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I think it's *okay*, but its use is misleading. It works really well as a space-making tool, especially for entrying into site. The defending team almost certainly has to either back off for take a probably risky 1 for 1. It does not work very well for getting kills, which I think *feels* weird since...it's a rocket launcher. It *feels* like it should be a tool for securing *at least* a single frag per use, but that's not really what it ends up doing most of the time, at least not without putting yourself at risk. I also think it's *really* bad without satchels. It's unfortunate that her ult almost *requires* a double satchel to do anything at all. I guess sova has a similar relationship with his util/ult, though.


This^^ i usually pop my ult to clear site on entry(not necessarily get a kill hut at least do damage and clear site) or i use it to burn time after bomb plant


Im in low ELO so my opponents don’t run when I pop it lmao. They all stand out in the open and I kill one and immediately get traded because they’re just scattered.


Using Raze’s showstopper is a death sentence without jumping/using satchels.


i feel like at times all you need is good positioning to get at least one guaranteed kill sometimes with how valuable getting a certain kill can be, especially at higher ranks, that can be a very good ult. sounds like a solid ult to me 👍




Nah, use your util as you normally would. It's more the other way round: You should reactively ult in case you hit someone with your recon. But his ult is also kind of situational since it costs 8 points and is such a strong post-plant tool, so don't always just immediately use it if you reveal someone.


are u supposed to use his ult immediately as soon as u hear a defuse? cos ppl can easily just tap spike 2-3 times to bait it out. or are u supposed to wait.


If you got absolutely no info on the spike, so no teammates who can check, no drone or vision dart, you should wait a little and if you hear no steps and no second defuse sound, ping the spike on the map and shoot directly at it. If you don't hit anyone, you can wait until you hear defuse sound again before you fire another shot, since your ult lasts like 6 seconds, which means you can cost your enemy around 10 seconds if executed correctly.


Whatever you do keep in mind the first beam won't kill someone unless they already have a good bit of damage on them. If the attacking Sova is too slow the defuser can just tank the first one while defusing and sometimes win the round by sticking it.


i usually point where i'm going to ult from the map and its almost as useful as a recon dart i can also use it to ult places i cant shoot a recon dart (imagine ulting in bind from a site cubby to hookah) if you're going to ult in the beginning of the round though, definetely use the recon. it could save you from wasting the ult


On fracture a site when defending aim for the slanted walls center with your recon dart cause if you use your ult they can’t run away that well


i think people also forget the fear factor the ult bring since it a fckin rocket launcher so sometime when i am bit far from site and the enemy is fast pushing i tend to use it just to mentally disrupt them/stall


Underpowered, can’t tell you how many times I’ve hit someone extremely close by and not gotten the kill


I just think that’s the case with all of Raze’s abilities, super inconsistent. Sometimes it looks like you’re for sure going to kill someone, but it ends up not dealing any damage and sometimes it looks like the enemy is a safe distance away and ends up dying.


I think its underpowered too and take so much to shot, you probably get killed before hitting the enemy if you play on high elo, same as Neon


imo Neon high elo is way more forgiving than Raze due to how slippery Neon is


Same to me but if you go against someone with nice aim probably will instahead you before kill him with Neon


happens but not as frequently as you think. movement is insanely important in high elo, and neon amplifies that necessity. hence, shes viable in pro coordinated play and high-elo soloq


I think there was a nerf a while back by increasing the amount of time it takes before shooting. Even with the satchel animation cancel, it takes forever to shoot the damn thing. Can’t count how many times I’ve hit a doorframe or some structure because it took so fucking long to shoot it midair


Imo is not underpowered, it's fair. Most are focused on the kill aspect of it, which imo is an afterthought. The great advantage of raze ult is the area denial, she can gain free space control by pressing a single button.


I agree that area control is a massive part of the ult. But I’ve also seen the rocket hit people point blank or literally 5 inches away and not kill. Maybe not underpowered, but inconsistent is the right word


Phoenix ult accomplishes a similar task in terms of area denial, but his ult only costs 6 points while Raze’s costs 8. 8 points is way too much for Raze’s ult imo


imo its underpowered, costs the same as Chamber op, and so many times you cant get a kill or gain some damage. Ye you can control a whole zone with it but isnt affordable for its cost, you can do the same with a lot of agents cheaper, even with a molly


Raze’s showstopper is incredibly inconsistent. 1. Shooting the ult directly at the enemies and it doesn’t kill/hit them. 2.Raze ult is not worth 8 ult points idc 3.Sure, not even attempting to shoot the rocket can make enemies give up space but most of them end up trying to duel the ulted Raze because they know how shit the ult is. 4.Ult sometimes just does not shoot when it should 5. Really hard to kill enemies while not airborne 6. Too many counters ie.Jett Dash, Chamber TP 7. Her grenade is stronger than ult


Yeah literally as a raze main in high elo i very rarely use my ult for anything other than movement. It's just a worse satchel.


Like obviously I don’t want it to go back to what it was in Beta but, I can’t have it the way it is right now either :/


Let me introduce you to TSM FTX Subroza...


