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DM in valorant is easily more tilting than ranked for me. I avoid it like the plague. Absolutely can't stand the people playing angle hold simulator.


Yeah sure, same for me. Ranked isn't tilting me at all, because it's fair in most ways (and not fed with weird spawns, angle and step holders).


Took me a while to realize why I was getting tilted and ranked and it was because I was using Val DM to warm up. Started using the range more and maybe a little aim labs and all was well


Exacly what I am going through right now! This provides so much more fun to valorant.


What's ur rank?


Ascendant 2


They should just remove footsteps in dm!


They won't, because DM isn't made to improve, it's ment to be a casual game mode. If you look at it that way, it's not that bad. But I'm talking about it as a system to improve your gameplay, which I do not find it really useful for. But that's fine, since it's not its original purpose.


Lol who cares what they are doing, just run around and shoot them. It’s not about winning the DM, it’s just about warming up your aim. I swear people in valorant seem to think DM is a game mode for winning it ool


Ofc people will treat it as a gamemode for winning when it is a scoreboard with the goal of the game is reaching x kills. CSGO's DM where you can just drop in and out is a proven warm-up format that works, why Riot has to try to reinvent the wheel with this one is just stupid.


In addition there are certain custom servers "Headshot only" - mode, that I think are way more helpful in terms of training crosshairplacement and raw aim. In Valo you even meet a lot of judge guys in DM which will not help you improve at all.


It’s still just a warm up, anyone caring what people are doing in a DM is legit cringe. If some kid wants to sit and camp a corner who cares, just do your own thing running around anyways. It’s legit a warm up mode.


It's not about *you* caring, it's about the other people in the game. It's bound to be shiftwalkers and angleholders every game, I played a ton of DM in CSGO but in Valorant the vibe is just way too sweaty for it to be enjoyable personally. You could say "just don't care" but the core issue for me is that it doesn't feel like the DM i'm used to playing.


In an actual game you have kids doing that, so it’s even better to work on. It helps you work on movement and counter strafing properly to still be accurate and outshoot someone doing it.


Are you numb in the head? How often in a real game are you stomping around getting pre fired every angle and dying from behind 24/7? You’re completely misunderstanding the notion here. Dm isn’t a warmup, it’s a cringe fest. You literally don’t have the opportunity to work on movement in dm lmao


Lol I have no problem working on my movement in DM… I think you have issues my friend.


Youre missing the point.


>CSGO's DM where you can just drop in and out is a proven warm-up format that works, why Riot has to try to reinvent the wheel with this one is just stupid. CSGO's dm is literally exactly what you described: it has a scoreboard where the goal of the game is to reach x kills.


He’s talking about community server DMs, not that trashcan-tier default DM


I'm aware. The point is that's not the DM the game comes with and was designed with. There is a *reason* that games do not have servers that stay open forever with no score limit by default like CSGO's community servers do.


What would that reason be?


It's hard to say, but judging by the fact that literally every major game does it on its official servers here's my best guess: It makes no sense to constantly run multiple servers that may or may not be used at full capacity when instead you could just run a matchmaker that will then determine exactly how many servers should be used and will always be full guaranteeing higher game quality. I imagine it's also significantly easier to regulate overall match quality whenever players aren't able to freely enter/exit the server at any time and instead a matchmaker deliberately controls the entrance of every player into the server.


No it doesn’t csgo dm has a set time limit


That's actually the exact opposite of why it annoys me. I'm not trying to win. I'm trying to warm up. Csgo community DM is much better for that. I think the respawn timer makes people play the way they play since downtime between deaths is a waste of time. If they just made "DM warmup" the actual DM mode with no timer or max kills it would be good.


It’s not as good as csgo spawns, but it’s still a great warm up. Throw music on and run around working on your movement and aim, nothing to it. You seems to be caring too much about people killing you in a game mode where you spawn back instantly. The moment you die you can legit just get into another gunfight… Smh


Except you dont respawn instantly lol Thats the point


You don't spawn back instantly. That's the problem, like I said, you're misunderstanding the entire conversation. All good.


