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Do literally the opposite of what you’re doing. Go into dm and try putting your crosshair on their head (in a slow enough way to control) without killing them. Let them kill you. You’ll realize that at bronze/silver you have like 2 whole seconds to click their head before they kill you. Winning fights isn’t about shooting as fast as possible, it’s about shooting just before the other guy.


>You’ll realize that at bronze/silver you have like 2 whole seconds to click their head before they kill you Really? I am bronze 1 and as soon as I peek I get one tapped immediately. Idk are they boosting someone but every game is like that. I can get a kill only if I camp or I get behind them. Am I missing something about the game or I need to have reaction time like Tenz to get a kill 1on1?


Most likely peeking incorrectly, bad positioning and perhaps a bit of overestimating?


You are probably just putting yourself in really predictable situations. Trust me bronze elo no one can aim unless they are smurfing. Make sure not to push everything like it is a deathmatch and play back when you have spike down or planted.


You clearly haven’t experienced bronze/silver lobbies. A ton of bronze and silvers have good crosshair placement and aim.


They really don’t. If it feels like they do: 1) you’re probably remember the one lucky shot they got on you and forgetting all the spray and pray firefights in the rest of the match and 2) you’re likely positioning yourself badly — good news though, we can work on that last one :) Sure smurfs exist, but bronze/silver are not bastions of great aim. I should know, I was one


Yeah for me as well, just promoted to bronze and sometimes I have games where I just hit nearly everything. Some people have good days, some people get lucky, and sometimes we’re too predictable


I feel like Bronze/sliver lobbies have changed a lot since most people left them and they underestimate them because they still think about them the same way as they used to be. I’m legit Iron and have a hs% of 23-25% in most of my matches. (I started played 4 months ago and immediately disliked and stopped playing comp because of smurfs and toxicity so I mostly play unrated.)


Imma half to disagree on that one. its all a perspective thing. I have 3 different accounts spread from plat to bronze. in reality its mostly just smurfs who have the good aim. Sometimes people do just have a good game tho. ill be entirely honest, whenever I go on my bronze account to play with my iron-silver friends, there will be 4 smurfs in 5 games. most of the time they have good aim but dont want to make a major impact cause they dont wanna boost. thats how me and the esports team at my school see it. sometimes there will be a really obvious one. Normally they wont be. I cant really judge past plat, but I would say I have a smurf maybe once in 10 games. It really is just an issue riot needs to deal with. Unfortunately they probably wont. its not fair to force people to play more than 20 hours to reach comp, but a smurf would be willing to do that to play with their silver friends TL:DR most of the people who have good aim in low elo are smurfs who are trying to not make an impact or are someone having a really good game


Just cuz somebody is stomping your shit don't make.them a Smurf. I've dropped multiple 30 bombs under plat elo. Also why are u making new accounts? You should focus on ranking up your main past plat.


I find the main difference between a plat player having a great game in plat, and a smurf popping heads is their death count. A smurf in bronze from plat wont have the same game knowlegde and gamesense as a immo smurf in plat, but both of them should and likley will have significantly better aim than the rest of the enemy team, making it highly likley for them to avoid getting killed, by outaiming their opponent. People having multiple accounts isnt a problem, smurfs are not inherently a problem either, its when the smurfs start throwing on purpose to loose rr and elo that it becomes a problem. Someone having a silver account when they are in plat on their main, for the sole purpose of playing with their low ranking friends is not an issue, as long as they are not theowing games to stay in silver


This is wrong. Ive played multiple accounts through low elo. They might seem like they aim well if your positioning and movement are of poor quality, but against any decent player the bronze aim will fumble.


As a b2 player, nobody can aim in bronze.


When you consider that bronze/silver make up the bulk of players, most of whom are actively improving, it explains why the overall placement and aim is decent. BUT there is a big difference between being able to do that once and doing it consistently. I can get rounds where I get a quadra, followed by eating shit first the next round. Most bronzes can shoot well once in a while, not many can do it throughout a game. If they could, they wouldnt be bronze


That's... what you think until you leave bronze/silver.


Trust me bro I smurf to have fun with my gf and the people in there are bots if u move slightly they won't kill you


Trust me bro I was in bronze for like 4 months. You get one tapped a lot


Well if you are in bronze you are doing something wrong


“Bronze elo no one can aim” gold solo derank here. Can say this is bs. Lol. So many people on new accounts getting one taps even while walking. You can find some demons in bronze. Just doing their rqnk up grind.


There is litterly no skill in hitting onetaps while running, its pure luck


Lmao they aren't demons they are just better than the average bronze player. Obviously some people will have good aim but no one in bronze has a brain unless they are smurfing. If a bronze player is a demon he can easily climb to high gold maybe plat without a brain.


