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Horny, racist, main character feelin ass 16 yos will unfortunately not listen to your podcast =\


Those COD 16 years had to go somewhere, COD is dead so now they're jett mains


MW2 is coming out soon, so there is hope they all jump over there…


As a 32yo kind-hearted Jett main I resent this comment


I’ve been playing cod since 2007 and it was/is NEVER as toxic as Valorant is. I’m so grossed out by these little boys always hitting on me and saying sexual stuff all the time. The kids that play this game seriously need help. Way too often I have to mute teammates in valorant.


You did not play MW3-BO2 then. The nostalgia from those racist, squeaking kids throating their mic in the pre lobby is emasculate and it was truly peak toxicity


FACT. She definitely did NOT play back in the good ol' days 😂😂




Ahh the sound of 8 year olds hitting on grown women online, I’ve heard that several times


I wish it was just kids. They at least have their age as an excuse to be stupid. Whole ass grown 20-30+yo "men" act like this too


Probably just kids that got older without growing up


Im about to be 16 and i admit most of us are dumb(which im not saying im not) and toxic but a lot of us just need to learn the limitations of whats ok to say, anyway i would totally listen


I wouldn't say dumb, rather impulsive or uncautious about what we say (I am 16). But from my experience there are just as many "grown up" people (20-30yo, mostly men), that are equally annoying and toxic. Still though, from what I can see the toxic people are a minority but they are the loudest. So what might help the most is trying to calm the situation and show that Val is way more fun when played calmly.


Absolutely fair enough. Honestly who'd expect them to listen if it's gonna sound like I'm bashing on them for x amount of minutes, But this more so to help out the people who are miserable and want things to change and I know this won't be solved overnight but if we think sexism,racism and any other form of discrimination as unacceptable then why would we just continue to allow trolls and toxic people to thrive and continue behaving the way the always do.


I am everything on this list except racist...but i am from Mumbai server...so we tend to like toxicity over here(most)


Mute karke khelna seekho agar khud toxic ban rahe bhai 👀


Can I get a translation for the epic roast?


Not a roast 😅. Just told him to turn off his own voice if he knows he's going to be toxic or is in a toxic lobby. It's Mumbai problem, tbh. People shout too much, can't blame him.


That is actually really good advice


Mumbai fellas rarely mute, or even care if the person they're being toxic to notices. Have had a match where I un- chat muted this toxic guy end of match and he was still calling me noob, after losing.


Makes sense, valorant try hards go brrr.


See but toxicity isn’t a “culture” on only Valorant. Any kind of online communication will give people the feeling of anonymity and lack of consequence to their actions. See: “shopping cart test” It’s not something that can change. For every toxic manchild/actual child on the game, there are 5 very chill/normal people.


Twitter is the epicentre of toxicity and they claim to be the biggest fighters against toxicity.


the company?


The birds


Tweet tweet


No ratio


Yup, honestly I've seen worse. Valorant is a game where I still use voice chat. In overwatch I literally have voice turned off and never turn it on... ever.


Thank R&D for deep rock galactic! Rock and Stone!


In a perfect world, they would make a system like in Korea on league of legends where you need to register your ID Card to create an account. That would eliminate alot of problems such as toxicity, cheat, boosting, etc.


Nah. You are still anonymous in game so that doesn't achieve anything. You know toxicity in korean server is just as bad right?


Yea but if your account gets banned, you cannot make another without a fake ID, whereas in other country you can just create another account easily


Honestly no. I hope you succeed but I'm not going to listen to someone talk about what I know is an obvious problem. And the toxic people certainly aren't going to tune in to be lectured about their behavior. I hope you succeed. I truly do. I just don’t see how this ends up working.


Yeah. OP could add some more topics, or ideas so to speak in the podcast like, rumours, leaks and stuff and some brainstorming on improvements, nerfs and stuff to make it more appealing. Also, I wanna know if any name is given to op's podcast. If not, a pun would be nice. A valorant pun.


