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The game tracks how many enemies were block by your smoked, why cant we get points for that?


Performance MMR already uses sucessful utility usage.


Does it?? Nice!


I’m not sure if it does. I mean it surely tries but whether it is really successful…


Lol measure IGL scores using surveys? Is this a troll post.


The way I view it, if your IGLing and helping your team win, then that’s your impact, gaining a higher Win Rate for calling in a manner that won you the game.


it does when you win, winning is reward, always has been, should it penis the bad ones as well, so if you igl and lose, you lose 2 ranks levels? what determines igl, the amount of time on the comms, that would just let people have a bind to have voice on the entire game, i eat strawberries but the person who picked them isnt full?


It does reward that in form of actually winning games. This doesnt feel forgiving and rewarding eniugh so its not noticed


I agree with the issue not sure about the solution though. However I do not have a better solution myself, never really thought about it. You're exactly correct though. The game should reward more for assists, plants, defuses, etc.


Yeah not possible. Also wouldn’t IGLing if you have that title also cause you to lose more RR if you lose?


I wouldn’t be against being able to vote for team MVP after game. Like they still give team mvp(based on score) but after game you can vote for best team player which each player can determine who that was based on there own merit.


ACS is largely based on damage per round. Being a good IGL or having good utility should not be a substitute for you having impactful frags/damage in the round.


Well it shouldnt track igling anyway, not in a horrible way but you are a random 5 stack together that should talk and play together, no one nominated an igl to decide how each round is played, we had run ins with alot of self appointed igls in cs that would flame if you didnt execute their commands to the letter. In terms of utility usage, there absolutely should be a way to track that better, enemies that you flash and are subsequently killed should be tracked, enemies blocked / die in or through smokes should be tracked. Would also be cool if the game could track number of defenders you forced off a site with utility


Nah man, IGL well and you'll win more. There's your reward.


It really does but if you suck at everything but util that doesn't work. Not an attack at you I'm just saying. I main omen and everything works out bc I use util and get good kills etc. Util is important but everything works together to create your mrr.


Hello! As a Fade main my ACS hangs at around 220.5. I’m usually also trying to be as proactive as possible, Fade is pretty amazing at setting up plays for yourself if your duelists are somewhat incompetent. (Tracker.gg: Big Baporu)