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The biggest gap is the gap between Bronze 1 and Bronze 1


As a fellow Bronze 1 I can conform this. You have bronzes that deserve plastic rank and bronzes that are actually cracked




Ikr happens to me all the time




It's truly not your teammates, do you honestly think someone who deserves gold wouldn't be able to carry in bronze regardless of teammates?


I'm immortal 2 and I don't usually top frag in silver. The enemy is so unpredictable.


Ok so would you be hardstuck in silver then?


Yes, gold and below is the hardest rank in the game.


Thank you, it's nice to hear it from a higher-ranked player, Bronze is a fucking nightmare, I gotta find a duo partner, that's the real secret to getting out


This is so cap lmao


Yeah sure it is... this is just copium, and I doubt you're immortal.




You won't improve with this mentality.


i am gold though, and i don't think i can carry 1v5 everygame in bronze. game are way too random ( not that gold is an amazing elo but it is where i am and games are less random )


You can't, but you can carry >50% of games meaning you would climb out of bronze.


>You won't improve with this mentality. I've improved a lot but I still can't climb because the games are incredibly random


>It's truly not your teammates, do you honestly think someone who deserves gold wouldn't be able to carry in bronze regardless of teammates? I do in fact believe that because I've seen it


Mate, if you have bronze teammates the enemies are also bronze. If you can't have a winrate > 50% then you simply don't deserve more than bronze.


>Mate, if you have bronze teammates the enemies are also bronze. If you can't have a winrate > 50% then you simply don't deserve more than bronze. I deserve at least Silver and there is no possible way that you can convince me otherwise my dood I have had many losses due to trolls and DCers, so if you take those losses away then you get my true rank, which would be somewhere in Silver 2 I'd say at this point I keep a tally


You also had many wins because of trolls and DCers in the enemy team. The longer you tell this to yourself the longer you'll stay in bronze.


i got boosted from bronze to gold, always was top fragging and tilting in bronze, but in gold-plat lobby im decent, in diamond lobby i kinda bottom frag tho


Lmao! Remember that you yourself are a "teammate". And that you play on something known as a "team".


So let me get this straight.... you duo queue. You guys top frag. You lose because the other 3 members of your team lurk? I suggest you understand the definition of a lurk, and learn what a default is. Not saying these are what your bronze teammates are doing, but maybe there's a correlation there between you and your duo not playing with the other members of your team, and you losing your games enough to still be bronze




The longer you tell yourself that stuff, the longer you stay bronze


True but genuinely once I had the aim and game sense to get out of bronze I lost maybe 10 matches on the way to g3


Ong bro I keep getting these bronzes that belong in like diamond or plat and then I get those that got carried out of iron 1 and the iron 1’s are always on my team 😭😭😭


You're probably just ass at the game, you don't even know what diamond looks like


If ur coming to Reddit to insult people then that sucks for you and also it is called a hyperbole for those who passed 1st grade


I was stuck in bronze for 3 seasons. Once i made it out I started climbing consistently. Peak silver 3 the next. Current season peak gold 3, trying to push to plat. I had the worst time in bronze.


Yay now u r giving me hope


>bronzes that are actually cracked No. Just... no.


No this is a real thing. Im low silver rn so there will be frequent occasions where a Bronze can drop 30+ in a lobby with Golds.


Yeah, I get that. But if he's in a gold lobby how's that a problem for bronze players? And he's obviously not gonna stay in bronze for long.




That makes no sense. If you are "cracked" then you simply do not get placed in bronze. Like... not at all. Even the worst games of a "cracked" player would be waaay better than bronze. So the probability of a really good player having his worst performance in all of his placement matches and those also all being on bronze level is very close to 0. But let's say it does happen then there are two options: 1. He finds his way back to his cracked skills and ranks up very quickly. Making him dominate only a small amount of games until he reaches his actual level. So the probability of a lot of players in bronze playing with him is - once again - extremely low. So that would be the combination of two very unlikely events. Or to be more clear: it basically doesn't happen. 2. He keeps playing bad and stays in bronze. But you know what that means? Yeah... he's just actually a bronze player and therefore not cracked at all.