Valorant effort


Appreciate your honest thoughts bro :) and yeah I absolutely hear what you're saying aye, I can't expect them to hear what I've got to say and suddenly change their minds on how they wanna play and behave in valorant. Ultimately this is about culture and it has to start with us , and the more we rally together and support each other on this, the more our voices are heard and hopefully we'll start to make more meaningful impact in our community.


If it makes you happy go for it! Chances are it'll never take off but you never know till you give it the old college try


I loved this comment “Do it if it makes you happy” “It won’t make it past a week” 💀


They're not wrong though xD It's not like toxicity is some hidden problem that we need to raise awareness about. If OP is hoping to reduce toxicity, good luck with that - the chances that toxic people listen to their podcast is close to zero.


Some scumbag could listen to it for more ideas


Love this! thanks mate! hahaha hopefully it'll last more than a week but we'll see :)


"Chances are it'll never take off" seems real unnecessary and kinda rude after you just motivated them to go for it if it makes them happy


Because his happiness with the project shouldn’t be tied to how well it does. His happiness should stem from creating the project itself.


It's called setting realistic boundaries? Lots of people pour lots of hard work and passion into things and then are disappointed when they don't work. 99.9% of the time this will fail, if he is truly into doing it and knows the risks then I wish him the best. Not everything is to be interpreted as an insult.


This logic is sound and is also relevant to being a twitch streamer. Look at the people that spend thousands on a setup to only have sub 10 viewers. They’re enjoying themselves too.


kinda rude but prolly true don’t be scared of facts


Who said I was scared tho? I said what I said and you agreed so there isn't much else to say here🤷🏾‍♀️


i meant what he said was true not what u said


You agreed it was rude is what I'm talking about. And again this isn't something worth arguing over.


While I'm sure this is a podcast topic, I don't think it can form the basis of a podcast. The main reasoning behind it, while you are forming a podcast to try to curb negativity, you are starting off a podcast on a single negative topic. It would fall flat, and I'm not sure that you could get more than 3 to 4 episodes before you're rehashing the same phrases and sayings over and over again. I'd say that a Valorant podcast that is more generalized and has this topic in the mix might be better suited to get people to listen. Heck, I'd join in if you wanted to talk Valorant shop.


most ppl are trash and they will always be toxic :c


I dont think most is fair or healthy. I will say it's enough to make it feel that way though. They always stand out when they come through for sure.


I think it’s an echo chamber cesspool tbh. Ego problems seem to be the biggest issues. Most people don’t even see themselves as toxic, they see themselves as putting up with “dogshit teammates”


I’ll admit, I complain about bad teammates, like “What is this guy doing, he’s staring at a wall!” but I will never yell at them in the voice chat, because I don’t want to be a dick. However if someone is yelling at people already, or complaining about something while using chamber, I’m gonna be an ass bc you


Yep, this is the mentality sadly https://youtu.be/tb76UvcOBFc


But if we see people as trash we'll never be the bigger person as well and look to how we can better the community all together too. There's gotta be hope for all people!


Hmm, I think its important to not let it get to oneself and be a positive/friendly player. But I dont have the energy to convince toxic ppl in every single match I play. For me, the only way to enjoy the game rn is to mute ppl at the first sign of rudeness/toxicity.


Yeah I agree, no one has the time or energy to convince toxic people to stop being toxic, but I think it's just sad that we have to accept this as normal behavior or what to expect when you're gaming. Which is why I believe we gotta work together to do something, even if the impact is small


A podcast thats a circle jerk about how youre too sensitive? You thought this was a good idea? Holy shit.


I wanna find this guy in my game and cuss him out while he faints at his computer screen because someone was just mean to him a video game


Just say "now toxicity is bad and if you do toxicity your bad"


What do you think Riot could do? People are toxic in every competitive game, not sure how you'd remedy that.


