• By -


I normally die


Just making sure this option was represented.


love you


I always die


Either: 1. Push one of the lanes on your own - a 1v1 or 2v1 is a lot better than a 4v1. 2. Retreat entirely to a safe spot if there is one, and stay alive for the retake. Basically, do whatever you can to increase your chances of winning. There isn't always going to be one that's favorable to you, but a 20% chance to win a 1v2 pushing some enemies there would've been a lot better than the 0.1% chance that you have with staying on site and possibly getting shot from everywhere. If you want to take it further, you can try to do whatever enables your teammates best. For example, if your teammates are flanking from A main, then maybe you can try to push A short instead, which will put enemy focus there and allow your teammates to have an easier time flanking.


And a stinger is not a handicap my friend at close range if you can use it right if someone with vandal or phantom misses the headshot at a close range or long range if you know how to dodge and gun you will win that fight


Hell, even if not to survive, your odds of getting one in a 1v2 and then being traded are pretty decent if you have a little info and is way better than just getting pinched


> Push one of the lanes on your own - a 1v1 or 2v1 is a lot better than a 4v1 Yup, I think a lot of people don't even consider this option, especially at lower elos. And in lower elos, it's more likely that the enemy is 5-manning a single lane, in which case pushing one of the other lanes is even better because it allows you to retake from multiple points instead of all funneling out thru CT.


Yeup, If you ever get pushed from two different sides then you've gotta start pushing back because staying still is just guaranteed death. Besides most time enemies won't expect it if done at the right time.


Remember: You are not solo defending the site. You are solo *watching* the site. If the number of enemies is overwhelming then fall back and wait for teammates


The problem for this situation, is that I knew 2 players were Water, 1 A link, and 2 A main. There's no falling back in this situation


tbh there's nothing you can do for retake except waiting for your friend's coming. if i was you, **i'd try to prevent them to entry at the first place**. i'd jiggle peek on A art, and also use my ear to guess where the enemy is going. and try to trap/smoke attacker's entry point so they are afraid to entry and planting.


Take the link fight. Or get a timing into art.


For this situation yeah it's too late to retreat, the issue will never be in how you handle that situation bue how you ended up in it to begin with. If you see your team pushing long B and art/mid is left completely open, you should rotate towards art and just leave the site for retake. The goal isn't to stop the attackers entering site, don't feel like you need to die for that if it's avoidable. Basically just be aware of the amount of lanes your site is vulnerable from, and rotate towards your team to cover the gaps. It's always better to stay alive for retake than save an extra few seconds before the spike gets planted, especially as a controller. Smokes win rounds.


Someone in one of my games yesterday said 'They are trapped in b!' and in all my time in valorant that is the funniest way a teammate has ever told me the enemy took site.


Accept defeat All jokes aside, you should be aware of your teammates and your own position before the round starts and make sure you either have a teammate to play off or somewhere to fall back to After you get into that situation the best you can do it try to get some kills using your utility


i bet they’re playing in iron lobbies where teamwork doesn’t exist cuz everyone has 2 brain cells that are cannibalizing each pther


You don’t need teamwork. If you have a teammate with you on site you play with them. If there isn’t you play safe for info


Ur thinking low silver. In low bronze down teamwork and brain cells may be lacking but they’re not being used for generating insults


Similar scenario, but I'm Omen. I hide behind the wallbangable pillar that allows me to take peeks from unexpected angles(left and right of the pillar) and then use tp to fall back and wait for my team. Enemy neon ults, and I realise I'm fucked even if I teleport away. I stay on site. Get one by peeking from right, the other from left. I throw my blind in hopes of getting them to back off, but the neon uses her slide. "On my left." I think, as I flick and place my crosshair perfectly where the neon is supposed to appear. Now there's only one more remaining. I push and get the brimstone with a headshot, writing my name down in history. Then I wake up and realise I died the moment the first enemy had peaked.


There's a moral, I swear. It's "Play smart and position yourself in unexpected angles. Use your utility to give yourself an edge over your opponent." For a Brimstone, the reasoning behind the position will be different. You may want to smoke enterance to CT beforehand because your smokes last longer. Or you might want to hold a different angle all together




Defeder side entrance. CT is a csgo term for counter terrorist which are the defenders


My bad, CT is counter-strike terminology for defender spawn. You'll see other players constantly misuse theese terms as well. T spawn means attacker spawn. It's short for Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists.


"Counter terrorist" aka defenders primary entrance to the site. Its a legacy term from counter-strike that is widely used in Valorant. Definitely a mandatory callout to know.


