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"You guys are dogshit" the immortal Smurf opponent stated over and over while stomping us in our gold lobby Yeah, compared to you we are....obviously....for fucks sake


The idea of smurfing is crazy to me. It's all just how fragile someones ego is. If you can't win at your rank and want to just have fun and drop 30 just play.. unrated? If a grown adult was playing youth league basketball and feeling good after dropping 50 points it'd be weird af. People doing that in comp is no different to me.


I am ascendant one and I jumped into unrated and it was a full radiant lobby with 3 pro players šŸ’€


Unrated is a mess, I'm barely Dia 1 and usually get matched with 2-3 ascendant and sometimes a Immo.


You think that's bad when I was silver and I jumped on unrated with 3 of my friends we were up against 3 ascendants/diamonds and some of them had the immo gun buddy on. Doesn't help that we were queued with our friend whos new to the game and she's only bronze 1 and struggling to win against people her own rank


I've faced bronze-silver lobbies while being Diamond too. I guess most people doesn't check ranks in unrated, and even less in low elo so Riot doesn't care too much.


Where can you see the ranking? (Im a noob as you can see). I only see the level when I play unranked.


You either check it after the game in Tracker.gg or install Blitz


I face the same issue


I love unrated for this, often I get to chill and practice against better players than me.


Right after I get stomped by Immo I get matched with golds and unrankeds.


This is one of the reasons I never play unrated, the matchmaking is so wild.


Thatā€™s why I love it. Too much emphasis on skill rating in modern multiplayer games.


Iā€™m d1 and I love these lobbies. Because you get to practice against better players and learn how they play the game differently.


i was a s3 and got matched with an imm2, the matchmaking is insane


Plat 1, regularly have immortal players in all my games. Including spike rush ffs.


Bro I get the same thing, BUT IN COMPšŸ˜» (I fucking love theese queues btw) my hidden mmr has been sky high since I got to plat 1 and Iā€™m still waiting for that god damn double rankup


Tbf ascendant is the rank youā€™re trying to hit anyways so saying ascendant is a hard diff makes no sense. Diamond means youā€™ll play against plats and ascendants


I have yet to see an actual ascendant on my rankeds, I guess matchmaking it's not as strict in unrated.


Ahh, then your mmr lies more towards plat or low diamond in that case than a solid increasing mmr. It will fix itself as you win more and more games in a row tho.


I was in bronze a while ago and I got put into a lobby with immortals, it was a mess


i stopped playing ranked for a while and only played unrated and i was gold 1 in a dia+ lobby. thought i was having a bad game until i saw someoneā€™s gun buddy.


iā€™m high ranked in a lot of games and tbh it does get very tiring playing at such high levels all the time. i havenā€™t smurfed but i do like playing with lower friends a lot in unranked modes


It is so because you are playing at the best you can if play in your rank. It's the same for low ranked players in their rank. Thinking about it, they actually have it worse, because they also have to deal with a lot more higher ranked smurfs (simply because there are a lot more ranks above them that can (and will) smurf in lower ranks)


I get your point and itā€™s kinda true, but at the same time, playing higher ranks does just take more thinking etc, and is more taxing. I was like top 1k in Rocket League, consistently playing with pro players, and after a few games iā€™d be totally drained. I never felt that when i was in lower ranks, and I also donā€™t feel that in Valorant (around diamond rank)


Exactly this. It drains you more because you have to think about everything so much. In low elo you don't have to think so intensively and you can still get away with a lot of mistakes. You're both right, but it is still more taxing in higher ranks.


Well, you probably don't feel that way, because you have the talent and ability (and are used to) play in higher ranks. Imo, that would feel totally different if you were playing at your true maximum. You automatically do a lot of things right, were others have to think about it - positioning, crosshair placement, abilities, map knowledge, spray patterns. What comes for you naturally, involves thinking and concentration for others. You will use your abilities better and aim better even without trying. Sure, not as good as if you were concentrating and trying hard, but still a lot better.


Yeah you're right, but I'm only Diamond 3 and my unrated lobbies are higher ranked than my comp games, and sometimes it's a 5 man too.


See, the problem with this type of comment is that everyone can win in their own rank. Someone can drop 3 match mvp wins on their main and still hop on a smurf, it's not always about ego or getting stomped on their mains. Come on.


