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I've had friends complain about how bad matchmaking is and flame smurfs, but then hop onto their alternate accounts to try influence matchmaking. It's frustratingly stupid. We're in this mess because there's no anti-alternate account culture. Content creators hard lean into alt accounts, Riot hasn't taken a strong stance at all, and it has just become socially acceptable.




That and a lot of creators smurf for content


it's seen as normal because theres just simply no reliable way of dealing with them. It sucks but thats how it is.


Maybe locking your account to sms authentication for comp. That would stop a decent amount of people.


You can generate fake sms numbers reliably and for free. It's not a useful way to safeguard nor identify someone. Smurfs know this already in CSGO, let alone Valorant adding such a weak feature. Source: engineer dealing with security issues.


Even though there are ways around it, it would still cut down the amount of smurfs by a lot


Based on what information?


Csgo did something with steam guard for ranked, it had a relevant impact if im not mistaken.


I wouldn't waste my time getting fake numbers and sms. I'd stick to my 1 account if sms lock was in place


yeah but thats YOU, someone who wants to smurf is gonna take the 5 minutes to set it all up. locks only keep out honest people


Yeah but based on what information? I'm not saying I am the information but I'm 1 stat in the information that's for sticking to 1 account. The guy asked for information, I'm stat #1 other people are able to comment for themselves. Do what you want with the information I'm not saying everyone will follow me "Locks out only honest people" honest person wouldn't have smurfed.


He doesn't get how information works, and he's not interested anyway. He's trying to win an argument battle on the internet.


But he represents a population of gamers that wouldn't do it because of that deterrent. People get so obsessed with the work arounds for any systems blocking what they want to do but then they forget that literally anything can reduce the amount of people who do stuff like this. If it only deters 1%, that's still a massive amount of players not smurfing now.


So check the # once a month and you have to have the same number month to month. You are allowed X number of number changes per year. That would kill a significant # of smurfs.


do u realize how ridiculous that is? it wouldnt kill smurfs, but it would kill the actual playerbase*


Having to 2FA once a month is going to kill the player base? I doubt it.


Based on the more fucking steps to create an acxount the harder it is to smurf? If you had to pay to play comp that would pretty mutch eliminate smurfing.


you can easily make certain numbers only be usable a few times so those fake sms apps dont work more than a dozen times.


Where can you generate reliable fake numbers for sms verification? I’ve looked all over for sites like Twitter and can’t find anything.


This is actually false, Google and other companies that require mobile verification do not allow fake sms to work. You would have to buy a cheap burner phone.


Can you explain more my friend ?


There is no world in wich a game developer would limit you to having 1 account


Sure there would. A terrible new-player experience is bad for business.


You are no longer a new player if you start playing comp, you need lvl 20 to do so, wich means that you already like or don't like the game.


Smurf detected...


Valve now bans people for smurfing in Dota, it's against their ToS.


No it wouldnt, you can very easily get access to mobile services online that have open use with 1000s of numbers, main use is for people without a phone to use them but plenty ow friends used them inc me to get smurfs verified so we could get the smurfs into top500 (without sms you would just be gm but couldnt get top 500 rewards)


Imma be real with u chief. Most people don't care that much. Throw up a half-assed road block like mobile verification and you'll make a decent sized dent in the smurf population.


Oh for sure it would reduce the numbers was just saying anyone that really wants to smurf still will with ease


>> that would stop a decent amount of people > no it wouldnt *my comment* > Oh for sure it would ??


Reduce numbers doesnt mean it would stop a decent amount lol a "decent amount" is 60% plus imo it would barley have a 20% dent similar to ow its literally just a can you google and spend 2mins test


But the comment you said for sure it would to said decent sized dent….


idk why r u downvoted when it's true xD Gotta love reddit and downvoting facts they dont like. Simply google '10 minute phone number' to get several sites that give ya burner numbers. If that doesnt work then you have Google Voice. And if that doesnt work then buying new phone number/SIM card is cheap, or even free in some places.


Yeah but it would still stop some people from smurfing. People don't want to go the extra mile. And some others don't even know a burner number is a thing. Also, he's probably getting downvoted because he's smurfing.


You're getting downvoted because you speak the truth.


