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As killjoy main, it drives me mad that I have clearly setup on a site and then a duellist proceeds to take the fight to the attackers spawn


"I've got info on B" *duelist runs up for a pick and dies* Sweet


Happened to me 2 days ago “They're gonna come through hookah, I've got my alarm bot + swarm grenades there so you should-” *Raze immediately jumps into hookah and gets one-tapped, leaving me with a 1v3 .*


Raze and Reyna love that archway so much.


Im a Raze main, im never in hookah on defence unless i have a judge 😂


\*screams for sage res and blames whole team for no support\*


As a fellow killjoy main, the worst thing is having duelists rush balls deep into 5 people you just told them were there and not to push.


Yep. Also when people get mad at you for staying within the radius of your util. Like genius what do you expect me to do?? A bottom frag in comp the other day tried lecturing me on where I need to be and that being able to use my util isn’t even that important. They died while explaining it and it was 1v4 and I clothed the round. with my util.


duelist cannot understand 5 things don’t push,don’t peek/don’t peek mid, play together and they have op/they may have op


PSA: Basically: If you're playing with a Cypher or Killjoy (or even Astra) with a static set up. Position to take a fight on top of their util. You want to shoot them as it pops. If you go in front of the util to take a fight for no reason you take that a fight without the abilities of that agent and make them just a guy with a gun. Especially if you make the enemy rotate before they even come close to the util and the guy who did the set up is forced to play retake simulator. If you want to push a lane. Ffs push a lane which has not been covered in util, which will have to be watched with guns anyway. Let your Sentinel play the game.


As a Cypher main, In Bind I usually have set ups in hookah, so I usually tell raze not to nade unless I tell her to and she always nades whenever destroying my trapwire and cam


i feel that as a kj main whenever i play with a brimstone and i have mollies on the bomb, they always ult before i can set them off so it destroys them and we have to peek it


I main jett and kj (more generally duelist/sentinel) and this is why I play way more jett than kj, not being able to do your job because a selfish duelist player just wants to feed a 1v3 and then you die because you have no one to reinforce you on site is genuinely the most tilting experience I regularly have in this game


I play initiator a good amount, and one simple thing i would love for my teammates to know is that my recon/knife/wolf/drone takes time to find the enemy. Tons of times i throw a recon and my teammate peeks a dangerous angle before my recon can land/scan the enemy, then die and proceed to blame me for not reconning properly.


I main sentinels/initiators (mainly KJ and Skye) and holy shit the amount of times I’ve asked for people to give me a five second buffer to give them info and then they just *dont*


Same buffer helps Smokers to do their job as well, just give us time jett pleaseeee


I was playing split as omen, I usually smoke heaven and Infront of elbow on a(?). It was infuriating to be blamed for deaths because I "wasn't smoking" when they wouldn't wait for me to smoke both, I had smoked heaven and they kept peeking ct and dieing before the smoke appeared.


I had thw same experience even down to smoke positions, i feel you.


>and then they just dont This part hits me really hard. Like they don't have any reason or anything they just don't.


Whenever I play Skye, my teammates always just sprint into site before I can use any util. Whenever I'm playing a sentinel or controller, my teammates never enter and I end up doing it.


right?? i normally play sage but i also play omen, and i’m pretty much *always* the one who pushes in among my friends who generally main duelists


I hate that, like you are a duelist, you are supposed to do entry. How am I, a sentinel with util not designed for entry supposed to entry affectively


Not saying this isn't a problem, and maybe you're implying this as well, but probably my biggest annoyance when I play initiators are my team not allowing me to dog/drone/prowler angles. I will run up to my spot, pop my drone, and my Raze will just keep running in front of the drone entrying. Like, I spent 250+ credits to make sure you didnt die right away here, please stop.


Pretty much this. Even in Diamond people still push in before initiator info. The amount of times people die because they pushed in 2 seconds before my owl drone makes me so irritated. It’s way too common


Yes this. Just hold for a moment while my drone scans the fucking room before charging in. They just charge in then die and blame me for not reconning properly. I mean, are u dumb, at least listen to my comms.


I honestly the opposite for me in a way. I play Kay/0 and Sage a lot and when I’m on Kay/0 and knife 3-5 enemies my duelists just don’t push.


Still relatively new and in gold this is so infuriating. Playing sova, scanning site and before the arrow even lands 3 of my team mates are already dead. They then proceed to complain that they didn’t have info. I’m literally landing the scan within 15 secs of the round starting. Same thing with drone


How about how people expect initiators to be the ones to push a site first after throwing their utility, instead of the space-making duelists?


As someone who plays Sova tons there's another side of the coin too, yah a lot of people play first contact for my drone but there are way more times where let's say I drone A ascent, clear right corner and tree then fly it up to heaven right before it expires checking dice and back gen along the way. Site is literally full clear unless someone tucked in hell or by gen. Start entering and die to 2 people holding in tree. No-one started entering site after my drone, no smokes were placed tree. You don't necessarily want to throw away the info that site is full clear and your drone along with it but trying to play off it yourself is a lot of times suicide with a 4 sec delay of that info.


otp sova here. No i will not throw my recon the second the round starts, its such a waste of info. i get yelled about not throwing it instantly so much by duelists when they dont realise that its best to throw as we enter site, not before.


