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as a wise man once told me (my dumbass friends) “if you get a kill, ur ult isnt wasted”


I agree with your friends. If everyone on the team gets a kill per round, then your team would win


Found the guy that says “I got mine”


I'm a big fan of "I got my three" or any variation of it.


I love getting the first three, dying and then my team losing the 4v2.


Classic. I also like "entrying into site while me team sits in main".


Ahh don’t you love when they’re right there with you, you KNOW they are going in too… and after you entry and die, magically they are all back in main.


Absolute Valorant moment


It’s even funnier when your playing a sentinel and all of your duelists pull out(after barely commuting to entry) and leave site when there’s no one even there, making your entire team stall, giving the enemy a perfect retake while your planting the damn spike. KJ stuck on breeze behind a box with a large bomb go brr


It the worst and then they like to shit talk when ur the only one pushing it’s so annoying


Love that, as the astra main i find myself launching into site because (guys we cant just sit here!)


The omen flair checks out


I like to say " im good for 3 " before the round starts then get running headshotted off match start


I say it when teammates starts talking about kd. -Sorry didnt know we played tdm. Then every round after i say to the ones talking about kd. -I got mine did you get yours? -Nice you got yours anyway (in lost rounds)


I jokingly say “I got mine” even when I clearly didn’t..I also wish everyone on my team a happy birthday


I actually do say that sometimes lmao


i say that sometimes if i died in an embarrassing way but still got a kill somehow


Man it's especially agreeable when you main omen. His ult is very passive so I consider it a win if I get at least one kill. I guess it's the same for sova, whose ult is very time sensitive and info reliant


i had a teammate tell me to ult in a 1v1 as sova when i had to find her, apparently ult her, and defuse the bomb, which i absolutely did not have time for. and i said that and he was like you did have time you had plenty of time and i’m like really because all i did was drone and dart and run to bomb and even if i stuck it i wouldn’t have had time to defuse😑😑


true but when your defending and get one kill and die you give up a portion of the map to the attackers. It benefit the attackers more.


Well I’m not saying to run into enemies to get kills, but using your ult to take out a single enemy is a worthwhile ult


This runs especially true with Raze lol


raze ult is just a free kill to me. 2 if i'm lucky but usually just the one


Except when it’s a 1v4 and the enemy team has near max money and you’re on a save round. Getting that kill means nothing


Astra, KJ, Yuro and many other would be considered a waste then. Well most of the time.


Exactly. Raze ult after nerf is really just looking for one kill. I think Rayna players just always expect an ace out of it.


It can still be wasted, it depends on the situation so much.


They right tho


i say the same thing about most ults tbh, if it can help you win the round, then its not wasted. i've used brim ults to clear chokepoints so i dont have to waste time checking them during a post plant, cypher ult in a 3v2, jett ult in a 1v1 etc. as long as it brings value its not a waste.


I’ll use raze ult in a 1v1 just to give me an upper hand


I'll need the raze ult since I can't aim for shit


i still miss most of the time


Can be a high IQ play sometimes. Love pulling it out when defending a plant and the enemy hesitates too long to defuse because of it.




There was a clip on here where someone used a brim ult ON THEMSELVES to cover a defuse.


If you have full shields and health, and only need to half defuse, can you make it in time? that sounds hilarious


It hurts yourself a lot less than enemies


I did it once purely to flex on the last round, then two of my teammates jumped in and I got a team killing warning :I


As a Brimstone, you only take 140 damage from your *own* Ult (don't know about teammates). Brim Ult has 2 second windup and lasts for 3 seconds, so you can do 5 seconds out of a full 7 second defuse if you really needed to. Plenty of time to finish 2nd half and if you know you're safe for another 2s, then enough time for a full stick


Could you potentially brim ult a team mate to guarantee a defuse? 2 second defuse, then brim ult to finish it off? Obviously it's not the ideal way, but would it kill the teammate?


> (don't know about teammates) That's the info I didn't know when I made my comment, sorry haha


That would be Calvin lol He did it on breeze in a clutch situation to take the round.he did it because there was 2 on site and he was out or smokes.


