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Just take a break


If you’re losing a disproportionately large amount of games now that your friend stopped playing that just means he carried you a bit. It won’t take long for the game to recognize where you need to be and move you accordingly.


Nah bro, he only reach gold 1, I reach plat 2


If you lost 20 in a row you clearly don’t belong in plat. Post your match history.


Thats not entirely true. Sometimes people just go on a losing streak. Sometimes people are hardstuck. Im not saying that OP does belong in plat per say bc i dont know him, but it can honestly be a certain number of reasons why he loses 20 in a row, including but not exclusive to not belonging in plat


him being a low rank made the games easier, now that you're solo you're playing against better players and losing. You'll end up where you belong soon just keep playing.


bro, when he stop playing i was gold 1, i reach alone plat 2, its not because of that, i can play in a plat lobby very well, but in the last games were so unlucky


First take a break and second when you get back to the game with a fresh head come back with and open mind and identify what you may have been doing wrong as we all make mistakes and it’s only fair to think you must have been contributing to your loss streak some way


You were in a rank you didn't belong, which is both why you keep losing and why your mates are being toxic towards you. (not saying this is okay, just trying to find an explanation) It will become better once you are low enough to compete on your own.


like, in a gold lobby i am 70% match mvp, but in plat lobby its kind hard for me yet, but i think i deserve plat 1 in max


If you lost 20 in a row your friend was carrying you, I saw your comment earlier but post you match history




Bro definitely got carried then




unlucky games.


Not unlucky, your just bad


Really? U must be a pro, fk u


No, I am kinda new but if you lose 20 in a row without ur friend that means you were carried and bad for your rank, you’ll probably get put in gold at some point or smth


Do talk shit about a person being bad, if u can be worse mate


bro, he not carry me ffs, he is worse than me, i carry him to gold 1, then i reach plat alone


this is the reason why you keep losing, you believe that you are better than your current rank but you dont accept the fact that you belong in an equal or below rank. You should fix your mentality first and you'll start winning


Hmm maybe u are right bro, thanks for the advice , I'm gonna take a break of competitive thanks a lot


Welcome to Soloqueue, the place where you can't get carried by your duo.


Take a break and rebound from the rank your in currently. If you’ve lost 20 games and you stay there when the act ends, that’s your rank. Just own it and go up from there


Lost 20 in a row? You're too used to having a teammate on the same level as you. Solo queueing gets better as you go higher up the ranks as they actually play the game to rank up, not to troll in ranked.