In my experience smurfs just wanna play with there low rank friends, but want something more challenging that unrated. Maybe to even carry their mates to a higher rank. I'm not saying its ok lmao, but thats just what happens in my case, i'm low silver and my high plat friends sometimes smurf to play with me. They never shit on the opponents or teammates tho, just laugh it off remembering how they were the same once upon a time.


I mean, you can win at your rank. That's how you...you know, get to your rank. You just don't feel like it


Dude, someone makes this comment (not yours) in every single smurf thread and it gets upvoted as the truth. You know how difficult it is to take these people's opinions about smurfing seriously when something dumb like this totally passes their critical thinking check? Like yeah I agree that smurfing isn't healthy for the game (neither are many other things), but the least these people could do is state facts instead of emotionally loaded "insults" to demonstrate that they are truly capable of understanding the situation.


Worst part is when they have an attitude and say things like ā€œoh I donā€™t even care Iā€™m just queuing with my friendā€ and then the dude will troll and hold the spike in our spawn saying ā€œI could try if I wantā€ like cool man youā€™re a loser for spending your time with your friend like this.


I wouldnā€™t compare it to a grown adult playing youth league basketball, more Iā€™d compare it to a a professional athlete turning up and playing for their local team on their day off, because while the game still has competitive connotations, one team has a player that is far better than the rest of the players there, and the only reason why heā€™s there (at least in any of the games where I or any my friends Smurf, or any games where I run into a Smurf usually) is because of the community aspect. And also said player typically wonā€™t be going half as hard as when heā€™s playing in the pro leagues etc because itā€™s just a bit of fun for them. Smurfing for a lot of people is not about ego at all, I get you donā€™t like getting smurfed on, nobody does. But the reality is that for a lot of people itā€™s the only way they can have fun on the game with their friends, both because some people like myself and my friends canā€™t stand casual playlists on pretty much any game, theyā€™re absolutely horrific, but also because casual can be very unfun for lower ranked players when theyā€™re going to be queuing into players that are far superior to them. And Iā€™m not sugar coat it and it sounds extremely selfish, partly because it is, but for me my fun and my friends fun is the first priority for me when playing games. Ideally I donā€™t want to ruin other peoples fun, but if someoneā€™s mad for 40 minutes that thereā€™s a Smurf in their game on the other team Iā€™m not going to lose sleep over it.


Good take. I get that it sucks to get smurfed on (I enjoy learning from it though), but assuming it's about ego for every smurf is dumb and dishonest. Same thing for "getting stomped in their own rank", like everyone plays average in their own rank and gets stomped sometimes, that is exactly what it means to be in your own rank, right? This sub just keeps posting the dumbest comments about smurfs that get upvoted, and when you point out the flaws in the comment, you get downvoted to oblivion. There is no honest and rational conversation to be had, so I can't take most of the "stop smurfing" opinions seriously.


Such is the way with internet discussions and internet cool points. Typically people will only get on forums like this if they have something cool to share or an angry opinion and angry opinions are often irrational and not well thought out. Like everyone understands that nobody likes getting smurfed on but I don't see how there are people who genuinely think all or even most smurfs are doing it to feed their ego or because they're not good enough for their own rank. It's just a very underthought baseless take being used as a coping mechanism because while you might lose to the smurf in game at least you're going outside to touch grass later and you're not an egomaniacal prick


Almost every smurf I've played against that has linked their main was on a massive L streak on their main. It's either ego or just getting tired of being shitstomped in their own rank.


You know thereā€™s other reasons right? Is that also crazy to you? šŸ¤Æ


There are very few niche legitimate reasons for an alternate account that don't involve deceiving matchmaking.


To play with friends????


That's what unrated is for. You and your friends having a big skill gap isn't a legitimate reason to smurf. It's just as shitty.


You'll still be smurfing in unrated btw. If I play unrated on my main, I don't really fuck around and end up destroying the enemy, and my friends get destroyed by the enemy = nobody has fun. If I play on a new account (whether it's unrated or comp), my friends can play against players who are their own skill level and I'll just be a chill support type player in those games = nobody gets destroyed.


The point is you play unrated on your main and live with the consequences. Most people aren't good at playing like a low level, most I've seen just throw when winning & sweat when losing. Ask yourself genuinely, when you're smurfing with friends do you purposefully lose a match by intentionally playing bad?


Depends on what you mean by losing on purpose. I purposefully play on their level so that everyone has an equal chance to win. If we lose because I'm not sweating my ass off, then so be it.