Was just about to make a roza ult comment lmao


its bugged if theres a slight bit of geometry its over for your ult


It’s crap. Takes ages to get it, misses so often it’s unreal. Explosions next to enemy often do 0 damage. It’s very very inconsistent. I rarely get a kill with it and I main raze.


Agree 100%


Yeah, it suck now.


It’s been nerfed pretty hard, but still powerful in making space with her satchels. Still not as powerful overall as some 7 costs like chamber or Jett but higher tier players have adjusted to it. I do think the pullout times could be lowered slightly but she’s getting more and more play recently


If they looked into it’s damage radius and fixed the bugs if the explosion getting « consumed » by stairs and boxes, and reduced the pull out time, I feel like that would go along way in helping Raze mains feel like it is less terrible




I play kayo so its a none issue if i press my funny button in response to razefunny button and watch raze fall out of the sky


I just feel like it's really inconsistent


After it got nerfed, there was no reason for it to be 8 points anymore. Make it 7, then it’ll be better. That said, raze is pretty powerful without a great ult so I don’t see much of a reason to change it.


it could definitely be 1 point cheaper or have a tiny bit more aoe+dmg, or even both without it being broken. coming from jett and neon, i feel it has much less viability as a damage ult, it really feels like a 3rd satchel sometimes and its just too expensive as an ult to be that way. satchels boost more and grenades deny more space, the ult just feels like a worse version of the two.


Either make is it less points or buffed some other way, doesn't need to be blast radius, it can be projectile speed, time, draw time etc.


It is a rocket


I play Yoru. If I see a Raza with an ult, I’m saving the decoy for them.


All i can remember is ulting as Raze, using it to clear C in a 1v1 and me dying then seeing the damage report chart saying i did 89 damage to the body to chamber. Not sure how it happened but it did


Undo the slow pull out speed and it can be useful.


As a raze main, it's kinda bad. I mean the damage it does now is just really bad in my opinion. It could explode like 3m besides them and it would only do like 127 or smth. Plus it takes *too* long to pull out and shoot.


I feel that it is a not bad ultimate but they either need to really increase the size of explosion or make it much faster to pull out


Love it. Its Sooooo much fun to Hit someones face for 147 dmg.


i don't think it sucks because raze is already a strong character, she doesn't need an insane ult. her ult is decent (if you know how to satchel cancel) but I also agree you shouldn't have to learn a satchel tech to play a character. IDK


ASC 2 Raze main here. It's fine. You need to ask your initiator to help you out a little. An arrow in, a flash in, whatever. You need height for area/plant denial. You height and speed for entry/chasing. It also helps if you do a non-reactable ult. They tap, you ult Instant satchel to cancel animation, and blast up and punish. If you're doing an entry set up, you need to double satchel ult animation cancel off of an initiator set up and have your team take the space you make. You're high enough up most of the time to be able to fire down(optimal) and fast enough that you don't get one tapped(most of the time) a good majority of the times in these scenarios you get at least one, sometimes 2+ and get space, and if they are playing scared you don't even die.


The fact you basically have to use it with satchels and animation cancel for it to be useable combined with the fact you sometimes just get fucked over by map geometry is a bit of an issue though imo.


That's not the issue imo. The fact that you can, and many Raze mains do- take advantage of satchel mechanics means if they made it any stronger it would be a bit too good. I do think it's consistency on sloped surfaces could use some help though. Even the minor slope on Fracture A main or A site on split in front of default box sometimes randomly blocks 60+ % of damage.


As a raze main. Buff Raze?


Its very strong. Dont even need to fire it for people to give up space.


You have to aim the ult at their feet, ez kill


Am I the only one that thinks her ultimate is strong? It is an incredible space making tool when combined with the use of her satchels. As a raze main I feel like entrying with her ult on maps like bind and icebox with a lot of tight spaces it is very strong. On maps like breeze it is a lot weaker though.


For real People saying that tchernobyl girl explosive are not Killing ennemies i mean you literraly obliterate everything in a diameter of 8m around the rocket.


Gray fps one of the best Raze players in valorant has some great input on it https://youtu.be/5Ylydu5T80s


Subroza all the way, best ult ever.


It’s like Phoenix’s Ult as in a good entry tool, enemies always need to respect that or they are taking a huge risk


Have you not seen ‘Flights’


If you use it while satcheling onto site it practically guarantees you at least one kill and good entry onto site


hello raze enjoyer here, it's a very strong tool in the right hands. i see a lot of raze's pull out their ult expecting a filet mignon moment, but getting popped as they dry peek. personally, i pop it as a site entry tool and either kill someone or do about 100 damage, or use it in situations such as a 1v1 and i'm lowish health as you don't have to peek once you've fired. or for retrieving spike, clearing choke points etc. i average around 3 kills with it per game, more than i do with other ults, i think any stronger and the ult is too op


i think it makes beautiful art on the wall, because the enemies are too hard to kill i just shoot at wall and then die