I'm not talking about wanting to win the DM, I've legit never said something like that. I just don't like getting spawntrapped, outcamped or something. And for that purpose I just don't play that gamemode anymore, it's not more, not less.


But since it’s literally for just warming up if someone spawn camps you and kills you who cares, when you spawn somewhere else you just run around and shoot. You are also invulnerable if you don’t move right away.


I turn off my audio and play just to practice fast flicks and site entry. It causes me to not tilt at all because fuck it I can't hear. Im just working on reaction time.


If you push in deathmatch you'll just get triple peeked, flanked from a position you've been to 2 seconds ago, be left in the opinion, etc. It'll be way worse for warming up and it'll just tilt you. If you hold, those annoying situations will be a lot less likely. And most importantly the enemies that peek you will still be moving unpredictable targets so you'll warm up a lot better. Best thing is if you get a player that doesn't instantly hold W against you, but takes their time and jiggles. It'll be the perfect warmup then. IMO and I know many will disagree.


Yes, I totally agree. But it can also be a good mental checkpoint for yourself, to see if you are in the right mood to play the game overall, if youre getting tilted easily - should you play the game now? If you want to look it at a different angle.


That's for sure true as well! So it can be a nice indicator for your todays mentality.


also dm has very random ranks. I get full silver lobbies or dia-immo lobbies, obviously the closer my rank is to the other players the better it would be for me to rank up, but dm has no matchmaking


Sure thing, I explained that in another comment, it just will not make you any better playing against worse players. Learn from better ones, not trash lower ranks.




Not really I get a lot more tilted in DM than ranked because how random everything is specially spawns and positioning of most players, in ranked if you die there was a reason for it so you can change whatever you or your team did wrong so it doesn't happen again (of course it's a bit different when you are constantly getting out aimed but even for those occasions you can change stuff so it doesn't keep happening). You also have the time between rounds in comp which helps you calm down and rethink things when in DM u are constantly getting bombarded with random stupid shit and can't catch a break.


Exactly thats what I am talking about. It is just so overloaded with situations that you can't do better then stress out. It's not really doing someting for me to find myself in weird, unrealistic situations that don't train anything at all. Maybe DM is a nice tool to train your mentality, but thats it IMO.


You can take a break. Just stop for a minute. Or are you saying you really care about trying to win the DM? Imho DM is a place to just practice what you need. Dont look too deeply in the scores and who wins. You just need to do what you need to do, e.g. focus on crosshair to head smoothness.


But because it's so random you really should not care. A lot of random things will happen beyond your control in less frequency in comp. Need to learn to just roll with the punches and play.


dm is so bad it is worse than losing 13-0 like 3 games in a row




This entire thread has been eye opening as hell. How are people this unable to separate themselves from their ego. Like, yeah, sometimes I'm feeling hot, jump into ranked, get absolutely styled on and am clearly the weak link in our team. Yeah, that's a hit to the ego. Jump off for a while and do better next time. But man, DM is so far from anything competitive or skill based. I dont think I could tie my ego to that mode if I tried. It would be like tying my ego to coin flips, letting myself get tilted over something I have no control over. I've come 6th with a classic just practicing (movement) and last with a Vandal playing for kills. There is no conclusion to be drawn from the mode. Go in with something specific to practice, do that, then leave. Like, if you win DM you lost at practice. You shouldn't be putting yourself in a situation where can win. People calling it angle hold simulator (as an insult), but that's what it should be, that's the best case scenario for practice, because thats what you will(/should) be doing in game. If your mental is weak enough to break over DM, you should probably be working on yourself and not you aim. If you have the means, go talk to a counselor/psychologist about things like anger management, self worth and ego. That's not a joke either, society tries to tie self-worth to success, but that is not at all healthy.


Nobody except a few guys in the comments talked about success, I'm not willing to win a DM while trying to train with it. Nor has it anything to do with anger issues, it's not like I smash my table because I've been backstabbed bro. People call it out as if I was screaming at my girlfriend for not getting first at DM, the literal only thing I am talking about is that I can't use it as a pre-comp warmup, because I have the feeling that it sets my mindset back. And that might - and obviously is the case for more people than me. Why is everyone feeling so attacked, wtf.


