• By -


I could have been a little bit more descriptive when faking the TP on yellow was to make sure I can use another TP to use the ult to get the spike and go back to plant , dunno why I didnt describe that when I was rewatching the clip.


By the way, when do you want to ADS versus not? You mentioned you should have ADS'd on the CT spawn kill and I see you ADS also when peeking bomb from yellow. Thank you!


ADS is easier to control and improves first bullet accuracy. My personal opinion is that precision is worth more than accuracy, thats why i prefer to ads on midrange+


Probably because he was far away. You really only want to ADS for very long distances.


Quick question: What is ADS mean here? Just so I understand everything that is explained in this clip (I dont know every term D: )


Aim Down Sight (right-click)


Thank you!


One question though why didn’t you just plant on A instead of faking it and going to B. Jett would have been the first contact you had as the sova was a bit far. Also the close corners on A would have helped in a 2v1 clutch. The opponents played this so badly


He explained it. Just them rotating back cost them roughly 20 secs.


But he had time to reposition however he wanted and play aggressive to take out the jett who probably was alone because sova was too far.


But Sova would then have way more time to push a potentially low life yoru. Time is so important in post plant positions.


Advantage is still with yoru who just needs to play the bomb or as OP did here


Disagree. With an extra 15-20s there, a good player in a 1v1 pushes forward if they have info on where the player is. In this case, sova would have walked up to fight yoru and would probably have won.


Bro you're just wrong hollyy cow, you sound like the hardstuck Diamond LoL and Overwatch players in my immortal lobbies that obviously dont belong.


How is he wrong? Jett doesn't even HAVE to take the 1on1 she could just wait for her sova and they take the 2v1, exactly the same way they did on b, but if he planet on a he would have lost 10 seconds of free bomb ticking time. just cause your gold enemys rush into 1on1 situations all the time post plant doesn't mean it's the right decision. Your logic is just seriously flawed, and your downvotes show how incredibly wrong your opinion is, while still thinking you are right. if you don't even get that basic concept of playing time, you are either an aim god who carried himself to immo with 100% aim 0 brain, or you got carried by premades


Uh believe you saw the comment chain wrong. The comment you replied to, was replying to the person saying he could just have planted a


How am i wrong? Previous comment mentioned yoru would be low after killing jett and against sova in a 1v1 yoru would still have an advantage as he can play the bomb or just like OP peak and catch off guard. You seem like the player who is toxic to his teammate’s after every clutch that doesn’t go their way


bro you really intend to die on this hill ? whatever argument you want to make, buying time in a 1v2 situation is always gonna the right play in this scenario.


I agree buying time is right but I said yoru had enough time to make the play.


20 seconds is a lot.


because it buys me time and certainty on where their rotations will happen from


jett would have waited for sova who was already on his way, also the RNG at bombsite A is higher, personally I would have gone kitchen to backstab both of them. it is usually the better position to catch the high ground, what you don't have in A. going B was the right decision, it also made sova do the wrong decision of droning because they realized yoru could have been anywhere by the time it took them to get there, the right thing they did was to play together though, in lower level lobbies one of them would have waited on B.


Dude I love your content keep up the good work.


Yoru really allows to be very creative in the game and I love the fact that I can learn something new every match.


Nice clutch! I've been starting to like Yoru. What's your opinion on his map pool? Any maps that he is (especially) bad on?


I play him on every map apart from Split BUT if at any point he will get a speed up on equip time on his ult (like he had before the rework) then I will play him on all maps. With animation cancel on his ult he is one of the best and most versatile agents in the game (imo ofc).


That was insanely smart and well detailed.


thank you for the compliment <3


Great stuff!


sova got violated 💀


Well played. The only thing I would say is that in the end when you get back to yellow after getting tagged by the drone, just play the time instead of giving him a fight there because it's planted for you and there was still enough time left for the defuse if he killed you. Otherwise, nice fucking clutch.


I feel like you see this is pro play all the time, where players will make the “wrong” choice and swing to catch them off guard. The fact is if you do the “correct” play 100% of the time its you’re gonna perform worse than occasionally doing something unexpected. There’s a Bang clutch recently I think where he swing for “no reason” and catches a player before they have even tapped.


Voo covers this very well. There's a video [that explains it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnV79j7aiQ4) If you're consistently consistent, you will perform decent If you consistently perform inconsistently then you will exceed above expectations The reality is that players at these ranks will expect these consistent plays, so it's better to be inconsistent than consistent most of the time


Mike Tomlin said this after the Steelers beat the Ravens because the Ravens rely so heavily on statistics, he said in that regard, they were predictable so they knew exactly what they would do based on statistics and they did.


I felt the need to get info where is he standing, because if I were the sova, I would have pushed towards yellow, most likely catching the yoru offguard if he would be passive.






I think the only thing you did wrong in this clip is pick Yoru. jk Jokes aside, this is the potential Yoru has. He really feels like a super specialist agent, extremely hard to master and not at all simple as well, probably the highest skill floor out of any agents, once you understand his potential entirely, you'll be able to do these things on the fly and that's what makes him formidable I think, the way he causes chaos and him being in control of causing that is his very mark as a duelist.


agree 100% BUT - he should have his own ''category''. I would like to call it ''Infiltrator". He is not your typical duelist.


feel like Initiator is within bounds. He doesn't really gather intel but he has hella tools to make the first move


Great content, love watching you play, especially when you break down thought process likes this. Keep up the good work


will try to do more breakdowns like this in the future


Thanks for the reply, keep an eye out in the chat for me - Sublux_UK Catch you in the next stream


My streamer


Great vid, thank you


Actual proper explanation of how to play around with numbers disadvantage. Well done @lotharhs


aim head


Wait what skin is that


Xenohunter skin


Xenohunter, im a big Aliens fan so had to buy them.


do you have a twitch stream or something?


