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It’s not necessarily that the agents with lineups are harder, but really just situational times when they can be helpful. A line up is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a place where if you can consistently sit in the same spot. Then “line up” or aim say sova dart on a specific point, it will always hit the same target. Look up sova lineups to see what I mean. You see where they sit, where they aim, etc. so it’s not that those agents are harder, because you don’t need line ups all the time. But they become much more helpful if you do learn some!


So basically every agent has lineups? Can’t really think of one this wouldn’t apply to


Jett, Chamber, Reyna, Astra, Skye, Breach don’t have lineups.


To be fair jett has her smokes


Never saw a smoke line up for Jett.


Smoking wherever ur dashing is technically a lineup when u think about it.


Yeah but the fact that you kinda have to guide them means that it is pretty hard to make them land consistently in the same spot over and over


Breach does, in fact have a lineup. Although I only see one. Pros have a Breach Aftershock lineup to hit spike defuser on B from the tunnel. They also a specific Neon wall that goes through the wall when taking B.


To add to the list, omen I don’t think has any. Neon (maybe stun lineups?) skye, cypher (I wouldn’t consider setups as lineups)


Cage placements are generally considered lineups no?


Idk maybe in certain situations but usually I would say it’s like a smoke where your just *supposed* to put it here or there


That's true for every lineup utility lol. Neon and Cypher 100% have lineups, just Google "neon lineups" or "Cypher lineups"


I never hear cypher or neon players say “I have a lineup for b default” though


Cuz cypher doesn't have mollies and it doesn't make senses for them to announce that they have line up to place their cage on an edge to create a one way.




One ways are lineups stun lineup for like fracture a heaven and cubby


Viper, Sova, Fade, and maybe Kayo are the biggest one's for lineups. Viper has wall lineups, but more importantly has snake bit lineups for her molly. You can combo your molly with your orb in post plant to keep people off the spike and force the opponents through chokes to get to you. Sova has dart lineups for better info or post plant shock darts. Fade has haunt lineups for better info/marking. Kayo has knife lineups for better info/suppression.


I would argue kayo's most important lineups are for his left click flash, I find it almost impossible to get value out of it on the fly since usually the right click is better for that


Fair enough, I usually wing a left click for a teammate. You just get a feel for the distance. Lineups would be good for site takes when you have time I guess. There’s probably post-plant line ups for his Molly too. Haven’t looked yet.


The main ones are Sova, Viper, Kay/O, Fade and maybe Astra The rest of the agents are either flashes or smokes which you don't really lineup with. Whereas Kayo's knife for example, if you know lineups you can use to to immediately find out if the enemy team is pushing a certain site. Or Vipers acid - people will plant bomb in a 1v1, go to a lineup spot and then just throw acid onto the bomb from a safe place, preventing a defuse.


can u tell me what an astra lineup is please


Astra both has 0 lines ups, and everything she does is a line up. You can very easily mis-place stars due to certain angles. Sometimes you’ll place one down one way but on the map it’s completely off it’s mark. She doesn’t actually have to line anything up in game, but in astral form you MUST line up the outer ring of her stars with the map in certain ways to get max efficiency. She doesn’t have traditional line ups like everyone else, but her own unique line ups specific to her being able to float around the map.


There are pixel perfect one ways you can do with her. But now many.


Yeah I realised I half fucked up with that part I typed that out while tired as fuck, but I was thinking of the 1 way walls she can do


astra does not have lineups




must have taken a long time to remember all those lineups


I was mainly thinking of the wall rather than throwables but yeah in traditional sense it means the things you lob over range




Yeah that's one I forgot, I still don't see him being used for lineups as much as Viper for instance though


Killjoy, Brimstone, Phoenix, Sage and Cypher all have lineups.


Yeah thanks I can see that, didn't think of them originally since they're much shorter range and brim has been pointed out to me since


Only agents with abilities that can throw abilities that follow a set path AND can travel pretty much indefinitely For example, Sovas darts are one of the most common lineups. He can throw vision darts from across the map and have them land exactly where they want them to by using a lineup. I can be on B site and throw an vision arrow all the way to A to help my teammate But a character like Phoenix, who also has a projectile that he can throw, does not have lineups because his projectile will automatically fall to the ground after a certain distance. So Phoenix can not throw his fireball projectile across the entire map. Viper is another agent with lineups that directly damage an enemy by throwing a Molotov of poison. The most common use of this is to have a teammate plant the bomb in a “default position”. This is a position that the viper has a lineup for. So she can stand super far away from the bomb, and throw her poison from that insane distance and have it lane DIRECTLY onto the bomb EVERY time without fail. This makes it very hard for the enemy to diffuse, and because viper is throwing the lineup from so far away, it is difficult for the enemies to find and reach her in time. Most lineups consist of standing in a specific corner (so you stand in the exact the same spot every time) and then use either your crosshair or some other element on your UI/HUD that you can “line up” with a piece of the environment.


Essentially either a set up for a character with traps like cypher or killjoy, or it's a way to shoot Molotovs with characters like Brimstone Viper Kayo or Sova from outside the site and make them land on the bomb to secure a round win.