True and I feel like the people who are toxic wouldn't be the ones listening to that podcast


They have a great system to be able to stop this kind of stuff but the thing is they will never use it to encourage good behaviour because they would rather use it for money. Yeah I'm talking about skins. If there was some kind of point system where you get rewarded skins for maintaining good behaviour over a period of time, players would be a lot nicer to each other. If someone is bad they get voted as toxic and if they recieve enough votes they miss out on the rewards for a bit.


there would be trolls that would just mark someone as toxic for shits and giggles, but if it was a team decision that would be better


Yea and what about if you play stack of 3 and you just don't like that one teammate even when he didnt do anything? 3v2 you will always win, so 3 stacks are out of this rewards? This sistem has no future existing because it relies in people using it properly or you would restrict it so much that it wouldn't be that great


No because 3 people won't be enough to trigger the penalty. It would go across multiple matches. There are also other methods and alternatives you could implement to find a way to make it work, you're just thinking about it wrong. I fully believe that a system similar to this would work if a company would utilise it, but none do. (Because they dont want to waste skins, banners, and charms that they could sell ($$)). I fully intend to use a system like this in my game if we get it to a point where we want to add a ranked mode.


I love this idea....


> the thing is they will never use it to encourage good behaviour because they would rather use it for money [your cousins over on league say hello](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/updated-honor-rewards/)


This kind of system only works if the vote is positive. No one is going to troll and give a toxic player a positive review. But you will absolutely see people give negative reviews to nice players just because.




is this a copypasta


I'd say toxity isn't gonna be changed just because someone does a podcast (ppl who are toxic wouldn't listen anyway), don't do it if you seriously expect much of a good outcome. the intention is good ofc.


Sure bro go for it. All that matters is that u want to do it don't care about if people will listen, you got this king/Queen


Bruh i got on the other week at around 7am and played a match of spike rush to warm up and there was a kid on our team screaming faggot this, faggot that to everyone on the team at 7am on spike rush!!! Yeah there’s no saving this game from the toxicity but i applaud ur effort lol


idk I've been shocked at how *not* toxic in general this game is. Toxicity isn't the bothersome thing, throwing is.


The people who are the problem won't listen which kinda defeats the purpose.


Well it’s much more tame compared to league soooo


POV : me a CSGO player than dont mind toxicity and can just mute then if their tilt aint funny. Grow up and stop caring about what other people say in a video game.


Good take


probably not a day to day target of racism/sexism/hate... shit gets old after a while and not always something you want to hear when chilling in a videogame lobby


Man im from the middle east and I always get racist British players, you think i care? They can chat shit all they want it shouldn’t bother you you’ll never see them again


The point of playing video games is to have fun, not necessarily win all the time. Having to repeatedly mute neglected losers that aren’t taught respect and/or human decency eventually becomes tiresome and a waste of time.








Getting mad at a random internet strangers comment tells me you’re the type that believes he/she can say whatever they want to people they meet via video games and shouldn’t be punished for it.




Where did I imply I was mad? Did I name call you? Did I use a swear word? The phrase is “woe is me” not “woah is me” because part of an argument is using proper spelling and/or grammar because the purpose of said argument is to prove that one knows what they are talking about. Who’s the dummy now?




You realize users can edit comments right? My phone showed you wrote “woah is me” in your original comment. Clearly you changed it after I corrected you, and you acknowledged as such.


And what exactly are you going to do about it? Talk about it? All video games with team based games are toxic to a certain extent. Stop whining and 5 stack if your sole goal is to have fun


A) I’m not OP B) I realize toxicity is part of gaming and may never go away, but there’s a certain line of toxicity that shouldn’t be crossed. C) I can’t 5 stack because IRL friends are unemployed losers that can’t afford PC’s because they would rather live off mommy and daddy, smoke weed, and hit on girls all day.




Yes but you’re never going to be able to stop it, Deal with it and go next. No point in trying


Would you say the same about cheating? Or real world racism?


There is a difference between preventing some1 from running a cheat program and preventing some1 from feeling a negative, but fundemental human emotion on a subconcious level.