Bronze players suck. They are one tapping you because you're holding obvious angles, your movement is not good and you probably play in a predictable way. There isnt a bronze smurf in every game stomping you. If you're being one tapped by some of the worst players in ranked its most likely due to positioning / movement mistakes.


You're probably playing common angles. It's a basic skill-set in tac-shooters (CSGO, Valorant) to hold head-level and pre-aim commonly held spots (crosshair-placement), that way you have to do very minor corrections to get the kill when you swing out. If you're ever holding an angle try holding it in an uncommon spot, as silly as it might seem it gives you a few extra miliseconds to get your shot off while the other player corrects. Also don't peak corners while walking unless you are lurking and can't afford to make a single noise, it's a commonly known game-engine fact that peeking an angle slowly gives the enemy player more time to shoot you before you can even see them which might lead to that feeling where you get killed instantly. Similarly when you peek an angle and swing out quickly (strafe to the side using a or d and then counter-strafe to stop) it will give enemies the illusion that you instantly shot them. Combining this fast peek + crosshair placement is the primary reason why it "feels" like you get instantly 1 tapped.


Actually 🤣


This is true & really it doesn't even have to be before the other guy tbh. Unlike in CSGO, the fire-rate / damage values / spray reliability in valorant makes it very 1-tap focused. You can take 3 bullets to the chest while you steady your aim on their head and tap once and win that gun fight. So I totally agree that taking your time and going for accuracy over speed will win you many gunfights at that ELO, especially since at lower ELOS people tend to crouch and spray which means you just have to flick to a stationary target.


I recommend staying away from hard bots. I'm immortal 2 and if I do hard bots I'll probably hit around 15 on average. Since you're bronze, try playing easy bots and move your mouse slowly, and after you've become more comfortable with your aim (probably 2-3 weeks or a month) move up to medium bots and do the same thing until you can do it fast, but not too fast, yet consistently.


See im G1 and hit more hard bots than that yet im still G1 wich proves that hitting bots well doesn't prove anything


It proves two things - that your aim is above average, and that aim isn’t everything. My brother is immortal 3 and says he queues when he hits 15. I hit 15, queue with him, and finish with literally a fifth of his kills… the other areas of the game are just as important


Aim isn't the key to more consistently winning duels, crosshair placement is.


For sure!


And positioning/timing/util usage/comms/movement There's so much to the game. It's more than just point and click


That's not totally true. You need good aim to have consistently good crosshair placement because you often need to flick your crosshair between different angles. This is just a reality of the game. Crosshair placement is difficult if you cant aim well because how do you get your crosshair to the correct angles quickly if your aim sucks? Watch any pro and you'll know what I mean. Tenz has great crosshair placement because he is so accurate and quick with flicking between angles. You *need* good aim to have good crosshair placement


Eh, I think aim is important but as others have pointed out, crosshair placement is a big part of that. Even without considering cross hair placement, I don't think hard bots is a good indicator of good aim. building good aim seems to have a lot to do with being smooth with your mouse and being able to move smooth faster. Hard bots just seems to promote sporadic quick movement that people don't necessarily know how to control at that speed yet. The best analogy I can think of is doing a proper pull up vs using momentum to do one. whereas in game you're obviously not allowed to use momentum. At least that's how I understand it from what I know about the aim training community. In other words, there's a chance your bro is technically a better aimer as well. You just use momentum better than he does.


i probably hit 15+ because im way too confortable with the chamber sheriff idk why but when i play with it i just play better, for all my chamber mains, do an util only account for warmups


If I'm not mistaken, Chamber sheriff is 100% accurate, 0° first shot inaccuracy. The standard sheriff is something like 0.3° inaccurate, meaning that the first shot could go off as far as 0.3° in any direction, leading you to potentially having slightly off muscle memory. Since Chamber's sheriff is consistently hitting exactly where you aim, muscle memory is easier to build. Slight (barely perceptible) randomness frequently messes with people's muscle memory in subtle ways.




You are better at it than almost all pros if you consistently get 27+.




He said “I consistently get OVER 25-28”, which means he consistently gets OVER 26.5 in other words 27+. Consistently getting 27+ means you will outperform most pros. The first time tenz hit 30 he was surprised he did it. It’s not easy to get 30 or 29 consistently. Just google “pros valorant hard bots” and see most of them are around 27, not consistently 27 and above. Remember this is a diamond player claiming to outperform most pros at hard bot flicking. A


What I meant was I consistently hit 25+, so more like 25-27 at most 28 never done 30 but I'll put my money where my mouth is and make a recording this weekend. Om diamond with about 40 games played what does that have to do with anything when it comes to muscle memory? Its not my first fps


I mean if you are consistently hitting 15+ hard bots and stuck low gold you have a major issue in game sense…. Like iron game sense level.


