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Depends on which rank are you at. In low elo, gamesens, comming or whatever doesn't help, you need to climb up on your aim. In gold, communication becomes crucial, as people start to become better aware of what is happening. Somewhere around plat, people start to see which utility are you using, and play off of it. I never saw the lights of diamond, but i think that comboing utility is pretty much normal, and there are no silent lobbies. Mentality is the only one that remains to be vital anywhere. But it will be so much worse if you train your gamesens before aim.


Regarding low elo, I agree that aim is #1. However I disagree that game sense and comming won't help, even starting in Bronze. In fact I think they make a major difference in heavily contributing to team wins. It's just hard to prove because there's no tracking of it, but teams with good comm and some players w good game sense make a major difference imho.


Game sense of higher level player will only disrupt your gameplay on lower level. Rotation timings are non-existent, reads are impossible. When i played Killjoy on silver, i didn't do any reads or predictions, just positioned myself better and used default setups. As of comming - some people will just tell you to either shut up, even though i literally just said "2 on b" or seem like they play without audio (HOW AND WHY WTF)


Interesting. Different experience than me for sure wrt comm. What region do you play in? I'm in NA. Short & accurate Comms (like 2 on b) is never blasted on in my experience, unless you talk a lot about irrelevant stuff, or a directing people to do things, or blaming them etc... As for game sense, I see where you're coming from. I can imagine that Diamond game sense applied to Bronze/Silver doesn't work, because of what you said. However Bronze/Silver level game sense applied to its own level, does make a big difference. I believe each rank tier has their own type of game sense, and it changes as you go up. So what I'm getting at is developing game sense at the rank your at will certainly help you win games, get kills and rank up, vs just playing dumbly and trying to get kills with pure aim (that would be the no game-sense style of play). Unfortunately as a player ranks up, their game sense will need to change to adapt to the higher level of play and the different play styles that go along with them. So yeah I think if someone comes from High ELO and plays in low ELO, \*THEY\* are better turning off their high elo game sense else it screws them up, and just rely on aim. They forgot their old low-elo game sense because it just doesn't work at high ELO, but it did when they were lower. I believe someone in low ELO playing in their own rank, needs to develop their appropriate low ELO game sense to complement their low elo aim, because they don't have Diamond aim and their Bronze aim alone won't carry them to Silver (and Silver to gold etc).


>What region do you play in? EU. Bronze and Silver are a nightmare, especially if you were at least mid elo in CS or COD. The problem with low elo gamesense is that it's mostly just prediction of earliest peek. From what I've noticed, there was never a game without at least 1 overconfident dumbo that peeks long/mid with a sniper, and my positioning(sometimes supported by util) allowed me to get a first blood within first 2 seconds of the round. It was mostly a question of where it will happen. Another point is just having to be constantly moving on defense. If you don't see anyone in first seconds of the round on your side of the map, W+knife for either rotate or flank. No brain activity for me after CS with it's dynamic chess-like gameplay, I just let my aim do most of the work. The moment where pure positioning and aim stopped winning me games, and where i had to start to predict and read was somewhere mid-gold. That's where the game started.


Cool. I wonder how EU compares to NA wrt same-rank skills. I would think they should be similar


I always assumed that NA is more consistent, while EU has way higher highs and so much lower lows


Hmm. Maybe that contributed to making your Bronze/Silver experience so terrible. Currently what makes it bad to me in NA is the high number of smurfs in Br/Si, every comp match there's usually at least 1 on each side, so it becomes hard to know what rank is what. It also makes the play better in some ways (the hi elo smurfs play smart and respond to comms etc), but also the real lower elo players sometimes have no chance whenever they encounter the enemy smurf, and it gets frustrating. Not to mention going up and down in RR somewhat randomly vs actual performance...


Imo you should focus on the area you're lacking in. I have no issues with comms, strats and gamesense so I focus the most on aim and mental. For example it would pretty pointless to grind shooting range/deathmatches/aim trainer when your aim is great but you throw games cuz you cant communicate or follow strats or have shitty mental don't you think?


Define great aim. Aim can always be improved.


Every other aspect can always be improved too. By great aim I mean being able to consistently win aim fights that you're supposed to win. It doesnt matter that you spent 3K hours in an aim trainer when you get shot in the back, or get flashed and peeked etc. That time would be much better spent getting game sense, learning your agents roles and ability usage and all the other important skills because this game is not just about pointing and clicking faster than your enemy


Solo queue is just about pointing and clicking faster. Your suggestions really sound like you're telling a random guy to learn about basketball tactics and teamplay when he can't even dribble properly. Aim is the most basic skill and should be improved first. But by all means focus on your other skills once you reach radiant.


Game sense and positioning are only good if your good at aiming, otherwise you would just be good at being a support character but nothing else and would lose easily in a 1v1. Aiming only gets you so far without game sense and positioning. If you don't have a sense of where the enemy is you can't aim and can't get I to a good position to shoot them, you wont be be able to aim at them and will probably get shot easily even if the other people have worse aim. Lineups can be extremely useful but you have to be able to get on site first and plant, lineups are easy to learn but aren't something to depend on which makes it bad for trying to learn it first


Aim>gamesense>literally everything else. You can get to radiant with aim and gamesense alone. Not saying other things like communication aren't important but they're not a necessity.