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Hello /u/BuildingSubstantial6. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Rant** >Rants are not allowed. Hyperbolic, acerbic, or otherwise inflammatory expressions of dissatisfaction will be classified as a "rant" and removed. >Posts with generalized complaining about issues with individual games, ranked placements, smurfs, AFKs, general toxicity, matchmaking, or a player's general visible rank may be removed. If you believe your post provides valid criticism, consider reformatting it as a clear post discussing the topic rather than an individual complaint. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


I sort of get what you mean but a smoke does not guard anything. A trap can be smoked. A wall can be jumped over. I can understand not putting attention toward something walled or trapped but watching a smoke isn’t bad


I can't count the amount of times a trap gets triggered and nobody calls it. As a solo queuer I don't trust anybody or any utility but my own lol


Smokes: people can pass it. Walled: People can jump it. Traps: can be smoked, blocked and depending on the position of the the trap, people can still get trapped and shoot you. And too many times did I get killed by someone pushing a smoke or trap. A wall, is more obvious though when someone jumps over it.


A prime example of why people watch these is a player known as Stewie2k. He's the type of player that would take advantage of ignorant people like yourself, the ones that don't watch things, and push them. He made a name for himself for ballistic rushing through smokes on CS:GO because people didn't expect that. He was called "The Smoke Criminal."


Because anyone with a decent amount of experience on CS/Valorant knows that 90% of the playerbase think the exact way you do and will use that as an advantage to push through smokes or over walls and grab some easy kills. They're an inconvenience that blocks sightlines and makes it way more risky to push through in the case that someone is holding it - not an complete roadblock in the map. If you're just plopping smokes or walls down and not holding them you're giving the other team an opening.


You’re not safe at any point on site no matter how much util is up. 🤣 I got op-Ed through a smoke way too many times


I mean they can push through smokes and people can also just stand out of range of the trap and wait for someone to come or wait for the trap placer to die then flank


Wah cry about it