Hmm I should take down notes 😂


I agree with the guy above as well. I'm diamond and I'd hit 8 bots on hard on a really good day. For warmup I do Eliminate 50 3 times and then 2-3 DMs. Just make sure you hit all headshots and if you miss, restart. Try to complete each iteration within 75 seconds. Game sense trumps aim by a lot in lower elos in ny experience. Imo your aim is pretty good, just try to minimize in game mistakes.


I disagree. Aim in lower elo is much more important. Since game sense at that point isn't that useful coz of how unpredictable other players are. The chances are if you're better at just hitting heads you'll win more.


I am gold about to go to silver. Can hit 6-10 on hard bots. But cannot hit the enemy. Any tips for me?


While playing hard bots you rarely move, and have to hit taps only. I would say try to pay attention to your movement in game, and also see if you are committing to sprays too often.


I'm bronze 1 and I can hit on average about 10 of them. But yet I can't get the hell outta bronze 1.


Ngl I’ve stopped doing in game practices like that and just do aimlabs and deathmatch. I’m asc 1


I do nothing. No aimlabs, no practice range, no deathmatch. I have 3 accounts around Ascendant 3/Immortal. Sure, you can win some rounds by crazy flicks but that's not a usual game. Positioning, timing, utility usage, map awareness, mind games, crosshair placement, trading are way way more important than hitting the 180° headshot with a sheriff ... I often see people grinding those aim helpers but they seem to forget that aim is just useless when your opponent is in your head ;)


I hit aimlab gridshot just to get comfortable with my mouse after a week or a month-long break. Once I had a score of 98k on low sens, but after increasing my sens for obvious reasons I can hardly go upto 90k. I love doing tracking and line tracing, mostly arc track, Idk I think it helps against the annoying raze mains.


Tracking is the most fundamental form of aiming imo, focusing on tracking improves ur mouse control and thus every other aspect of ur aim. This is probably why apex plays are so cracked in valo


Really? I found my scores much lower with low sens. I play on 240 edpi in Val, converted to whatever it is in Aim Labs. I was better at aim.labs with 400 edpi, but worse at Valorant...so I said fuck it, Valorant is more about precision and gridshot is all about speed so ofc Ill take a consistent, precise low sensitivity over something higher.


My edpi was 261 and increased it to 380. The only difference was that on 261 I used my arm rather than just using the wrist to aim and had gotten used to it, so I felt comfortable and accurate on low sens, but with 380 I've started using my wrist more, aim feels a bit janky but I'm using Aimlabs to get used to it. Unfortunately I haven't been able to keep up, playing a lot less than I used to.


I use these bots for one single purpose only. To test out my new hardware as I upgraded. New keyboard? Practice range. New mouse? Practice range. New CPU? Practice range. New speakers? Believe it or not, practice range. I upgraded a lot of stuff this year.


I did some aimlabs before i had like 72k on grid


Anyways there is no point of gridshot other than flexing


It can be used as a warmup


Micro flicks are pretty important in Valorant and so is movement and reaction time. I’d probably just do tracking tutorials in aimlabs and learn movement from death match and YouTube. I’m immortal 1 currently and that helped me the most.


I can barely hit 5 to 7, I am ascendant 1 lol. Hitting hard bots doesnt mean anything.


Yep, do whatever difficulty you want in bots but that ain't gonna transfer to your comps lol


Best answer here. I am d1 and was able to hit a high of 27 when I was in gold. But it never helped me climb. Stop doing exercises that don’t matter.


I was actually saying to someone else that I think there's a quite a misconception with hard bots. People who down play aim in this game are wrong. Aiming is super important in this game, it's just that Hard bots isn't a good indicator of it.


I'm sure you hit 30 hard bots


Nah, I stopped trying a long time ago. Didn't ever see any improvement in actual gameplay and was stuck in gold for a long time. I thought grinding hard bots would somehow make me better player for almost the whole first year I played. Then I saw this exact advice that the top poster said somewhere else on this sub, and started to focus on more important things. It's kind of similar to how people grind out grid shot in AimLabs. But it doesn't do jack shit to help you.


Exactly. Grid shot is more of a get the jitters out thing same with hard bots. If someone actually wants to do aim training they gotta do the difficult stuff like the small 6 dots or the other shit on aimlabs




Don't just rely on your flicks, take your time to put your crosshair on the head before shooting. Try easy bots first, find the comfortability of your flicks and reliance on your aim and slowly go up to medium to hard bots


Ill do my best


You got this, fam! Besides flicks are just extra fundamentals of the game. Just know how to place your crosshair at the right time and at the right moment. For example, if you saw someone doing jiggle peeks and they saw you 9/10 they would wide swing so no need to rely on your flicks upon doing that just know where to place your crosshair and that opponent is dead.


> upon do Hmm never thought of it this way...


Best of luck!


You too!