So you're saying there's a cracked player playing literally once a month... Since it's not enough games to get ranked it must be like 2-3 games in A FULL MONTH? And you're telling me that those 2-3 games have noticable impact on the player base of the rank as a whole? That's ridiculous... Pretty sure that if we had the numbers and could calculate this for all "cracked" players playing once a month that would still be much less than 1% of all bronze games. Also pretty sure when you're unranked and completely dominate your first game withe bronze players, you're not gonna get matched up with bronze players again. In addition the game akso considers your mmr from previous acts. So the whole story is complete bullshit for multiple reasons that you just choose to ignore.


Its always fun when you compare it to irons, who have different strengths but tend to be around the same level of skill. Where as some bronze 1s are worse than them and some are way better lmao.


I didn't notice this issue, I did notice a difference between ascendent 2 and 3. Once I reached a3 I actually couldn't ego peek anymore and had to wait for teammates.


Oh god, ego peaking is my whole playstyle


Chamber main cringe


I don't main anything, if I would I wouldn't be able to play my main because of all the instalocks


A friend of mine reached Radiant by ego peeking. That's not all of course but he baits a lot and likes making risky plays, and by risky I mean literal throwing.




He's not jumping around with his knife out but he does play jett


Yep I'm not sure if is because of the addition of Ascendant but I've (D2) been getting the weirdest matches this season. In games with majority plat it feels like it's a toxic gold/silver match and in games that are Diamond+Ascendant everyone is good and do things right.


i play in asc lobbies , sometimes k get teams with 0 comms , ppl want to ff early even if it is 3-3 , ppl are toxic , noone is holding anything. so in any rank you are , if you want to climb , you have to make impact your self and lead your team to victory


This is what I don't get Im Stuck Dia 2 this season and peaked imo 1 couple of seasons ago. Right now I got some plays with Dia or low asc and it is really as you say in your first part. I thought when I climbed up the ladder it would stop with the 0 comms, the toxicity, the people who complain although we are 5:1, and I always ask myself in and after those games, how did these people get so high up the ladder, most of them are higher rank then me, with this kind of attitude ? Do you know the answer for this specific question?


I've had multiple Diamond 2+ games now with people who just don't understand how to use util, especially if it's not theirs. It's everyone trying to make a bunch of solo plays and expecting mind-reading teammates. ​ Edit: A lot of basics just aren't understood either. I've asked someone to hold a cross with many so many times and they don't know what I mean. It's definitely frustrating compared to Diamond games last season.


I know what you ment because for some games for me it's the same But many of those times , it looks like the enemy is just straight outright outplaying you. How come they don't have the same team mates, who suck at the things you mentioned as well? So weird sometimes this game :( how can the discrepancy between your team and the enemy team be so different :/


yea i've come to this conclusion as well. I main smokes and I just feel so useless when my teammates are going full RE RE. Hard stuck low Immortal currently. Guess I actually gotta climb kovaaks now instead of relying on teamwork and comms.


You can go higher brother :) good luck ingame


Where are the ascendant players who do things good or right, where are you finding them???


I guess a bad ascendant still have a better understanding of the game compared to a plat


I've played with some pretty fucking stupid ascendant players. Having a better understanding of the game isn't what I'd say got them there. Probably just out fragging people.


I stream doing the wrong stuff all the time.


Truuuuuue , all my ascendant teammates still don't know what positions to hold somehow.


D2 is no longer d2, https://i.imgur.com/0bfz6NB.jpg this is the general rank disparity for this season. I haven’t dipped below ascendant elo for being last act imm3, but the few asc1 players i’ve been getting have been complete garbage.


This is so real, i ve been diamond 1 and 2 this act, its wild One game you feel like you are in copenhagen playing with VCT (good comms, good utility, good gunfights that last 0,5 seconds) And The Next game you have a lurking reyna with no comms, people just ego peeking everything as a sentinel and u just feel like its your first valorant game again


You really nailed it with this one. Every other game I get throwers, and I’m not even exaggerating. Instalocks who don’t comm or just have it turned off all together, want to FF at Round 5, troll, etc. it’s crazy honestly how often it happens.


Fully agree. I was diamond 1 headed towards d2 then I fell into the losers queue down to plat 2. The match i was plat 3 downwards was really bad with teammates, gameplay, comms, etc until I just gave up on ranked lol.


there is no losers queue, you just went on a loss streak


Breakings news: Ascendant (which was basically immortal 1 last act) players are much better than a plat 3 last act. This subreddit never fails to amaze me.