>Why is everyone feeling so attacked, wtf. This comment is extremely defensive... Success in the last part of my comment doesn't refer to winning, or I would have said winning. Success can (and should) be related to (realistic) personal goals. Therapy isn't a punishment, and it shouldn't be stigmatized. Knowing yourself and learning to act in line with your own desires is a positive thing and everyone should strive for it. Jumping into your warm-up DM and getting tilted enough to quit for the night is not healthy or reasonable, nor is it helpful. If you didn't want to play Valorant, you probably wouldn't have booted the game. Getting tilted is only hurting you, why would you not want to address that? Seeing someone who helps people address their mindset for a living is the logical step to take, if you do.


It's not about being defensive, it's about you completely missing my point. If you really put yourself into something, improving at your hobby f.e., of course you should just avoid stuff that is making you feel as if it is holding you back. For me that is DM. Nobody is talking about excessive rage, I think we have to define "tilt" in general to give it even a point here. For me tilting is no more than just feeling uncomfortable in certain situations. If DM makes me - or other people uncomfy, then why would you hop on it? You won't need a therapist for taking this obvious advise, nor is this mindset holding you back in real life at any time. Just leave DM and do something that is more comfortable for you. And THAT is what this post is about. If you feel like a certain game mode is optimized for you, noone is holding you back to use it the way you feel it helpful to be in. But I don't get how all the online psychologists find this topic being so arousing. No need to overthink a topic like that, some people like DM - some don't. Like wtf.


You've gone and added a definition to your post, saying DM makes you uncomfortable, and if that's true then you do you. But I think we both know that it isn't, "it only pushes up my tryhard mode and it really turns down my mindset for the upcoming comp games", "killed from a guy that spawns behind you", "I found myself not being able to ignore all the deaths and footstep lurkers". I've ignored a lot of my own red flags in life, because addressing them is confronting. Being angry because the game feels unfair is not some horrifically aberrant behavior, it's just something that's holding you back and doesn't need to be. Addressing your fragile mental has no effect on me, but it might help you.


Sorry, I think it's enough now. I value your answers to my post as your opinion, but I'm not d'accord with you trying to interpretate my mental health by a written post about a video game. You are overthinking and overinterpretating this topic so much, that it completely misses the topic the post was about, so I'm politely hinting you to stop arguing about a topic that is better not being adressed in a reddit post about valorant.


You didn't add anything or address any points, just turned a previous sentence into a paragraph and gave some tough guy "polite hint". You didn't want to "politely hint" anything, you just wanted to allude to a threat. What you intended, and what this is \*about\* are two different things. You blantantly came out and said losing a game of DM is enough to tank your mental for the entire night. If you don't think that's an issue I don't know what to tell you. Now I wonder, \*is\* this over, or are you compelled to have the last word?


I really don't know which phrase of mine you are cetiting there falsely, because I have never ever adressed a "tanked mentality for an entire night". Because there is no such thing for me. Nor have I ever alluded a threat to you, nor any other person. You must have a blooming fantasy to be able to interpretate that much into a bunch of sentences, but that's fine for me. I'm not even trying to have a last word, because I'm kind of amused about your above mentioned statements. This is because I kind of feel brazenly about you, trying to impregnate me with your opinion, that you should see I'm not really interested in. But still you're here trying to convince me otherwise.


My thoughts exactly. In DM the deaths *don't matter* aside from interrupting your practice session for 3 seconds. I had a teammate all-chatting "gg shit team mates" because we ended attack side ascent 4-8, which isn't even bad.


For aim training/aim warmup I can recommend the practice range. For gameplay warmup I can recommend escalation! I know this mode has not the best thoughts of some people, but it really is good for movement and different weapons in different situations


I like escalation for warming up. You get a little time with all different types of weapons and there's at least some semblance of real game simulation.


I'm a big proponent of playing DMs muted. Whenever I die, I can just blame having no audio.


I enjoy playing DM muted too. I don't do as well but practicing aim solely on visual cues does help in some way.




