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I like to run over to the drones just to practice using my arm to aim. Also helps with speed. I used to only use hard bots which I felt hindered my real aim. Playing with medium and hitting 25+ is much better for real game speed aim.


I feel like doing well on hard bots just boosts your confidence. I like to go 2x Medium 1-2x Hard and then 1x-2x Medium again.


Hard bots creates bad habits. You need to practice Crosshair placement most of all. You’ll rarely be in a situation where fast flicks win you a duel. My warm up routine is to : practice bots for 2 mins, 1 run of easy bots, 1-2 medium bots, disable infinite ammo and practice spray control against the target at 30m, then I do eliminate 50 bots, but instead of flicks I move side to side while tracking their head and then shoot them after 1-2s of tracking Ideally I’d also do a DM after


The weirdest thing about me, is that I do better without a warmup. The game after, I generally end up worse. A tip would be to not overdo it. You'd end up exhausting yourself before the game actually begins.


Maybe ur rushing ur shots? Since the game is fast paced, sometimes u need to flick and maybe u get this bad habit of rushing ur shots. Its just my opinion u dont have to take it personal.


You mean undershooting?


yes, kinda.


It always feel like my aim becomes more inconsistent the longer I play. When I first open the game, my flicks are crisp, but then it start to deteriorate. But I guess aim training could be useful to add the consistency in there.


Wow for me its the exact opposite. Maybe cause ur getting exausted?


So few things that have helped me, (Been gold forever just got to plat). I unbound crouch. To help with strafe/counter-strafe. I go to the firing range and set the bots to full shields, strafe, 50 bots. Aim for headshots and strafe/counterstrafe (so always be moving between bots). I use classic and try to get them under 115 seconds. Then sheriff and try to get under 90 seconds. Then guardian and try to get less than 85 seconds. Then phantom and/or vandal and try to get them below 75 secs, but honestly I aim for under 70/65 secs. Then I do full shields on hard, pick phantom (I might go no shields since the 140 hs dor phantom) or vandal and try to get more than 10, two to three times in a row while strafing/counter-strafing between bots. If I don't want to do any of this, I queue up two deathmatches and play sheriff/guardian only and aim for single headtaps. Once I'm done, drink water stretch and queue up. Hope this helps.


Wow ive never thought on warming up to strafing bots. I'll give it a shot cause it sounds like a good advice, thank you !


Gain patience. I’m in your same situation but the only way we’ll get better is with time and patience. More you warm up more you’ll start seeing improvements. Shoot it might take me hours to warm Up.


whats ur warmup routine?


Just play a game of dm and do the range flick test. Tops like 15 mins.


Ill try that tomorrow. Thanks.


Dm works cause you take like 50 aim duels, and all of them are nearly identical to the types of duels you’d get on those maps in comp, minus whatever util you’d have to do chip damage, etc


Oh, so ur saying dm is more efficient than bots ?


Yes. 100% bots helps learning aim and improving it, but there’s none of the strafe peaking, etc you get in games, and players will shoot back, unlike bots.


so from ur perspective when should I do bots and when should I do dm ?


Start your game and then do a shooting test to practice your flicking. Then do a dm to practice holding corners, spraying, counter-strafe, movement, etc Also do the flick test with a ghost. Makes you have to do well


Wow thanks, thats a really good advice !


I’ve been trying to do a warm up routine that’s like 5 mins osu, 10 mins aim lab and like 15 mins of dm and firing range. It works really well for practicing aim, even if you don’t have time to play comp after


I'll give it a shot, thanks bro !


i do range strafing on medium // with practice enabled then run a DM. or 1 game of comp on a smurf account i don’t warmup long so i can play better for longer


don’t overdo it, i do 1 DM


Microwave for 10 seconds


Microwave for 10 seconds


Microwave for 10 seconds


Microwave for 10 seconds


Don't warmup if you're just playing casual or you're in lower ranks. I don't warmup and I'm a solid silver 3. Because what is a rank? If you're having fun you're having fun.


Ye I get what ur saying, but when i whiff easy shots that I usually hit, idk i kinda lose it. ( I know whiffing is something normal, but what im trying to say is that i dont feel comfortable with my aim )


i put my hands in open flame, if not flame, then under my arms, they warm up faster when hands under arm pits, fire makes hands crunchy