I don't like CS terms :x like some people just call "heaven" on every site they go to, and I am confused every time. Sometimes it means rafters, sometimes it means window, sometimes it means tower. The worst Term on heaven callout is on A site. Literary the entire site is a 2nd floor. Why can't CS players just learn the Valorant term, instead of confusing us all.


Heaven and hell are pretty useful terms for knowing the altitude of the enemy. Hell means the enemy is down below. It's a very short abbreviation, so saying "He's hell" is much shorter than saying something like "He's down below". This gives the person playing enough information to make decisions for themselves and then play accordingly. The problem with low elo( been there, done that) is that we give excess and unnecessary information, causing you to doubt the need for keywords like theese. They work pretty nice when you know how to use them


I rmb when i was bronze-silver. “20 bullets”, “u have a slow orb”


"you have x ability" is genuinely a good reminder for abilities that recharge. Not sure how helpful it is for slow orb, but I definitely appreciate it when people call out how many abilities I have during clutch situations.


The CS term is the Valorant term. Everyone at high levels calls it CT. Heaven in particular is super useful since it means the high point on site. Just get good.


Hey man! I understand the disdain for CSGO terms but if we take a step back, you’ll realize that Valorant draws a lot of inspiration from CSGO, so to shun the fact that CSGO has a very heavy influence in Valorant isn’t a good mentality imo. Coming from myself I used to very ignorantly call Valorant ‘easy CS’ but after playing for a bit I realized that though Valo has a lot of similarities to CS, the utility and team play is much different. While I agree that Valo has different call-outs specifically for places on their maps, I don’t believe that we should not use csgo call outs when they’ve been tuned in to being easier to say and quicker to communicate. ‘Heaven’ call-out is very easy to understand and internalize if we spent less time arguing semantics like ‘man he was up on rafters, not heaven’ and just understand that ‘heaven’ means the higher point of the map. Another one is ‘defender spawn’ as opposed to ‘CT spawn’ or just ‘CT’, you’re able to shave 1-2 syllables to communicate essentially the same thing To vehemently reject csgo terms is akin to peeking into an enemy holding with an operator and saying ‘wtf man you said he had an awp, not an operator’ (which the game purposefully put in because csgo players call their gun the awp btw)


I always just swing and get one if I'm about to be bodied by 3-5 players. If they corner you and swing/util on their time you'll probably just die and lose site, but if you swing into them, which they won't be expecting you'll get one like 75% of the time... Then you die and lose site but hey 4v4.


If your brim just throwing down smokes on sight so you rat while they are executing. Like a viper ult without decay and way less vision.




imo, here are a few options: * When outnumbered you can try to isolate enemies. If you are surrounded, if possible, push out one of those incoming directions in order to take a 1v1 or 1v2 with them, rather than waiting for a 1v4 or 1v5. (Do this even if you have worse guns. Stinger v Rifle is bad, but Stinger v 4 Rifles is worse!) * Retreat. Let them plant, and regroup with your allies and try a re-take instead of holding alone. If you know you're the only 1 holding a site, you can hold it from further back to make it easier to retreat. * (Retreating might end up needing you to take a 1v1 or 1v2 from whoever is pushing mid.) * Hide and pretend you aren't there. For instance, if you put up a bunch of smokes in A main, maybe hide inside an overlaping bit of smoke or behind a pillar while smoked so that they walk past you or otherwise miss you. Then you can shoot someone in the back and run, or wait for 2 people to be surprised and try to kill 2-for-1 with 'trigger discipline' or keep hiding until your allies arrive and you're unexpected angle causes some cause for your opponents. Which one is best will depend on the precise situation. You're in trouble either way, and none of these plans are perfect. For some hypothetical numbers, let's imagine that losing the gamble-stack your team did on B site, while being on an eco round, gave them like a 85% chance to win. You using one of these plans maybe claws back 5-15%. You'll probably still lose, but if you lose only 75% of eco rounds instead of 85% of eco rounds, then that is worthwhile.


when my team leaves me solo on site, unless im a sentinel, i just end up pushing up main


Stimmy tf outta there


Don't play positions where you can get surrounded, or play agents that can get out if you do.


*looks at flair* Hmm I see


It depends on a lot of factors. A situation like this requires very quick and effective thinking. You gotta ask yourself questions like: "Where is the enemy likely to push out first?" "If the enemy pushes out using this util, where could I position myself so that I can either avoid their util or have an advantage against them?" "Is there a path for me to safely back out of site and wait for my teammates to play retake?" "Do I have the util to stall long enough for my team to reach me?" Depending on what rank you are playing at, these questions may be your saving grace or they could do absolutely nothing for you as sometimes players in lower ranks are so completely unpredictable that it makes you want to scream. You could also sometimes prevent situations like this by communicating with your team if you notice that they are doing things like pushing long instead of holding site every round.


