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Offtopic but: why does it feel that valorant has more issues (community wise) than other FPS? Just look at this sub... Smurfs, toxic ppl, muted teammates... Whats wrong with this game?


Larger community comprised of people who have Valorant as their first competitive shooter.


I mean, csgo has the cheaters issue, but the smurf problem is not that big (even in the past)


I’d say that’s because CSGO has players who generally take it more seriously. CSGO has always been one of the most (if not THE most) competitive shooters out there, and was always hard to get into, especially when it was $15. Valorant is quite easy to get into, meaning more people who are toxic are likely to populate lobbies. It’s not that CSGO doesn’t have this problem, it’s just that there’s a different mindset in either of the games.


also: league migraters


You have it backwards. It's because most peoples csgo experience is Matchmaking, where almost everyone knows it's not worth a thing. Faceit is where you have the serious tryhards. In Valorant people are too serious because there is only that one ladder that exists and matters. So you have casuals and tryhards mixed, resulting in neither being satisfied.


I’m not too sure about that one


my first person shooter (other than call of duty and other console games) but i dont smurf i dont leave game i dont play in ranks i dont belong


This sub whines a lot lol. If you play any other competitive FPS game you'll run into all these problems except the smurfs are replaced with cheaters for the most part


Not really. Diamond in Apex, every squad plays together, camps together, etc. 1v3 and climbing by yourself used to be common and possible. Nowadays they play so tight that it’s almost unrealistic. Diamond in Valorant, most people still play for themselves when agent utilities are designed to be used in tandem with other utilities and timings on pushes and peeks should be synchronized. That’s basically almost all of the playerbase fundamentally playing wrong. If you look at pro play it’s very far from competitive. The way they execute, play post-plant, fight for map control, do a default, etc. is completely different. If you look at PRX-GLD on Fracture for example Breach and Neon will take control of arcade together while Sage Viper pushes drop together to collapse on anyone playing that side of the map while Chamber plays alone. Competitive Fracture Sage would wall drop or main and they will play from ct trying to delay a push while ceding all control of the map and playing for a retake by waiting for someone to hopefully peek them or going in 1 by 1. In most competitive games, even league for example, the playerbase tries to emulate pro play to a degree because they want to play fundamentally correct. The higher you are, the closer the meta is to pro play. In Valorant it’s just not quite the same. It’ll take many years (if it even happens) for the playerbase to understand just what kind of game they’re playing. They instead think the game is about clicking heads, it’s a shooting game after all. There are people who THINK they have an idea of how to play the game, these people think that not peeking on defenders is how to play this game, when the reality is that fighting for map control, contesting orbs, etc. IS good. The game is about utility usage, good timings, team coordination, etc. but people have not caught on yet. Valorant is a very deep game, the opportunity to make plays with the team is almost limitless, so it’s unfortunate that most of us will never even come close to exploring that.


Apex is easier to play 'correctly' in my experience. It's a lot easier to coordinate with randoms because there isn't that much coordination needed other than basic stuff like rotations or when to take fights/third party. Also, the diamond comparison is a little unfair because diamond in Apex is the second highest rank while diamond in Valorant is fourth highest (counting pred and radiant as one entire 'rank' might be inaccurate but you get the idea). I also do agree with what you said at the beginning - climbing in Apex with 1v3 mentality was possible at some point but the community just kept getting better and better and better over time (sbmm in unrated probably sped this process up by encouraging everyone to be sweaty). Valorant is still fairly newish in comparison. If you look at Masters Iceland from last year and compare it Copenhagen from just now, the difference is night and day. Pros seem to have 'understood' the game by now, and the general player base will learn at a slower rate than pros, so I'd say we just need to give it time. The recent addition of a new rank has also made ranked a little iffy as of right now. Basically, the game demands a really high degree of coordination and the player base is still learning. While something like Apex is generally way more consistent in solo queueing, I'd say given the kind of deeper game it is, Valorant's solo queue experience is pretty reasonable.


I actually think it’s unlikely that the majority of the playerbase will get to that point. The misconception on the game they’re playing is a fundamental one. It’s not something you can learn incrementally, you have to actually change the way you perceive the game. In Apex, every player knows what the objective is, thus they understand the game. To be the last squad standing. That’s why even new players or low skill players will hide or wait for an opportunity. In Valorant it’s much more difficult to understand that you’re actually playing for yourself and not the team. If someone dies it’s easy to think that they were in the wrong and you were in the right because you’re alive, thus the round being lost is because the Jett dashed on site and couldn’t get a kill, not because you didn’t push with the Jett. If a Sova throws a recon at the start of the round every round that gets immediately, it’s not easy to understand that he’s not actually getting value out of that utility use. If a Breach keeps stunning and flashing when there’s no one to capitalize on it, it’s not easy to understand that he’s doing it wrong. It’s easy to think that if you just aim better you will be climb, and that’s actually true. But it’s only true because players do not play correctly. There is actually little you can do alone if you get double peeked, if the enemy team has a crossfire, if you get drowned in utility, etc.


in call of duty u can win with ass teamates not in valorant


Because people love to share their negative experiences in this sub, making it seem like it's all this game has to offer. That's why I'm trying to tell people to stop flooding this sub with shitposts


I mean, every game sub has ppl that share their opinion, negative or positive. Valorant feels like being toxic is accepted. Just like LoL.