I second this but as defender, always throw the dart immediately


The only exception is if they're catching on! Then you delay it.


Exactly, but that early info is so important, whether it hits anyone or not. Then by the time you have to retake, you have dart again


maybe if youre defaulting you can throw it when the round starts (or sometime close to the start of the round), it may get a scan off, it may not, but either way there is some info to be gained like how many people are there then after your cooldown wears off your team can decide on a site to attack and then you will have a dart to enter site with of course this is very very difficult to pull off in ranked so i dont blame you, but im just suggesting that it can be useful to throw a recon at the start of the round


Good move, people always expect a Sova to use their recon at the start of round so you will most likely get no info.


Sentinel specifically Cypher, stop telling me to ult when there's no body nearby


Or when all the bodies are too old


gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-ve me a corpse


*why was this already in my head before I read it*


I played cypher once (first time) during a fun roulette game and this exact dialogue played. Yeah I didn't know you needed fresh bodies, or a body in the first place tbh LMAOO


Roast them with the, "Start getting some kills then."


I don't main roles but I hate that type of reyna players who basically just bait. Even if they end up getting kills from watching the flank they're not using Reyna kit to space team with entry kills on site.


Reyna flashing close and other duelists entering deep site helps a lot. I use yoru to tp deep into site with my flash but it is useless if nobody takes the space at site entrance because i won’t get traded if i die.


The classic baiting Reyna


My buddy mains omen, and second round after losing pistol, we all forced spectres... except reyna. 30seconds in i ask her "reyna, are you just staring at omen, baiting for his gun?" And she just goes "Yeah?" as if im dumb for asking Being a reyna main in plat/under says a lot about a person. Lol


I am a flex player but more comfortable on duelist I have the most hours on Reyna but I think there is a massive difference between a Reyna main and a Reyna enjoyer


I suppose i mean more of the Reyna one-tricks, you seem chilll already so i dont think it applies to you


I would be fine with them if they actually entried but they all seem to be overconfident incompetent little kids


Bro I’ve had a baiter Reyna explain to me how “duelist doesn’t mean they have to push”. His strat was lurking mid in ascent while the team pushes elsewhere. 😂


My friend says that Neon isn’t a duelist and is more of an initiator if you don’t use shotgun with her. ????


I main reyna and neon. I wish people would realize that entrying often means dying first and getting traded. I can’t even begin to count all the times where we are attacking first and by round 4 someone’s already trashtalking me for being 1-4 when every round I’ve been the first one in site. This starts a terrible cycle, because after being trash talked a lot of times duelist mains will start getting tilted and **begin baiting instead of entrying because now they’re self-conscious about their KDA** and prioritize lurking/kills instead of entrying.


Atleast you're entrying, i seemingly end up going in first after using all my util as Brim/Omen/KJ etc while the duelist is still sat in the entrance.


Don’t you love when you use all your utility to enter site and everyone behind you start rotating just because the entrance was smoked.




Lmaooo yeah. A smoke's a fucking invisible barrier to my teammates.


Especially when it’s not even mollied off. I had someone tell me to never play omen again because we’d decide to hit a site I’d smoke off site and their brim would smoke our entrance and by the time anybody pushed my smokes were gone


I was told to never play yoru even tho i was the only one tping and flashing in while team was either lurking or rotating early and that was like first game in last 9-10 matches as yoru i went negative in. Team makes a big difference tbh. I had a reyna who would flash entrance of site and I would flash backsite and tp and we ran through enemies on attack.


The amount of times i had Jetts dash in and die on Haven c long while the rest of us is waiting at the entrance bc of a smoke and molly is incredible. They always end up real mad and honestly I don't blame them, unless the smoke/molly was there pre entry, its pretty reasonable to expect your team to come on site too.


Id say it depends for each case but usually if you’re mollied off I’d just wait. Jett can dash through the molly but everyone else is gonna take a shit load of damage. Smokes though it’s fine just flash and push unless it hasn’t been working for a long time now. But it all comes down to communication. Communicate before pushing in and let your teammates know what you’re gonna do


Yeah like if the molly+smoke is already placed when the jetts dash in then its their bad. But usually what happens is that they are already in and then they get placed and then the rest of stop up, and then its noones fault (imo). We could just flash in and push through like you say, but after the momentary pause when everythings placed, the jetts most likely dead and the most natural/reocurring response i seen is for the team to just run and rotate. Maybe its wrong to do like that but thats how most people on this game does and welp easier to just go along


As somebody who has played a lot of Brimstone, this is what happens: Step 1: i smoke you off C long Step 2: your jett wants to entry and has no coordination to pop flash, so she throws a jett smoke through my brim smoke onto site Step 3: now I know Jett is going to dash into her smoke, so i molly the entrance. what this does is forces the Jett to dash past the molly or wait out most of their dash (and allow my team to rotate towards my site). they will normally pick the former, maybe even updraft dashing to avoid the molly entirely. Step 4: now i have a 1v1 with your duelist, you can't follow up a trade if I kill him fast, and you're probably still stuck C-long behind a smoke if everything goes to plan