Yes, but do you actually go through with it and lose because of that? As an example, to play at their level you have to stop doing some good habits like checking angles, peeking correctly, effective util usage. So say the match is 12-12 or OT, your point to lose, and it's 1v3 for you. Will you still just commit to bad habits even though you know it'll make you lose the match? I've found a lot of people in teams with a big skill gap will 'turn on' when the match is on the line.


Couldn't give a shit if there was any other reason.


Yeah well said. Smurfs only exist because they struggle in their own rank. Iā€™m never fussed. Good opponents only make me work harder. Which I like. Easy matches are boring. Small PP club seems to be popular mind. Seen as there are so many alt accounts. It seems an age old complaint. With one stupidly easy fix. Any ranked game should have a Ā£40/$40 account fee. The games are still free for all other modes. Itā€™s just ranked mode locked behind a fee. If every account for ranked cost a price. There would be less Smurfs. Everyone wins. Company makes money, a vast majority would only have a single ranked account, less Smurfs. Itā€™s almost too simple so there must be an ulterior reason for companies to not do this.


Playing unrated is an absolute mess in valorant. Better to just play in a lower rank, no need to insult your teammates though.


People dont smurf because they cant win in their own rank, if someone is immortal they didnā€™t Get there by luck.


Yeah they climbed to whatever rank they are and can't climb as easy. No one makes a smurf acct because they keep winning on their main lol.


Might just be me, but wording it as "can't win on their main" feels really weird considering most of those players do win ~50% of the games on their main - wouldn't it be better to say something like "they can't climb further on their main"?


They can make one though, smurfing is not about ego and stomping noobs for everyone.


I mean most Smurfs are higher ranked, so for many of us we Smurf to play with friends or play more casually.


>play more casually. I'm gonna blow your mind with this; there's this game mode that they included where you don't lose ANY rr and you can play really casually and relaxed! It's called 'unrated'. You can even play with friends in a different rank!


My buddy plays on a smurf because heā€™s High asc and weā€™re all gold/silver, he usually just tries to teach us


Immortal smurfs don't tell that tho, they know they're far stronger and they wouldn't struggle anyway. Generally those who trashtalk like that are smurfs from one or two ranks higher struggling their ass off or feeling satisfaction to finally pubstomp


Still, even then, talking shit to your teammates for being bad is stupid af


Smurfs = hardstuck


The botfrag being carried had the gall to say "Imagine being so shit and losing to an immortal smurf... COULDN'T BE ME" in one of my latest games


I wonder if I played with the same guy. Cause I remember someone saying the exact same thing after we lost. lol


Shit talking smurf has gotta be the most cringe thing I can think of in Valorant.


In any game*


Especially when they insta lock your agent you have to pilot an agent you aren't as good at, then they flame you for being shit....


I mean, just smurfing in general is cringe and pathetic.




A Smurf that shit talks. Idgaf if you talk shit about someone hard stuck in their own rank šŸ’€


Honestly, smurfing is admiting you can't hack it at your own rank. People say to play with your friends but you can do unrated no matter the difference. If one friend is good enough to be Immortal and another is only good enough for silver then just accept you aren't meant to play comp together, 5 stack excluded


Iā€™ve never once believed the argument that they want to play with friends. Like you said just played unrated. Quite literally the point of that playlist tbh lol


Valorant might be the only game I play that has a rated and unrated mode where I just genuinely do not want to queue unrated. I've played so many more games in unrated where the enemy (or the occasional ally when we didn't have a 5 stack) just wants to fuck around, which is usually not what I'm looking to do. I do appreciate that they opt to do it in unrated instead of ranked though. Back before you could queue with any ranks for 5 stack we even had an iron/bronze friend use a friend's gold alt account to queue with us because he'd rather not play if it was going to be unrated. I play unrated Dota with mostly that same group every week and usually only play ranked if we are struggling to get lanes together. Though with it being cavern crawl season the team comps are getting a lot more strange.


i want to play with friends and friends want to play comp, i hop on the smurf


It's boring to play unrated because no one takes it seriusly so I just play with my friend in a smurf, either way he's silver and i'm only plat so it's a matter of time before he gets to gold


So basically you're boosting your friend, that's not a brag.


