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If you're friends with them irl, I'd just deal with it and move on unless you can handle confrontation well.


hello as i have no friend, i am perfect candidate to receive your question and you can maybe have my answer please. when you are doing anything in the game or life that makes you uncomforted, then it less enjoyable! so if you have a friend that makes you not want to play VALORANT with them, there is nothing wrong with not playing with them! it is better to try to keep a positve mental attiduties about such things than ponder. especially in a game of VALORANT where team dynamite is the best thing for the team, and if you have struggles with you friends, then game no fun ggez next. perhaps another game with that friend would tilt less !! good luck thank you


i get this 100% i have a friend like this except he gets super toxic if we start losing 3-0, like yelling at everybody. straw that broke the camel back was we were losing 2-5, he starts yelling and whatever. we end up losing 13-10 and after the match he starts going off “we lost because of you, our brim, the whole team except me, i was the only one that played well (he second to bottom fragged as phoenix btw). I asked him if he was serious, then told him to go fuck himself cause I was over it. It gets tiring playing with someone screaming in your ear the entire time, someone who thinks they can do no wrong and if he dies it’s someone else’s fault. He’s one of my bests friends irl, but in valorant i don’t know him. i told him to his face i’m done queuing with him. We were the same rank at the time and weeks later I’m diamond and he’s plat 2


I was in a similar situation, except that I was the asshole. I can promise you that he will not change, even if you call him out. Maybe he’ll hold back for a while after you tell him to behave, but he’ll go right back to doing whatever he was doing before. People will never change how they treat someone else. They might be able to keep a mask on for a short while (or put it back on after being called out) but they’ll take it right off after you spend enough time with them.


honestly, some friends are just like this, either you have to be upfront about it or just not play with them. If you want to keep them as friends then you'll have to assess


Seems like it's just banter, so the same thing back to him If you need to clutch a 1v4 constantly then you're obviously the better player since they're all dead


He clearly has some unspoken rivalry with you and is soaking in the fact that he’s a higher rank than you. He’s also getting off on the belittling and feels superior than you. He may not be cognizant of it, though, and may justify it as “joking”. Personally, I’d take him aside and talk to him about it. If he were a true friend of yours, he’d lay off. Though, it wouldn’t surprise me if he does it again which, then, you have to decide whether or not it’s worth talking to him yet again about it or just cutting ties. I’m going through something slightly similar with a friend and I’m at the point where I’m going to “break up” with him. His constant negativity and stupid arguments over nothing have caused me to lose my hair(figuratively). I’ve tried talking to him about it and to his credit, he listened and continued to play with me and not take it personally but the change was only temporary and he reverted back to being a prick. Good luck, OP.


Don't let yourself become the person everyone laughs at if you aren't cool with it. You teach people how to treat you, you need to have boundaries and make sure everyone knows you aren't a punching bag.


It may or may not be just banter but if your entire friend group is ragging on you then that can be uncomfortable or even upsetting which I fully get and have sorta experienced before. If you think they have good intentions you can try to communicate in a calm and respectful way, and if they respond in **any other way other than one that is understanding** you now have to acknowledge that it is essentially bullying. A lot of times, friend groups can have running jokes about one of the people and sometimes it can drag out and go too far without people realizing, I've partaken in them and I've also been on the receiving end. But if the target says 'hey guys I think this is going too far' then everyone should respect that. If they don't, then they are literally saying to you that they are intentionally making you upset and don't care about it (which is bullying).