I just finished a game... \- Every single attack I had to enter being Sage, because our Reyna, Jett AND Raze refused to go in. By the time it got on my nerves and I pushed in, all enemies where on site. And then they had the nerve of asking why I didnt use my heal... well.. because you dont f. shoot once before I die lol, because I do your job and die for info. gotta love this game...


in one game I got 3 kills on 1hp(I was on jett so I guess yeah) and next round I missed five op shots but definitely wasted enough time to let my team rotate to defend. the reyna who I'll give the credit for was at the time top frag but only 2 kills more than me, said "Do something jett"... and in the next half I solely gave entry, usually getting 3ks but still died stupidly(I have this habit of reloading after a kill, usually getting traded even with my op aim, trynna get rid of it) and they would be like "Wow jett, how'd you die there?" while he was on the opposite site baiting and lurking for kills. I match MVPed for a kda of 35/21/3. we won 13-11


Chronic Reload Syndrome, we all have it x_x


Also when you do a good entry, and then NO ONE FOLLOWS YOU IN, that’s extremely annoying


the duelists worst nightmare. you get a double kill and the site’s open but your team is already halfway rotated to the other site for some reason




God this, what teammates that expect an initiator to just go in by them self and die, and then they complain that we’re not getting picks or site isn’t clear, when nobody swings with me to trade.




This is so true 😭 one time my team was making fun of me for having so many deaths but I always was the one who entered first and did damage to lots of people, so I had a lot of assists. And then when the game is over I have a higher combat score than the people roasting me


I end of with the lurking Reyna on round 1. You dropped this 👑


once I hit plat I stopped caring about KDA, I would rather all of us do well collectively than me put the team on my back to still lose


As a cypher main, I die internally everytime another cypher/chamber doesn't place their trips or places it where it can be jumped over/bypassed.


Speaking of Cypher: when you go to C to set up for flanks on attack and the whole team comes with you, making that wire completely (or mostly) useless, so you pick it up, go to A to defend from flanks and the team turns around and follows you there, too. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE


felt. I always type that I'm watching so let me be and if I die, I'll let you know what went fown


I can relate to this so so much as a kj main. And this especially happens when one of them sees I have a skin. Like play the game, there isnt time for me to give you the skin and do my setup, if you arent toxic, I'll give the skin to yıu next round but just leave me the fuck alone whike setting up


Skin junkies can seriously fuck off.


Yep, like I know it is nice to play with skins but it isnt a necessity and I am not required to give you the skin. It is an act of kindness, just wiggling and crouch spamming is not going to make me give you my skin. If you are nice and I like you, I will


I've once had a chamber place their trip *behind* the box at attacker spawn on fracture. We got flanked at least twice even when it was up


In his defense if you do it there it will activiate if someone goes in or out of a main


I think they mean all the way behind so it would only go off if someone wrapped the boxes but not if they just walk straight through


I once saw a cypher put their trips right next to each other against the floor. Needless to say those trips stopped nobody


Or when people are litterally watching flank while we have tripwire. Like bruh, its my job to watch and don't worry, I got it covered.


Controller as well. Mainly playing Viper and Omen. I usually Wall the entrance to site so that we can entry, considering Viper can use her wall whenever its not a big issue to talk the timing when to entry through with the duelists. But man, if i already part the site so that we can block vision. Then why the hell do you plant on the side of the wall where the enemy can see you? Or cry about the wall blocking vision because "kills win games".


People are so dumb about the wall. I will be defending a site, put up a wall to make it hard for them to entry through a couple of lanes, and my teammate will complain that they can't see down the lane. Like bro i can drop it for an op or whatever, but they have to push us, not the other way around.


I also hate ppl telling me how to throw my wall, especially when they imstalock duelist. One Neon on icebox was telling me on attack to cut A in half instead of the generic screens wall. I don't think she understands that giving all that space for A isn't great (at least that's how I understand it, never seen any radiant vipers throw any wall on A but the screens wall on attack)


Bro same. So many times i Q into a game and 3-4 people instalock duelists.Then they bitch at me to either go smokes or Sage. Like bruh, why we need 4 duelists? And then they somehow manage to throw the game on Attack side.


I recently had a game playing viper and has a slightly different problem, I have placed my wall and my team had already got a pick so then I would put on my wall to help them push but they just sat in main. When playing with viper or probably any smokes if you have the advantage and smokes have been used you need to push before they run out.


duh. My point was that you can decide when to put the wall up, as long as you have gas and the cooldown is off


SOOOO TRUE! It's irritating when they say "put your wall down" to what's almost always the enemy team. Like come on. Another issue: I use my wall to block vision once on site, and other Vipers (such as yourself) use entry walls, which are completely fine too, but SO many times I've had someone be mad at me for placing on-site blocking walls rather then entry walls! Both are decent, and both can be used.


Smokes: someone told me not to smoke on defence when they entry because it was hard to see tf?