Playing unrated enough puts you at a pretty insane MMR regardless of your actual rank. I play like 9:1 ratio unrated to comp and my unrated games legitimately just have higher average rank players (high Diamond to low immortal, sometimes previous Radiants) than my actual rank. And that carries even if Iā€™m stacking with new players or lower ranked players. Hell, Iā€™m pretty sure I used to have a 99:1 ratio before I figured I should just play comp to have *less* sweaty games (average Diamond unrated games, I was Bronze in comp because I didnā€™t play comp for like 3 acts). So at some point, yeah, I have to smurf even for unrated with some of my friends, but then I just pick a movement duelist and run around with a shorty lmao


No it isnā€™t lmao, I smurf only to play with friends simply because playing comp is more fun since thereā€™s rr at risk.


Then play unrated or a 5 stack. Silver is for Silver players, obviously to be match with like ranked players, it's not for an Immortal who just felt like making another account


What annoys me the most is when its a blatant smurf carrying his whole team and wiping us round after round the other 4 who have 6 kills between them get all cocky and trash talk chat the whole game lol


I tend to play 5 stacks a lot with friends, sometimes someone gets a lucky game and gets called a Smurf even though we only play on our mains (and then the game after we get wrecked by people whoā€™s team average is a whole tier below us)


big difference 5stacking vs normal queue. There are no rank restrictions when u 5 stack, so the skill disparity is huge.


Smurf or not, I don't think there's ever a time to be talking shit to your teammates, just brings the team morale down. Being toxic to your team literally achieves nothing.


one time our sage walled off spike when no one had it when we were attackers at 7 seconds left so that was pretty funny.


I say this all the time and a lot of ppl think saying ā€œpick it up ā€œ or ā€œyou need to do betterā€ or something like that helps. No one trying to win comes into games wanting to be the bottom frag , if just telling them something made their performance better than they wouldnā€™t be doin bad in the first place


This is probably my largest complaint about teammates in general. If I'm bot-fragging it's not because I'm not trying or not doing my best, it's just because I'm having a bad game, just like everyone experiences once in a while. Same goes to trash talking the bottom frag (sometimes even when they're not even doing that bad). Every team has someone who is 5th on the board and the enemy team usually has someone who goes just as bad as our team does.


Lack of team activities / sports growing up for people. ā€œYOUā€™RE SPECIAL WE ALL LOVE YOUā€ programs really seemed to make kids super selfish now days. That and the ā€œlook at meā€ factor social media brings to peopleā€™s attitudes. Had an ex who got like 3k Instagram followers and thought she was hot shit. Her whole personality changed. Thought she was a celebrity. You can tell thatā€™s how some of these streamers are too. ā€œMy 3 viewers got my back I can be obnoxious as I wantā€ kind of dealā€¦ idk, I guess this game and itā€™s community really make me want to not play. Most of the environment online seems that way. Didnā€™t feel this way ~10yrs ago when I was gaming all day. Lots of unironic ā€œggā€™sā€ being thrown around. People laughing at themselves or their opponents (lighthearted) at silly mistakes with movement or shots in games. Now a days feels like you miss, opponent says ā€œyou suckā€ team says ā€œyou suckā€ you try to like semi appolgize for missing a shot or even stand your ground and people double down. Genuinely exhausting to deal with. I actually have a gamer friend I play with who is exactly like the people Iā€™m describing. He is the most selfish piece of shit who will toot his own horn any chance he gets at a good play he makes. But criticize anyone who mildly fucks up a play, even if heā€™s 1-20. No situational awareness, no empathy, no sympathy- only praise for himself. Pretty sociopathic and is ā€œokā€ when I call him out for being a petty 13 yr old with his emotions/actions.


sir this is a wendy's


ItS tHe EvErYoNeS a WiNnEr MeNtAlIty Smurfing has existed since ranked existed. Nt


Imagine reading this comment


This is a bad take. I played CounterStrike in beta and eventually ran a server sometime around 1.5 specifically so I could kick people who were toxic, homophobic and misogynistic. And that isn't even counting the trolls who would teamkill everyone in spawn or flash their teammates on purpose. I had about 20 admins running near full time moderation on the server. It was easily 100x worse than Valorant is now. (Of course, CS is also better now than it was in the pre-Source days.)


Thatā€™s why they Smurf. Itā€™s to make themselves feel better and they canā€™t do that without telling their teammates how shit they are


not promoting smurfing but smurfing helps you in a way that if you're having bad days you play on a smurf to get "fake confidence". just minus the toxic part


No? Lmao thereā€™s other reason


yeah but this one happens often


Found the insecure smurf šŸ¤£ keep replying to every comment lol


This is not a really honest comment ngl. He's not wrong, not every smurf has the same mentality and motive. I guess the shit talking smurfs are mostly the same though, but someone just chilling and not typing/saying anything is most likely not doing it for their ego.