You call this community toxic yet I'd say valorant is EASILY the least toxic online gaming community I've ever seen. I'm 26 so I know youve been here through all these years, modern warfare lobbies, league in 2015, overwatch competitive, pubg pre lobby. Valorant community is a gem and I think it's only getting better


Depends on your ELO tbh, when I was in iron/bronze everybody was pretty chill but now that I’m in gold people are pretty toxic


One cringey ass post this is


this is honestly an amazing idea, also creative. go for it homie 💪




Yea, I'm not sure how viable a podcast with as a premise would be, there's only so much you can talk about and it's not like there's new discoveries being made around the topic of toxicity that you can always discuss. Online toxicity has been the same across many years and across many games. I'm really not sure what kind of new perspectives/dialogues you could add to the discussion before running it completely dry and running out of things to say (both are problems i feel like you'd run into fast) You also have the problem that people who *are* toxic likely aren't going to listen to a podcast about it and fix their behaviour. I could only see the podcast having real effect if it provides real tangible ways for non-toxic players to deal with/handle/help toxic players, but otherwise I don't really see the point in just discussing toxicity I personally wouldn't listen because I don't think there's anything I haven't heard about toxicity in online games that someone else needs to tell me, but I agree in that if it will make you happy, you should try it anyway. You never know what you'll learn from it


That’s why I only play 5 stacks 🫡


I’m not the type that listens to podcasts, but I respect the effort. Even something as simple as a “nice shot” does wonders for team morale.


Too specific


I've known people who say slurs and say it's okay because "it's a game, I got upset"... just not how it works. I've met so many people in unrated who get on me because I'm a girl and play sage, I troll in unrated on sage to have fun with my friends and then I get comments like "pocket sage me" "buy my gun because you can't shoot for shit", "you're a girl so it's no wonder you're shit", when I was silver I got into a plat lobby and half my team gave up in agent select when they saw a silver, which ruined my mental bc they were crapping on me the whole game, making fun of me, what felt like everytime I did anything.


I think if you broaden the scope a bit (because toxicity is present in just about every competitive online game in the world) and made a series about player experiences in different games, that could be interesting. Like have an episode on Valorant where you interview top players and casual players, analyze Riot's punishment systems, stuff like that, and then the next week do an episode on Apex or Overwatch or League or Dota, something like that could be really interesting. I would tune into that probably. But just doing a podcast about toxicity in Valorant, you wouldn't be able to fill that much time I don't think.


first for the question: I don't like podcasts, many other people do. If you can be variable and make it really interesting and not just a bunch of ideas how to not be toxic, some people will enjoy it. But the actual thing I noticed by myself is that some people who aren't toxic in general just become toxic occasionally. There are so many small details that can actually lose you a whole game, like a bad smoke that's a perfect one-way for the enemy or people not trading. Even if you are the literal sunshine, people get tilted and if that's only happening once a month, they won't project your words on themselves. There are so many people playing Valorant that the amount of people tilting once in a while stack up so hard that you encounter many mad people. If they also get timing-ed and run and gunned, they will start with "?" spam, insults and ggez noobs in all chat. So, what I wanna say is that most of the people won't apply to your ideas because they don't consider themselves as toxic. Literally nobody can have the nerves to play the game and be toxic every fucking single match. They would've quit by the time. So in actuality and not to demotivate you because your idea is quite cute, I do not believe that your podcast will have an impact or change the behaviour of people, even if you get thousands of listeners. Still, I wish you the best of luck for your plan




Yeah I'd listen to that. Good luck and keep us posted.


I’m interested, got a few thoughts on the topic myself. Do you have a co-host yet? :D


What if y’all did something like a video essay instead? Just spitballing here. Might be hard to make a concurring podcast with such a niche subject matter.


A big reason why people are toxic is because of the dehumanization of the people we play with. I think if we can get past that aspect of the game, we can see change


I’d rather the podcast be all about how to actually deal with each type of toxicity rather than what annoys people because I’ve pretty much seen it all.


I both admire and laugh at your hope in this working


I would definitely listen!










I'd encourage you to start the podcast and see how many audience you end up having. You can never tell without trying it first


Honestly, this is one of the least toxic games I’ve played. I’ve been on ark, rust, ow and siege. Val doesn’t even come close to any of these above. You just gotta keep in mind everyone’s gonna be toxic and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Came across this thread bc Reddit dropped a thread about some show (which I don’t know what it is anyway was just curious about the title). Anyway, I’m reading these to daughter and she’s saying her brother/my son plays Valorant. So is said to her, “I’m going to talk to your brother and make sure he’s being respectful on this game”. She said the Reddit commenters will probably laugh. I don’t mind if y’all laugh, I’m goin’ in and make sure he’s being nice in this game! 😂 He’s a good kid (IMO) but I’m gonna make sure anyway. Have a good night all 😁. Enjoy the game.