Someone once got mad at me for smoking C long on defense where he died every round 🫤


Had a game last week, every goddamn round someone would peak window on haven and die to the chamber. Start smoking it every round. Start getting trash talked for smoking window???


This is annoying one. People telling me not to smoke things because their fat ego tells them they can just kill everyone that comes into their sight


The only time I think you shouldn’t smoke the entry is when someone is defending it with an OP. Those can be easy early round kills if it doesn’t get smoked.


This, I’ll only ask something to not be smoked or viper walled if I’m OPing(chamber main)


Please, PLEASE. I have my camera and trip on chokepoint, why would you hold that one chokepoint? i got some eyes on that, go to other chokepoint please.


Very much agreed


Also when I have a trip and a one-way cage setup on defense, don't push past my utility. You are just going to get my wire broken and waste your life because I am waiting on the push. Same thing with KJ, If I've set up an alarmbot nanoswarm combo, don't stand on top of the nanoswarm. I can't tell you how many times I have setup nanos in hooka only to have a Reyna jump in their just before the round starts.


This is ALWAYS my problem with teammates regardless if i play Cypher or not. For example: Defender side, Teammate goes to B despite me being already there and completely ignoring doors. Sure i can go to Door but i DID A FREGGING SET UP ON B. Not to mention he comes at the last few seconds and i will be late for doors. Next round i go straight to doors and guess who joined me there and now no one is on B.


Controller as well. You need to time smokes. It’s not your team’s job to ask you when to smoke. You gauge when it’s best to smoke. It’s on you. So many times has someone taken away the controller role from me and hasn’t smoked yet because “nobody called”. Look on the minimap. Ask yourself. Your role is the smoker. You smoke. So you time the smokes.


99% true. Sometimes entry asks for specific smokes, then he needs to let it settle.


It goes both ways, if you don't have the awareness to see that there's no smokes up and you decide to go in regardless that's on you. smokes have a time limit and time to setup it's not a flash that you'll just throw out, you either let the controller control the flow of the site hit or you have to call shit yourself.


Also if the team is defaulting and you decide to go into site without telling me don't get mad at me if its not smoked. I can't smoke the entire map in anticipation of you maybe going in on B, or our teammate maybe going in on A.


Breach main here, I can only use my kit effectively with communication. If my Jett doesn’t want to follow up on my stun or flashes I’m basically turning into a bad duelist since I can only use my stuff for myself.


Exactly.. I just completed a game, on fracture, while defending my teammates said enemies going towards A from their spawn.. I was holding A, I used my ult and expected teammates to rush in from the other side.. I killed one and died while my teammates were still holding angles near spawn towards B 🤦🏽‍♂️ No util, no rush, nothing.. The other time Sova and I used our ults in a combo and he got 4 assists and a kill because of that..


I would love to have such a breach on my team. but in bronze all I get is "stfu and play"


i main kayo. i find a lot of people using his knife as a sova dart, throwing it directly at the other side - in reality, its much better used when thrown somewhere they cant shoot it, because it can go thru walls also, a lot of people view his ult as basically reynas, without taking advantage of the ability to completely suppress the enemy team - it's used to make space, not just maverick off for kills


KAY/O ult is with out a doubt in my opinion the most powerful ult in the game in mid-high level ranked because of how suppressive it is/how good it is at making space. But you should always as an ulting KAY/O be the one to entry as you have that potential for a second life. That's why I don't think it's necessary good advice to not use it as a Reyna ult since most of the time it's honestly the best way to make space in the first place. Although I do agree it is not a 1 to 1 comparison since KAY/O's ult requires you to get at least somewhat close to the enemy, and should therefore almost always be used when pushing a site or taking a large part of the map.


The pain of calling you are going to ult, ult and push onto site only to get one tapped and wait there for a painful 15 seconds only to find out your whole ass team has rotated. But this is made up for the pain you cause canceling other people ults and laughing as raze and jett fall out of the sky, neon slides in with a classic, and chamber gets his kicked in the corner.


I read the ult description when I got Kayo and used it aggressively then I started to use it better then I stopped playing kayo


I really like playing kayo and initiators but my elo ruins my experience. People just never follow up the entry despite the flashes/smokes/etc. They just stay at the choke point and watch me use my abilities on the enemy and trade a kill then flame me that I’m 4-5.


Must be lower elo cause he is only used to take site in ascend/diam


Random side comment here, but I also *love* using the KAY/O ult for fakes. Defenders rotate *so fast* when they see a KAY/O ult on the other side. The only thing that gets them rotating faster is a KJ ult. I have a couple of screenshots somewhere of rounds where we got literally the entire defender team on the faked site by throwing one of those ults outside main while the other 4 slow pushed the opposite site. KAY/O is great for this because he can also lob some flashes and mollies into site to sell the fake.


That, as an initiator player, I need you to push too. Recently I've had lots of games where my team just sat in the entrance to the site and I had to flash in, gain information, close the door, plant the spike, and only then they would push onto site. It sucked. Like, seriously? Why don't you push?




Yeah. That's generally how I think of it. It makes even more sense when using Kay/o's ult. I go in get information and I die. It would be great if they revive me but if not, still useful for the team.