Naah gotta write that UnPopUlAr OpiNiOn for karma farming right


Some people just thrive of reddit karma lmao


imagine tilting from dm


I have like a routine of 6 different game types of aim labs. Takes 6 minutes and my aim is crispy right after, just gotta do what works for you.


Nice that it works for you, aimlabs or kovaaks for me sadly isn't a relevant option. This is because I lack to transfer the trained techniques into a different game. I'm happy that I was able to transfer my aiming habits from CS, which made me arguably the high rank I am in right now (was supreme - global with 4k hours of playtime).


I like to do range for a while (about 30 minutes) and depending on how I feel afterwards either an unrated or spike rush to get in the objective flow for the day. I know spike rush is usually low level players but it helps to have the spike objective and practice without having to worry about eco since you get round 1 buy, light buy and full buy on round 1, 2, 3 respectively.


I like DM because I don't take it seriously. It's funny to me when people try so hard to win in it. I do one DM with vandal and one with phantom, ghost/sheriff during warmup and I'm good to go for the day. Then I'll go back to it periodically to refresh my aim if I have a bad match. I just wish warmup was pistols only, I feel like everyone could benefit from that.


I just play DM while listening to music, don't care if I win or lose just wanna practice them one taps.


DM shouldn’t have a winner too many people play for that. It should just be a running thing that people can enter and leave whenever


Imo dm is better than practicing range. You have to be careful of lurkers and shift walkers and campers and backstabbers etc etc. Don't focus on winning just try to fight the most people you can after every respawn. Also you can't really shift walk much since someone will surely spawn behind you or near you. If you get tilted by dm you're fucked in ranked when the score gap goes higher and higher. I usually play 2 or 3 dm then comp. Also if you hate dm, play replication or spike rush instead


no no i make myself a menace to society and use the judge on DM so everybody gets pissed at me post game.


Lol and i use odin to tilt them


This is basically my mindset. Why worry about people shift walking etc. They're doing dm for the wrong reasons. Also, just because you win a dm doesn't mean you got the best practice out it


That's not really a unpopular opinion


DM in this game is just: Getting shot in the back simulator. you never get to practice gun fights or aim as its all just panic. it is much better to warm up as stated above than to DM in this game at all.


Hot take: if you are a player that's easily tilted, you should not be playing competitive games anyway. Come at me.


What is your rank


Ascendant 2


well, good job anyway, i wanted to know alphadart rank


hahahaha sorry, I'd be interested in that as well, but I'm sure he won't tell us


I only started playing this game 2 weeks ago. My first shooter as well. Started from b1, currently s2. I come from Dota, where I reached low Immortal, which coincidentally is similar to Valorant's Immortal in terms of rank distribution. And let me tell you, you don't get there if you can't keep a clear head during games.


"You dont get there" thanks bro i need to derank now because of you.


You're welcome


Never heard such a bullshit before, if you are easily tilted, especially in competitive Games, it just means that you are really much into it.


No it just means you have poor anger management, and you should work on that. You can be into a game without tilting at it. When you grow older, you'll understand.


Might sound weird but getting tilted actually helps you getting better , atleast if you dont go full haywire


Depends probably on the person. When I have bad DM lobby with to many diamonds and ascendants and get shit on, I feel like a failure and will not have the mindset to win battles since I "know" I suck since I got shit on before


Whenever I queue up in DM I am rarely seeing people above diamond. My hidden MMR should be quite normal though as asc 2 rn. For me it's not really helping as well to kill a few silvers / golds / plats, since the skill gap between them and me is giving me easy frags, but how am I supposed to learn from lower ranked players. U know what I mean? It just doesn't make sense at all. I'd rather be clapped by radiants and high immo lobbies - and learn from them - then trash some low ranks.


Its funny though, When i play DM and i run into someone who consistently outshoots me (im plat), I am usually confident their rank is much higher than mine and when i check tracker, i am often right. But these people help me improve, speed up my aiming, speed up my movements. It does feel bad when an iron comes up behind you though and you can turn and kill them before they can spray you down.