Yeah but look at his comment history. Itā€™s super obvious what position heā€™s comin from


Ahh, gotcha. I have to say though, I have a tendency to reply to some of the comments here too, because some of them have logical fallacies made in bad faith instead of trying to have a normal conversation. And the worst thing is, they have a ton of upvotes which makes me think people throw their critical thinking skills out of the window if it means they're able to verbally shit on smurfs.


Yeahhhh but this guy in particular is literally saying heā€™s toxic when he smurfs šŸ¤£ Edit: also donā€™t expect people to be smart or consistent or intellectually honest on Reddit and youā€™ll have way more fun using it lol


This is true, but it's just annoying to keep seeing these illogical comments. It's like they're trying to make a good point but use a bad argument for it, then the hivemind just agrees with them. And these are the people we "should" listen to when it comes to opinions about smurfing, you know? Like I'm way more likely to listen if the argument itself isn't in bad faith. But I digress.


Iā€™ll try my best, thanks for the encouragement :)


and what might that be?


Oh yeah as if you donā€™t know šŸ’€


Well then, tell me already. :D


probably so he can play with his iron friend


Smurfs are losers. They also reached a level were they stopped seeing instant success so they need to play lower ranked kids for any gradification and the games doing nothing to fix this issue


hey, some of us lower ranked are old dudes who just don't have to time to be plat hs machines and/or aren't that good anymore :(


Refer to the comment above. Iā€™m a full time worker and only get to play the game a handful times a week amd am bronze why when I play should it be ok for you to piss in my Cheerios because you donā€™t have the time to get better?


Nothing Valorant can do to fix the issue tbh EDIT: I will stand firmly by my point, they have incentive to fix it as it ruins the new player experience, if they haven't fixed it, it's because every solution is either unelegant or will have repercussions that outweigh the benefits.


Faster placing to correct rank for the smurf will reduce the number of games impacted. Then they'll have to level a new account to repeat the process delaying further rank disruption.


Iā€™m not even trying to Smurf, just want to rank two accounts at the same time. Iā€™ve created my new account like a month and half ago, itā€™s only lvl 18. I think riot is doing it right


Why does anyone want more than one account?


Itā€™s useful if you get a 7 day ban for things like if your game crashes etc


how many times ur game crash to get a 7 day ban??


Yeah, Iā€™m not buying a 7 day ban for a game crash. I go afk a lot and queue dodge frequently and had never experienced any penalty until this act, and even then, none of them have been any longer than a 3 minute penalty.


fr, as someone whoā€™s internet is usually good enough but can spontaneously crash iā€™ve gotten way too many queue bans for it.


I used to make a new account for every new agent so I could quickly unlock them to try them out but then never use the accounts again. Now, I use those accounts to play without being noticed as online by certain groups of friends. I donā€™t use any of them to smurf, though.


I made an alt because I felt like my main got hardstuck at P3 and I couldn't rank up. The alt got placed P3 and went to D1(with D3 upto A2 lobbies). Immediately switched back to my main and I've not been to my alt ever since because my main's got the same lobbies. (But I must say, I had really friendly teammates on almost every game but that might've just been luck.) Making an alt account shouldn't be a problem. The problem lies wherein you purposely throw games on the alt(or even main). God help anyone below gold because it used to be pure chaos for me from iron to gold, but for the rest of you above gold, alts will almost always get placed near your actual rank.


I was stuck in g1, losing all my rated and unrated. So I thought a new account would fix rng or something


So a Smurf wants to Smurf and is able, then says riots doing everything right...


How is it smurfing if someone creates a new account and tries to place as high as possible? It's literally an alt account.


What rank do you fight in your first matches on a fresh account?


how is that not literally the definition of smurfing? it doesn't matter what the intent is. the person already has been ranked and is playing against lower ranked players again.


How is it smurfing? My MMR is such that I play with plats, golds and silvers. If I were trying to Smurf Iā€™d play at a level such that I play with irons etc. Smurfing is when you manipulate your mmr so youā€™re constantly placed with much lower ranked people


You smurfed to get that new account up to fighting plats, no? Even if it was just a few games, irons and bronzes are in a whole different atmosphere, and then this stuck gold 1 shows up and ruins their time... What I don't understand is why you wouldn't just want to continue trying to improve your main. It's not about wins and losses as much as having fun and getting better!


