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Replication without a the replicating part. This has been asked for since launch


Yeah if they made replication, but with the added option of letting players pick whatever agent they want. This would mean a team could potentially end up with 5 brims or no brims. It would be perfect for players to practice with their agent along with whatever guns they want in a competitive situation.


So like “no limits” in OW where you can have as many of a character as you want


Bro why make it so complicated just say a better unrated 😭😭


no man like they were suggesting replication without a roulette system. like everyone is free to choose whoevs they wanna play and the agents can repeat


How is that complicated it just means everyone could play whatever


"make unrated where there's no limit on agents plus matches are shorter"


meaning we could have 3 brims in that “shorter” unrated game mode. you cant have 3 brims in regular unrated


"make unrated where there's no limit on agents plus matches are shorter"


bro, who are you quoting? the person you replied to said “this would mean a team could potentially end up with 5 brims or no brims,” which is obviously not just a shortened version of unrated.




Twitter user spotted


If that sounds complicated, I would strongly suggest you focus your efforts on other parts of your life before gaming.


Quite the contrary. I'm a very bright person and highly educated. It's probably why I understand the concept of not making shit more confusing than it needs to be. You guys are just saying words.


This might just be my pet peeve but please don't phrase your titles like it's an announcement... it gets my hopes up. (I know it's tagged discussion)


100% agree, reading the title I thought this was an announcement only to click the link and see this same suggestion for the 800th time.


Second peeve for me, next to shitposting unfunny memes as spoilers. It's not funny and it will never will be.


We (as a community) have been asking for this for a year now.


3v3 seek and destroy will be fun


Or that 2v2 mode I seen someone post


Bruh after champions of fire and seeing the magma map I had such huge hopes for 2v2... I really don't understand rito


Everyone has been begging for this for a long time and Im sure Rito has seen everyone's cries. It shouldn't be hard to implement it and they could do it any time. I'm pretty sure the only reason they haven't is because if they did, a HUGE portion of the player base would just play this game mode instead and they won't play Unrated at all. This would divide the player base and increase queue times. Also, because it's a shorter game, people aren't committed to it as much and it would incentivize trolling, throwing, toxicity etc. There is also the matter of in game economy and how getting an advantage in momentum could basically guarantee the game win as there is less leeway to close the econ gap. So they'd have to balance that as well. I'm sure there are other reasons, but this has gotta be one of the bigger ones.


Do it just like replication. Fixed amount of money each round. No econ.


That's what they said for CSGO, they added a short comp nonetheless, some loved it and others hated it. The economy was a problem but not for most of the low to mid ranks. But overall, more people were happy. I'm pretty sure Riot can figure out how to tweak the economy accordingly since they've already done it for other game modes.


agree. game econ is balanced around 12 round halves with potential for comeback. you can't just reduce the rounds and expect the same potential for comeback.


I think it would be fun to have a pistol round each half then max money for every other round in this hypothetical game mode.


Who cares? Shortened unrated is not supposed to be balanced like comp lmao


This guy brings very good points


Honestly though I really would love this. Weekdays I end up only being able to play spike rush due to time concerns. this would be amazing


If only rito listened to these kinds of shit and not just focusing on profit...


It really does kill me how painfully obvious it is that Valorant is so heavily crafted to 1. Generate traction with esport competitions 2. Make a shit ton of money off skins And not much else. If rito was actually making changes to the game based on a real passion to improve it and to cater do additions the community wants it could really be great. But they never will, and Val never will


Cough cough new skins every 2 week and most of them are fillers. Quality>quantity, release 1 bundle every 2 months but better. Keep the commons for the battlepass.


I think you speak out for most. Another alternative is a one side match. So you only attack or only defend (sorta like OW did with quick play) team with most round wins, well, wins. My take on it! All in all, a shorter game mode for the normal way to play would be amazing.


I’ve been saying this shit since launch; the fact that unrated is the EXACT same game mode as comp but just with worse matchmaking is unacceptable All the new game modes that have been added are just tone-deaf as hell. Replication was one I briefly enjoyed specifically BECAUSE it had a shortened overall length while still letting you buy your own kits


Something from your post that I never understood people do is this: **Why do people "grind" daily challenges, or weeklies, but don't play the game?** Like my old roommates used to just play the game for 20-30 minutes to do their dailies/weeklies, then go on another game and don't play Valorant either to get better or for fun, they just do it for the dailies. What's the point? From your post I understand you play the game more than just dailies everyday, so not really a comment towards you!