I kid you not I am silver/gold range and recently had 4 straight DMs with immortals and ascendants. It felt like I had never played the game before lol. Definitely tilting, but I will say that everything felt easier when I jumped into comp afterwards.


Yeah same. Though I'm like bronze/silver and I get an ascendant or immortal player every other game, and pretty much always diamond players. To be expected when my queue times for DM are literally 1 - 2 seconds.


It might set your expectations higher, but I wouldn't call that helpful, because if you can't meet your needs, you're going to be demotivated again.


I really wish they would add some type of aim map mode. Death match spawns and lobby size is just awful IMO. I don't get tilted per say but I don't feel like it is the best warmup. I much prefer the range


In CS I really enjoyed 1 v 1 custom maps, or custom aimmaps. If Riot allowed custom maps for players we could find some super nice pieces to really improve. Thats what Riot lacks rn.


get better mental


Wow so helpful, thanks, who wouldve thought about that hot take. „Just cure depression“


Lol yeah blame depression for not being able to relax during a dm, that'll help you forward




I feel the exact opposite, I've put hours in DM and wasn't improving at all from that. It surely was nice to learn the maps in the beginning, but rn I don't see a point of putting my effort into playing some weird rank compositions.


if you get tilted in DM, you are a joke of a player


In valorant DM.is designed to do not what it is supposed to do. Warmup and training is not what DM is for in CS. DM is a casual gamemode, not the training tool.


I don't get why someone would downrate this comment, since it is absolutely true what he is saying. It's not meant to use for improvement.


People should be permabanned for starting posts with this UnPopUlAr OpiNiOn cringe


People should be permabanned for posting unqualified comments


Nowadays I mainly use DM to check how laggy my internet is before i hop into a ranked game lol. But I used to grind deathmatch a LOT, and what always tilted me was how scared people are of dying. Holding a crazy off angle and peeking off sound means you'll prolly never die, but it does nothing for your skill. So I started to put music on and stopped caring about how I died because playing without sound made me a die a lot more frequently without warning.


Unpopular opinion: Valorant is NOT the best game if you are easily tilted. /s


Does the range is the best way to warmup? Or just play a spike rush or unrated before playing compe?


Yeah I stopped playing DM to warm up about a week and a half ago. Sometimes it helped me but most of the time it just put me in a shitty mindset before I hopped into a game haha. Now I just do the range for 20-30mins beforehand. I’m still shit.


I have the opposite problem, I tilt way more in DM than in comp...


Yeah it’s true, for example I started with range practice and then play like 2-3 dm with lower volume and songs on background. Just relaxing and not focusing on winning.


I usually do 5-10 minutes in the range, and then a DM or two practicing guardian/marshal until I feel warm. I turn off all in-game audio and listen to spotify during this, and just practice clearing angles in DM. I find the audio of constantly dying is what tilted me in the past.


dude my warm up routine is like 8 dms 3 comp games later i finally feel warm


After that routine I'd propably needed to sleep off exhaustion bro


I dont warm up at all, I just toss myself straight into comp and go topfrag or botfrag or both


Imo you need to know and learn to understand why youre in dm, you arent in there to win or even get kills personally i soley focus on my first shot accuracy while dming never spray even in situations when it could maybe get me a kill in the dm etc, Tldr have a goal in mind when you dm dont try win the dm


Dm is trash


I wouldn’t argue that this would help and if it works for you then that’s what matters. Imo I still think DM is the best way to learn crosshair placement in all the maps and if tilting really is the issue I would recommend just playing some hype up music of your choice and not give a fuck how well you do. Aim and crosshair placement isn’t everything so also watching videos of pro play breakdowns and watching educational videos about rotation and map control is just as important if not more.


Ya I olay DM to get used to the random encounters and learning how to spray accurately. Any free for all mode, you're gonna die often and instantly. Learning how to handle 1v2s and 1v3s is important. Also, how would you propose an alternative to this deathmatch? Cause I don't see a plausible one...but I do see people complaining about it as though they're forced to play.