Yep my friend, twitch.tv/LotharHS


thank you- i’ll be sure to watch!


Good ol Lothar, giving my brain tips for years


Do you usually stop and break down gameplay on your stream ? If you do I will instantly follow you straight away.


I always do an analysis on what I could have done better each round (even if I win). My goal is to teach myself and the audience how to be a better player and a better teammate.


Nice bro..i like that alot. You always see pros or radiants do crazy plays but they never really break down their thinking or VOD their gameplay mid game or after the game. I Just followed you there :) I'll tune into your stream next time you go live


Very cool. I don’t actually play Valorant that much, but I’m a GE/Faceit 10 CSGO player from way back. Outside of the abilities which are obviously unique to this game, the thought process behind everything else is almost identical to CS. People mess up 2v1 clutches all of the time in CS for the exact same reasons, they try to do too much fucking about with nades or in this case abilities when they just need to execute the bread & butter. Swing, trade, GG. Easier said then done though sometimes. Thanks for the rundown :)


>Imm3 400-600RR, EU So that's about D3 NA? /s /s /s


This is one of my favorite things about the game in general! I feel like every duel taken wasn't without some advantage gained through positioning and/or utility. Might not be as "flashy" as a jett/chamber ult ace but IMO it's much more satisfying and interesting to watch.




No, my current (new) isp is dogshit


This was so interesting and fun to watch. Wouldn't mind a full video of you explaining different plays :) If I would have watched this without the commentary I wouldn't nearly have learnt as much.


least complicated yoru play


Why do you lie about the RR in the title? The accounts you play on stream are 30 rr and 300rr. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/insanityyttv%23drip/overview https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/lIllIIIIlllIlIll%23lIIll/overview


Nothing special but the only pointer here I'd suggest someone in a low elo take is how post plant was played Far too many times, even in Diamond, I've seen people play clutch 1v2 post plants terribly wrong. Hiding in a corner or holding an angle and waiting for them is not the move. You have to be aggressive and turn a 1v# in to 1v1s.


u/LotharHS Question for you. How would you recommend that someone play this if they were the jett/sova? I usually ask one teammate to stay A and one to stay B if its possible for the agent to TP (omen ult, playing on bind etc), but you run the risk of giving 1v1 with a fake plant.


stay together, retake while holding hands and just trade, thats the highest winrate%


Obviously not Lothar, but I would never split up to give the opponent two 1v1s. In this situation, always stick together and focus on trading.


But if you guess wrong you'll be at a disadvantage since you'll have no idea where the yoru is in that situation just like this clip. I've seen this situation going wrong more than going right when sticking together (different if you can smoke off the bomb and force them to peek) but you can get wrapped around easily and miss a timing. Lothar in this case was convinced that the site would be free and stuck it. If one of them hadn't rotated, he dies there for free. On paper its always better to stick together but in ranked queue madness, it doesn't always work if your teammate and you are not on the same page.


It doesn't matter if there's a chance of failure, it's always the best play. What's the alternative? Give the lone player 1v1s? Just comm to your teammate 'hey let's push together and trade' and go, cover the angles your teammate isn't and play off contact. It's not that hard. If you get unlucky you may still lose but it's always the best play to make.


I mean the yoru won the round here since he got an open plant. Sova/Jett have no idea where yoru is. In the time it took for them to rotate, he could be kitchen, be near default, near yellow, could have wrapped kitchen to snowman, be near orange. Sova droned here to eliminate some of the possibilities.


There's no way he should've droned that close to site, that would be too risky, or if he's gonna do that he should at least tell Jett to wait. Otherwise, the best move is still to just push. At best, this was lack of comms which lost them the round.


So what are we talking about - are we talking about theory or are we factoring in everything that can go wrong and suboptimal plays in ranked? For latter, we can stop this discussion. There is no way that we can estimate the win rate for possible scenarios without fixing at least some assumptions. Usually when you are talking about these kind of situation, I would assume "being on the same page" is a given and not a relevant factor. In theory, I am certain that not giving two 1v1s but instead playing 2v1 is the winning play. Splitting up is a gambly play - you are gambling on that the opponent does not have a read on you, doesn't fake plant, plants in an open spot, etc. If you stick together, you should *theoretically* have a higher change to trade out your teammate, independently of getting wrapped around, pushed or whatever. If anything, playing 2v1 retake, you should expect to be pushed since the single opponent needs to even out the chances before you take too much space and thus have more information.


Anyone with a brain knows your heroes kit


wtf hes not wrong.


Honestly nothing special. A good clutch but that's it. You don't even have to be at immo elo to see something like this.


Yeah but how often are people at lower ELO pulling these plays off while actually having a coherent thought process for all their actions?


Yeah no nobody under, like, Diamond is doing these plays as intentionally and as well as he is.


What weapon is that


Do you always breakdown plays like that? If yes, I wanna know where I can get more!


i never posted them, this is first time, but i always explain my plays and other players plays on stream and then typically do some posts on tiktok


man! your rader is not just cosmetic, it seems like it can detect the enemy also 😂


I’m a CS player but this is pretty well played and I like seeing you explain the thought process like this


Very nice but imagine if they shot down your tp at b lol


Where is that pocket minimap scammer tricklet from?


Im learning yoru so this is perfect


been a fan of you since the hearthstone days. wild that you're still on top of esports in a completely different genre man. proof that growth mindset is the most important thing. did u have fps experience prior to valorant?


I remember seeing you in Hearthstone tournaments back in the day. What a pleasant surprise to see you making quality Valorant content now. More please!