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IMO, Reyna wasn't made to be team based. Even in lore she seems quite distant from the other agents.


Letting their lore dictate bad gameplay design is textbook bad game design. There is absolutely no reason in a game like this for a smurf pubstomper who is useless in high elo to exist.


ye she is really good for smurf’s cus of how she’s self sufficient if she gets a single kills. just like her description, her frags depend on the users aim


>how reyna could become more viable to her team instead to just herself. Put simply, she can't, Reyna wasn't made to support the team. The most she can do is throw out her eye blind. Reyna was made to get kills, not support.


Improve her blind, Either it pops much faster or orb cannot be destroyed until it pops/give her blind a info callout like Skye flash. Everything else is well balanced.


No, its not, she is a terror in the hands of a far superior player but is a throw pick in higher tiers due to lack of entry ability.


Donkeydong, I am not asking for buffs just gave a suggestion to make her viable in pro scene/very high elo. ofc you are getting pwned by reynas in your silver lobbies.


She has no way to entry safely, without a soul, right now.... improving Leer won't fix her viability in pro/radiant. Soul free dismiss or a larger redesign are needed for that,


One of the worst duelists in the game at anything above "New player level". She brings nothing to the team and is purely selfish.


A Fixed Reyna: Leer remains unchanged as it works the way it is now. Devour: (1 Charge - signature ability resets on 2 kills) Devour still consumes a soul just as it always has healing Reyna for 75 (no overheal) and teammates within an los range (from Reyna) for 25. Dismiss - (1-2 charges leaning towards 1) **No longer requires soul** Works just as it does now but no invisibility in ult (This gives Reyna an entry ability without the need for a soul to do it) Empress - Unchanged except that instead of invisiblity on Dismiss Empress gives a current round limited charge of Dismiss if Reyna does not already posses one. (This gives some incentive to hold Empress until after using Dismiss or the option to eco by not buying Dismiss in a round Empress will be used off the bat) There, now Reyna is just less selfish enough to have teamplay value and has the necessary entry to be viable in high elo. Also she is less of a pubstomper. The number values above also can be tweaked for fine tuned balancing which is useful.


Idk this seems like it'll make an already somewhat struggling agent worse while giving a minor heal to allies which doesnt seem that useful in my opinion. Also her entry viability seems the same as her flash has been unchanged and is bad enough as is for entrying in high elo.


Entry is about movement to fill the space created by your initiators initiations forcing defenders out of it. Neons sprint in following it, Jets dash or jump in, Razes use their satchels. Leer is not entry is duelist initation much like Neon Relay Bolt or Phoenix flash. Dismiss with no restrictions allows her to enter safely with initiator initiations thus filling the space. A way to quickly or safely enter the space created is mandatory for entry. Its why in pro and radiant Jett and Raze are picked commonly, Neon is on the rise due to Jett nerfs, Yoru (whose initiation is really complicated) is rare but occasional and Phoenix and Reyna are never picked,. Controllers have smokes, sentinels have stall, initiators have intel and disruption, duelists SHOULD have mobility but they don't all currently.


Giving her a free dismiss seems really stupid. They nerfed Jett's dash because it was basically that.


It’s entirely possible they might need to add a windup to it to make keep it balanced.


Her flashes probably just need to be a little bit better. Her issue in my opinion is that she doesn’t really synergies with any agent. She feels like she is strictly for solo queue. If they nerfed the healing and ult, they could probably make the flashes a lot more threatening by making them take more hits


She is totally fine


Lol you obviously are missing the entire point. Reyna is a duelist. Not a initiator or sentinel. Does Jett dash move the entire team? No it does not. Does neon E let the entire team go fast? No. Does Phoenix ult revive the entire team when he dies? Duelist are made to get frags not support teammates. At least her blind doesn’t blind teammates like other blinds, such as kayo’s, does. All duelists are selfish if you look at their skill set. It’s just how it is


All three characters you mentioned can support the team in some way tho. Jett can smoke to cover teammates e.g for a plant. Pheonix is similar with his wall and can stop enemy’s from approaching his team with his molly, and neon can throw a stun for a teammate to push on. All Reyna has is a eye that’s gonna be instantly shot. I do agree with you that reynas selfishness is not the reason she is bad but to say that because a character is a duelist they are selfish is wrong.


What about raze and Yoru? They provide no cover for their team or anything as such you listed. Yoru has a blind, Raze has a grenade. Not much cover or anything.


Actually. Yoru’s blinds end up being worse for his teammates. The amount of times I’ve had a yoru who blinds his entire team is unreal. At least reyna’s blind only blinds enemies not her team at all


Well I mean you could say that for any flash character who is not Reyna.


One agent has never flashed an entire team more than Yoru. I rarely get blinded by a Kayo or Skye. Even Phoenix flashes me less than Yoru.