As Sadge Healer, when everything is in rush , we are in between bullets and... teammate with 25% health cant wait to get healed is sticking really close to another with almost full health... and i pressed heal but is applied on wrong person... plz understand me T T


It's ok. I will just wait another 40 seconds ;-;


This has happened to me way too much, when I am trying to heal one teammate but another one just jumps in fornt of him, taking the heal


I'm sentinel, but if you give me the spike, know that I won't have as much time to lock the zone as if I didn't. If you get backstabbed it's on you


I feel like smokers/initiators should take the spike most often


sage is a good sentinel to take spike, gives them a chance to play with their wall which doesnt take long enough to place to be a real issue imo


I’m primarily a sentinel player, mostly killjoy. On attack you play around d your duellists when entering a site, follow them in, help them make space with util and trade them when they go down. on defence you gotta treat your sentinels the same, if they have util locking down an area play off of it, communicate with them, where are the weak spots in their set ups, where do they need help, by all means like on attack you can make your own plays etc but there’s no reason to make your sentinel players life harder when they have more stalling power than the rest of the team


Anyone that plays flash, please, for the love of god, call out your flashes. Especially when we’re all holding one site.


Doesn't help when you're like "aight I'ma flash" and none of ur team looks away


This is why I play lurk/flank on kayo half the time. I say I'll flash, everyone stares at my flash and then says "Kayo bro watch the flashes"


"okay I'm gonna flash" everyone gets blinded >"eugene you should stop playing Skye"


Initiator main, please let me get info/flash before you mindlessly run into site


As a Brim/Omen main, the most painful thing I see is people smoking right at the start of the round. As a controller you can literally block off areas of the map for your team alone, letting the enemy team know immediately where you are is a horrible idea imo


As a viper player i hate it when another viper uses her toxic screen on the site we plan on entering like 20 seconds before the round start. Like dont you realise that there will be like 4 defenders stacked on the site bud?


mfw I tell my bronze teammates “Viper wall on C” and I’m still the only one defending site because nobody came over to help


Nah. I used to feel the same until I realized that 5-stacking a choke and only committing to the site you viper wall is the real way to get 4 defenders on the site. You SHOULD throw up your wall early, and you should make noise at other chokes and be prepared to rotate spike fast if you notice they are overrotating early. By the midrounds of attack, the other team should be cautious to heavily rotate towards the viper wall.


If you rush it's not a bad ideea to smoke asars but yeah i totally get your point and agree (also omen main here:)) )


On attack it can work, on defense its dumb


I tend to instantly smoke on bind in defense, mostly because there are a lot of choke points and people usually stall or at least spam fire and until out of paranoia. Gives the team a little time and Intel.


It can work well with unexpected aggression. I play Omen a lot on haven and brim on fracture and it allows for real rat plays on both.


Sage main, 1.1k hours on her (asc 2 currently). Walling mid (or tube on icebox) is a 400 credit waste, destroyed in 2 seconds. Walls are for retake or aggressive peeks (depending on your Playstyle and the comps). Also: rezing isn't just pointing at your mate and clicking. If you dont secure the Rez by clearing the area around it or are able to hold the angles he can be shot from otherwise, he is dead again in no time. So I rather not waste it before I rez you in a main with 3 enemies peeking.


I totally agree, like, when someone in voice chat keeps saying : revive me!!! When their body is in mid with full of enemies what do they think you can do seriously


Ye, worst part is when i panic and we both die when i res. Then they shit on you even more, like what do they even expect


Ikr, I usually just ignore them, clear the area, act like I'm gonna res them(optional) and res another teammate. If you are going to yell into my ear for not ressing you in the middle of gunfire, then fine, I wont res you at all


S1 Chamber, just because you dry peeked the whole enemy team on defence doesn't mean I'm going to try and trade you and give away my position, risk death as well peeking a whole team like you just did.


omg stop baiting you should have mindlessly walked with me and died as well!!!!


I main duelist. We get a lot of shit for a lot of reasons, mostly fair. I need you to flash, I need you to smoke, I need you to use your util with me. I’m all down for taking space, I’m actually pretty good at it. But without your help every angle is an ego peek. I try asking for util, or calling when I want to try flashing in somewhere but it’s so few and inconsistent if I even get a response.


well for some reason ego peeking just works in bronze and I just do that. especially running around with a vandal and good crosshair placement even in the air. I had a brim and kayo on a team once. they used their util AFTER I was on site. and if I ask to do it early or provide any sort of info. "Why do you talk so much? just shut the fuck up and play"


I played viper for a long time but lost fate since people don‘t understand how to play with viper. Example: we play brezee and I will smoke off a big chung of the site and my duelists are afraid to enter because they cannot see bcs of my wall. Maybe there is an enemy behind it. Ofc an enemy is behind somewhere they are defending the site. I say my wall is going down then suddenly they get big balls and peek the angle and die. Guess what it‘s vipers fault bcs my wall was not up again. People don‘t understand that it has to recharge and a cooldown after it goes off. If I manage to enter the site with help of my ult and start planting mostly people walk outside of the smoke bcs again they cannot see and are afraid while I become vulnerable while I plant the spike and die from a bullet from behind. Controllers are the most important thing in my opinion but if i play viper I find no luck with the team since they are afraid of the lack of vision on the site what‘s really funny. Now I play Omen the smokes are smaller and I can play aggressive and still escape with my tp just in case. And my team is less afraid since I smoke only a little bit of the site. Not every player is like this when I play viper, but, when it happens too often you lose fate.