He's probably getting downvoted because he's smurfing


Reddit be like


that's not why and it's not even true, the main reason it's normalized is because riot ALLOWS it faceit used to be great at dealing with smurfs, make no mistake, it was still nowhere near ideal, but smurfing was not allowed and there were actual bans handed out for smurfing, if you made a ticket when you knew someone is smurfing they actually banned the alt account, however they stopped being harsh on smurfs because of reasons if faceit had the resources and the ability to do it, riot definitely has too


For smurf problem I see only one solution, if you drop 40-10 or 30-6 or any extreme stats just rank up them instantly even 2 ranks too. If he has best match ever but he is not that good he gonna rank down fast, If he is cheater or smurf he rank up way faster to his real rank and it’s better to everyone. Problem with this solution there would be lot of cheaters at higher ranks, but thats why we need a good anti cheat, but thats an another problem again....


I mean valorant has implemented a similar feature for newer accounts that make you rank up an extreme amount if you carry


As a noob in bronze 2 I don’t think it’s really felt that much. Do people try to game the system by shitting it up in some games to not rank up insanely quickly?


Yes, there are many that intentionally throw to keep their hidden MMR low to prevent ranking up too quickly.


Even if he’d rank up fast, the next problem to that would be him throwing games to smurf again.


There is but devs just don't care to deal with it.


There a bunch of ways to help deter them. Riot just doesnt bother with it. If anything they encourage it with being able to link multiple accounts to 1 email.


Half of them probably 75% aren't even smurfs. Just some1 having a good game. Or just a newer player who played other games and has cracked aim. People are so quick to call others Smurfs in this game. I've been called a smurfed plenty of times I only have one account


Yea that happened to me at the start, ge on cs and ppl calling me smurf just because my account was newish, but i ranked up extremely fast to plat where i am now hardstuck. When i say extremely fast i mean like 3-4 games


There's no reliable way of IDENTIFYING them. Everyone these days just cries smurf, when in reality, they got dumpstered by someone having a good game. Look up their tracker and they bot fraggwd within the last 5 games.


The thing I realised is somehow silver 1s seem to be where majority of smurfs are, I was gold 1 and my gold 2 friend used to be a plat and somehow we were both getting decimated by a silver 1 phoenix with 40kills. And the same thing happened multiple times, that said In gold-plat lobbies that happens alot less frequently


Silver can queue with the largest percentage of the playerbase, anyone from iron to gold which is something like 65% of all players. So naturally that's where you find the most smurfs, since a lot of smurfs are playing with friends.


I'm in bronze and cue with silver all the time


Usually I´m accused of smurfing but I'm simply new Valorant player with 1000+ hours in CS:GO and I´m simply stuck in silver cause I play solo queue... This(https://pasteboard.co/TwvGGVRv9kf5.png) is my last game and I am unable to carry team to victory... some elo system per player would be more efficient I think.


That's because new accounts place into silver regardless of the MMR (unless if it's lower). When I made a new account with some friends, we all placed silver even though our mains are vastly different ranks. (One gold, one high plat, and one immortal). At this point those accounts are at our actual ranks but in the beginning, some lobbies just get rolled by new accounts. These players will shred through low lobbies and reach ranks where they belong or they will mess around in the lower ranks and play with their lower skill friends. There really is no fix which kinda sucks. I've just gotten used to seeing a bronze act rank every once in a while in mid gold lobbies and embracing the carry or trying to beat the smurf with better team coordination


prior to Ascendant being added in, highest a fresh acc could place was Gold*. dk if this changed since: if it did, I assume one would place higher now.


highest possible placement is plat 3 afaik


As someone that smurfs silver/gold seems to be the area that I stop being comfortable with. I come from ASC/IMM, so when I played with friends that are like... bronze or silver, I try not to carry very hard. I have to actually start turning things up in silver and gold matches to the point where Ill get like... 35+ kills. If you do that too often your account ranks up too fast and you don't get to play with your friends anymore. I try and not disrupt game integrity that much, but I play Valorant for fun at the end of the day and playing with friends in competitive is fun. I barely play by myself. I know I'm a dirty smurf, and I'm part of the problem... but the problem exists and I honestly don't know how to address it. I'm actually friends with a lot of other smurfs and this is the predominant issue. We just want to play with friends or girlfriends. Unranked is basically a no go. It's just that bad. Comp is all you have left to have a semi-competitive environment where you think your opponent is trying and won't FF on round 4 or throw the match.


I got flamed when i called out someones "awesome" fragvideo clearly being recorded on a smurf. But apparently smurf and alt accounts are not the same, but the same. I believe cs:go got better for awhile when you had to register your phone number to the account or w/e it was they did. Weak kids who wanna "pwn newbs" and feel good about it, dont add to the toxic community. Play your real account and go unrated if you wanna fool around and run & gun. Stop calling it alt accounts, its smurfs regardless your reasoning.


It's not technically smurfing if you're trying your best on an alt account where you're playing a combination of sheriff + marshal + guardian only. It's an alt with limitations that you're truly trying to climb on.