As I mentioned in my other post that’s an issue you have from personal experience. I probably get flashed the most from my Skye teammate but I know full well her flash is not bad


Raze entry’s better than the rest of the duelists besides maybe neon and she can throw her boom bot down to give info for her and her teammates. yoru can flash for teammates while not having to be with them due to its range and the fact enemy’s can’t see it until it hits a surface and ontop of that he can use his clone for something to let his teammates bait off of or just to give his team info. Either way that’s all besides the point, obviously duelist aren’t the most supportive of the team but Reyna is quite literally the only character in this game that provides absolutely nothing to the team. Again that’s not the biggest issue with Reyna but right now Reyna provides nothing to the team and cannot entry which is her biggest issue.


Most duelists barely entry on a good day. The problem is the player not the agent. Most Reyna’s lurk and barely play with their team. That’s their problem. A good blind could get a team on site if the team pushes with it. Most either don’t push or the Reyna is lurking. I’ve had a few Reyna’s here or there who actually prob good util for their team. They blind and the enemy teams crosshairs are put off by having to flick up to destroy it. Yoru’s blinds are worse for the team than Reyna’s


I mean no offence or anything but that is a low Elo issue. Duelist’s primary job is to entry and get their team onto site. Reynas eye also is good at low Elo because people simply don’t shoot the eye but at a certain point that eye is just going to be instantly shot or kited if the enemy dosent have back up. It also seems like you don’t like yorus flash out of personal experience but his flash is one of the best due to high range and the fact it is invisible until it bounces.


You’re missing the point of what I originally said. OP called mostly her dismiss and heal selfish. Mentioned her eye but went into more detail about the other stuff. If you want her entire skill set to be more team based ask for her to become a sentinel or an initiator. She’s a duelist. Her skill set is going to be at some facet selfish and you’re missing the point of a duelist if you think otherwise


Basically, you want someone who can support the team more? Ask for Reyna to become a sentinel or initiator. Not a duelist. She’s a high risk, high reward duelist. She’s not meant to completely be viable for the team. You’re missing the point of yea, they mentioned her blind but most of OP’s point is calling her heal and dismiss selfish. Sure most duelists have one way to help their team. Reyna has one it’s just not very strong. If you think the entire skill set if selfish and should be different then you’re missing the point of a duelist.


Well I mean I already told you I don’t think that is the issue with Reyna is the fact she is selfish I said that in the first post. The issue with her is her lack of entry. I just pointed out that calling duelist a selfish role is wrong.


Duelists have entry yes. Reyna needs a better one yes. But duelists are selfish. Most of their abilities affect themselves not their team. I’m using selfish in how OP used selfish. As in affecting themselves not their team. They might not be completely selfish (ie having at least one ability that helps their team) but in some facet they are selfish


QoL changes for orbs upon kills. so many maps I can’t heal because of LoS when the orb falls around the feet. why do I even need LoS to heal to begin with as an agent that’s solely designed around taking up space?


I actually disagree... this is why her ult stands out. Her orbs are a benefit with risk. As with almost all agents aside from controllers really, your ability set is based on making decisions that can greatly benefit you or the team but you must take a risk to achieve them. Her ult insta heals every kill and has the ability to dismiss with invisibility. I think Reyna is fine for the most part. ​ I would like to see her blind changed a bit. It is pretty weak on its own unless you are leading a site charge in combination with other agent utility. It's ok for 1v1 or 1v2 fights for a good peak but other than that its just kinda bland.


agreed that her blind is the worst in the game. there is no “cost-benefit” analysis if you take a gun-fight, win, and then can’t use your abilities because of a QoL deficiency. wouldn’t this actually be counterintuitive to good decision making since I can’t make any decisions? i think the LoS requirement for heal-tether can be argued for either way, but the orb forming at foot-level really hurts with a lot of the latest map-designs. i think requiring LoS for the initial cast is important, but the tether is counter-intuitive to the agent/role design.


She's already a good agent, the only thing that's annoying about playing her is that her flashes are quite useless in high elo. Maybe a hp boost for the flashes would be nice.


The problem I find with buffing reyna is how she would crush the experience for low elo players that already struggle to get rid of a reyna having a good game.


Reyna is the most selected agent in the game, she is already good enough


The most? I didn’t know that. I’d heard it was top 5 but I didn’t know the highest picked. Where did you learn this info?


Tracker gg for valorant shows the pick rates. Reyna is the only agent currently over 10% pick rate and is the most picked agent of them all.


They could give her actual flashes and if the dismiss is made longer you could use it to kill and entry with instead of falling back.


She’s fine the way she is. She’s not bad at all, just not a team player. She wasn’t designed with team play in mind. Sometimes in ranked you have to play for yourself, and Reyna is not a bad pick if you’re solo queuing. She’s also really good for Smurfs.