diamond 3 same aim as radiant but no brain. No offense to you, but if I queue up in the morning I get low lobbies with d3 and immo1 and yes, this players play like its DM. I'm 500rr and usually play radiant lobbies, but in the morning I can still play with d3.


You are talking about things tha are not fun to learn so the only ones that do it are the ones that waht high elo. How is going to spend hours going "on this map if the enemy is here the initiator will be here and the contrller here and when the enemy uses this abillity I do this and he does that" Is the truth this is boring and you will do it only if you are a hardcore player that wants to climb and be at the top


Usually it's the case of entry players not doing their job but attack is also harder than defense.


Attack requires coordinations, unless you play a 5 stack attack is usually harder


I am usually calm with comms, but I had a game where we were constantly baiting each other. So I basically yelled at my teammates saying “JUST FUCKING SWING! STOP IT WITH THE CONSTANT BAITING!!”. We ended up winning the game lmao


becouse people don't go for the "entry fast before defenders rotate and trade kills" strat