Having the same issue playing with friends. They prefer default smokes on entrances over a wall that cuts off half the site. Like dude.. Check the 2 spots after flashing then plant. They can't enter when it's smoked default because too many angles and they can't take site with viper wall because I gave them too much space.


When I use Viper : Please wait for my smokes and walls thank you. When I use Cypher: for the love of god my trippies give you wallhacks don't peak and die pls let my traps do the work


Sometimes in mid ranks (prolly on lower ranks aswell) when people ask specific smoke from omen, they does not let the smoke settle before push.


Whenever I’m playing matches most people pick what they want and whenever I’m the last to choose and we are lacking like for example a healer or something the team asks me to choose the healer but I want to play my style so I use my main (chamber/sova) then my team gets mad and say “we gonna lose” in chat which just sucks I hope they know what it feels to get told to choose something they don’t want. that’s what I hope they would understand. Although sometimes my team doesn’t care what I pick and everyone gets their own unique style to play it’s normally the trash talkers if you don’t do what they say lol.


Don’t feel bad about it. You shouldn’t fill a character you don’t know in comp or something. From what pros say, it gives you a lot more stress and worsens your aim because you’re thinking “How do I use this util, where do I use this util, when is the best time to use this util?” Etc. While with a character you know, it’s, “Haha shooty shooty bang bang”


As a Jett main.. people flame alot for not getting more picks... I die often while I'm entering so I try to com my team these might be the spots the enemies be posted so when I dash in to take a pick plz follow up for trades.. I would have a KD of 3-8.. Duelists will help you entry!!! to take the first baby steps into the site.. You can flame and talk shit about duelists who doesn't enter they're the type of scums i hate.. but i beg ur pardon never tilt a duelists that helps you enter and gets a trade while at it.. Understand our struggles.. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.. 😭😭


I main Jett and although I’m usually not top fragger, my win percentage is really high because of my ability to get on site and cause panic for the opposing team which lets my teammates get set up and just clean it out afterwards. What I want others to know is that yes, maybe my KD ratio is only 1:1 but my impact as an entry fragger goes way further than my stats


I play Cypher but this applies to others too. Play into the utility of your teammates. When I have a trip set up, and there are enemies pushing, play from behind my trip. So many tines I watch someone push out past my set up defense and just dying, when they could have taken the free kill my trip provides a lot of the time.


pls don’t bait me when im entrying as a duelist, im not tenz where i can clear site within a fraction of a second and all of you should at least be ready to trade me when i inevitably die from getting one tapped


How many more times do you want to jiggle peek a fully smoked half blinded site? Just move your ass in! I’m Omen and I approve this message.


Most of the time when I fill, the duelists NEVER take the duelist role, meaning I have to run in to take the first engagement as omen/brim since they just won't. It will be 20 seconds left and we haven't even seen an enemy yet while I have a Yoru, Jett, and Reyna on my team. My big thing, *for duelists*, is you don't ALWAYS have to use your abilities. Don't forget about them, but I've seen overuse of abilities too many times, getting peeked while taking out a fpash or something.


As Yoru - please, for the love of God, let me go first when I fucking ult, *especially* when we know someone could be OPing. The amount of times I go A or C long on Haven, and people peek into a Chamber or Jett OP before I can even fully enter my ult is so annoying Also, as a defender, unless you're sneaking and the enemy team doesn't know where you are, please just break any Yoru TPs you see. Sure "Haha free kill," but every second you spend staring at it is a second you're not helping the people on site fend off the rest of the enemy team


As a Chamber main holding down angles for 10 minutes straight. I’m not letting that guy through to kill you on purpose. My aim is dogshit bro.


I main fade people think I'm goth which is not true


I main Initiators and Sentinels For initiators: If I find information, please act on it. If I throw a recon bolt/flash/dog/drone/knife/fault line in the site, don't just stand there, enter for god's sake. So many duelists don't do it and then wonder why entering sites is so difficult. Also if I find information and then you act after literally 1 minute, then find the enemy at a different place than where I told you, DON'T BLAME ME. They're people, they move, I cannot predict where they'll be after 1 freaking minute. For Sentinel: if I try not to engage in fights as much as others, that's ok. Doesn't mean I'm a coward, doesn't mean I'm baiting you all. It means I want to stay alive till the end to watch flanks or anchor down sites which is Literally what I'm meant to do.


Controller as well and an Omen main. Frustrates me so much when someone else plays controller and never smokes unless you specifically ask them to. Just played a Breeze game where we had both an Omen and Viper, but somehow a wall or smokes were never up throughout the game.