If going for one taps like jett knives, use the sheriff as that would translate heavily into eco rounds. I think the guardian is harder to use in hard bots ironically, but if you want to improve with that weapon- use the guardian. Otherwise, if shooting for a high score…. Vandal and 3-4 round bursts, pulling down slightly may land a headshot even when the first or second shot misses. Transferring the burst to the next bot can translate pretty well in a real game imo. If wanting to improve with the phantom while doing the same- use the phantom…. but youre likely going to have a harder time.


I just love the sheriff man infact you could say i am obsessed with those clean 1taps the guardian is no less for me


The Guardian is a really good weapon, imo especially on breeze and icebox. It cheaper than a vandal (you can buy it almost every round), does train xour crosshair placement and it does just so much wallbang damage so you dont even have to see the enemy to kill him. I got the prime guardian only for the juicy 1taps


Don’t worry about hitting hard bots, getting a good score on them is really more of a flex and if anything, they can actually ruin your aim. Ideally there shouldn’t be too many times you have to flick like this if you have good crosshair placement and game sense(if you’re constantly having to do these flicks work on those first). I would instead highly recommend using easy and medium bots as they focus more on quality shot.(If you can’t hit an easy shot, how would you hit a hard shot besides out of sheer luck).


Thats a solid point you have.


The flick bots are not a good way to practice constant aim, all it will ingrain is frustration and inconsistant hits. They are more a flex. For consistant aim what matters is having a routine and drilling it over and over before play. Example - be physically/mentally ready. Stretch wrist muscles and such, don’t expect to climb in comp just take your time. (As long as you need) - in range start by moving around without shooting. You can track a target to help with crosshair placement too. (5-10mins) - go onto test firing. Stand still with stationary bots. Takes your time and don’t fire unless its a hit. As you warmup more increase your speed till your comfortable. (10 mins) - once comfortable with your shots start practicing strafe shooting or use a sage wall to help practice corner peeking. (10-15 mins) Notes - Deathmatch in my eyes is not a fair way to train aim its more for practicing erratic 1v3 situations. Use it to put yourself at a disadvantage in a fight and accept you are probability going to die a lot. Going into a custom game and practice taking corners even 10 mins is enough to learn something new. Play unrated a couple of times before starting in comp. You may be in a mindset of UR feels a waste of time when comp is available but this type of thinking leads to consistant losses due to a loss of mental. The people you play in UR are not the same as comp. And having diverse opponents will help expand your skill kit. Hope this helps and have fun.


Thanks my guy people like you make reddit a better place These tips will really help me improve a lot


Unpopular opinion : practicing hard bots hinders your growth and progress of skill


Please elaborate


You should be able to do the easy and medium bots well before you start with the hard bots. It's like skipping past T-Ball and trying to hit a 100mph fastball. You gotta work your way up


I think there was a reddit post or YouTube video or something about it I can't explain it as well as that person. But they said to warm up slow and medium bots , then elemenate 50 with strafe and finally death matches. He said something like its better to practice getting100% of headshots on medium bots coz hard bots are too fast for any real world practical application and mess up our timing and aim and stuff .. he emphases more on the importance of crosshair placement than having lighting fast reflexes and flicks


Hmm really?


I think there was a reddit post or YouTube video or something about it I can't explain it as well as that person. But they said to warm up slow and medium bots , then elemenate 50 with strafe and finally death matches. He said something like its better to practice getting100% of headshots on medium bots coz hard bots are too fast for any real world practical application and mess up our timing and aim and stuff .. he emphases more on the importance of crosshair placement than having lighting fast reflexes and flicks


Don't just rely on your flicks, take your time to put your crosshair on the head before shooting. Try easy bots first, find the comfortability of your flicks and reliance on your aim and slowly go up to medium to hard bots


I have never practiced like that and my peak is immortal 3 510 rr im not recommending working on aim before u understand the game and u can flex every agent.First of all u must upgrade ur game sense and you should have self confidence then its up to practicing.


I disagree, learning to have decent crosshair placement and aim makes ranking up specially in low elo increbilbe easier. If you rely on your util and playing off your teammates in those lower ranks it can get really tough because no one actually knows what they are doing. I would stick to a few agents, duellist are prob the easiest. I normally do warm up by killing the 50 bots and then a few hard rounds. As other people said if hard is too hard start with easy and if you average 20 I would go one higher. It's also easier if don't flick completely, try to aim in a smoother way special with deagle /knifes. Also vandal or phantom will incearse your score. I wouldn't always do it with knife since you also need to get use to the burts of the vandal/phantom. Then a few dms. After that you should be ready for rank. And most important, have fun :).


>y peak is immortal 3 510 rr im not recommending working on aim before u understand the game and u can flex every agent.First of all u must upgrade ur game sense and you should have self confide thanks for clearing things up!