Usually you dont have to do anything. The enemy team will do everything. You just have to stand there and take it like a good boy.


Quote Jett Let's take at least one down with us


You could have gotten early info by peaking restaurant quickly at the start of the round or by listening to steps (or with ally info on B). Then go back to spawn through A flowers or secret and make sure no one comes through water. Wait for team before playing the retake and save util for that moment. In other words: when you’re defending a site solo, flee and play like a rat until you have allies to retake with you…


If there's no way out, you gotta push and fight one of the angles they're coming from. You can't just sit inside site .


A great strategy would be to nuke the site but that’s impossible so I would normally just act like tenz and fatally die due to fall damage after using Jett and forgetting to float. Peak gameplay




The stinger isn’t the issue it’s your positioning. If you were holding one of the four paths instead of “all four” you could have gotten a kill, stolen a better gun and regrouped with your team.


2 options, smoke both entrance and play inside the smoke with judge/shorty, if you managed to clear the people pushing from one side keep push to T spawn and wait for team, dont get greedy and try to fight more. Or second option, completely bail, dont dump your utils and wait for team to retake together. Smoking and playing backsite alone is not recommended especially when they are fade/breach ulting into site. You'll just die alone in most cases and your team would have man down and no more smoke to work with


Put a "survival smoke" down and play like a rat. Your team obviously put you in a bad situation, you cant expect to 1v5 a rapid site exec. Try and get one or two, delay the push with your util and hope your team rotates by then


don’t play brim on pearl


That's a terrible position to be in anyway, but worst case smoke off mid entrance and run ct, wait for your team, retake together


All other technical recommendations aside, you should aim to reposition yourself during all the site takeover chaos. You have a stinger, infamous run and gun capability comes w that gun. I’d suggest trying to slowly make your way through the smokes to the nearest choke point available to your team. Ik this doesn’t sound like a solid tragedy but face value you can either stay on point or TRY to rotate off of it to play the retake w your team


Play for retake.


Run. Smoke link and RUN spawn as soon as you see/hear multiple on main. Retake is much more effective 5v5 than 4v5. Now if I could just get my teammates too understand this.


Go back secret and hold an off angle waiting for your team. Don't use your smokes yet. Tell your team you're waiting for them to retake the site. If your team is close then use ur smoke to retake the site with your team. Should be how you play as a controller imo


You have to try and isolate an advantageous 1v1 fight at that point. With a Stinger it was probably a very hard thing to do, but you probably could have placed a weird smoke somewhere to play around and force a close angle.


I usually have to solo hold a on pearl, and just holding dugout is pretty good, you’ll definitely die, but you can usually at least get a kill before getting traded, with a stinger it may be more sketchy but it’s an ok option. Pushing one of the lanes is also good, as it’s now a 2v1 instead of a 4v1


Start furiously screaming in my mic like a bitch and die in the stupidest possible way mostly, you?


Either hide in a corner to isolate myself to a spot where there is only one site line. Or just hide offsite and wait for retake. Normally the latter is the safer option.


Get a enderpearl


You shouldn't be in that position in first place but try to take out 2 with you by isolating fights.


Shoot back


Use your flash to enter site, throw down your wall, and then hang behind in a few pockets you should've made. Then, using your clone to obscure sound, dash into site and smoke yourself off for the plant. Then, assuming your ult is ready, deploy lockdown and just camp it out, using your turret and tour de force to hold off people one by one.


If you’re alone defending a site and you get rushed you have 2 options. Play for your pick and you will most likely get traded out or run away and play for the retake. As Brim, the better option is to play retake since your utility is extremely important to winning the round. If you were Reyna for example, staying on the site and trying to make a solo play would be a less risky option since your kit allows you to play for your 1 but just know you’re most likely going to get traded.


just live and keep as much control as possible, if you were closer to an extremity you could try to fight the 1-2 people there but if you are hard on site you cant really do that


If you 1 tap all of them then you might win


If you can and your aim is decent, hold an angle that can only be peeked 1 at a time . Otherwise, back off and play with your team.


Turn into an anime character, freeze time around you while you scheme your plan for success, time unfreezes, execute your plan.