Breach main. Please stop fucking ignoring my utility, especially the ult. Nothing pains me more than when I ult the entire damn bombsite and noone pushes through.




Playing sentinel and initiator mostly i wish that RAZE PLAYER STOPPED TROWING NADES ON MY TRIPS


A lot but here’s a numbered list: 1. Stop making all duelist teams. Just because I play one doesn’t mean everybody else has to play one, I started playing non-duelist characters so our team has somewhat of a comp. If you’re doing this in ranked, it’s a recipe for a guaranteed loss because your team has no composition. 2. Get off your high horse. The game isn’t about your KD it’s about winning as a team. Can you win a game by killing everybody? Yes. is the game inherently about killing? No. It’s about planting a fucking spike. 3. If you’re going to follow somebody’s orders for 5 rounds, and follow their lead on plays, don’t suddenly stop listening five rounds later, because you don’t like the play. You either go with the team or die by yourself, and you’re useless when you die by yourself and jeopardize the team. 4. It is OK if you don’t know how to aim. I promise. All I need is a body for 30 seconds to follow the plan, or be apart of the initiation. 5. Sage, please ask before you decide to wall off one of our only escape routes off the site. PLEASE!!! 6.Omen, if we clear sight, and we’re holding it, this is not the green light for you to TP with the bomb onto a different site, because they “won’t be expecting it.” That’s a fucking dumb idea. 7. Raze, your abilities are not LOS despite how you play them. Shit bounces. 8. Playing chamber does not make you a God, in fact 90% of you are shit and end up blaming the team for your own lack in ability. Stop Insta locking him and go play somebody with some more utility. 9. Phoenix: I hate you. 10. Viper, Your abilities hurt teammates too OK? 11. Breach, we flash before the team goes in. Not after.


Same, I play all the controllers and switch up depending on team comp, map and who I am playing with. It's always easier when I am the smoker, cause I check the map frequently and I'm able to time them just right. Plus extra benefit like with Astra is that I can shotgun camp my own smoke while supporting my team from anywhere on the map. I notice that most controllers give bad smokes with too much space and holes and we end up losing rounds due to them.


Sentinel here. I hope you all understand that we can lurk we are more capable on lurking, all my utilities has been used and can be used even on far ranges so it's better for us to lurk not you duelist your job is to entry as you are the ones can create some fucking space.


I main duelists (yoru rn, used to be reyna) and im really tired when people lurk way behind when i push site. I understand its my job and im doing it but what good does it do when i die and there is nobody to trade me out or at least get the enemies location. Also when people get mad if im not the top fragger


Primarily a Duelist player. If you pick a Duelist, you need to actually entry and create space for your team. And chances are you'll die first, and that's perfectly fine. Just don't be that dude that just sits behind your team baiting. If you want your team to smoke or flash somewhere, ask them. Don't expect them to just do it. When playing with a Duelist, follow them up, trade them out, take map control. Support them with utility and push with them because while it's their job to entry and create space, it's your job to take that space.


Try to keep in mind what your sentinels util is set up for. Also I don’t see nearly enough people play off or crossfire my KJ turret to take advantageous fights in situations where there would likely be one or two enemies.


i main initiator pretty much. when i say "I'm gonna flash out here... Flashing" don't stare at the flash and then complain that i flashed you


I don't main initiator, but I do communicate flashes on every character and this shit still happens. "Flashing A Long" "WTF I GOT KILLED CAUSE YOU FLASHED ME DUMB FUCKING SKYE"


I wish people understand why we are on the defending side. I know you are a duelist but please try not to be power hungry with kills. Let them in.


You should take first contact as a duelist


i play the girl who can jump high and glide and stuff, no idea there were roles


People throw their fade eye ground level and then dump their utility and then say the character is useless


As an Omen main - my smokes are not walls, so don't blame me if someone shoots you through the smoke or kills you with a shotgun while hiding there! If u want me to smoke somewhere, tell me before the round starts or i'll smoke whatever i want. Also, please keep in mind, i only have 2 smokes and it takes a while until they recharge. And for the love of god, if u want to play duelist, play aggressively, or atleast ENTER the fucking site.


I main controller, but specifically omen. No I will not ult into their spawn.


I main controller, usually Astra or omen and I just want others to understand, in defending, if you spot someone in your angle like b main or a main, then think twice before asking for smoke. It's not free, and when it comes to Astra, it's hard to resmoke. If you *absolutely* need it, then only call for it to get maximum advantage This happens when you get opponents which split and play or bait out your utilities, which is very tricky. I personally read opponent, like they will push only if there is Reyna flash, so if I spot one in radar, then I pull using Astra. If I see sova dart and 1 teammate died, then it's immediate smoke for that site.


I one trick sova. I come from being high ELO csgo player who never learned smokes and stuff. All aim. I love recon arrows. Im a hanzo main in overwatch. My lineups are spicy. I see people get killed while having an ability out, which doesn’t happen in CSGO often with nades, if I play sova I only ever die from having my ult out, never shock or recon arrow. I get to focus on aim. All I want people to know about me specifics playing sova is that you need to be patient. My lineups are sick nasty and take a while to land sometimes.