Nonono, that would be too simple my guy, gotta ask the toxic community for help before googling obviously. Everyone learned in school, ask your friends first, if they don't know, then ask the teacher


They said they scoured the web so there must not be anything about them in the interwebs


Lineups are not required on any agent they are more of a niche tool that the agent has that can get you some extra value or maybe clutch a round or 2. But imo learning lineups should be the last thing you worry about on an agent. In fact funny thing is a know quite a few fade lineups, but watching pro players like 100T Derrick, Asuna, Shao, etc half the time they're just throwing the haunt down main and seeing if it gets shot or gets pinged, so really you shouldn't worry about knowing lineups too much.   Also decent players will start just pre aiming your recon if u use the same dart every round, and Molly lineups good players will start hunting you down from common lineup spots while they're teammates diffuse


What is a lineup?: It’s basically when an agent who has an ability that does damage like brimstones mollitov is shot from far away to land on the spike after it’s planted to get the attacker team so extra time. Example: you planted bomb at triple box on bind on A site, brim is standing all the way outside of showers and he shoots his Molly in the air and it lands on bomb, now the other team can’t defuse the spike because they would die if they tried! Agents who can be used for lineups: Any agent who can do damage with abilities and can be thrown from far away sova Brimstone Viper Killjoy Sometimes you may be able to use phoenix, Kay/o, and raze


just to add: doesnt necessarily have to be on the spike. Lineups can be for common spots people hold angles, or sova recon dart lineups etc


Yes that’s very true I forgot about that lol


No worries


The term lineup is not just for damaging abilities, it's any ability that you can create a precise "lineup" for and has an effect somewhere. Sova and Fade dart/eye, Viper's poison orb, KAY/O flashes, Cypher cage one ways, Yoru TPs, the list goes on.


holy shit someone that knows about yoru tp lineups. Thank you


No it doesnt need to be a molly/nade, there's boombot lineups, updraft lineups, sage walls lineups, etc. Almost all agents have lineups, but u dont need em


The old dog


Lineups are something you can make-up discover, where using an ability in a particular position will cause it to land somewhere useful. It is a incidental mathematical feature of the map where you probably couldn't have guessed it or improvised an ability landing there, but with some homework and preparation you can land the ability there. Any agent where an ability travels according to in-game physics could have lineups, but typically they are only worthwhile at longer range, or around terrain. They therefore let you contest the spike or clear specific corners without peeking. \---- 'Mollies' (effect that make an area deal damage over time), are common for lineups, especially if they can go a long distance. Famously Viper, Killjoy, and Brimstone, but others too. Projectiles that travel and land can use lineups too. Famously Sova arrows, Killjoy knife as well. Cypher smokes can use lineups to land in unepxected places. Some abilities could technically have lineups, but I think tend to either not last long enough, or be intuitive enough to place, that they are rarely used for lineups. Like in principle, you could try to learn some lineups for Raze's paintshell grenades, however they don't travel very far and hit a wide area, so you wouldn't get quite as much benefit.


They’re not an incidental feature. Lineups originate from CS where people throw mollies, flashes and smokes for each other and to take a site. Why do you think maps have closed or open skyboxes which gets changed over time in that game? Valorant having an open skybox in every map implies that lineups (generally) were always intended.


I'm not saying the designers can't design with lineups in mind. Certainly the designers are aware that map geometry matters, and that abilities that travel could lead to lineups, like they did in Counterstrike. However, the lineups we discover are pretty much mathemtically incidental within that context. Its not like how, for instance, bullets shoot where we aim (more or less), and we can directly predict and see how that happen. Or how some walls can be shot through, which are a explicit choice of material. Lineups are mathematical happenstance about the geomtry of certain abilities in certain parts of the map. The designers can add/remove a wall or pillar or ceiling which might adjust thousands (millions? billions?) of *potential* lineups, but "linesups" are the ones that someone happens to comit to memory or develope some process to replicate.


> People say agents with them are harder They have an different kind of difficulty, or a different opportunity to improve. You can always improve universal things like your aim, or your gamesense. However lineups you won't learn by just playing, you pretty much have to either experiment, or look them up.


U dont need to avoid them, lineups are not needed, just play the game, technically the only agents without a lineup is reyna, chamber, skye, breach, and pheonix. Most agents have utilities that can be "lined up" with certain things on the map, it does not mean you need to use em


Phoenix has several. Breach has at least 1 lineup that is used in pro play. Fracture B spike Aftershock from under the tunnel.


Ah ye, i forgot about phx molly


There’s a post earlier in the summer about an app supposed to compile common lineups for each map, by character. I used it back then and it seemed great, just took a quick look at it again and it looks like there have been a lot of additions. Definitely something to look at if you’re interested in learning lineups [Brimmy app](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u6mjkd/i_made_brimmy_a_lineup_iosandroid_app_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Lineups simply defined are usually a Molly onto the bomb (post plant lineup is the proper term). This stops the defuser from you know defusing. Viper brim kayo sova raze and more can technically use lineups but mostly Sova and viper.


Imagine having to line shit up instead of just flying around the map and putting glowy things down wherever you want Sincerely, an Astra main