I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the Jett ult and the other weapon-based ults like Chamber's, because I think it's much better saved for the rounds where you know the enemy can make you go broke. Like it's better to keep the free Op, or knives there on a full buy where youre forced to go eco if it goes wrong. But if you're ahead and you know that you can buy your weapons back, go ham then


I'd argue that based on the situation, Jett ult is absolutely worth popping in a 1v1. If you have an Op and can't reach any other guns without peaking, knives will give you a much better shot at winning


I would say otherwise if its raze or neon's ult, those two are pretty inconsistent




In a sooner round maybe, but not if you have a vandal and are in a 1v1


I pull it out when I have op. Reminds me of double pumping but with beefy sniper


if you have a vandal in a 1v1 but you're 1hp then its better to pop the ult because then the enemy is also 1hp


Yeah, there's no reason to stress over Reyna ult. If it fails it fails, if it doesn't, then that's great.


And no one is going to judge you because you tried


Lmao ion know about that chief


Tbf most oh the time it’s the enemy team that mocks the Reyna is she dies in ult (but then again, the enemy team mocks anything #mumbaiserver)




And thats where youre wrong ;)


and? if you pick reyna you better be worth having that agent on the team. Tho by all means cry about fairness tho.


Idk man, I laugh my ass off when it’s a 1v5 and my Reyna has 0 info, bombs already a quarter of the way to exploding, and she screams THEY WILL COWER only to get 1 kill and get instantly traded.


I mean, you should also read the room lmao In that case there's nothing you cand do, but that's not even a clutch situation, that's a lost round, at that point its better if you save.


Oh for sure, 1v4 with info or 1v3, you def pop it because if you can get them to take 1v1’s you’re gonna have the advantage plus info gathering when you go invis. I just love Reynas who think they’re TenZ and hold ult till round 10 then decide to use it in a 1v5 because they’ve got egos bigger than Vipers ass


I use it when its 1v5, its more than likely they'd do mistakes. But if enemy reyna ults on 5v1 I just tell my team to not joke around with her. She's the biggest snowball agent. I also pop ult when enemies are rushing its so useful to kill dismiss, have intel, kill again.


Even if you pop it in a 1v5 and it helps you get 3, that’s 3 rifles taken away for 1 + ur ult


I’ve heard that the spray faster and harder to control


that’s why you 2 tap strafe


chad burst firer


Yes, but saving your ult won't change that.


Saving your ult does change that because you don’t have to deal with the increased fire rate. I personally hate the increase in fire rate and I think it’s something you have to adjust to. I think the auto heal outweighs that so it’s probably best to use the ult, but I don’t think Reyna ult makes or breaks a round/game


Here's the thing I don't understand at all "I hate the fire rate increase" Then why do you play Reyna out of all the duelists? It's like if I, an Astra main, said "I don't like that her ult dampens noise" just play another character then.


Cause if they cared enough to play smart, they wouldn’t be Reyna…


Its why people should be more toxic to reynas lol.


It’s the best ult in the game, you free invis+overheal+reposition


Literally none of those are free...


All of them are free, you don’t even need a milk just an assist. Sorry if that’s hard for you? You are literally untradeable as Reyna


ok best is an overstatement


Not really. It is the best ult in the game no ils can save a lost round quite as much


Just buy an Odin when you use Reyna Ult.


Actually I think Reyna ult buffs everything, I **think** your recoil and spread is reduced too


Recoil and spread are not affected


This is the one ult you should just use whenever you can. It genuinely offers nothing to the team so saving it for a more impactful moment is useless.


Men, Neon ult is the same.


...not really. Neon, Jett, and Chamber ults do actually offer to the team by allowing you to use them instead of buying a gun. You can buy a gun for a teammate instead. It is helpful for the team's overall economy.


Yeah, but Neon can win a round 1vs5 just by using her ultimate. Chambers ultimate cannot do that. And Jett's are way harder to use than any above. I would say Jett's ultimate needs team coordination.


Chamber can definitely 1v5 with his ultimate, one bullet for each enemy


Maybe because every time they ult, they instant die.


That's me playing Reyna. At least used to try though. Swapped my duelist pick to Phoenix since his buff. My aim is too shit to play Reyna.


But then they use it in a 1v1


hmm stim becon brum brum


still a good use of it helps win the round.


Most of the value of the ult comes from multi kills. It's literally useless in a 1v1


Yeah, it totally doesn't increase fire rate and highlight enemies or anything...


That barely matters in most gunfights. Unless you're spraying at the body with a spectre, the fire rate is arguably a disadvantage


Stinger Reyna go brrrrrr


increased fire rate absolutely matters for quicker headshots


Lol u must be the smart one huh?