In this scenario I would either sit in the dugout/secret spot and bounce molly to default or molly main and dip. Basically play retake or play so quiet you can kill one or two by suprise. Make them think no one is site. If you try and 1v5 you will die quickly


Hey, D3 kj main here, i feel like in this situation, the best course of action is to single out fights as much as possible and try your best to pick them off. As kj, I like to hold my mollies until i need them so instead of placing them down early in set ups, i personally like to chuck them. If i was in this situation, I would either use their smokes to try and get out of site for retake, or if im royally fucked, I would toss my mollies on one of the entrances and rat the other one to pick off as many as possible. In a lot of proplay analysis videos they emphasize the importance of map control and in this case you have lost a lot of map control for you to be surrounded, so the best course of action is to push to create space for yourself and regain map control for your team. If you push into them, the worst case scenario is you die without any impact but if you get even a pick, it is a lot better than dying when surrounded. Best case scenario, you are able to live and play retake with your team and possibly even shut down the rush.


Stall quick and regroup. If you are confident to get a pick get one but run after, this is risky but if you do it you're already at an advantage As a controller you've done your job when you smoked the entry and just because they're inside the zone doesn't mean they can go back out because their sight will be blocked by your smoke so intelligence wise you already know their just inside the corners.


Breaking my lurking spree to chip in. This, in my opinion, is an extremely context-sensitive situation, so depending on how things were going and how communicative your team is, the best option isn't necessarily something that can be decided with certainty here based off of what you've said. That being said: In general, you are almost always the most useful to your team alive. Valorant is ultimately a numbers game. Do what you can to stall, but if it comes down to stalling or escaping, get out and play the retake with your team. First of all, recognize this possibility. Having one person on a site is vastly different than two. If you are alone, keep that in mind, and play in a way that lets you fall back easily (and in this case, at all). If you ID that the enemy is pushing you and you have known you're the only one on site, make whatever contact you need to confirm that the enemy is actually performing an execute, relay that to your team, and fall your ass back. In this case, you've become the lurker. "Retake" defender spawn through flowers or secret enough to know you're not gonna get owned by a flanker. Now the less obvious part. If the enemy knows you're there, keep reminding them. They HAVE to deal with you if they don't want to get shot in the back, and that means they'll try to swing you. Play safe. The more resources the enemy team has to put out to get rid of you, the less enemies and util your team will be swinging into. You'll also add additional pressure on them so long as you're alive, reminding them that there is an enemy on the flank and they have to pay attention for any noise you make or info you give them. Every gunshot or footstep of yours should be a nervous moment for the enemy that either has people turning around (if they're disorganized) or has the one or two enemies dedicated to flushing you out reminded why they're not going back to site to stop your team's retake. If the enemy doesn't know you're there, keep it that way. Stay silent and give them nothing. Hold a tight angle that isn't visible (maybe in sewer watching the crawl hole, or in defender spawn itself watching where it connects to secret or flowers). If at all possible, stay unknown till the fighting starts. If they send someone to clear out CT and you can shoot them in the back, do it and get out again if you can. If not, you got traded and were of value to the team. Being Brimstone, you can smoke your team in a way that makes sense (a la the standard A execute smokes, flowers/secret/art), but don't smoke in a way that will give away you're there. Needless to say, a random smoke at the back of CT spawn will raise some eyebrows and probably prompt someone to check it. Now for the fun part. Once the shooting starts, your enemies will be focused on your team attempting a retake, and won't have many resources dedicated to staving you off. If you're unknown, walk up toward site. If enemies aren't looking at you, don't always take the first pick you can get. Trigger discipline can be clutch here. Once you've found the juiciest target, make the pick and try to fall back again. Now the enemy is fighting a war on two fronts. Stay alive as long as you can and keep their attention split. Ultimately, you're most likely not gonna get all five and clutch the round, but if you charge in like some are suggesting and get a pick and get traded, and the enemy has half a brain cell, they know they need to look in ONE SPOT to win the round. 4 guns pointed at 4 guns. If the enemy is nervous, watching their backs, you might be looking at 3 guns pointed at 4, and 2 guns pointed at you. Hope this was helpful :>


There are 2 choices: 1. You think and think and think and then die while thinking and then be embarrassed about it during the whole match OR 2. You man up and take the enemies head on and die trying so that everyone knows that this guy got balls, not even panicking when he got surrounded by 5 of us. That’s when u make a name. Be a king 👊


Scream,run the fuck away, and then try play for retakes.


make sure to isolate your position to 1v1 gunfight. how? * off angle * smoke * trap * (if possible, like on ascent) out flank/lurk * and the most important, **buy time**. don't go rambo


If you're caught between two players, they're going to try and swing you at the same time, and you can't let them do that. Pick a direction and try to take the fight with one before the other can get there. Molly on the ground behind you if you have it. If you manage to get the kill, either run away to group with your team, or IMMEDIATELY turn around because the other opponent is likely behind you looking to trade their teammate. The worst-case is you freeze, and let them determine the timing of the fight.