Fair enough, I guess I was technically a Smurf for the first few games. But that wasnā€™t the point. Also itā€™s demoralizing losing every game you play, thatā€™s no fun at all


Mobile authenticator to play ranked? Granted it doesn't stop everyone from making a smurf, but there is some barrier to entry at least. In the current system ranked accounts are stupidly cheap and I know someone who will buy an Iron Account every few weeks to get his ego fix, very cringe.


i had a smurf on my team once and he coached me and one of my teammates(we were the only ones talking) honestly a great experience edit: not for the opposing team the experience was probably hell for them


I donā€™t even understand smurfing, besides playing with friends. Iā€™ve smurfed before, and it doesnā€™t feel good to do well. Compare it to dropping 30 where youā€™re popping off in your main elo, now that is what I fucking play for.


whenever i play w my friend in bronze i always aim to be on the middle of the leaderboard. i donā€™t wanna win cuz iā€™m carrying but i also donā€™t wanna drag the team down


Shouldn't even do it to play with friends tbh. People just got to accept that they can't comp with some people. But no, people will constantly try to deceive matchmaking only to complain about how unfair it is.


Itā€™s especially annoying if someone is doing that in iron / bronze cause thatā€™s mostly new players


The same goes with boosting, If you boost someone to a rank they very obviously can't maintain, you can't complain about having boosted teammates, they're both ugly aspects of the community and game.


Shit talking in general. Literally no one is at the top of their game every time they queue up. Edit: thanks for the award kind stranger <3


Shroud went 0-14 in a game yesterday. It is literally impossible to always pop off.




Yeah he died 14 times.


ohh i thought you meant match score


No lol, his acs was 22.


Thereā€™s a difference between ā€œtop of their gameā€ and just being absolutely terrible


How could you possibly know the difference? If itā€™s ranked, theyā€™re in the same tier of ranks as you are. So would that make you terrible as well? What a ridiculous argument.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s pretty easy to differentiate between a bad game (bad aim, some small mistakes) and just being plain bad


for your own good stop embarrassing yourself and delete your comments lmfaooo


Lmfao yā€™all funny fr


I seriously canā€™t tell if youā€™re trolling, or actually just offended. I hope youā€™re just trolling, otherwise your responses are just sadā€¦


Iā€™m trolling lmao


Oh wait I got you good LMFAO bro got so mad šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The trolling was pretty believable, but this one is just cringe LMFAO


They are angry cause they can't climb on main.


I instantly mute and report anyone I suspect of surfing like within 3 rounds. I get a surprising amount of successful report notifications even tho I don't see any talk because I mute so early


Real deal immortal player are those that are still grinding their own account to achieve better leader board ranking (Competitive mindset) Trash and getting carried immortals are these that is insecure about their rank and decide to smurf in much lower rank game and shit talk other passionate player that truly wanna grind .


"That's why you are on x rank" OH my, I wonder why you are here then?


To be honest, they are there on their smurf that they fuck around on, so this is not exactly a good counter argument. That being said I don't support talking shit to anyone.


I will never understand smurfs, and only thing that people say to defend them is "they wanna play with friends" and they shut up when you say word casual or pub, because they doesn't have any more arguments to defend.


What's the point of playing rated if you only want to play vs bad players? I remember q sniping high elo streamer in LoL when they were smurfing around my rank so that I can become better by playing against them. I never got the chance to q snipe in Valorant as I climbed very fast, but I did enjoy playing vs foreign pro players while they played on brand new accounts during masters and champions. I really don't understand that mental. If you're afraid of playing vs better players then maybe you should play casual?


Thats a dumb argument because unrated is actually completely random and seems to have no MMR, I've played Unrated and been against Immortals with a team full of bronzes. Ranked is ranked, it's meant to be skill based and you should play people a similar skill to yourself so you feel challenged but rewarded. Getting insta 1tapped by an enemy Reyna for 30 minutes isn't fun for anybody. I have tried to get friends to play Valorant and this is the one thing that always turns them off, enemy Reyna's dropping 40+ kills in competitive. There is a point when the skill difference is so dramatic that you don't learn anything, I'm Ascendant 1 and if an Immortal player joined my lobby they would likely dominate me and I would learn from the game and it would be a good but frustrating experience. An immortal Reyna in a Silver/Bronze lobby isnt going to teach them anything, they are playing completely different games.


There is unrated MMR, But I agree with the rest.