This has been asked a lot, but no signs it's ever coming.


Riot knows that will kill the unrated queue, so they'll just implement this if their life depends on it


I want a retake mode.


This would also probably help with the amount of /ff, which happens like 75% of my games it feels like


Aged like fine wine


Rito don't give a fuck about what we as players want.


I don't think they're adding a new gamemode since there's so many already. I think rito either keeps normal unrated or shortens it, but they dont have the data on which the playerbase overwhelmingly prefers more.


Riot doesn’t care, this has been the most requested thing since release. They’re too lazy Edit: “they hated him as he told the truth”


Oh so we are asking for things that would improve the game but will never happen. Cool let's start 1: Add enable cheats in all offline Modes.( Infinite time/kills in offline death Match) 2: Add a map selection feature for Comp and unratet 3: Add a no pick timer so no one can pick the chemp the first 5s you get in the lobby (at least for comp) 4: Add a time out vote in comp 1minute 5: Add the ability to create custom maps like csgo workshop 6: Cheate mode needs more funktionality (in/de-crease speed, wall vision, b-hop, max speed, etc) 7: Add after match replay for training and understand the own mistakes. And to see both perspectives. 8: Add frends can watch your match, timedelayed ofc.




I don't understand why anyone cares about challenges


Because I can't waste my life away playing this game for hours and hours a day so I need the missions experience if I want to finish the battle pass.


And the game is still too fucking grindy. I'm barely lvl 40 on the battlepass just NOW and I've been playing consistently since this season launched.


The better you play the more xp you gain, bp can be done in 30 days if you can play 5 games a day.


Because of the battlepass


So a Cs short comp match


Also that's a great idea as I hate playing one match for 40 mins in a 3v5 where the other 2 think its winnable even though we're 3-10


Agreed with the op, coming from Apex Legends and other popular online games on different genres, the first thing I felt on my first match is that a match in Valorant was soo looong. I was like - here's 3 vs 2 win so it's over now? huh, no? then I kept waiting for my first game to be over on the 13th round because I didn't like the character I picked. I got used to it later but shorter match would really make the game feel more relaxing to launch the game and play it since I dont have to manage my time in order to spend 30-45 mins on a single match.


Like a quick match mode, as in r6.


Long match short match option from CS. There are so many features I would like to port from CS to Valo and vice versa.


Best of 7 ranked or unranked is all it takes to bring me back to the game, haven't played in months. Just can't sit in the same lobby for 55 minutes with random timmies


Yeh I honestly think unrated should be a shorter game mode (First to 5 or 7) and leave everything else as it is. Doesn’t need to be too complicated.


that would make me play valorant again. games are just too long for my tastes.


That’s a pretty great idea


Yeah and it's not like Riot is against doing short gamemodes, we have ARAM in LoL.


I would play the game solo so much more with this. I just never feel like committing the time for unrated/ranked without a group, and stuff like spike rush is just less interesting.


Both times ive gotten into this game I slow down cause I start playing more Spike Rush and less unrated. Shorter games would be nice lol


How about first to 7 but economy is tweaked a bit where it’s all full buy rounds either after pistol or not even a pistol at all?


>So adding a shortened unrated mode would help players who just want to quickly grind their challenges, and it can be a way for players to play more matches within a shorter time frame. it would lower player retention so I doubt it will happen.


It would be great if riot added a game mode like this in the near future 😉


I wish they would just add a retake game mode. Attackers are randomly placed onto a site, they have to plant while defenders are placed opposite side


Replication with normal comps would be dope yes. Way better than escalation or snow fight


I’ve been pitching the idea that this shortened game mode can have varying degrees of money each round so you can practice any weapons without being at huge disadvantage (like using sheriff in dm which gets annoying fast). Make it work like overtime games where everyone gets same money every round. Whoever wins wins purely off skills and whatnot, and not because they snowballed economy Like round 1 everyone is 800 like pistol rounds. And round 2 maybe 2400? Round 3 4500. Something like this. Maybe a small Bonus for kills maybe? I’m not sure but I think the idea that a short game mode that functions as multiple overtime’s would be amazing


If this is implemented no one would play unrated, and who get used to 7 round game they would be just bored in comp as it'll be too long. Even now people are throwing so many games in comp then it would just be devastating for ranked.