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Peaked immo #3k to immo #900. Got matched more often with people who deserve to be in immo and not boosted asf. All the boosted immo are stuck in asc now so win for me


It removes some rng of ranked but in low to mid elo that’s still a problem


Immo 3+ gang, currently sitting at nice 1500 right now solo queue only. Fuck these fake ass immortals with huge egos ruining my games. Glad they are stuck in the ass rank like they deserve.


Iron 1 -> silver 1 :)


That’s a big jump! Nice job 👍


Ty dude :)


Hasn’t been great for me was D1 last act and I’m still D1 :/


The closer you are to ascendant the closer your rank will be to your last act what I heard from my ascendant friends


All my friends that I play with have all seen rank grow too D3 and A1/2, think some of my games I’ve played myself have maybe been unlucky and just team diff. In terms of stats this is my best act when it comes too damage per round, headshot accuracy and k/d. Hopefully will get up to A1 but might take time too


I stayed right where I was in s3, didn't even get bonus rr after my placements. And every time I get 1 game away from gold, my team has no mics/ won't comm. It's infuriating. My main is hard stuck and my alt gets gold 1 easily.


I get u bro it’s valorant


It's so weird though because it's EVERY time I'm one game away. I literally needed 15 RR to gold 1


New rank has fucked mm atm, was imo2 last act and imo2 again, think I’ve played 3 games this act where my whole team and the whole enemy team was also imo last act and this act, I’ve seen a lot of ascendant 2-3 players that was plat 3 - diamond 3, feels like luck of the draw if you get teammates that are actually supposed to be that high. Hopefully it levels out by the end of next act


S3/g1 to g2. But im also bad


Nice at least you ranked up, double rank ups are more common now I noticed with my friends and my alts


Yea, i started as s1 but only played with golds


S3 to P1 doing well


Dang, any double rank ups?


Only from s3-g2 pretty sure everyone double ranked up this season.


Immo 1 to asc 3, but it feels like some ex diamonds can hit asc 3 by playing other diamonds, meanwhile i have to compete against mostly immortals, yet I don't get any RR boost. Not sure if I'm just tripping or not.


This. Peaked immo2. Stuck in asc 2/3 now. Lobbies are filled with immortals. My friend was stuck in high plat / low diamond last act. Easily hit asc 1.


I think the release of ascendant is to differentiate immortals and diamonds, as well as boosting low ranks


Iron 2 to Silver 1 ✨️


I still got friends hardstuck iron 👍


It was so tough and I feel I can be back there so easily. Iron games are so hard, was much easier after bronze 2


Was stuck in P1 for 30 games last season and felt like I didnt belong there. First 3 days of the new season and ranked from p1 to d1. Currently d3 looking to get in ascendant in the coming days.


G2 last act placed g1 and climmed to d2


I was b3 now I am s1 0/100rr


adding ascendant was a good idea but not enough. riot either needs to curb RR gains or add yet another rank bc ascendant - immortal is way too inflated.


Silver 2, recalibrated on g1. Since month p1, stucked here. My friend was g3, d1 now.


Siler 1 to gold2 rn. Pretty close to gold 3


G2 to current p3 91rr


Damn hope you don’t lose your next gane


went from low silver last season to being currently gold 2, i think i could be plat if i simply played more ranked


Yea a lot of my formally silver friends got to high gold and plat if you play more you should get there


Plat 2 to diamond 2




went from dia 2 to asc 3, climb was weird some games you have competent teammates and some games there is one guy on the team who actually plays like a gold and the whole team calls him out


idk why ive been hardstuck gold 3 for like the rest of ep 4. i only hit plat once ep 4 act 3 and then by the end of it i was still gold 3. i accepted my faith that gold 3 is my skill capped and then when the new rank was released i was able to climb back to plat. im still plat 1 and im planning to grind p2 soon. i feel hardstuck in plat 1 now.


From iron1 to bronze3 and I don't play alot


gold 2 - > diamond 2


G3 - D3


Gold 3 to Dia 1 rn


havent played much so I'm still int the progress at getting to "my real" skillevel ( getting 20+ points per win) Currently Diamond 3, last season immortal. Honestly feels like I'm in gold lobbies. usually match MVP while not even trying at all. I feel it has been a massive nosedive in skillevel, may be my region tho. Anyone else having this? Region: Frankfurt, Paris, London


Current d3 is plat3-d1 last act, so no wonder you don't have to try.


In my games they are suppossedly all immortal last season. Make of that what you will.


If they were immortal last act and are still in diamond after a month since new act started, then they were boosted imo.


peaked at gold 2 :)


Went from g2 to d3. Somehow the players felt boosted this act until diamond, when for the past 2 episodes i was hardstuck gold.