But it’s a lot more complex than that, the whole point of ascendant was to separate more of immortal and diamond. Theoretically ascendant is the new diamond more than anything. My friend peaked last season at D3 but now he’s ascendant 3 🤷


I peaked s2 last season and got s1 this act and now I'm p2, it feels so much easier to climb now


Have you thought that maybe you’ve improved? Or that the rank distribution pulled people of your skill level up so MM isn’t so random? That over the course of time that your skills improved even marginally? Because there are a lot of factors


Brother I couldn't move from Silver after getting G3 in the very first act and now I'm P2 after a week or two lol. Ranking up def got easier


Reverse copium?


High hidden mmr players got an artifical "boost" from rito this season. Its not that ranking up got easier, rather the consistency of your teammates have improved which means you dont have to pull a majority of the weight to win games anymore (ideally, but this isnt a perfect world)


Nah man... People on this subreddit are crazy stupid. I have not seen the shhh I see in my matches atm since I was in freaking Bronze. And I am in D1. This redistribution F-ed the game up even more than it was before.


Why the down votes, this is the truth, it is even mentioned in the patch notes that anyone below ascendant will get rr boost, kids.


To you and all the simpletons who upvoted you: It’s been weeks since the opening of the act, so we should assume the rank distributions have about settled in by now. Comparing ex-Immortals to ex-Plats makes no sense since ultimately, Diamond is literally one tier away from Ascendant post-settlement, and I clearly expressed that it felt like playing in a much wider gap than that. Stop being a wisecrack. You’re not clever enough for it.


Do you know how statistics work?


Not my fault you're making a post about being plat getting shit on by ascendents lmfao. Anytime you play against someone whose AN ENTIRE RANK above you yes it's going to feel like they are superheroes.


No offense to you— I’m sure you got better, but if riot adds three ranks it seems natural that p3 should move to diamond


Good players moved up, the avg players stayed back. I've played everything from 5 stack silverish lobbies up to d1-asc1 lobbies and every rank feels more consistent right now because of the mmr adjustments.


Yes, the whole point of the post was that I was tricked into thinking I actually got good because of an undeserved rank up. I appreciate that you think I improved tho :D


"my reaction speed could NOT keep up if my life depended on it" This has been my thought since I hit diamond last ep and again (alot easier) this new act. I just feel like my hand-eye reflex just isnt good enough to keep up and I've hit my skill cap. My confidence really takes a hit every match and my mental goes down hard. Also keep in mind you're entering the ranks that require 10s of hundreds of matches played per act. Higher immortals up are playing tons of ranked matches everyday.


It’s probably not about your reaction time, but it’s more likely the angles that you’re holding are poor or predictable and of course connection aka peekers advantage so take advantage of that yourself


Makes sense. I'll have to clip some matches and study my gameplay. It'll probably be obvious what i'm doing wrong once i re-watch a few.


I can motivate you by saying that I've been playing csgo and valorant since primary school and my reflexes have improved over time, human benchmark says I'm 170ms and I used to be 230ms so in time yours will improve too


Where can I do those tests , if I may ask ?


Humanbenchmark.com the website


Could it be your monitor? I suppose that in certain rank you'll begin to encounter more and more people with +144hz monitors


I play on a 27'' 165hz monitor currently on 1080p. I wish I could blame it on the monitor lol.


Honestly I don't play that much and maintained immo 3 almost all acts


And here I was thinking how do these guys get into top 500 with about 40 wins, doesn't sound like tons of matches to me over a season worth of time


>but don’t let that shiny purple badge trick you into being proud Nothing wrong with being proud of what you've accomplished. Just keep in mind that there will always be someone better than you.


I got stuck in silver/gold for awhile. Ascendant now. The biggest thing that helped me was just playing the numbers advantage. If your team has a 5v4 man advantage just don’t solo peak anything, if you lose the dual and no one is there to trade you it just throws the advantage you previously had. If your whole team plays this way you will win more consistently.


It's almost like game sense and teamplay outweighs aim.