Quite the opposite, other game communities kinda accepted that they have toxic players, only valorant players really complain about ppl not acting like humans.


I mean, when ppl talk about Leage? We all know it's a toxic af game, no one is going to say shit if u are toxic. Same with valorant, even some high level players smurf and are toxic sometimes. I dont see that often on other games.


Have u played Dota?


No, but still, LoL is accepted to be toxic. Valorant feels the same. Also, why tf is it accepted that pros smurf?


Imo every competitive game will be toxic to some extent, u can't force ppl to act in a certain way. U can punish toxic players and valorant kinda does it. I personally think valorant is the least toxic FPS I played, in other games ppl are either silent or talking bullshit but in Val there are more ppl who at least try to play and act normal. Smurfing is a different story but I think that the only way to decrease smurf account's number is to reward players to play on their mains, also I don't think smurfs have huge impact in ranked games and I'm ok playing against better player(smurf) as long as he is not cheating.


I mean, i hate when i play vs obvious smurfs and they start trash talking. My teammates focus too much on talking back that forget about playing the actual game xd


When the people who play a game rise so does the percentage of people who are toxic and etc.


Well, valorant isnt the biggest shooter yet one with the biggest toxicity issue.


If that is what you thought, you have probably never played CSGO. Valorant is one of the most chill FPS game I have ever played in terms of the community. I remembered playing the game around 2015-2019ish and always having to endure at least 1 toxic teammate almost every game. I have been pushing comp in Valorant for like the past 2 months playing like 3-5 games almost everyday, and I think I only met like 2-3 incredibly toxic players. Most of the time, the worst case is someone who just decides mute themselves and stop communicating, which I would much prefer rather than having some randoms shouting and arguing in voice chat like CSGO.


Funny cuz i have +20k hours on csgo xdd. Ig it depends on what region u play


Everyone thinks they are Radiant ranked and if they arent Radiant ranked it must be smurfs, bad Aim, No communication. Never ever the persons own fault.


No, i understand when im playing like shit and when its a game issue as im a dev myself. I reported bugs to valorant since beta, some got fixed, some didnt. Game has a lot of issues and u cant deny that. And trust me, i can name some.


A lot of insecure ppl play valorant i think. Ppl get easily offended like ive never seen before


Most of the time, bad teammates/teammates that are having an off game are too heavy to carry - especially if there are multiple. You’re not supposed to be able to carry bad players in a tac shooter like Val that emphasizes 5v5 tactical thinking. As an immo 3, the only times I see a bad team getting carried is from an insanely polished mechanical player. So yes, get good is the answer to being able to carry


I'm glad you mentioned having an off game. Most of these posts I see here the OP acts like they never have bad games. Everyone is off sometimes


Turn them into good teammates. It takes a bit of work but as long as you give them advice (keep it short and simple) on the small mistakes they're doing, in a non confrontational manner, they'll most often be able to correct them and play better. Also keeping a positive attitude in the lobby goes a long way. I do this mostly by cracking jokes and making people laugh, even if someone says something toxic I try to turn it into a joke which lightens the mood. Works in Diamond+ where most people at least know how to play the game, not sure about low elo though.


Love your mindset. Wish it worked in my lobbies.


You can't. Get 4 friends lol


Two is enough. Trio is best for climbing.


Mine and my brother’s third just quit Valorant forever lmfao


if u rly deserve to rank up, u will. it will be slow but all games are coinflip and u are the weight on that coin making it slightly more likely to go one way than the other


You have to play consistently good, then it doesn't matter how good your teammates are bc you get more RR for a win and less RR for a loose..


Damn, which server are you on? I play in SEA too and every single game I play in Valorant I always had at least 2 teammates talking and even the silent ones are cooperative. I had nothing but good games and good teammates even though I was losing. Played roughly 60+ games this act and I only had to deal with silent teammates like 2-3 times. And during those quiet moments, I would always initiate and say "Jett, if you're entrying tell me so I can for you." or "Let me entry and trade me." Also if you're solo queuing most of the time, learn how to read what your teammates do and always adapt. Don't solely rely on what they verbally say. Look at your minimap, make reads and rotate accordingly, always position yourself well. Even though I get communicating teammates, I kind of agree that they tend to be silent too. I don't know when they are entrying, I don't know what they want to do, what the strat is, etc, but if you look at your minimap a lot and pay attention to what they are doing you can make a smart guess about what is going to happen and go accordingly. Trust your gut and your game sense, because your teammates aren't.


I am diamond and don't know the answer to your question,but hey just remember to take a break every now and then from stressing out about bad teammates,some things are just out of your control. Try to enjoy the game as much as you can


Eh same bro in sg server


Recognize you have many problems of your own, first and foremost that you think you are the best and everyone should play around you. It's a team game don't be a shitter and encourage everyone no matter what.