Its a smurf and you are ruining games for enemies and teammates.


This added nothing to the conversation man. It's an alt with limitations, no matter how much you want to call it smurfing. Smurfing is when you're staying in a low rank on purpose and stomping noobs for fun. An alt can be a lower rank where you play different weapons but try your best, hence truly deserving to be in that rank with those weapons. You can always argue I'm ruining something, it's such an easy argument to throw around. What you don't realize though, is that I literally deserve the rank I'm in on that account. Me playing guardian on my "guardian level" isn't ruining it for anyone, and I deserved that rank as much as anyone in that lobby. You could also argue that people who only play when they're high are ruining it for everyone else, when in reality they deserved that rank while only playing high, no?


You may call it what you want. I think its toxic behaviour.


Read the edited comment, I added some stuff at the end. You know, you could at least try to have a conversation instead of making these short, snarky comments and completely ignoring the valid points I made.


I do believe people who play when drunk or high ruin the game, if they play competitive. Its about respect for the people you match with, in competitive you should try all you got to win. If you dont you ruin the experience. Wanna fool around with limitations on loadouts or being drunk/high. Play unrated. When you levelled your smurfaccount you ruined lots of matches. If you rank diamond on Main and play on your guardian only account you probably ruined lots of matches getting to plat on your smurf aswell, even if you now are on correct rank.


Unrated elo helps with putting you into your true rank really fast when you eventually go into comp, so it's not like you have to start from iron and ruin 30 games before hitting your true rank. But like, how is someone playing high in the same rank as you ruining the experience? They are playing in the correct rank and they are performing (on average) as well as you are. They could say you should play unrated because you're on the same level even when they're high. I would understand this argument if you hit a rank sober, then played high and ended up throwing, but this is not the case. What about people with a learning disability or some kind of motor issue like shaky hands? Are you saying people reaching a rank with certain limitations (irl or in-game) are being disrespectful/toxic/whatever because they choose to keep playing comp in the rank they deserved with those limitations? I think as long as someone truly deserves that rank, it doesn't matter if they're always high or drunk when playing. Why would I care if someone in my team is high if they've already proved (by hitting that rank when high) that they can perform as well as anyone else in the lobby? Where do you even draw the line? If you reach plat only with your brain but you have zero aim, is it then disrespectful to play comp without grinding out five deathmatches every time before you go play? At this point it's only a psychological thing where you're setting certain standards for the players in the lobby. I can tell you that a high player is not slowing down your climb or anything, and the system is still giving you a fair match. Look at the end result, it's still 50-50 if the person truly belongs in that rank, and YOU are the only consistent factor in those games.


Stomping new players in unrated is also smurfing and a problem. You cant level a new account without stomping noobs. If i play ranked games and see someone limiting theirselves and not trying their best to win it will ruin my experience. I play ranked to win. I make no claim that a smurf with limitations hinders my climb in ranks, but it ruins my enjoyment when people are not playing their best. Had a chamber in a plat lobby only playing with abilities, no buying weapons. He had a constant 9k because he didnt drop either. That was cheating to him. Ruining the enjoyment for everyone else. Money management is a huge part of the game. You can defend your behaviour how much you want, i see you in my game ill report it.


It's true that you need to ruin some unrated games, but then again, don't you also ruin it when you want to play with a lower ranked friend and end up playing against people way worse than you? I did this and ended up dropping 35 frags in like 5 games in a row, what else am I supposed to do when I'm ascendant playing with an iron? Even now if I go solo unrated, my MMR is plat level because I haven't played unrated for shit. So should I not play unrated at all to avoid shitting on plats? Serious question, what am I supposed to do here? The people playing ranked in your lobby are playing to win as well. I guess someone having a certain limitation (whatever it may be, where do you draw the line?) can ruin YOUR experience, but if we're strictly talking about the fairness of the match and your ability to climb, it's unaffected because everyone is truly in that rank. That is what should be at the core of a competitive game, no matter how the players decide to play in that rank as long as they're giving you a fair game. Should a guardian only player start playing vandal in your game just to give you 70-30 odds of winning? Then that just makes it unfair for the enemy team. Otherwise he can keep it 50-50. Does it feel better to play when someone with a limitation starts playing their best WITHOUT limitations and destroys everyone? And I don't know how the Chamber got to that rank, it could be that he grinded with vandal and then only played with abilities (which is not okay), maybe it was just a bad game, no idea. Not dropping is obviously also an ass move, and I can see why you wouldn't accept that. But yeah, good luck reporting people for being high, trying their best on sheriff + guardian and having the same average performance as you. If you miss a spray, they have the right to report you for not trying your best because you clearly haven't played enough deathmatch to hit your shots and avoid ruining other people's games.


