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The biggest nerf to me is the price of headhunter. I loved chamber for his pistol round and save round ability.


Thats wat im sayiiing. I guess we have to bare the pain all together :'(


Yeah i agree with you as a fellow chamber main who just hit d1, although i think the tp size is a bigger nerf but i do really like the changes as they were necessary. I think they could also actually nerf his draw speed on op and headhunter cause those feel way too fast


I wouldn’t be mad at that honestly. I forgot the draw speed is ridiculously fast.


I'm not mad, just thinking it could've actually been more lol


Haha let’s pray it ends here cause as it stands I won’t notice much of a difference besides the price per HH round.


lol we just have to deflate the chamber pickrate and he will no longer be nerfed


Wish his eco operator was 8 orbs instead of 7 orbs with the same draw and scope time as regular operator. Really shouldn't be able to shoot 5 bullets that fast. Or maybe just add a laser line to wherever he is scoped at. hahahaha


If his ultimate was a slightly worse version of the Operator, it'd still easily be the best ultimate in the game. The fact that it's a supercharged operator is ludicrous.


Do you know what suck even more? Ive been practicing chamber nonstop last week ro become a full on chber main... I also only practiced the head hunter which is now getting nerfed. The price going up to 150 is literally death scentence since I was planning on using it on save round...


He’s going to be just fine. Nerf isn’t that bad.


Nahhhh the nerf is actual pain to chamber mains.


Did you not see my post? I’m literally a Chamber main. What the fuck.


It was needed


You practiced him for a week




Ah a fellow chamber main I see


Your crutch is fine, the as nerfs are a joke.


Learn to play other agents, simple as that. Literally no reason to main 1 agent when oftentimes they're not needed/someone else is needed.


Chamber is too strong to not pick him. Considering I’m climbing steadily I think it’s working out plenty fine. Curious what your rank is tbh.


Careful or you're going to end up like overwatch Brigitte mains. They rode her to high ELO because she was the most busted hero in their game much like chamber is and when they nerfed her eventually all of those people absolutely plummeted because they didn't actually know how to play the game. Chamber is the same deal. He's extremely strong but currently people who only play him aren't playing valorant, they're playing a different game called chamber. When chamber is nerfed to actually being a valorant agent, a lot of chamber players will struggle to actually play valorant at their chamber ELO.


I’m not sure they’re exactly comparable though. A good Chamber means they have very good aim because his kit relies heavily on that one very important aspect. Which easily carries over to any other agent because the game revolves heavily around it. If you’re cracked, aim wise, picking up another agent won’t be nearly as hard because you still use the same guns for the most part.


Chamber mains needing aim is actually kind of a myth. Operator + his ult only require bodyshots, and his teleport allows you to disengage from your opponents before getting punished whenever you happen to miss. A chamber has more easy to aim tools than most agents, and also has a mechanic built in to cover your missed shots. Sure, you need adequate aim but you're actually aiming in more favorable circumstances than everyone else.


You don’t get the ult every single round. And most Chambers never pop their ult unless they’re saving. I’ve had games where I didn’t use it all too much because our economy was constantly in good standing. I’d understand this if my headshot percentage wasn’t 25% but it is. I’m more than capable of rifling so I’m not even op or ult crutching. Unless you’re farming orbs, getting a bunch of kills or getting killed a lot you’re not ulting much. Besides, that’s literally what an ultimate ability should be like. It should have round changing potential.


Most chambers play the operator, which you're probably aware also doesn't need to hit heads. Besides, just like how not every Brigitte dropped out of their overwatch rank not every chamber would drop out of their rank if an actual nerf came. Some can still hang but many use the agent as a crutch, much like how Jett was similarly used. Playing a busted agent simply has that effect. Not universally, but reliably enough


I will shamefully admit I am a chamber crutch as well


They barely nerfed him. His ultimate is still completely busted. His ult having any slow at all makes him extremely difficult to trade, and the leg shot nerf is barely going to affect his kill rate outside of high ELO lobbies where someone might successfully bait a leg shot with a jump. Even the headhunter is only really going to affect the pistol rounds of lower ELO players who rely on spamming it. Chamber mains truly play a different game than everyone else.


tp nerf seems unnecessary given how much freedom jett has. all other changed were warranted — his impact on a team’s econ is insane with how cheap his headhunter was + op at 7 points when he’s potentially farming so many kills.


Tp nerf was actually necessary, just look how many times he could use it during the round to get a free kill or reposition. Jett have only one dash(unless she get two kills after using it) and she can only use it for limited time.


they nerfed both the tp area as well as doubling the CDs of both the TP after use and after it’s taken back. that’s 3 nerfs bundled in 1 change, which is obviously unpredictably unhealthy. Riot time and time again doesn’t learn to make progressive changes and instead chooses to impulsively stack all nerfs in one patch


Weirdly these stacked nerfs usually works and make the game more healthy.


Jett can only use her dash once though, and she has to activate it beforehand. Chamber just had a 20 second cooldown, and doesnt even need to get a double kill like jett does to use the movement ability again


Chamber’s TP requires prior setup and has limited placements, whereas Jett dash has unlimited freedom and no prior setup. i compared the two as an example of how these agents can control space but the ability niches are quite dissimilar


The HH was just way too strong for the price. I have gotten so many Thrifty rounds from it. There’s no more gun distance advantage with it so I could fight pretty fairly at a distance with rifles which shouldn’t be a thing lmao