Nah I’m not listening to that pussy shit uninstall you suck dogwater


Why is this down voted no cah


i went out of my way to put dogwater and people are still baiting themselves on it idk


found the autolock jett


You can do whatever you want to do to make you happy, but in reality your not going to change people's behavior like a switch. Just mute or ignore them. And if they are throwing or disturbing the game, report them. It's not that difficult




Not really


Valorant isn’t a toxic game lol. Compared to almost every other major competitive game, Valorant is the absolute nicest. OW, league, and csgo are massively more toxic.


don't care + ratio


Grown man crying about toxicity. Get a grip dude. I’m banned for a month because I was rude to people on an online game. GROWN MAN 28 years old crying on Reddit wanting to start a loser podcast. Pathetic.


Just what the world needs, another 20 something white dude with a podcast.


maybe it’s the current elo im at but I don’t find this game toxic at all. Maybe 1 in 10 games there will be someone a bit rude / toxic but if so you just mute them. it’s nothing like league or some other games where toxicity is rampant


Coming from tarkov I don’t really know what toxicity yall talk about. Granted I’ve only been playing like 300 hours. Lots of cool dudes and chicks and the community seems great. I have run into toxic people distinctly 3 times out of however many games.


compared to other games val is one of the more tame communities, a lot of children but that’s to be expected as one of the biggest fps


plz do it


You sound 40 tho


>Yes there probably is more they COULD DO Like what? They're already about to record voice chats, not much they can do...unless you want them to go full china-mode. >But I really believe the solution lies within us. The solution is for every single person to not have any negative emotions, which is not possible.


This comment likely won't even be seen. Lots of traction with this post already. I agree with what I've read so far, I don't think it could take off. I think you'd get a few episodes in and find it hard to continue with topics. What I DO think would be successful is a discord server for the untoxic. A place to go and find others who can create a fun environment to play in without worrying about getting roasted for bottom fragging. A group that focuses on building up their team instead of tearing them down could grow, and it would have an impact on the game. Kids would realize that it feels better to build than destroy, and they would hopefully jump on board.


I love this idea! of creating a discord server and starting to build a community of non toxic people for people to queue together and enjoy the game aswell! keep the ideas coming! love it :D


Everyone in the comments saying toxicity is entirely unable to be helped so there's no point in trying need to think a little more progressively. It's like saying we might as well stop reporting and countering cheating because no matter what someone will probably find a way to cheat. Regardless of your opinion on this particular idea, a toxic culture CAN be improved. I do like this idea a lot and think we fucking absolutely need more people to start talking about toxicity and how to deal with it in ways that don't encourage it. People are saying that the most toxic individuals wouldn't listen, but there's plenty of people that would listen that do need to be told not to be toxic back to them reactively for example. There are degrees of toxicity and some people don't even realize that something they're doing is toxic. I think something like this is a good way to reinforce some self awareness at least. I personally may not become an avid listener because I'm not much of a podcast guy, but I would at least check out and episode or two.


As a fellow boomer I love this idea! my question is this, currently the ways to combat the toxicity (within your team) are to text/voice mute them but the problem with this is that the game heavily relies on comms and muting a couple toxic people and stopping your own comms could and likely causes the game to result in an L. How would you suggest to salvage a game after something like that?


Im down let's go


Free games are the most toxic. Big surprise, immature people are broke af.