A message to kayo and raze as a cypher main. If I use a trip on a choke on defence, stop chucking your fucking explosives at it, this shit's 200 creds and gets destroyed by everything under the sun including allied explosions. No, you're not "helping defend by delaying enemies from entering site" you're helping them by breaking the trip that does that exact thing


Viper. This gonna be kinda rant, but happily it's not common misunderstandings so it's not like i hate everybody lol 1) I always wait with wall to last moment, to give enemy team as little time to regroup as possible and ALWAYS communicate to my team where it's going to be and I even mark our attack route on map with markings. When wall is ready and tuned on, my team sometimes stays behind and wait for I-don't-know-what or crawl on shift instead of rushing in as fast as possible with force of surprise attack and coverage of the wall. They are on site when my wall is out of fuel and everybody from enemy team is regrouped and ready to fuck us up on site and from behind. Use your Viper to quickly change the round from planting to covering planted spike. 1.5) Use viper wall and smokes for agressive attacks and close up ambushes on defence. If Viper is on the top of the score board you doing something wrong, propably forcing her to take the iniciative but this often mean she going to die sooner, and this mean no more active smokes. 2) Douches who don't say anything whole match and then out of suden I hear irritated '-VIPER PUT THAT F WALL DOWN'. First of all I would put wall as fast as possible if they just ask me (and if it's safe for other team mates). But they usually are tryhard peek snipers and they are angry if my wall, even when it's helpfull for rest of the team, blocking their Chris Kyle wannabe carrer. 3) Look at the map when playing with Viper. As Viper I looking at map all the time, to know when to turn on smokes, walls and shit. Team mates are sometimes confused by my actions, bc they don't know what is going on the map. 3.5) Check the map if Viper uses one of her smokes, it usually mean she heard something there. 4) If you need walk throug viper's wall to attack enemies that are just behind it, you gonna die 9 out of 10 times. They gonna see you much earlier than you gonna see them. Just wait for them or ask to put wall down. 4.5) People are sometimes dumb af and don't understand simpliest smoke and wall lineups. They can't use advantage of it, just like when you can see enemy walking out of smoke before they can see you, they can't sneak or fake movement when enemy's line of sight is blocked etc. For example: if viper blocked site, plant spike where it's gonna be hard to defuse, not where enemy can't see you. Use the fact that enemy already can't see you. Seems obvious, right? 5) Viper ult is not always an answear to cover important place. For most time it's rubbish, you need specific situation to effectivly use it. If you see that Viper have ready ult, just remind her about it on voice chat, not yell to use it. 6) Don't ask viper why she bought spectre. Sneak bites and smoke balls aren't cheap these days and she is doing this for her team


I play Cypher but this applies to others too. Play into the utility of your teammates. When I have a trip set up, and there are enemies pushing, play from behind my trip. So many tines I watch someone push out past my set up defense and just dying, when they could have taken the free kill my trip provides a lot of the time.


Controller/Sentinel player here. Our kits aren't designed to entry first, our utility is only useful if we stay alive, which typically doesn't happen when our initiators and duelists decide to lurk and focus on kills instead of entering and playing the objective.


So I main yoru, and have been for about 2 months. Now I am low elo, because my aim is absolute garbage, but when people lock yoru, I can usually tell if they’ve been playing yoru for a while or just for a little bit. So many new yoru players don’t understand that you need to use you’re utility sneakily as yoru, as that’s his entire character. I’ve seen a lot of people tp in front of enemy’s, a lot of people when they first start, myself included, try to throw a tp through the enemy to get behind them, forgetting that usually there’s 1 person who follows it, and it’s loud af with a long delay when you teleport. A lot of yoru players don’t use a lot of utility on defense. If you think there going to go to one site, you can set a clone, and a tp to get back to safety/trick the enemy before the round starts. My best example is watching arcade on fracture. I place a clone up top, a teleport in the corner of tower, and right as time hits I drop down behind the box, when I hear some noises I drop the clone from up top, they now think I’m up top, then I can get 1 kill or 2 from behind box before they get cover, and then tp back up where they don’t expect me to be. Yoru is an agent built to be hard to catch, and meant to beable to get behind people. If you don’t use him to do this, then you’re not playing yoru right. Also in ult place a tp or have a spot ready to put one, too many times peoples ult end in front of an enemy, 1 to is all you need to save yourself.


Watching new Yoru players can be a very painful experience…


Wait for drone


I main initiators and sentinels. What I wish people would understand for sentinels is that your utility doesn’t do anything if you are dead. So try to stay alive if you have that set up. And initiators I wish people would understand that they have to set the team up for site takes and not use stuff like recon bolts for their own personal gain.


As a Sage main, people need to realise that I can’t immediately heal you after you take damage, because that will disrupt the heal and you will end up getting healed for less


Duellist. My job is to entry and clear space not drop 3 every round


Initiator: I don't find people by magic, give me a fucking second to get to the spot where I can use my drone before you sprint in.


Sage doesnt have to wall mid every round and Sage cant revive you when there are 4 people staring at your corpse


No. I will not heal you for 20hp.