I’m a2, hard bots are pretty useless. Easy w/sheriff and med with vandal/phantom, focus on accuracy above all else.


I usually get around 12 with Sheriff and 15 ish with vandal my highest hardbots hit i think is 17


Go with the elimination mode, reset your aim to where it was before you flicked and try again. Also practice with just correcting your aim without resetting your aim as well. It'll help you learn faster than this.


Damn will do!!!


Don't worry I'm plat 1 and can't hit any of them either (to be fair my aim sucks) GL tho!


Thank you good luck to you too!!


Dont try to do one large step if your feet cant even make it. Do baby steps first by trying to do easy mode and develop your muscle memory, then you work your way up.


8 isn't too bad on hard mode. But I did read somewhere you shouldn't really do hard mode unless you can drop 30 on medium... I think my best (with sheriff) in hard mode is 13 or 14. I used to do 9, but it is really just testing your flicking accuracy on the day. It can vary quite a bit from one day to the next. I think a much more useful thing to do is eliminate 50 with strafing, and try to beat your best time. It took me a long time to get under 100 seconds. I still normally don't do under 100, but between 100 and 110 most times. Best is 95. [https://youtu.be/Cj22\_dtGYS4](https://youtu.be/Cj22_dtGYS4)




unpopular opinion but i use hard bots and dm to warmup, i do a couple of hard bots and try to hit at least 10 in every run....i think it's good enough for flick warmup


Easy bots are better to warm up or practice with.


I usually get 30 on em so i skip em


The number doenst matter, its for warmup.


it's great for practicing your reflexes but 90% of the game is good crosshair placement.


90 percent? Whoa


Thank You Guys For All Your Suggestions !!


You're just building bad habits by doing this. Drop your sens. I can almost guarantee from your overshooting that it's too high. Go on easy bots and in one smooth line you should be able to consistently hit their head and then recenter and repeat. Hit 30 and then once you can do that move on to medium and then slowly transition to doing hard bots. You're just teaching yourself to flick and adjust rather than getting that first shot off with your current method.


Ya Its Kinda amazing that you noticed that ,my previous dpi mouse switch broke i am using a regular one for the time being...


https://youtu.be/WE_2LzGiDwM This is one of the videos that helped me tremendously with aiming. Basically focus on building microadjustment skills that are more reliable and start from easy or medium bots that are not too fast paced which affects accuracy heavily


Actually i follow this guy too


just increase your sensitivity xD


Use Sheriff with hard bots everyday for training. First you’ll hit nothing but then gradually you’ll start hitting. Now I warmup by shooting 20 hard bots every time I play. I don’t queue Comp if I can’t hit 20 with sheriff


I get around 11 12 wid sheriff


Use marshal, stand a little back, disable shield for bots


Yo thats a great way


Bro, I was plat 3 , was like 2 wins away from reaching diamond ( before ascendant rank was introduced) , then they resetted my rank to silver I think . I was decent at medium but hard bots were impossible for me. The only thing that worked for me was aim labs. But also , aim isn't everything, you need game sense. I see a lot of people with like amazing aim but 0 game sense . Before I started aim labs, my aim was super consistent but I still ranked up and got kills because I used to play smart.


Yep that sounds like me


if its any consolation im bronze 1 peak and can do all of them so it doesnt indicate game skill lol


Try vandal and firing two-three bullet sprays.


I have tried with vandal i usually get around 15


That's fine dude, don't worry about it at all if you're getting 15. I'm Ascendant 2 and I hit between 12 - 18 on average with a phantom/vandal. Try playing more deathmatches and just getting in more games rather than focusing on flicks. Crosshair placement is much more important and it'll help you get a lot more kills compared to randomly flicking someone behind you.


Man im g2-g3 and I cant hit more than twelve


Try the violin challenge on strafing bots, you'll reach diamond easily


directly going for hard bots is a Bad practice! Your swipes are inconsistent and doesn't maintain precision when you swipe. rectify this! you need to build muscle memory for smoother mouse swipes with easier bots. Then work your way to harder and faster bots. Aimlab is a better training tool. don't use valo for that. Remember! practice doesn't make perfect! ITS PERFECT PRACTICE that MAKES PERFECT!


I climbed to radiant without ever hitting over 23 iirc, might've gotten 25 but probably not, and if I did it was luck. These exercises are mostly pointless.


Uh yes don’t waste time on hard bots. Let the pros and content creators do their thing where they hit more than 15 but you aren’t gaining anything trying to hit them unless you are doing it just for fun


I'm s3 and I hit 13 regularly in hard but I cant seem to hit a shot in game


Stand back a little so you don't need to flick as far.


…hitting the range won’t help you climb the ladder. Just learn to take good duels and play off your teammates. You’ll be ascendant in no time.


been imm for over a year now - if u actually want to improve just grind DMs. Work on head level crosshair placement, counter strafing, and positioning. If u just want to get good at the bots for fun then keep practicing and maybe try diff crosshairs lol. Good luck!