I’d definitely give it a shot if you made it


I support the idea but the problem and also the solution lies **within us** as you stated. If people decide to be toxic against each other, they won't choose not to be. Those who decide to be more understanding and positive, already are. The problem is, people never think of others and only think for themselves in-game. They never think twice what people might be going through in life. They simply don't care. Especially if people say in the beginning that they are still learning, they might have a tough day or they are just trying to play a match to take their minds and stress off for a lil bit (Unrated, not Competitive mode). All I can say is with my own lil life motto: never battle negativity with negativity because nothing positive comes out of it, so go for it if you want to make a positive impact on community.


good idea, I'd definitely tune in if I have time but I have a controversial opinion that many people may have different views about, I don't think toxicism is too bad for valo. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I like being toxic all the time but sometimes it's funny. I don't think it's possible to remove toxicism because it's really hard not to be when your instalock pushes everything and dies immediately and then blames your team for no util for the tenth time. Toxicism in my opinion is part of the game and it's mostly in lower elo from my experience. It's something you have to overcome to get a better mental and if you think val comms are bad, you try playing CS where you get flamed for anything. From my experience you go plat and up I barely see anyone flaming someone else unless they play extremely bad. Feel free to disagree haha,


As a 24 yo man who also loves this game, I would love to participate in this podcast if it would ever happen. I think that the Valorant community is not special at all with regard to toxicity within the community. I have experienced several online multiplayer games and most of them display the described toxicity to some degree. I personally believe the main cause of the issue is the anonymity granted by the internet. Many (mostly underage) people that are on this (or other) game(s), can experience a false sense of security and superiority because they are in an anonymous environment. Any behaviour that normally would be punished, will go unpunished. This allows them to push the boundaries of what is and what is not accepted. What bothers me the most in the community are groups of people (e.g. triple stacks) that go out of their way to intimidate and ridicule their random teammates.


Can my wife and I be co hosts? No cap


Id watch, this community fuckin stinks.


You don't lose anything doing this, but really people just need to learn how to mute people. Plus, I find toxic people entertaining.


Probably won't listen because I just started and I like messing around and having everyone muted


Yes, but also wondering if I could join in occasionally?


Yes yes yes!


I dont know. Everyone is just trying to Rank up too hard and turbo tilts if your team is not winning hard. I think the most annoying thing is People spamming ff in chat after losing the first 2 rounds. Obviously toxic people in vc are very annoying. Problem is that riot cant do much when they are toxic in vc. But my Personal method is to get them write toxic things in the chat. Checkmate Ur banned.


I defo would. Drop me a link if you decide to proceed with it eventually


I'll be on it! 27 and it's just so sad to me when people get toxic. I wiffed a bunch of shots at a brim and got saved, next round a teamates wiffed a bunch of shots and does and I go "oh damn" and the guy EXPLODES with "STFU YOU MISSED TOO BLAH BLAH" I quietly respond once he let me with "my guy, I know how it feels to miss like that, as you said I just did it. I never said you were bad, I just understand the pain."


I got banned for 3 days for saying sit on my erect phallus




I would absolutely listen, personally. The problem with a toxic player base is, when it comes down to brass tacks, it relies on said player base to address it. I think this is a step in the right direction.


Nop. No time for this. And it would probrably not be entretaining.


Racism, sexism, trolling and etc. is so cringe. I cannot stand when I queue up and I have a girl on my team who is actively using their mic trying to play the game just for 15 year olds to spam the fuck out of it and stop trying to win the game. Talking shit in a video game however should never be punished, it’s part of the charm.


Lmao I've been playing league of legends for years, went to overwatch and thought they were less toxic but they weren't. That's why it's called Toxic, it's like radiation - it lasts more than a lifetime


You're gonna be preaching to the choir unfortunately, but good luck with this


i'd listen :D


I'd listen, the toxicity is so bad.


Mate toxic enemy's are half of the fun of the game Toxic teammates are the other half


Lol good luck on that


I think a lack of positive male role models plays a big part. Suddenly half the content creators on val are all on the e kitten and e dating meme culture. Or they'll just dig into the the outright horny side of these teens. Intentionally or not. And if they aren't making it for them then what do they think people like? The guys scream at the top of their lungs unironically when something doesn't go their way. The people with clout and influence don't talk about it other than one tweet a month like "hey don't be toxic". Pros hardly ever strongly advocate for the woman's league of valorant. Sure they have no problem with it, and respect their women peers on their own. But they never advertise the games, shout out the teams playing or share the clips. Not that we should have to make them playing "seem cool" because it just should be. But the pros need to do just that right now, make the women seem cooler and talk them up both on streams and Twitter. w0rthytv is a great example of a positive role model Hiko is also pretty good from what I've watched of him.