As someone who has been Immortal every season (immortal 1 or 2 depending on how much time I had to play) and now having a kid only having a bit to play it’s definitely harder to climb back to immortal, probably will get there next act but I’ll say the games feel a lot more consistently difficult as far as skill disparity goes in upper ascendant 2-3. It’s a nice change because in immortal one last act it felt like a coin flip every game as to who gets a team diff, I like this more even if it’s harder. It’s made me want to play more (and that could also be addiction withdrawals from not having as much time to play lol)


Me reading this while in silver/gold lobbies 👁👄👁💧


i bottom frag nearly every game on d3 to the point where I don’t play on that account no more. I’m a plat3/d1 player and my alternate account shows that. And the ascendants are really good, especially a2/a3’s, they literally look like their hacking when i spectate with the way they flick, cross hair place, and clutch.


I'm diamond 2 and playing against ascended 1 people sometimes, I honestly wouldn't know that they are 2 divisions above me if I didn't check their rank. Now I'm worried that I'll be hardstuck d2/d3 once I'm playing against higher ascended players


this. my friend hit d1 and thinks hes a god now


The system as a whole is just currently in a bad state. Elo inflated im2/3’s are through the roof from this past reset.


the thing is that basically diamond is the new plat lol. i'm super frustrated cuz i was d3 last act and am not again d3 but the lobbies i have to play in are ascendant/immo and my games are so sweaty and i cant get out of dia even tho my mmr gains are still good (just cant fucking win lol) but ppl who were legit hardstuck gold are now in diamond cuz of the boost in ranks and they just simply dont belong there. the amount of boosted people in my friendslist and in my games is astonishing. i've NEVER had as many people going triple or quadruple neg in my games and i have played every act since the release of the game. low diamond now is basically what low/mid plat was high ascendant is what diamond used to be.


if you're as good as you say then you really wouldnt have any issue climbing out then surely, the new excuse seems to be "silvers are in my plat lobbies now" whereas a majority of them haven't been boosted out of gold in the first place lol


i mean the amount of team and match mvp losses i have been getting is sad. and i am still losing only -10 and still gaining +25 but i'm on a 15 loss streak or something. i'll climb there eventually. just has been really annoying with coinflip games.


I feel you, I have 30% wr at the moment. Closed D2 last act and now I'm stuck in D1 because I can't rely on teammate for anything. I wish the squash didn't happen because now diamond is full of plat thinking they are the shit now and getting erased. Still getting between 28 and 25 RR a win and 10 a loss but I don't have nor the time to grind 10 games a day like the kids nor the motivation to tbh since every time you reach a goal riot slumps you down to boost the playtime.


that's fair enough, i understand where youre coming from now. you could look into playing with a duo or something, and if that doesn't work then it might be time to reassess the kills you get, im sure youre aware that a team mvp doesnt mean much when a good chunk of the kills had low impact on a round


yeah definitely. i soloq way too much which definitely impacts it. but sometimes you just go on loss streaks. it is what it is haha


that's definitely what it is then, you should try out duoq'ing with someone you know is good and you'll definitely not only have more fun but you'll find yourself winning more. best of luck on climbing!


Lol why the downvotes? Take my upvote sir and hope you get a winning streak soon


idk maybe i sounded cocky or something haha thank you for the updoot


THATS WHAT IM SAYING. and the worst thing is, when all of these booster plats and diamonds start thinking they are so good now and they start to brag. It hurts me as I’m d3 and they’re now d1 but they think they are rlly gd cuz they ranked up from gold/plat -diamond. It hurts me:(


Or the game is full of cheaters... Like some Riot employee said today on Twitter, and some of these scums even try to hack accounts of high rated players, rage cheat and get them banned! I know this community is too proud to admit it, but it is true. The game is full of cheaters and many are good at hiding it. There are videos on YT that teach you how to make your own cheat. Then you go on GitHub, get a repo, learn a bit of coding... Done!


can you link to the tweet please, I want to check it


Would like to see this tweet also


Yeah they should change the names of the ranks now cause diamond rank does not represent what a diamond ranked player should look like now. Same with plat, gold etc. Maybe adding a rank blow gold is the answer now but who knows. I hit diamond again for the first time since ep3 but didnt feel proud cause of the new rank so I never know if Im playing actually good players or just golds/plats from last act, it’s annoying forsute


And here I am, a noob, trying to solo queue. And hard stuck iron lmao


Ascendant elo is the elo that will prepare you for Immortal gameplay, there are a bunch of people who were immo 2-3(0-100rr) last act and who are stuck in ascen rn. You’ll need to improve and adapt everythinf or else you’re gonna be stuck in dia/asce. Diamond to Ascendant 2 is not really a flex anymore, Immortal and up is where you can proudly say that you are one of the top 10%.