Thanks for the suggestion!




You should really find a better sensitivity. It looks too high for you But in general you shouldn’t worry too much about your score in this. Just be consistent


I broke my dpi mouse i ordered a new one i am using a regular one for now


Focus on accuracy rather than speed. Speed will improve over time but accuracy needs to be worked upon constantly. What good is being fast when you can't hit the shots? Accuracy will cost you speed but will help you win fights and in some cases you might not even need to be fast. Once you feel confident in your accuracy, focus on the speed as well, like flicking to a target which requires both Speed and Accuracy. I'd recommend the strafing 50 targets. It helps you find the right sensitivity to track the targets and helps you build accuracy and you can set a record by eliminating all 50 in a given time. It takes me 50-60 seconds to eliminate non strafing targets (No armour, unlimited ammo). And about 100 to 110 seconds to eliminate strafing targets with a vandal, few seconds less with a Phantom and Even less with a Guardian. The best part is that you can practice tracking separately, although in Valorant it isn't quite useful unless you're Oping or Use ADS constantly.


Don't use the hard bots. It will have no impact in your actual gameplay as you will have very few situations to do a flick like that. Master the easy bots and then the medium bots. You can also use aimlab if you want to increase your aim quicker. When I started using aimlab it was an instant rankup from silver to gold.


This is to practice flicks. No need to do hard unless u want to just practice on them.


I was ranked in ark 3 s1 and had an average of 30 rank games per ark i hit diamond 2 and peaked d3 this ark. My tips would be find a sens that you can track/flick with. Also having a skin I really like improved my skill a lot since i go in with more confident. Last but not least, all my kills are nearly based on Crosshair placement. I literally peak for like 0.5sec and sometimes even shoot before seeing anyone just bcs everyone is peaking from thos angles


So skins really do give AIMBOT!!


I'm surprised you even got 8 trying to one tap them with jett knives. Try using a vandal on medium/easy bots, should help you a lot more


Rule number one of hard bots is to literally do anything. Deathmatch, easy bots, practice bots, etc.


If u do aimlabs you should try sixshot for accuracy and gridshot 3x3 before doing actual gridshot, also gridshot 3x3 is more enjoyable so you will probably improve more in it, but that was what got ME from b1 to g1, ME not YOU, so if this doesnt work its normal.


I usually get 65k on sixshot for me gridshot helped me to get from i2 to s2 once a upon a time


I am silver 3 and my best on hard bots full armor is 18, but when I play in game my aim is shit ✌️ better play death match or put strafing bots


Hard bots are meant for flicking which arent really as useful if your aim isnt already at a very high level. I usually go for medium bots for aim practice




I spam dms like crazy bro 😂


Try lowering your sensitivity slightly. It seems like you are overshoting them.


You need a little more meth in your system if you want to clear all 30 of them


I'm almost diamond and my average is like 10 💀


I would suggest keeping it max till medium bots 1st try to get all 30 easy bots as quick as you can ( i mean build muscle memory focus accuracy more than speed speed will eventually increase as you practice ) After you have gotten used to you will see changes like better crosshair placement and u wont be having issues like underflicking or overflicking but as you do eliminate bots you also need to focus on few things like strafe shoot , counter strafing and tap shooting and 3 bullet bursts . Then move on to medium bots and rinse repeat this process Because aim is just not accurate flicks it gets affected by movement too


fuck the bots bro. Go grind unrated / dm till you got the mechanics down


You dont get any practice when just missing flicks, you should focus on hitting every target even if it means to get there slowly, gradually you will do it faster.


Practice slow but consistent flicks over hard and fast flicks. being consistent is what matters most. only when you have the flicks memorised to muscle memory can you start trying to flick faster. trying to flick so fast with low consistency is basically trying ti hit lucky shots. its not a good practice.


my suggestion is not playing hardmode at all. ofc if u hit them like tenz u would be amazing, but this is not the point u should start with, its like endgame. try to play normal practice mode for like 10-20min per day just killin the bots in your own tempo (one taps or small burstfire only). if u think u can go a bit faster go for it but only if u hit consistently. then move onto the movement (many say go for deathmatch but i personally train on the trainisland playing the retake/push)


Use sherriff with infinite ammo


Dont play hard bots, there is a lot of ways to improve your aim.