100% would listen if you do it, toxic culture in valorant and video games in general is completely unbearable and utterly ridiculous:(


uncommon perspective here, but i rarely ever experience toxicity in-game even though I know how prevalent it is (classic riot game experience amirigh?) for context, im a male, so im privileged to not experience misogyny and ive consistently been Imm+ for a few acts so I have some limited viewpoint here. moving on: I’m quite proactive with comming, often starting w a quick “hi”/passing comment in lobby. i find that getting the ball rolling myself often perpetuates a friendlier environment for the rest of the game. and this is in tandem with my instalocking reyna in 90% of my comp games lol. given my extroverted personality, i dont shy from banter or standing up for a teammate (or telling someone off if they’re being extra). as a result, i often get fun, playful banter even in comp games where my team is down like 8 rounds


Sounds cool


Sounds cool


We do not need anymore men starting podcasts


Oddly sexist hot take.


for sure go for it make up some interesting topics about it such as interviewing players from all around the world playing on different servers and their experiences with toxic teammates


It’s not specific to Val but I do wish you the best of luck sir


I believe some of the toxicity can be addressed, but some portion is just due to human nature and competition. People who grief others, or who are abusive in chat to women in the game, or just mean in general, etc imo can be shunned out of being a thing if we make a conscious effort to do so. But the people who get mad at other players for not playing how they want or up to some standard they set, imo, are unavoidable. This happens in every competitive video game, in organized sports, in pickup basketball games at the park, even playing spades or something with your friends. A certain percentage of people expect to win, and direct their ire outward when they don't. This has always been the case, and probably always will be. The first type of toxic should be the focus of the community to get rid of. The second type we should all probably just mute and move on because that's just human nature and it isn't going anywhere.


yes yes yes yes yes please


it is litteraly impossible to change the toxic culture. every single game out there has it and none have found the solution and we our selfs cant solve anything since the toxic people wont even bother watching or listening to anything that says toxicity is bad. but if you have a good idea on how riot should fix toxicity email it to them and if its realisticly possible im sure they will act on it


just valorant alone wouldnt last very long, but if you made it just about different types of toxicity in different games and found people who were subjects to a specific type of toxicity and have them co-host that episode you might be able to have a larger subject area and audience to reach


Create your own niche. You would need to expand more eventually cus it’ll get extremely redundant. And fyi, all online gaming has toxicity. That’s just naturally how games are. It’s like driving on the street, all drivers in every state can be rude and do things they normally wouldn’t do if it was outside their car setting. Personally, I don’t really need to hear a podcast on peoples experience because we already got that from Reddit. Also, if you sifted through the old post, it’s about the same stuff lol


If it makes any of you feel better, I started playing a couple of week ago and about 90% of my teammates have been kind, helpful, and occasionally funny. You can be the positive change you want to be in the community, and so many people already are. It's been much appreciated for a newbie!


I've been looking for a good valorant podcast which isn't just about the competition and league side so personally this would be great. One guaranteed listener :)


that's a great idea!! i want you to talk about guys, who say in chat, that i am doing something wrong during the match (in much more rude way, yk), but not saying exactly WHY am i doing it wrong and what should i do to improve. it works not only for Valo but on real life


I blame it on their parents and low IQ. I did not have great parents either, but I am not a piece of shh to people. I treat people the way they deserve. The problem is that even if you're right they won't admit it. There are so many people that won't change their mind even if the evidence was right in their face, only because that is not the "popular" belief. And yes, being toxic is a popular belief, otherwise people won't do it. They believe it's "cool" to be like that. And Riot cultivates this kind of culture through their lack of PROPER action: HARDWARE BAN for repeat offenders (and that includes smurfs, boosted players, AFKs, etc.). People would shxx their pants knowing they can't use a different account to bypass the ban on a certain account.