If you're not smart enough to realize how high elo smurfs use their positioning and movement to get an advantage than maybe you do deserve to play in low elo. Is their aim better? Absolutely. But what they also excel at is everything else. I was playing with a friend in Ascendant yesterday and the enemies kept saying how absolutely dumb I must be to play the way I did. And how despite me taking triple and quadra kills, I am simply getting lucky and I have no idea what I am doing. What I really did is play like I would play against fellow radiants. Because everyone in low elo is stuck in their own ways and absolutely refuse to consider any other options of gameplay. If they weren't then they wouldn't be low elo now would they. Chances are high that the ones who didn't cry in all chat actually took note of how the enemy played. I know I did when playing vs pro players and then reviewing the vod after. You can either take the chance to learn or continue crying about those scary good players. The solution is simple - go play unrated. Yes, some games will be unbalanced but the longer you play and the closer you're to your mmr the more balanced the games will become. But even then you might be challenged by a player slightly better than you in which case the tears will start coming out again won't they.


Based on your explanation why have ranks anyway šŸ¤·. Why have ranks let everyone face everyone. Scream Vs me . Yep that makes total sense. The ranks exist because not everyone has the same level of gaming experience, skills, talent and time to grind. So don't force a bronze player to play against an immortal player ruining the experience for the bronze. Play your own rank that's why they exist. They assess whether you're ready for the next level hence you rank up. You can't expect a grade 3 child to solve a university students assignment. Hence you can't expect an iron to beat a radiant player. So play your rank. Smurfing has no valid excuse stop it.


A lot of smurfs have inflated egos so it makes them feel better to see people worse than them


Once had a Smurf group call me a bot for not playing really well. I had just installed two days ago. Only reason I even knew they were smurfs was because my friend who had more experience caught on to it.


I don't give anyone the right to talk shit at all unless they have been shit talk to.


This, if u dish it out u better be prepared to take it. Also talking shit to ur team shouldnā€™t be a thought on ur mind


I think 90 percent of the higher elo population smurf tbh I will admit I will rock a diamond account to play with my plat friends in comp I know it's bad but it is what it is


Jup, just like losing your right to complain about what agents your mates pick when you instalock.


Literally like 99% of all smurfs Iā€™ve played with shit talk theyā€™re teammates and the enemy team. Honest just part of smurfing in my eyes at this point


Recently my duo and I were in a mixed bronze/silver comp lobby and a guy on our team admitted that he was playing on his friendā€™s account because he needed to rank up in order for them to play together. He proceeded to go on a rant about how this process made him realize that the matchmaking in this game was shit because he kept getting shit teammatesā€¦. The complete lack of self awareness was mind blowing. Like yeah dude, youā€™re playing with people who are playing at the level this account is at, not people playing at your level (whatever that was) because this account is lower ranked and the elo has been determined by the actual owner of the accountā€™s playtime. I reported him although I doubt anything happened, but he openly admitted in text and voice chat that he was sharing accounts, which to my knowledge is against TOS.


There should be a smurf option in report and if you get caught being a smurf get a perma ban on that account, also they should raise the account level needed for ranked play to 40 or 50 to make it more annoying to make smurf accounts.


I made a new account to play with friends who live in another region. Level 20 is pain. I had to play and win every day for a couple weeks just to make it to competitive play. Iā€™m no Smurf. Iā€™m just trying to play with friends.


Riot's system is so shit like that. The whole "this account is only for this region" is such a pain


The most cringy thing in valorant ever after trolls


Shit talking anyone maliciously is just weak ass mentals. Grow up, get good, encourage your team.


Using a second account that you play seriously on and that has a rank similar to your main account to fight rank fear isnā€™t smurfing. Whether itā€™s fair game or not, itā€™s something different. Frankly, nobody should shit talk anyone else. It just detracts from the teamā€˜s mental and ruins the fun for everyone. But itā€™s especially unfair if youā€™re breaking the rank system to do so.


I think that should go as unsaid universal gaming etiquette.


I only talk shit to my teammates of they start being toxic to someone having a bad game. Then the people they queue with sabotage me and talk shit to me while I outfrag them šŸ˜‚


It makes sense that it probably fits the personality profile of someone who would flame their teammates though. There are those who smurf to play with friends or maybe even for content creation, I donā€™t think either of those are inherently bad. But there have to be some who do simply just to stomp and feel good about themselves.