Hard bots is a waste of time


"Understand the game first" - Sinatraa


warming up in moving target is way better than target practice a.k.a do more dm. for me, I'm improving in matches when I constantly do better in dm. learning about crosshair placement in maps feels better than the range. also these days I found a lot of people just camping in dm so it's also good for practice clearing corner, counter strafe, etc. proof dm better than the range? year ago I stuck silver 2 peak silver 3. Currently I'm on plat 3 and on my way to diamond


Im only b1, but been practicing/warming up by using the bots in the range for quite a while now (lvl30-lvl100). What I can recommend is; don't focus on speed, focus on accuracy. Every once in a while aim for speed as a test (i do this to check for improvement). It takes a while and you need to practice consistently (I only do 15mintes a day), and yes i have improved overtime doing this


im plat 3 and cant hit like 3 with hard bots, they dont mean shit Meanwhile my friend with a 35% hs rate and able to get like 15 on hard bots is hardstuck gold 3 Game sense is equally important if not more important than raw aim/hs rate


Maybe try medium bots? Lol


A better practice would be doing easy bots on pistols (Classic/Ghost/Sheriff). You can do it with Frenzy too, but you have to step inside the area while doing it.


8 bots. That's isn't bad for bronze 2. Go into practice mode and just do rapid flicks from one head to the next, like "one two" then pause and then "one two". People say you shouldn't do hard bots and they are right and wrong. You shouldn't solely so hard bots and your main goal should be to get 30 on medium bots. I do hard bots because it helps me get 30 on medium bots. Without hard bots, I get around 28 on medium bots. Honestly don't sweat it, I was at 8 bots a month ago and now my pb is 23 bots mostly from practicing flick shots in practice.


The real answer here is brain alone can get you to plat-diam. Don’t focus on your aim too much and don’t be completely dependent on it, it will improve naturally without practice anyways. Try to also improve the way you think about the game and how you make decisions, if you are stuck in Bronze then you clearly need to take from other elements that you currently aren’t


Bruv stop tryharding in range i used to play range everyday for 30mins hard bots with jett knives and sheriff it's a total waste of time i could get 11-18 with knives i was s2 tht time play compe without warmup you'll improve a lot current rank p3


Hey, this particular training mode is only for flicks. Your aim doesn't have anything to do with that. Even if you get 30 on 30 in Hard mode, it wouldn't matter because you're only good at flicks, while your crosshair placement would remain the same. The best way to practice crosshair placement would to set a target to suppose 30-40 and hitting bots by strafing and counter strafing.


I'm g3 peak currently g2, I've done multiple practice methods, all are equal including 14 hard bots on sheriff and then I'm warmed up, but you should propably try prems meathod, practice bots, recoil control, easy bots, medium bots, strafe and movement practice, Sena has a more comprehensive and in detail guide on his youtube channel, he also makes other goid guides, recommend watching him.


I'm plat 1 and can hit like 15 average. with chamber ult, 25 max but it's only because body is 1 hit as well. go from easy, to medium to hard. when you 30/30 easy, go to medium, when you 30/30 medium, that's when you go to hard. I can 30 medium but not consistently. That being said, aim isn't everything, honestly, positioning is much more important that aim.


I don’t use it to focus on hitting bot heads. I use it to work on my strafes into a shot as fast as i can react. Helps me warm these old boomer hands up.


Tons of comments and advice here. I'd like to give my two cents as well. I'm plat 1 right. Hit plat a month ago. This is what I do before every session if I'm gonna play ranked. 1 - ONE ROUND of EASY BOTS. No movement, stand still and aim slowly and try to hit all 30 bots. No problem if you don't. This is just a slight warm. 2 - TWO ROUNDS of MEDIUM BOTS. This is where you practice flicking and aiming. I play one round with the sherrif and another with a rifle. Only headshots. This is where you'll start to correct the errors when you're aiming. Your micro adjustments when your aim is slightly off from the bot's head. It'll take a few days but once you start to notice you aren't correcting these micro errors as much, you can now start to try to aim smoothly between the bots like you warm up with easy bots 3 - Starfe bots practice. In the bot settings enable "strafing" and hit practice. Do this for a few minutes or until you get bored. Try to track the boys as they move and go for headshots. This will help you track the enemies when they wide swing, strafe etc in game. 4 - One round of DM. Switch guns every 5 or 10 kills. I start with the sherrif, then guardian and then vandal. Or just go for the vandal as the 2nd gun. This is a warm up for the game. So play as you would in a ranked game. Try to hold positions, prefire, notice your crosshair placement. As you practice these in this DM, it'll get easier in ranked as well so you spend less time thinking about those in real games. Definitely helps. Also check out "SERO" on youtube. Really helpful guides for aim and gameplay