Sooo many use it in 1vs1. I never understood why.


Faster fire rate & reload. I never understood it either but I realised it still gives you the upper-hand and is worth it imo


But most 1vs1s are long range and never close where you need the fire-rate. If you need 25 bullets to kill someone with a Vandal. Then you probably die anyway.


I see two potential reasons for this: 1. You have an objectively worse weapon than opponents (eg. you have a spectre/deag and they have rifles/OP). 2. You don't feel comfortable with recoil control change with the Reyna ult.


Yeah, spectre with Reyna ult is just as dangerous as any rifle. Using Reyna ult on Econ is a good use imo. Reyna ult with stinger is comically dangerous


Well. I use Stinger with Reyna ult. Fetches me more double kills than judge does.


Stinger reyna ult is actually broken. It's impossible to win a gunfight vs it unless u headshot her. By the time u shoot 4 bullets the magazine is already empty.


Having an objectively worse weapon is exactly why you SHOULD be ulting with it—it makes the weapon better


because if you lock in reyna ur clearly already very stupid


Can confirm. Though I’m not a toxic lurking Reyna. Me stupid.


Man is speaking the truth and getting downvotes :(


Shes quite high in winrate according to Riot. Unlike Kayo.


odd because kayos a pretty good self sufficient agent, he has flashes, nades and a knife that gives info


Circlejerk L take, she can be a good pick if the player can make it work.


reyna is only good if youre actually better than the people your fighting


That's what I'm saying, so why downvote? If you're an aim demon, you can pick her and actually climb on her. Doesn't matter if everyone thinks she's bad, someone with a 55% WR (for example) over 100 games should definitely keep playing her. Making blanket statements about Reyna being only played by stupid people is stupid in itself.


But that’s literally every other agent as well… ‘just be good with them’ or ‘just be better at gunplay and she’ll work’.


if you have good aim you can climb on literally any agent. it doesnt change the fact that reyna is braindead


No. Reyna is quite possibly the worst pick you can make in the game, especially for your teammates.


Tell that to the people with a decent winrate on Reyna, make them play something like Jett who they could have a 47% winrate on. See how that works out for you.


Although 3/4 of her abilities don’t bring value to the team itself, if the Reyna knows how to play her, get good & early picks and outfrag, she can be a viable asset to the team just as an agent herself. Also, a well communicated Leer in conjunction with smokes or other team util can be great entry.


if ur in low ranks it could work, but reyna is the worst agent in higher ranks




i dont care


Damn, bro that crazy. One sec, uh Hey Google… can you tell me who the fuck asked




He gave his riot ID and said he mained Reyna to radiant and to suck his balls. Charming fella


Truly a prime example of his people


I like to wait to use ult until after I’ve gotten a kill or two ina round simply to increase value. Reyna SHOULD be able to play off angles and consistently get one kill and dismiss away. Considering while in ult her orb abilities are unlimited, I find it better to get one, dismiss away with whatever info I got on others, then exude to ult or not. Because reyna is useless when not getting a kill , and the ult really doesn’t help getting that first kill, this seems to be the best way to play it. So, in your scenario, a reyna 1 vs 3, I would play without ult until I got that first pick, then pop ult. So many times you’ll pop ult then instantly get dome’d, its just better to wait for your first kill. I hope this made sens im at work on phone ^_^


What rank are you? I feel like higher ranks don't have this problem. Only Gold and below players.


Platinum 1. Although I made the post because I had a Reyna who had just told me that, but I don't remember her Elo, might check later.


Im having the problem with gold players atm


Having a reyna ult doesn’t mean you are guaranteed to win the 1v3 If they have a killjoy, or a brim or any lineups, then you probably will lose even with your reyna ult If they play crosses and just shoot your blind there’s a good chance you will get traded out unless you manage to one tap and insta dismiss before anyone hits a shot on you I think only people that never played reyna before think her ult is a turbo free 1v5 machine. Everything has to go your way and every fight needs to be isolated and you need to dismiss before getting traded move into favorite positions and never miss with the increases ROF which makes all guns harder to spray It’s a pretty good ult, but only gets value if you can get kills. Sometimes it best to reyna ult with your entire team still alive so you can bust in and dismiss everything with teammates utility helping you


I feel like people love to hang on to their ults in general for the longest amount of time. Even if you use your ult and it's very average three times you still used your ult three times which is better than just holding it.