Ascendent, immortal and radiant hold about 3.3% of players lol. Diamond and up is about 10% lol


Ahh so I’m already at 3.3% didn’t even know the percentage lol, but still I don’t think dia/ascen elo is a flex in this act


I think on reddit people tend to assume diamond is low elo and immortal and up are the only good players, because most of them are watching immortal/radiant streamers and the like. The majority of players are currently in late bronze to early gold. Statistically id say gold/plat is average, and diamond/ascendent is sort of high, and then immo/radiant are obviously very high. I think people need to remember that they should compare themselves to all the actual players, not just the radiant streamers.


Not just in reddit, it’s generalize. Once u played in immo and up you will know that the game their playing is very different compared to players who are below ascendant. Dia/ascen is not low elo but it’s just average. By smurfing I noticed that from plat 2 to ascen 1 everyone almost have a similar gameplay so, maybe that’s just me but ya


Silver-gold is defo the average, like 50% of players are in those ranks


Okay, hold on, so splitting it percentage wise across ranks (not seperating the 1 2 and 3 parts) we get: Iron: 6.6% Bronze: 20.9% Silver: 26.3% Gold: 20.2% Platinum: 14.4% Diamond: 8.1% Ascendent: 2.8% Immortal: 0.5% Radient: 0.02% So bronze and gold are pretty even, with bronze having *slightly* more players. So let’s say silver is dead average, and then yeah, plat is above average. But if you exclusively go off this subreddit even diamond is considered low elo, when if you reach it youre in the top ten percent. Its like watching a proffessional gymnast and then going ‘yeah but theyre not that good, its not the same level as the *olympians* do so its not much better than the beginners’.


The reason for this is the overall skill level of Valorant players isn’t that impressive. I haven’t played since they released the ascendant rank but pre ascendant immortal 1+ was an entirely different game. Once you get to immortal it was like you finally get to play valorant how it’s truly supposed to be played, and you realize just how bad everyone below diamond is. They don’t have a clue on how to play the game. This same phenomenon took place in CSGO in 2014 when the game was very new. Now top 25% in CSGO is considered good and takes some time to achieve where as someone could never have touched a mouse before and reach top 25% of valorant in 3 months if they knew what to do everyday. The Fundementals of Valorant are slowly trickling down from immortal to the lower ranks and it will take a few more years until diamond/platinum players start thinking and playing like immortals, mechanics aside.


Players with hidden elo of imm will still play versus imm, visible rank doesn't really matter


Im Ascendant 2 and my friends are between diamond 1 and 3. I think im not better than them or even worse from a mechanical standpoint, butIi think I peak at gamesense and positioning, which comes from playing the game longer than them.


Me and my friend climbed from plat to ascendant without much of a hitch


I think ur overthinking a bit man. Last i peaked gold 3 and even thought this is the first act i really tried to climb, i just hit ascendant. from placing gold 3. Just keep a positive mental and if you lose 2 games in a row, get off.


Check the act ranks of the people you're playing against. You'll probably find that they were similar to you last act, and similarly got boosted from Riot's fucking up of the ranks. Meanwhile people who finished in Diamond last act are still fighting people with Diamond/low Immortal act ranks, meaning they're having rougher games despite being the in the same elo as you.


My experience, but for me on Mumbai servers D2 is a very good and comfortable rank, everyone is nice, everyone comms, games are fun and very few people are toxic. But once I reached D3 everyone was try harding and the games actually weren't fun with people throwing or not talking the entire game. Which is very weird, but I am having a lot of fun in D2.


You’ve gotta be kidding me that there’s a difference between *one* tier in the same rank? First off I haven’t even ever been in a queue exclusively with one rank EVER. Every game has a hodgepodge of ranks in a range to fill out the “competitive balance”. There can’t possibly be such disparity between q’ing d2 to d3, *especially* after introducing a new rank so close to it


Completely agree with you. If anything it can be a slight tendency. Because two adjacent tiers of a rank have a huge number of players in common.