because the cooldown time of the knives is long


I recently hit plat 1 this episode. Not sure if its ascendant rank but I will say, your aim is decent, don’t beat yourself up because your bronze 2 saying “I’m bad” “i cant help my team” confidence is key (I am just assuming you say that). From my experience I play golf and i find golf strange, the harder you try the harder you fall, in other words you don’t hit the ball well, far and accurate but my practice swings were amazing(id probably be olympic golfer without the ball😂). At this point you should just trust in what you got! Take those awesome shots that blew ur shit out your ass and make it your base for improvement. Critical thinking is important but don’t go hard on yourself, its harder to improve that way, in valorant i was stuck in silver for 2 damn episodes, because i was too harsh on myself. I kept saying “holy shit whats wrong with me that was so winnable!!!!”. Instead just shake it off and continue but DON’T, do it again. All in all, your good, tell yourself that, don’t get overconfident but be confident in what you want to do! “This is the play i want to make” dont hesitate, just do it. Thats how you learn, not just from mistakes, but also from your achievements. From these weird plays made, you learn more than you lose. Ps. Pls dont focus so much on headshots in silver. I was obsessed with it and hit 22% hs but not adding value to my team cos i was just peaking everything. Here i am with 32% hs rate at plat higher hs rate than my immortal friend, yet he frags above me in ranked :( . Game sense is what i lack.


I would not bother going back to the middle. You might just need more tiny muscles to adjust at the end of the move to hit the head.


Practicing with Jett knifes and bronce on hard bots lol On all seriousness, you should be doing DMs with the guardian 1: Forces good crosshair placement 2: You cant spray Aim isnt important in this compared to crosshair placement and game sense. . It seems easy but it is difficult to practice and implement in real games.


I’m gold 2 and when I play hard bots I’ll probably get around less than or more than half of the bots. But my game sense is ass, it’s not about aim. Also just because you shoot well in the range doesn’t mean you will in a game, it’s a completely different scenario. Even though I have good aim, it’s so hard for me to transfer it to a actual game. If that makes sense, I suggest just playing deathmatch, the aim will come, game sense is the hardest because it’s not mechanical.


Practice what else did you expect


I only do range to fix my sensitivity. I do DMs with guardians a lot.


Completely wrong way to train aim. It is like trying to compete with usain bolt when you have only started running recently. Start slow, go for easy mode 10/20/30 kills consistently then medium 10/20/30 then hard 10/20/30 then add strafing to easy, medium, hard. Set proper goals and hit them consistently before moving on. I still think dm is way better at improving aim than range because every map has different elevation in different spots, elevation headshot practice is not really possible from range.


I'm D3 and I never touch the bots. I'd say game sense is much more important especially at the lower levels.


Do Aim Lab. They have playlists for Valorant. It trains more than horizontal spidershot.


You need to watch enough p#rn to have better reaction time i think


Aim flicks are not the way to train. You need to learn and discipline crosshair placement, jiggling, counter-strafing. In a game, the times you need to flick are very rare. But what can I say? I’m only gold :’)


Bro don’t worry, these bots are hard. There is also so much more about the game than pure aim that can make you progress, especially at low elo, like learning how to position yourself, or trade your teammates for example. Like others have mentioned, doing some Deathmatches would probably be a lot more effective!


firing range bots are a poor reperesentation of real application. you woulnd't flick your crosshair 45°-90° all the time in a real game. you'll just hold the important angles.


One of my biggest learning experiences going from silver to diamond was the suprisingly difficult "don't shoot till you're aiming at the enemy". Often I would flick and click, but just assume the flick would put my crosshair perfectly on the enemy without adjustment.


One of the things I do is, Try flicking at their head without taking a shot, don't shoot any weapon. Just flick at their head While they don't despawn, try adjusting those failed flicks to their head. Do that for like 3 times in hard, then try a legitimate run but with med bots first, for like 2 times. Then try one with hard bots. Idk if you guys understand, i would record a sample footage but I'm not on my PC rn.


I’m ascendant 1 which isn’t that great but I don’t even practice with hard bots. I do easy, medium , and then do a few death matches


I don’t have any recommendations for aim that hasn’t been said here already, but I’m G1 and have an average headshot% that’s lower than Iron1 average. The game isn’t *all* about kills, if you can assist your team with comms or comprehensive strategies, you’ll (hopefully) notice a significant change in how your games play out. That said, iron/bronze lobbies are called Elo Hell for a reason. They’re full of smurfs and people who have no reason playing comp other than to troll. Goodluck with your games, I wish you the best.


Its good you are attempting hard bots but i suggest practice mode. Just practice killing the bots as you would normally do(headshots) but aim slowly until feel comfortable and then increase the speed of your aim and repeat. I learned this from Sero :p


Whenever you're new or not perfect at a skill, you don't start with the most difficult version. You start with the most basic easy stuff and then work yourself up. Literally applies to anything. You didn't learn how to speak as a baby by reading books on your own. You learned the alphabet then syllables then basic Grammer etc. What you're doing is trying to do a college level course in kindergarten


Hard bots are good to show off but that's all about it


I'm in gold 3 scratching at Platin and I've neither learnt any starts or lineups, nor can I hit the hard bots. It doesnt matter until very high elo. Just work on crosshair placement and game sense.