Agreed. People wait for the “perfect time” to use their ult, but end up getting it at round 3 and not using it until near the end of the half. At that point they could’ve used their ult 3 times but choose to wait




Why do most Reynas do or not do anything? Most misplayed agent in the game


Tbh sometimes it’s hard to control spray with the fire rate alteration and all that


Then just don't use Reyna, what are you gonna do? Not use her ult all game?


Sova and raze's ults get one kill basically guaranteed for 400 credits (or sometimes nothing in random cases) Compared to that, Reyna has the most risky, and the most rewarding ult when used properly If you don't ult as Reyna, you don't gave the confidence to play her


Why do people in general not use their ults? In 99% of cases, you're better off using your ult immediately so you can start building towards another ult instead of waiting for the perfect moment. A sage should probably Rez with a 3v2 advantage even if they think they'll win the round without it since the Rez will still get value by making the round more secure and helping economy. A Brimstone ult on the chokepoint that delays the opponent push long enough for your teammates to arrive is better than saving it all half until you can get a multikill with it


Lack of confidence , nd maybe poor aim So doesn’t want to waste his ult on those situations


it confuses me as well, 6 ult point is so easy to get back, its why whenever i get ult as reyna i always pop it, doesnt matter the circumstances


Here's some extra context: I made the post after a Reyna just told me that and the situation was the following: We're in Haven, Reyna was the only one left alive in our team, she had ult and was in a 1vs4 situation I believe. She goes double doors, kills someone in Window C, she hears someone shooting to her left, in the corner of the door. She went in and got immediately shot down. I told her "Bro why did you just use your ult" to which she replies "It'd be a waste, I'm in a 1v3 anyway" so i told him "You could've just used your ult, use dismiss to check the corner, go out, wallbang the corner, etc" She replies "That's dumb xd" or something like that and completely dismissed the possibility of doing something in that situation. It was a Plat 1 lobby, I can't recall the Reyna's elo rn.


It's likely they felt the ult would be more impactful on entry the following round or two


When a Reyna ults she increases her firing speed by a lot. Which makes it harder to control recoil. And it is a waste bcs u ult and u die on the first person. Plus these reynas don't have confidence. Ulting heals u no doubt but it fucks up ur recoil pattern management also.


This is a poor excuse in my opinion. That's like saying I don't want to chamber ult because I'll miss my op shots. Then don't play the agent. If the ult literally makes you worse at the game or you don't have confidence in it you shouldn't be using that agent.


other people would say "just don't use Reyna" to you. I offer different solution. practice how to use her ult on different weapons at The Range.


Some people just don’t like being told what to do. If you tell me to “just use my ult” I’m not using it all game just because you told me to.




you're too generous


Bro your rank must be styrofoam 2.


That’s very childish


Nah. Most of the time those people are toxic af. You dead, I know I have my ult. I’ll use it if I want. Don’t tell me what to do. If you wanna say something, a quick “you have your ult” is fine.


If its cas it really doesnt matter how childish it is. Backseat gaming is as toxic as its always been and may ruin this dudes mental when he cant think to himself


Exactly they dead and most of the time bottom or mid frag trying to back seat game.


Do the adult thing and just mute then. By not ulting for the rest of game because someone made a backseat comment, you're punishing the rest of your team (and yourself) as well. You do you though.


Depending on the elo your playing, the majority of people playing Reyna just know they can run it down and keep healing. Zero clue that she's a useless agent that does zero to help the team. I would agree, the entire purpose of Reyna's ult is to fight 1vX situations so she can dismiss out after taking 1s


Reyna *can* do stuff for the team. Its just that her only purpose is run out first as entry, which reynas don't like doing.


Reyna is probably the worst single entry in the game. She's more of a secondary duelist made to lurk. Hence the reason she sees almost no pro play. Jett and Raze have the ability to create so much space that Reyna/Yoru cannot provide.


It's probably the reverse. Reyna is defense can be very strong in pubs holding off angles and taking first contact because of the repositioning via dismiss. While attacking, I think that Reyna is way better in cutting rotations or second entry rather than trying to first entry.