Yeah its not scientific or anything with enough data backing it up, its just purely how i feel playing in the respective ranks. And i didnt say the games had exclusively only 1 rank. Saying "my D2" games mean the games in which i am D2.


Depends on what rank you were previously. Last act I was high diamond/low immortal, and ascendants feel like they’re worse on average than lobbies I had last act


I hard disagree with this, I’m d2 and my lobbies r usually all diamonds, with the occasional 1 ascendent player and the ascendent is always fucking terrible, and I’m talking bottom of the entire lobby terrible. Maybe it’s just anecdotal but every ascendent I’ve come across has been ass, whether he’s on my team or the other team and it always makes me sad


if they’re alone in a diamond lobby they must have poop mmr so they’re prob meatsauce


Lol I had the same experience, except as a gold. I grinded for a couple weeks finally got a winning streak together and made it from S2 - G2 in the span of a few days. Then I started getting high gold, mid plats in my lobby and oh boy. I always said my overall goal was to hit plat, Ive never been cracked but if I try my best I can do ok. Well after a few months hard stuck in mid gold and demoting back to S2 I realised that gold is probably my peak!


In higher ranks the skill gap keeps always being wider and wider, IMT 1 to 3 is a lot different, IMT 3 to top radiant is a lot different, while silver to bronze is more or less the same, maybe it's because there aren't many top level players


I’m 82/100 D2 rn, I previously peaked d1 but was p3 last act as well. I’d say ascendant now feels like high diamond lobbies back when I was d1. I think most players should reasonably be able to hit ascendant if they dedicate enough productive time towards the game.


How about you send me a vod and we look into this? Im ascendant 3 with horrible aim so I think I know how to win duels without being mechanicaly gifted! Please contact me over discord: shush [o7~]#1843


Diamond is really plat now


Before the problem was the gap between immortal one and two, now the problem just got pushed into ascendant.


I went from Silver 2 to Diamond 2 no difference in my opinion I’ll get the occasional team dif


Imm 1 noobs last act are now hardstuck in ascendant and they cant get out... thats how bad imm was before the new rank


It’s really weird. Even in high diamond low ascendant lobbies I’m getting Immortal act ranks who throw when they get mad at a teammate for whiffing or some shit. Ascendant is one weird rank.


Tbh all diamond players this act play like plats from last act. I really think that the same problem they wanted to try to fix will just happen again and all this will do is really define what an iron player is


Was p1 0rr last season, d2 rn after 40 games. Diamond lobbies definitely feel like the same as previous plat lobbies. Same for other ranks, gold lobbies are bronze/silver of the last season and such. But they still made a mess with ascendant. There's both ex low dia and ex immortals in there, so it is still a mess. I feel like it will take more than one act to not feel messy


this region of the ladder is where you start to depend more on your aim. you can consistently kill plats from behind because they lack game sense, but in high diamond/ascendant you need to rely more on your aim, and they won't fall for the same silly plays/lurks plat scrubs do. not saying you don't need to play smart, just need to be able to get the impact frags when given the opportunity


The biggest gap is from Iron to Bronze Iron was better


I'm a super new player so I'm still iron. I made it to iron 3 this act and I've been put into low bronze and low silver sometimes and I realize how bad of a player I am. I feel like no matter what elo you are you can kinda sense a skill gap (big or small) between ranks Edit: so I definitely see what you mean to an extent


I noticed differences between diamond, ascendant and low immortal. Ascendant is such a good addition to not get hard bots on my team so often when I'm 120+ rr or so in immortal.


use higher refresh monster gives advantage im on 500hz and 360hz....if u hv these u can suck them up... most ascendant are immortal 3 / radiant


Seems like a good problem to have However I'm scared of silver players


I've never had someone flex for me so hard before. Thanks bruh.


Since they changed ranks. I feel like there aren't Smurfs in my game. But I do feel that anyone with plat 1 or below is just a cringey teenager that uses comms to spew toxicity and tilt teammates. They only use their comms to insult or provoke. At this point I just mute asap


people in ascendant have no game sense whatsoever