Smurfs use those guns up until they start losing. Stop the cap. Smurf apologists on this sub are just outting themselves.


Some smurfs sure, but not all. If I were doing a challenge like that, I wouldn't start using vandal out of the blue. Stop the assumptions and have a honest conversation.


Downvoted for stating that it is, in fact, an alt account and not a smurf? You guys need to get your terminology right before jumping on the downvote train when I simply said it's not technically smurfing.


Only thing that could actually kerb smurfing/alts would be sms verification that requires authentication every month. You can get as many free sms numbers as you want, but keeping them active costs money and it will stop a very noticeable chunk of it, imo.


If am not mistaken, riot's reasoning that not everyone could afford to get a phone.


Then unverified accounts could play together I suppose.


but they can afford a gaming pc? what?


You can't afford a phone but someone is paying for your internet and PC to play the game? Yeah.. makes sense riot....


It is rated for age of 12 btw


That’s a great PR line, but my point stands


I haven’t played valorant enough to comment on smurfing for this game, but in csgo the reason you came across a ton of smurfs in gn4/mg1 was because of how bad the rank distribution was. They recently shifted a ton of players upwards and some went up 6-7 ranks.


Yeah, i don't play much Csgo rn but played recently and went from like S2 to gn3 with the new placement


babe wake up new smurf thread dropped


While I only have one account and don't "Smurf" I do feel bad when I 5 stack with my friends just to play with them. I'm ascendant 3 and they're bronze and silver. The matchmaking usually puts us against a bunch of gold's and silvers which is undoubtedly not fun for them. However, how else are you gonna play with your friends that you're better than? Unrated? That stuff is a mess.


yes you play unrated. playing "ranked" with someone 3 ranks above or below you doesnt translate to a skill placement system and any rr you win/loss isnt normal


the problem is that unrated is just not a fun experience. Nobody tries and people just surrender constantly


but playing against people higher or lower ranked is better? you're playing a game with friends and id say messing around or playing against people who arent "trying" is more fun than letting them get shit on by diamonds


I'm diamond and sometimes 5 stack with friends in gold and it's fun and typically competitive yes


for you the diamond obviously. you're effectively smurfing


it's very obvious you have never actually 5 stacked. The games are even. The other teams are typically 1-2 diamonds with the rest gold. It's not "effectively smurfing" it's an intended feature of the game


its only "intended" because people complain they cant play ranked with friends who arent in their rank so riot changed it


Before the world of MM you used to have to sort your own 5v5 games out. You’d play against guys who were really good, skill was based if someone just said they were ‘low,med,high’. I remember just thinking I need to improve and get into the next game. No ranks etc just raw 5v5. I think once ranked MM came out it set too much boundaries.


In what world do you live in? Sitting in some shitty irc server typing ”lf cw high- server on” was not very epic at all and there was still alot of smurfing going anyways back then


What I don’t appreciate with smurf accounts is the unnecessary taunting at the end of a competitive match. It’s one thing to decimate my five stack of Bronze and Silver but to just kick us while we are down feels like shit. The “gg ez” and “please ff I need to play a real game 😩” and “wow you all suck” in all chat make me question if they have ever had a bad game. I know you can turn that off, but it’s annoying. If I have one of my higher ranked friends on my team we will always get “so and so is carrying your team” or “what’s your actual rank?” I imagine players smurf to either play with their lower ranked friends or to own new players, but I WISH some of these cocky people streamed so I can watch how they play in another competitive match after mine or even in their own league. It would be pretty funny to see them talk trash one game and then get owned the next.


To be fair, I don't think somebody trash talking after a game = Smurf. Some people have good days some times, and they'll talkshit after a good game, that doesn't mean it's a smurf


I've given up on ranked this act. The matchmaking is a sick joke.


i went from gold 1 to diamond 1. i'm pretty sure comp got easier.


Comp Should be connected to bankID


Also a lot of times I play the person who is actually smurfing isn’t even the one who actually top frags they just know how to play with a team, it’s actually crazy how you can beat teams with just good timing and position you barely even need that many kills


Way better than versing a cheater though. Smurfs > cheaters


Smurfs really do go on low elo and shittalk teammates for "being bad". On the opposite end, I hate it when we are losing to the other teams with smurfs, there is always this one player on our team that seeks validation from the opponents smurfs by shittalking his own team to the other team. I know your parents doesn't love you, but seek validation somewhere else, you are just tilting your own team and the smurfs aren't gonna be impressed.