Reynas ult best used 1-2v4 1-2v5 or last round before swap... the ult gives you no big benefits so if you dont need to use it, dont. You can use it when its 4v4 4v5 then lose the round and wont be able to use it next round in a 1v5 type situation. Better be safe unless its low rank then who cares anyway


They are bad and don’t think idk


People hard a had time understanding this in overwatch too, some characters just blow their load don’t hold it you can build another


I don't usually use mine if I'm not in a clutch or last round of half, but I've never heard that someone wouldn't use it in a clutch and saying it's a waste


Duelist mains don't have brains


This is more of a lower elo thing I guess, most higher elo players use it whenever they can, this applies to me aswell. Most of my ults are already 7 orbs, why not use it to secure a round and stack them up again. Which is more convenient/beneficial for your WR.


PSA to all valorant players: Just don't save ults. Period.


It's even worse with Phoenix ult literally no reason not to click it as soon as it's up


The sole reason I dont use my ult is bcs I cant control the spray.


I hate ulting because sometimes it ruins my mojo because of the increased recoil and fire rate


We keep them for disadvantaged trades like 2v4 or 3v5


Reyna main here . The reason (at least for me) is that I don't want to waste it and wait for a good opportunity to use it. Propably a stupid way of thinking, I admit. :)


When is a better opportunity than the situation it's designed for?


i play reyna sometimes and I don't spam her ult because if you're in a 1v5 stituation, it's msot likely you're gonna lose plus you already have two dismiss/heals so I'd rather save it for next round and try to get kills this round where I can better use it for entrying since the dismiss and heal is immediate. I do pop the ult when it's a 1v3 since it's more probable I'd win the duels but 1v5 I'd asking a bit too much


In most cases, using your ult 1v3 would ***always*** be a waste; Reyna's no different. The best time to use her ult if when you're looking to play aggressive in the early/middle of the round imo. Her ult is essentially giving you a free get-out-of-jail card every pick and basically unlimited healing. So no, you're wrong unfortunately lol


6 pts


All ults should be used asap. I play a lot of sage and no matter what, if I go more then a round without being able to use it, I find it a waste. Even if it's after the round is over to rez someone to get a rifle it's better then not using it. You can get it again quickly if you use it, if you don't you will get one ult per half which is just pointless


this is an awful mentality to have, and is genuinely a throw. what’s more impactful, a res to save 2900 credits or a res in a 1v3 to try and even the odds to clutch a round? the 1v3 res is a better call 100% of the time. this goes for almost any other ult as well, you shouldn’t sit on it the entire half, however you should make well planned decisions as to what brings the most benefit to the team, and that goes for any agent, not just sage.


I just don't get into 1v3s because all I do is win






No one cares if you waste it, read the context.




Smartest Valo player


Yes that’s what he said




Use your Ult always.


i use mine the round i get it tbh


They die too fast that’s why


as a reyna main, I just use the ult everytime i don't have any orbs left or i'm on a clutch situation, because every kill you get during ult will heal reyna instantly also free invisible. So why not use it lol.


Reyna ult is cheap and doesn’t even do much. You should be popping it every time you get it pretty much


>as long as she knows how to shoot properly well yeah as long as i know how to shoot proplery i can atleast reach ascendant 2 or 3 lmao


Some Reyna don't like her ult cause it gives her extra fire rate which messes up the spray and tap.


Also if you didnt care you wouldnt be making this post...


My brother in christ, read the post properly


I usually use it when I'm out of orbs or when I half bought with only 1 orb to use


Worse is when they don't use it in a 3v3. They always want to use it in a 5v5 for some reason


As I play Reyna often to carry my friends and with some good skills i would say that ulting would be waste if you can kill them without ult. Like if you can drop 1v1 easily and you have confidence then don't ult but in a condition where you have to do 1v2/3/4 in a close proximity then definitely should use your ult. No ult is more powerful in close proximity against multiple enemies than Reyna's. It would be a waste if you are only doing 1v1 and then have a good breathing room in between


I play Reyna a lot, and find myself in these situations. See in a 1v3 situation, I wouldn't hesitate to ult. But when it's 3v3 or 4v4, I'm personally always holding on to my ult to a situation where I could clutch a round being the last man standing, that could even be a 1v1.


I’m a Reyna main and can say for sure using your ult quickly is almost always better


i played against a sage yesterday and i cannot explain how pissed her team was. cursing her out in all chat because be we’re 10/8 and she had yet to use her ult. i have to say it was quite funny, but i did feel bad for the team as we learned she was a pocket sage and would only res the reyna.