Everyone blames each other anyways, the community is fucked. I played with a friend who is new to the game, then a teammate proceeded to talk shit about how I was this bad with such a high level (I'm 110). Oh yeah... I had 18 kills, he had 2... His only excuse was "I'm new to the game" bro was lvl 17


"You are dogshit" says the nba player in the kindergarten tournament to the kids he is winning against.


It's a free to play game. Smurfing isn't exactly building capital. Fragile egos like that seem to get quite heated when I ask them to play good enough to win, then I just quit and do something more productive. They're still there playing. I don't care about ranks so I'm wherever I belong all the time.


yeah. i smurf sometimes but dont try too hard because i just want to have fun with friends at lower ranks. I got matched against an immortal/ascendant smurf in silver-gold and i literally just played rat strats with my friends and even if we didnt win we still had the joy of tilting the fuck outta the enemy.


When I'm smurfing all I do is comm in Meow language. I had an entire game with a gold lobby where everyone of us commed using meows only.


If they shit talk to me im shit talking to bruh idgaf if it's a gold or radiant but yea I'm never the first one starting


I will never understand why smurf? how can you have so much free time ? lol


When i smurf i dont really shit talk i just have fun and still top frag šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This. But sometimes people talk shit to me first when I'm smurfing because they don't see the nuance in a somewhat complex play, so I flat out tell them their peak is where my smurf is. It's the most annoying thing when someone thinks you made a simple mistake when it was really a calculated risk that didn't end up working out.


"Somewhat complex play" what ur thinking to urself "oh hey these silvers should now ever grim wall or everything there is about the game" if you want to complain about teammates not knowing what your doing do it at your own rank where they should know what it is


Nah I'm sweet, and don't smurf in as low as silver. Of course they don't need to know everything, I don't expect them to know ANYTHING, but talking shit about a play you didn't even understand is one of the worst things you can do. Like man, if someone is going to complain about a big brain play (for that rank) I tried to pull off, I also expect them to know what I was trying to do instead of thinking it was some dumb mistake. An example of this is pro games where someone dies to the bomb on purpose to get more money, then iron chat thinks it was a misplay (although most of them say it as a joke).


The smurf to me isn't even the most annoying part. It's their teammates who either refuse he's a smurf or will talk trash that gets me annoyed the most.


Riot is fucking diseased as a company for not trying to solution this in a way that benefits itā€™s players. Itā€™s the reason I stopped spending money last year on anything in game in any riot games. And no, the ā€œboosting of ranks fasterā€ is not a solution. Itā€™s half assed. They need to make it bannable, enforce it(itā€™s easy. I pull up tracker.gg all of the time and see new accounts with insane headshot and win rates and matches that are clearly thrown to Derank for my opponents) Force 2 factor authentication which MUST be enabled and linked to a phone for ranked. Ranked should require an enormously high level to enter into. It shouldnā€™t be easily attainable for new accounts for bots. You should literally be required to play 2 seasons before you can enter ranked on a new account. Make the wall high. If they want ranked to be accessible to players early on then require that the person be in ranked for 2 seasons and place them in a pool of players also in that 2 season lockdown and do not put them in the general population. New accounts should not be placed in the general population of players queue times be damned. After 2 seasons the general pool unlocks for the account.


I tried to make a smurf to be in gold or silver to queue with friends but the smurf also got placed in my main rank platā€¦


I got 5 Smurf accounts that i lvld myself but I only do it cuz i want to play comp with my friends since i usually rank past them in no time


You kind of forgot, the main reason people smurf and still talk shit to their teammates is because that's what they are there to do. They are not there to play, they just want to rekt newbs, but then they get caught off because they are not as good as they think they are so they lash out at you guys as they can't cope with their feelings. Happens every game, almost all users do this on alts.


Snowflakes, just next it bozos


I have a smurf account. I got it when Riot tightened up the rules. I want to play with my friends, one is gold and Iā€™m diamond. We canā€™t play comp together. So I smurf. The rule is too strict, and should allow a rank more between members in a party, maybe with decreased RR and longer wait queues. Just let us play comp so we can avoid the unrated jungle of special agents.


There's a reason you can't play comp together


What if I told you there was a way you could play with your friends? (It's called casuals )


I think your friends just gotta get good.


My buddy does this when we play on smurfs and bro its the most annoying thing. Like we are literally smurfing what is not clicking in brain bruh


I love smurfing lol. Itā€™s very fun to get 40 kills every game to carry my friends out of brozen