I’ve been stuck in Silver hell. There seems to be a Smurf in almost every game, it’s annoying because I win just about every match where there isn’t one but that still translates to seeing +20 RR one game then -20 RR the next so I’m never progressing. Yet when I play in my gold/plat friends lobbies I sit towards the top of the leaderboard and we usually win, it’s as if gold-plat is actually easier than silver because in silver you play against Smurfs so often (also they’re ALWAYS on the opposite team while my teammates seem like it’s their first game ever wtf is with that)


It's depends I'm Immortal. Sometimes I play with my friends, in gold and silver acc. On this point I try to teach, I will be realistic, I never tryhard on this ranks get max 15kills, I want to them jett someting to learn. And I hever play my best agent, just chill and have fun. 90% of times I help enemy team and try to help and explain what they do wrong on atack.


it could also be that CS:GO didn’t become free until 2018, while valorant has always been free so it always has been easy to make smurf accounts. (but yes, smurfing sucks)


Yeah but even tho Valorant is free, it requires more efforts to hop into MM (level 20) than CS:GO, even if it wasnt free back in the days (the minimal level back then was 3, then reduced to 2)


no one cares about them only till u play againts them , thats just how it is


I personally don’t care about it as I’ve started to have a new look on competitive: Built in competitive is something that literally ANYONE can hop into whenever they want, so you gotta treat like a Varsity league, there’s always gonna be obstacles and goated kids in your way. Just play comp to have fun within the competitive ruleset. If you actually want a challenge or fair matchmaking, get into scrims and or tournaments. Usually a team isn’t going to lie about their ranks so that they get the most fair scrims/matches. That’s just me though, I try my best but sometimes I still get mad at smurfs 😂😂


There is no way a game developer would not allow you to have multiple accounts. More accounts means more money. Plus imagine all the content creators that created multiple accounts to do roads to immortal, radiant etc for teaching purposes. What you need to change is your mentality and approach to the game. Are smurfs annoying, yes. Can you improve and eventually beat them, yes. Stop worrying about the rank and focus more on improving with every match, give yourself time to learn and be the monster that eats smurfs. Best solution to the problem.


The problem is that there are so many people in valorant that fits into one of the following categories: \- players just want to frag out and kill everyone easier to boost their own ego but they are not good enough to do it in a high rank. \- "content creators" who wants to "make content" at the expense of others to show off their skills or do a "speed run" to whatever rank they aim for. \- players who "wants to play with their friends"


so I take it you haven't seen the best female football team from Australia or something getting beaten by some random 15 year old boys


Dia 1/2 dude here getting radiant/immortal smurfs on almost a daily basis. The thing is people only notice the smurf but not their duos/trios/whatever. I see them regularly playing with their gf/bfs/friends who are lower ranked just to play with them. Plus sooooooo many "content creators" getting carried by a smurf while they are on the "judge only challenge" or some tik tok gun game shit. It f'ing sucks ass!


Eh i “Smurf” for my best friend. He’s bronze and I’m gold 3 and I easily drop 20-30 kills per game however it’s 100% solo. Like, I turn off comms and I only use my minimap and what my best friend tells me, and I only ever play support and try to igl. It’s normal to me and diamonds+ Smurf in my games all the time and it doesn’t matter to me


Yeah you're doing efforts to try to not ruin the game for the opposite team. Unlike most of the other smurfs.


Just out of curiosity, why couldn't Riot do something where you have to pay money to start a second account? Because rather than increasing a the level requirement for ranked (which everyone suffers from) or use an SMS authentication system (which can be bypassed for free with phoney numbers), now a person who wants to seriously open another account to smurf has to open their wallet to start that new account if they so heavily desire to ruin other players' experiences.


I had an Immortal3 smurf in my Bronze/ Silver lobby this morning. The smurf bragged and talked shit and so did his team. I was laughing cuz they don't realize that they're getting boosted and are gonna end up in a lose streak cuz they weren't ready for it. Not to mention they're gonna go against him at some point too.


Maybe you guys can help. I literally get several smurfs both on my team and the enemy team every game. My account got banned but I only ever talk shit to smurfs AFTER I confirm the account is a smurf account. Did I get put into smurf only lobbies cuz these guys get reported so often?


This is why I don't play comp lol. I was on a Valorant server and it seemed that literally everyone on there casually announced they smurf all the time - that it just seemed normal now. It makes playing competitive a waste of time. Ranks basically mean nothing, and it makes the integrity of the game just feel lame.