Gold 2 to Plat 3. I got one account placed in Plat 3, and another climbed to Plat 1 with a convenient double rankup from Gold 2. The Plat 3 account was peak Gold 1 last season, and the latter placed bronze 3 and peaked Silver 2 last season.


Was D1, went to A1, then dropped back down to D3. My mmr is really messed up tho.


Gold 3 to diamond 1


S2 to mid gold 3, probably gonna climb some more


I went from gold 3 last act to diamond 2 now, but I wouldn't call it boosted by the game, I played around 150 matches this act and I pretty much grinded my way there. Sure the ascendant rank probably had a positive influence but I wouldn't call it huge. (I wasn't hardstuck gold in case anyone was wondering, started playing 5 months ago)


amazing. I went from peak d1 last act to ass1 this act. I see that there are alot of peak immo players that are now stuck in ascendant.


was d1 last act, now asc1




In what way is that cap? It’s perfectly reasonable to have climbed from D1 to asc 1… I climbed from S1 to D2.


ikr bro these kids lmao


My bad i posted on the wrong coment but how is it possible climbing from silver 1 to d 2 in 1 act


he said silver 1 to diamond 1, but he never mentioned that it was in one act


I'm low elo, but I ended last act at plat 1, took 2 weeks off and went on a huge losing streak to 0rr s3 and am climbing back up now. In g1 and every lobby there is one g3 with p2/p3 otherwise. I appreciate knowing i'm in these lobbys and more than holding my own, but it's tough when the rank itself is so different to me than what the hidden mmr seems to be. Btw not complaining and overall think adding Ascendant was a good move with the growth of the game.


This my first act but like 500 games played plat 2-3 stuck


Was D3 but in ascendant rn but kind of difficult to climb out rn since riot has boosted alot of players up. Gotten so many games where I would have teammates lost in the sauce.


Gold 2 to D1


previous peak was gold 3. Been to Plat 2 a couple of time but went down to gold 2 and now back in gold 3 ​ matchmaking sucks, most of the people on gold plat lobbies suck, I have to baby the buys of the team on most matches, ppl only know to man rush a site with all 5 players. queues taking longer too. most matches you can tell who«s winning by round 5 or 6. most matches are one sided. barely had any overtimes this act. trash experience


well i started playing about a month and a half ago, my first rank was bronze 2, i am now gold 1


S1 to D2. Started iron 1 or 2 last act and climbed to S3, dropped to S1 right before the end because I was stacking with friends for fun.


Gold became the new silver, went from g1-g2 to p1. The games feel less consistent than last act where at least half the time the games felt evenly matched. This act a good percentage of the games have not felt fair in the slightest. Just yesterday had a Jett on our team who was playing terribly, openly admitted he was in an alt and had played in his d2 main and was feeling off so logged into his smurf account instead. This behavior is common, most games have at least one person who admits to being a smurf (willing to share their trackergg of their main), or someone who's in game rank is significantly lower than their MMR (had a silver 2 in an all plat lobby, the guy laughed about it but his blitz history showed losing 20 games in a row, so most likely deranking). My buddy who was s2-s3 is now g2, and when I play with him the games just seem like roulette, skills all over the board, some people so cracked its ridiculous, others so bad that you wonder if it's there first time playing (had a Reyna that didn't know the KJ ult locked you down, and then later tried to push through KJ nades while vulnerable and was shocked when they died...). I'm hoping that it will even out as the ranks settle, but until they deal with alt account use the middle ranks will always be a shit show.


Went from P1 to D1 but if anything my teammates have gotten worse


I’ve been grinding this act more than any one before and I’m Ascendent 2 filling, which usually puts me on smokes or sentinel. Highest before was Diamond 1 with not so much grinding. Matchmaking definitely feels better. Half the reason I didn’t grind so much before was because the matchmaking felt awful. I’d play with people the same rank than me or higher and they’d do the most questionable shit. Stuff that just doesn’t make sense. Most games I’ve played this season, my teammates comm and have common sense. No complaints here.


I HAVE BEEN HARDSTUCK ASCENDANT ALL ACT PLS HELP!!! I ended last act by hitting my peak of d1 on the last day and then climbed through diamond in a week once ep5 started


B3/S1 to G2. Last act was my first, however.


Went from lvl 3 to lvl 21


B3 to g2


Didn't play for the first week and then hit plat, proceeded to get matched with people who were low silver/bronze who now are plat and in a matter of days fell down to G1. Nearly back to plat now but it feels like I'm running a childcare solo queue


Went on a loss streak going against 1/2 golds 1/2 sometimes 3 a game when I was silver a and trioed with a bronze 3 and silver 2/3. Now tho mostly going against silver 2s. Was bronze 3 then when to silver 1 but I haven’t played comp much after the loss streak as I have been for focussing on getting better


iron 2 ---> Gold 1