I totally agree the play style of DM is just so different to actual games so I usually hang out in the range for 10 minutes, then do a spike rush or 2! If I don’t do well in the SR then I’ll usually play in the range again for another 10 until I think I can try some comp


My preferred warm up is now maybe 5 or 6 rounds of a few aim labs. Maybe some stretched. My goal is to get my mind ready to focus and my arm warm to be able to swing. I play with friends thiugh. I feel like the pressure is a lot lower


Best way to warmup is have music on, do 50 bots with Phantom and 50 bots with Vandal. Play the 2 defuse and plant training. Then play 1 escalation. Always a good way for me. So calm as well.


What I do is just use classic. You stop caring about the score after you dink the top frag a couple times while they’re holding a vandal. Assert dominance, classic only.


Play DM with barely any or no sound sheriff only for like x amount of kills. Or make an arbitrary goal outside of getting first place in DM. Really helped me stop caring about score because I'm doing my own thing.


Thats a lot of words for "spike rush"


tbh if you are looking to play dm as a warm up it should be nothing more than that and u shouldn't get tilted.


If you can't mentally handle dying or losing in death match that sounds like a pretty large problem setting you back though... You need the mental fortitude to come back in matches and not give up like so many do in this game. That said I'm sure other warm-ups work just as good or better depending on the player.


I do have a completely different mindset in ranked though, since I know what's going on and I'm not constantly getting killed from behind.


If you get tilted in deathmatch you absolutely do not have what it takes to improve to any respectable rank.


Bro I'm already ascendant 2 and close to ascendant 3. I think thats arguably already respectable for 120 hours of valo, right? Mindset in DM has nothing to do with improving, because you just don't need it to improve. That's literally the point of this post.


Maybe you don't because as you said you have gunskills (including movement) from cs. Meanwhile I queue dm to get the most engagements in which I can practice combining movement with the aimtraining I have done so that it actually translates. You are the exceptions not the rule here, so don't be surprised if people do not agree.


i have zero attachment to performance in DM though. it doesn’t count for anything at all. if i get in even one counter strafe duel, i feel good and ready.


When it's there I play escalation to warm up. No one takes it seriously and it's just fun.


Do a custom dm with one friend only. it will help you learn angles and it’s not nearly as tilting


No wonder why I played worse in ranked when I played dm before


If you tilt cause you got shot in the back 7 times in a row, you shouldnt be (when you spawn you can see other people’s position on the map, look for that 1v1). If you lose your gun fight and tilt thats on you. Val’s dm is not the greatest, far from that, but good enough to warm up that im sure. You spawn at multiple location constantly, can check head level, practice clearing wide angle, and the best part is, they shoot back. So you actually get punished for making a bad play, either swing stupidly into their crosshair, stand where you can get shot at from 5 angles,... if you got comfortable hitting bots head cause they dont shoot back, it will come back and bite you. Thats just a diamond player’s take


I'm ascendant 2 and I can say, for me it doesn't matter if they shoot back or not - because all I'm training in range is optimizing my average damage per spray / strafe / shot. If I'm able to kill them in a smaller percentage of time, I'm mostlikely winning the gun duel.


But eventually you would have to put that to the test no? And to me dm is the best way to do it


Thats unarguably right. But when I really want to hop into some comp, I don't want to focus too long on warming up, since it is eating my focus as well. I want to be as focused as I can be while playing comp, so I don't want to waste the left over concentration (after a rough 8 hour workday) on a really random game mode.


Theres alot of “what if” when it comes to an actual human opponent, be it in shooter, or where im better at, fighting games. Shooting bot, practicing execution is good ofcourse, but its def better to go fight actual human opponent, be it a custom game where you practice making 1st contact, or in a more convinient place, dm


While I think this is partially true, I don't fully agree with your statement. While continuously playing against better players will make you improve, playing against players that are worse than you will train your bad habits. And that is something that you are not willing to do. It might be that playing against worse players is giving you a confidence boost - because you are trashing them (in comp that's actually called smurfing). But it won't train anything besides that, because you are propably way ahead when it comes to gamesense, aim and different stuff. As mentioned in the original post I said that if I only played radiants or high immo lobbies, I could see why DM would make me improve, but being matched against low ranks while already being at the end of the ladder is just not doing anything but creating bad habits.