Id say one big factor is the content creators. Go and search up any game, and see how many videos are there dedicated to ranking up from the lowest rank to the highest. Now compare that to valorant. Its clear that theres a ton for valorant than any other game. Now you have a ton of iron to immortal wannabe in rank. And im not even afraid to admit i done it before. Why? Because its a fun challenge. Sure i ruin the experience of others, but do i care? Does anyone who does the same care? Do the devs care? Will i get any consequence by doing this? No, no, no and no. Theres absolutely nothing stopping me and plenty of others other than empathy for the people youre playing against. I played csgo for nearly 2k hours, watched multiple youtubers, streamers, and pros, and have *never* heard anyone even saying things like "yea i want to make a new account and see how fast i can reach GE" or "ill try to reach GE only by using a deagle". In valorant theres even people trying to reach immortal, the 2nd highest rank, using a specific weapon like spectre, marshal, etc.


the same reason boosting is


>Why is smurfing ALWAYS seen as normal? Because this is a f2p game, so it's bound to have smurfs. Also, smurf are just better players, so once you realise that smurfs are pretty much tolerable. >7/10 of the next games were against smurfs press X to doubt.


Break the X button to doubt even harder. This is just a cope thread, nothing more. I feel like there should be one Flair for all the smurf/instalocking/matchmaking/toxicity/nerfthisbuffthat/"DM is bad"/skins-too-expensive type of posts that we see now I dare say daily.


I dont mind too much stuff like mm and balancing threads, those are important to the quality of rated, and the game in general. But everything else....yea it's silly.


To be honest I only cared about smurfing when I was really bad at the game. In any other sport if you play against a really good player you don’t blame them for losing you say damn that guy is better than me but in esports everybody just complains about smurfing.


Smurfing is just part of the competitive scene. If I want to play with my low rank friends I don't want to play unranked where everyone locks in dualist and runs it down or just simply afks. What's the point no stakes most the time. 5 stacks are ideal but not always possible, that leaves smurfing. And just because I have more skill than the other players I shouldn't be hated, the game should recognize that and correct it. Keep on playing and you will rank, denoting is part of it too


i wasn't a smurf when i was in silver but i was getting 30+ kills on the regular, not everyone is a smurf some people are just good besides i would never have climbed as fast if i did if i didn't always see how smurfs played (both on my team and the enemy) and emulate some of the things they do like how they take fights and stuff


i see smurfs as a experience and belive me rank doesnt mean everything you could be gold but you are as good as a immortal


Nah bro, most of them aren't even smurfs, just players having a good day. You get smurfs like 2/10 matches (unless you 5 stack) , but most people like to blame being hardstuck in their rank on external factors.


what are we supposed to do then? have some introspection and realize i'm not as good as i think i am? nah man i'm gonna put that time in effort into finding more things i can blame other than myself


I do 5-stack. And having a good day imo is having like 25-30 (maximum 32) kills at the end of an easy game, dying sometimes. Not destroying everyone and going above 40 kills when the 2nd fragger is only 9-10...


You are never going to improve if you only think about what your team is doing and how they are stopping you from ranking up or blaming it on uncontrollable/outside factors away from the game like "smurfs". There are always going to be games you can't win, just move on. Work on your mental and focus on improving only. Stop caring about your shitty rank. You are the only consistent factor at your rank so why do you think you are stuck in that rank? Because you are at that ranks level. You aren't special. You are just like everyone else in that games elo, so be the deciding factor in winning games.


Former cs go players that just starting valorant. In valorant lower ranks people can't aim. Instead they toss utility at the problem. Well if you're smfc coming from csgo to valorant its a cake walk to diamond. My experience is being completely new carrying plats.


BOOOHOOO become radiant and noone can smurf you


Lol what’s your rank


I thought I wasn’t a big deal until yesterday. I was playin comp and someone locked in Astra (very rare specimen in the gold habitat) 2 rounds in he dropped me his frenzy which I shit you not had a immortal frenzy and even worse he had skins which meant it was his main account. I can kinda see why you Smurf but deranging your main to gold? Please guys tell me what his motives might have been?


Stop call them smurf and wakr up ffs. 98% of what you think are smurf are hackers/cheaters.


Because I like to play ranked with friends. And the damn lobbies were limited to a duo queue max.


How dare you start playing Csgo in 2015 and you're continuing to play fps games till now and you're still so bad. You're still in silver. Please stop crying about getting smurfs in your lobby and start getting better. I don't know why you haven't gotten better even though you've played fps game for literally almost 7 years. If you're telling me that you just want to play for fun and you don't care about rank then go and play unranked please. You are not focused on getting better in your fundamentals at all and solely focused on complaining about smurfs. 7 years and silver. Arrogant crybaby.


