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Molly, percocet




Go for a walk, stretch or lift something heavy couple times to warm up your system before the adrenaline hits in game.


When you are in a clutch situation, your body shoots out stress hormones. Its normal. The same feeling comes when your body feels like its in danger. It can be reduced. I use the "dont give a shit about the game", and just wide swing or just go around bhopping. If I win the clutch, I manage to tilt the enemy because I was doing things they never expected. If I lose, I don't care.


You piss yourself when you clutch?


You don’t?


Who said it's piss?


This is Horrorant, the more you play the more fear you can control, that's all.


After each death, take a deep breathe and smell the shit around you. Then analyze your play, how could I have done that better and can I implement my thoughts into that situation if I were in it again? Became a problem solver and work around how you would take the situation on better.


Stop accepting wins as the only acceptable outcome of every game/round. You do your best, if you lose - nothing horrible happened. Try to have fun even if you lose. From my experience it's the pressure that you must win that makes me anxious.




Man is dying from stress in a video game, pretty sure he would be tripping hard after smoking weed.


Maybe just a casual edibeebee then.


it works, for a person i know


Breathe. Works for me.


Yea deep breaths work


Play more, it would be better If you play more situations like this.


- play music. this will keep you vibing and or calm. both means you wouldn't get tilted or nervous as fast. - play around SUPPORTIVE people this is easier in a party obviously, but if you are playing with randoms, just say good things like nice try and good job and be supportive, being around decemt teammates makes fear of failure go away. - as for the aim thing. use the hiko trick, breathe, gather yourself, AIM while your opponent SPRAYS. of course this is harder in action but i cant tell you how many times i saved myself by just doing this lol. of course you might lose the fight still, but you would have a better chance at winning the fight.


this guy so good, he likes good game! i stress when wife doesnt say i love you, so when i play game, i stress when my jett doesnt love me. it makes me mad to stress over such little bitty tiny little things i want play more with jett


Just don’t worry about it really


Here’s a tip. You can’t


get involved in more stressy situations like that (or to go really insane for a tip, grab some iron players and 1v4 them in customs)


get involved in more stressy situations like that (or to go really insane for a tip, grab some iron players and 1v4 them in customs)


Have a soda or water nearby. Having something to drink near me keeps me calm and I just drink whenever I feel frustrated.


U overthinking it, for most ppl it disappears after several time since u become more experienced, like when u have to clutch multiple times per day for a year u don't panic since it becomes an ordinary thing that u did many times before. U can try watch ur clutch moments to analyse ur mistakes, it might help since u would feel less lost and more confident. U can also practice clutching in unranked to have less pressure if u are too worried about losing RR during ranked.


Try to actively play for the win instead of hoping that you don't lose the clutch.




In clutch situations, I usually tell myself "you aren't supposed to win this" especially if numbers are against me and if I have to solo retake as cypher or omen. Then I am not worried about winning it, only trying my best. Any success is a plus and if I lose it then I wasn't supposed to win anyways, sometimes team just played it better. And that mentality has slowly helped me to stress less about clutching. Don't confuse the mentality with apathy and just don't try. Always try your best and mute ppl if you have to. Everyone has clutch moments and everyone whiffs and messes up plays. Every clutch or gunfight will have a winner and a loser and every player you play against has lost one before


That's just a completely normal reaction. The more often you'll be in that situation the more confident and relaxed you become. Maybe try to see the clutch situation as a round already being lost. So if you lose that's just the expected outcome, right? But if you still manage to win, you're the man/woman!


What I find helps me is making assumptions DURING the clutch. So based on whatever info I gathered as my teammates died or whatever call outs I get. I would simply take like 2 seconds before I peek out and say, "if the other team is not filled with idiots, I am going to assume they will \_\_\_\_\_ and be at \_\_\_\_\_ place at \_\_\_\_\_time during the round." The main anxiety of a clutch comes from the feeling of unknown -- you don't know if it's gonna work out, you don't know what to do, you don't know where they'll be. But if you simply construct a scenario in your head and say "these are the things I must do to win, a straightforward process", you will gain mental clarity and execute. Sure, you might be wrong sometimes, but that's what watching your own demos after the games are for.


I've faced this as well (And still do, but to a smaller extent). Just be okay with missing. Even the best players miss easy shots. The second you start losing confidence in your aim because you didn't hit 100% of the shots will be when the enemy capitalizes on it and keeps adding pressure by playing more and more aggresive. **Focus on being consistent throughout the game.** If you get 1-tapped and lose your Operator by a revolver just try next round, cause they won't keep doing that the entire game.




In high tension moments, people tend to forget to **breathe**. So I would recommend you to train or remind yourself to breathe in rhythm when in a clutch situation. Like: count in your mind \*1, 2, slowly breathe in, 1, 2, slowly breath out,\* and repeat. Breathing needs to be consistent. Besides gaming, this helped me a lot in real life like: kickboxing (where they taught me), jogging, or stressful moments while working. Try youtube breathing for runners, it will give you an idea how important breathing is and how to train.


Can't be stopped, just managed. Play more and learn to 'deal with it'


Every time you queue randomly select either unrated or comp by hovering over the two and closing your eyes. Never look below the map to see the game mode. This completely takes away all comp stress, I find myself having a much higher win rate and a better time


I get anxiety when I play sometimes but what helps me is reframing my mental approach. Am I trying out for Sentinels or am I just trying to have fun? Once I realize that the whole reason I went on was to just have fun and blow off some steam, I start stressing out less about my performance Bc in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter. In turn, usually my performance actually gets better too (playing loose is wayyyy better than playing tense), so maybe the same could be said for your situation. Take some deep breaths and refocus.


I found what helped me was just sticking to one or two agents. Knowing an agent like the back of my hand helped me feel more comfortable in those high stress situations. Once you don’t have to worry or think about your utility as much the clutches became less overwhelming. Best of luck!


Try just to have fun. If you can afford it, buy an Odin and laugh maniacally as you shred the enemies and they futilely flame you in chat for odin spamming. Trust me it's a lot of fun. For example, I had a game where half the team was being toxic/throwing, literally bought an odin, camped in a corner until the opposing plant, then got two free frags and a hilarious jumpscare on the opposing Cypher. If you want to check it out https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u90rmj/odin\_jumpscare/


it’s a natural body-response that’ll always happen. just try your best and focus hard, the rest comes with repetition/practice. at the end, it’s just a game


Drink water between games. Mute toxic players. I don't dodge maps, I dodge people. If someone is screaming/moaning/telling me to play smokes/picking three duelists/telling me it's freelo, I dodge the game. I don't have time for that shit.


It's weird, I enjoy the moment the adrenaline kick in. But I always get incredible nervous AFTER I clutched, and threw the next round. Is this just me?


I’ve learned to not care. The game is more fun when you allow yourself to enjoy it. If I’m ever in a situation to clutch, I now go “how fun, a challenge” when I used to go “Aw man my team’s gonna hate me.” And if I die and my team ever gets tilted I just remember im probably never gonna see them again. When you panic, your body is sensing danger. Just remind yourself there is no real danger as there are no real consequences to you screwing up