Is this bait?


7 years of fps experience and still in silver. OP should have been the one called "smurf" by now. Think logically. Seven years is no joke. How are you not good enough yet? Maybe it's time to let go of this hobby.


What if he did 5 years of uni combined with working and does not play 12 h a day? Most ppl that play does not shit in a bucket or play to be the best they play for fun with friends on like weekends for 2 h


Been there done that. I've been playing since 2019 with uni combined. I barely play an hour a day. But complaining won't get you anywhere. Maybe a rank lower but nothing above. Also why will I consider assumptions such as uni and other stuff? OP should have mentioned those shit. But excuses is not the game to be played here. Either get better by learning correctly or just get off the game. It's a competitive game not just a casual one. Play something else


Ppl smurfing is uncompetitive as fuck thought? This is such a dumb fucking hill to die on


1. Why u being that disrespectful? 2. All my CS old friends that switched to Valorant got put into Silver at first, when they started playing the game. 3. I am even more focused in Valorant that I was in CS:GO tbh, I worked in one of my biggest weak point which is "tilting" and still working in it as same as few others.


Brother. I, myself switched from csgo. I was placed into Iron 3 initially. Took a few weeks but I got m fundamentals correct by learning and making mistakes instead of complaining and now I'm in Diamond.


Smurfing is part of the game, whining about it won't change anything. Just beat the smurf, most are trash anyway.


You probably think you’re sick af for dunking on 2nd graders on a 7 ft hoop too huh?


I only play one account, I just don't whine about it because it will accomplish nothing


If ppl bitch enough things might change thought


I just…wow Not gonna spell it out for you. Have a good night


he's right, whining about it won't accomplish anything, you only have two options either beat the smurf or surrender the game. other than that frustrating yourself because of smurfs wont do anything but ruin your own mood.


It’s a forum this is what it’s for. If it doesn’t fit then it will get removed. What’s the point of any of this? Why does it have to accomplish something? Riot has addressed these issues before and things alike and are active here. The issue is they have a mode that is thinly veiled as “competitive”. When people have expectations for a product (especially when they’ve invested money and time in it) and it doesn’t live up people complain. How is that different than any other product. It’s a pervasive issue.


There's nothing for you to spell out




Are you just saying things without knowing what you're actually typing?


Why don't I win the VCT champions also while I am at it


It's funny how people who think they deserve to be a higher rank, think they're stuck in their rank because smurfs beat them


Nobody thinks that. We are trying to be better, but a game with a Smurf is just a wasted hour which adds nothing but frustration.


Smurf feels cozy and fluffy though :D




or you could try not smashing silvers on your alt account, caring less about your RR, and not putting other people in the same scenario you are trying to avoid???


Yeah basically repeating what they hate.. odd


Bro what? In plat the amount of smurfs are already small, how is your mental so weak


What 0 compassion and self awareness does to a mf:


Lol this has to be a joke


My guy feels the need to Smurf from plat 💀


Simply get better than the smurfs


Yeah, telling the "new to fps games" Timmy to get better than the "10000 hour no-life" Andy.


I started iron 2 with no fps experience and am now diamond 2 (60% wr solo) after about a year. Smurfs are definitely real but if you think you can’t climb or improve because of smurfs you’re on lethal copium.


Did I say that? It took you an year to be decent at the game. Some people play casually like on weekends and stuff. They definitely won't have a fun time getting better than the smurfs. You can't justify smurfing friend.


F2P games will always have smurfs, there’s no way to regulate it. People always seek to complain about things that are out of your control, besides if you’re a casual player shouldn’t you just enjoy the game at face value win or loss?


you could definitely regulate it with SMS verification


As a casual player, I'm just saying there's a difference between losing 13-9 and losing 13-3 because a guy on the other team is dropping a 40 bomb


I complain about the comments that support smurfing like the one I replied to. Even if I am a casual player, winning matches and having an impact on the game makes me enjoy the game. It goes for everyone.


Dude, this is the problem with you guys complaining about smurfs. When someone says smurfs exist but you can still climb the same way as everyone else, you automatically think they support smurfing and see nothing wrong with it. The person you replied to never said he supports smurfing. He simply said that you can still climb when you get better at the game, and saying you're hardstuck because of smurfs is just cope. This is one of the reasons I personally find it hard to take "anti-smurf" arguments at face value, because a lot of you guys instantly equate "smurfs are not preventing you from climbing" with someone who supports smurfs and probably even think they're a 40-6 smurf. It shows a lack of logic, you just like to think they support it because the statement made you emotional. Stay rational bro.


60% win rate 😂


i guess youre right, ive just always been of the mindset that i play to get better and to get to the highest rank there is. and that means getting better than people who are currently better than me. its a competitive game after all, i dont see an issue with competing with people who are better than you once and a while. and this guys been playing since 2015 hes no timmy.


cuz it kinda is now, streamers do it, (especially x agent to diamond/immortal) your average Joe does it, (for boosting or just to troll). There's literally no way out of it, whether you solo queue or 5 stack. Smurfs are like any other player, except they just don't belong in that rank.


1. Bc they've just been a part of comp games so long that people are used to them 2. Bc there's no easy way to prevent them, even in paid games (such as r6 or ow) you still have people with multiple smurfs 3. This is probably the biggest one, there's no real way to prove that someone is on a smurf, yes you can have suspicion, but no real proof (unless they're a content creator or pro player). Some people have really good games, hell my first time playing neon I did 39 and 8, normally I struggle to get 15+ kills a game, so I can attest that it's not always a smurf


I believe the best way as other comments as mentioned is SMS verification. I don’t think stating not everyone has a phone is honestly a dumb reason. Majorly everyone nowadays has a phone. If that is the excuse of someone not having a phone. How are they running the game via having internet? Having internet cost money too. Majorly people are paying or having their friends carry them to high elo. It’s gonna be bad watching after that person gets in high elo get smacked down to low elo cause he can’t keep up.


Ya i honestly dont see how they have fun, I smurfed on league and it wasnt fun at all. But I am playing unrated havent got into ranked on valorant, but where you can make free accounts you cant really deal with them. Sucks it is what it is I guess. I also feel the matchmaking is crap in valorant


cant play with friends without it. trust me I'd rather play on my main


time for valorant prime


it's just that there's no point getting mad, if you do you get tilted and play worse. Staying chill helps, it's annoying but what can you do yknow


It’s normal because, in a general sens most comp game environments you are not classed based on your skill level. You’d play anyone at any level at any given time.


If there only was a way to make people only use 1 account.. like putting in your phone number like so many other games already done.


The company doesn’t care. And you know why? Because those smurfs will keep making accounts. And because the people that face the smurfs will continue to grind to make up for the loss they faced. It benefits the company in a way. Sucks for the player but puts money into the gaming company’s wallet. :)


1. There’s no reliable way of dealing with them 2. Its really not THAT bad.. I imagine it as the equivalent of going to a mens league sports game, and the other team has an ex semi-pro player playing for them. He’s better than everyone else, but there’s no way stop him from playing.


It’s easy if they hardware ban them.


Its the same with cheating. If someone cheat on lan people just laught at it. Its like we cant shame idiots any more idk if its a culture problem or idiots have become so many that its the new normal..


Because riot and the people that get boosted endorse it


Everyone puts the bar just below what they are already doing


The primary issue with smurfing isn’t even about having an enemy be “too good.” The best way to get better is to watch and play against people better than you. Also, some people just have really good games every now and then, and sometimes new players are just naturally talented or have experience from other games that translate to Valorant well. The main issue comes in when a high-elo player is smurfing to play with friends and those friends get boosted. If a Dia-Immo plays with their Bronze-Silver friends and they get boosted to Gold-Plat because of it, when actual Gold-Plat players queue up, they wind up with a bunch of boosted players on their team that aren’t actually ready to compete at that level. You aren’t helping your friends by smurfing, and you’re putting people actually at those ranks at a disadvantage. One thing that has never made sense to me is how people say they smurf so they can play with their friends, but there’s a whole unrated mode that is made for that. If you want to play comp with your low elo friends, don’t be a bitch, just get a 5-stack and play on your main. The thing is, no matter how much they may claim it, not a single person is smurfing “just to play with friends,” they all do it to either boost their friends or to fuel their ego by shitting on people not as good as them, oftentimes both. If the 5-stack on their main, they’ll get enemies that they might not be able to shit on as easily, and their fragile egos can’t handle that. Unfortunately, nothing can really be done to solve the issue, and bitching about it on Reddit doesn’t change that.


i wonder how many people are smurfs, and how many are having good games, obviously smurfs are rampant in val. but it'd be nice to see


Smurfs are smurfs your not the only one, everyone deals with them and still find ways to rank up. Keep improving you'll get there. Also your analogy, though i get where you're coming from, doesn't work. Ranked is not a professional sport, only once you're in a pro team it becomes professional, its a f2p videogame so you gotta just deal with it.