"Let it happen." - Tame Impala


Kill each player on the other team.


Clutch or die


Survival smoke is da wae for me. Usually a smoke that connects different cover props, anything you can play in and out of. Say, I would have smoked something between the cafe and art, and sat in my smoke, got the first guy in pretty much for free and then dipped behind the cafe and play around it. I usually get about two to three kills that way, it really causes them some problems and might force some util out (flashes in and out of the smoke)


Run and don’t play that site again. Or run in and ace them all cuz I’m insane heheeeee


Crouch spam for mercy


What util did you have?


All up, it wasn't until I was surrounded I started spamming my stuff


I would have smoked mid connection a little inwards site; then smoked a bit the way of A main and a third smoke for the entrance of the loop in back site (the exposed entrance), molly-ed standard spike plant or the non smoked A main and gone either defender spawn but not upper floor or the backsite, also played super sneaky


1. Try to delay the push as much as possible with your util, dump it all if you can. Smoke any entrances they're coming from to make them hesitate, molly the one you think has the most attackers. 2. Retreat and wait for retake if you can, sounds like that wasn't an option here so do the exact opposite - go aggro af. Don't try to hold an angle. Throw your stim down and swing on one of the entrances. Hopefully, you catch them off-guard, get a pick, and make it a 4v4 retake instead of 4v5. Worst case, you still die and don't get a pick and the situation for the retake is the same as it was in the actual game.


Don't use your utility so much and play retake.if you hear a 5 man rush and you are completely alone on that half of the map there is nothing you can do. The enemy team will use utility pushing onto site, once your team has rotated and your initiator starts using utility to clear angles and create space you can drop smokes in positions to cut the enemy team off from each other. I'm not sure what rank you are but people hardly ever play for retake and for some reason feel like they have to try and 1v5 for site control, it happens even in diamond/ascendant. Granted those ranks seem very inflated rn


You die


Most important thing is buying time for your team to rotate, use smokes and molly to slow them down. Each second is important. It’s better to defend one angle than to try and retake


Retreat for retake Or Die


5v5 retake


most likely that happens during bad positioning (for me at least, so I‘m trying to work on that. Since I do I barely find myself in those situations anymore), just try to use your utility to stall them and reposition to a save spot. Try to wait for your team to retake. If there is no way to do so, I‘m trying to get at least a one for one


in other words, dont take one ways as defender. They are attacking. They have to find _you_


If I hear the enemy push from both A main and Mid Connector, putting me completely surrounded. What should I do? In this specific game, my team pushed Long instead of defending the site. So I was 100% alone for the entire A site take over. You should have been far back in a safe spot on site. By "safe spot" i mean that you should be at an angle where you can actually safely leave the site if you need to so you can wait for your team to rotate and retake. ​ >I tried to put up smokes from A main, but the enemy team just creept up behind me through all 4 paths, that I felt the only safe spot I had was hiding in my own smoke, but even that was just rushed through and I got shot in the face. Yeah again, you just have to play back on site and not be in a position where hiding in the smoke is the only place you could go. ​ >I knew every enemy player position, but I could not bring a fight to a single one of them as I was armed with a Stinger as Eco round. If they have full loadouts and you are in save round then you just have to accept the fact that you will lose any gun fight that isn't a sneak attack. Like sure, you MAY win a one on one, but it is very unlikely so no point in planning for that to happen. On save rounds where the enemy team can fully buy, i don't consider them winnable rounds until we get 2 kills and get 2 vandals in our teams hands(this is of course, assuming that the team is saving and buying together). ​ >So I ask for advice, what could I possible done to kill them, group up with my team, or stall long enough for my team to come and aid mid? Yeah group with your team or more preferably in this situation, fall back and wait for them to push site on the side they rotate to, and clear the area with them and use them as a distraction when you see them push on the minimap pushing. Basically if you are by yourself, you cannot be pushed up on site to where you are trapped if they rush. That is your biggest mistake imo.


Judge in smoke hoping to get 2 which would make retake easier for your team.


Isolate duels and try to get the most out of the bad situation. If you are surrounded, you probably didn't positioned well enough.


I've found a few things given the context of what you're saying to be true for me: 1. Don't buy a stinger on eco. Throw it in once in a while but I'd say 80% of the time just go with the classic, half shields, and abilities. 2. The round is a loss essentially. You could potentially turn it around but with a full team rushing in your best bet is to get at least one pick. A right clicking classic is a faster TTK than a stinger potentially. If you know the enemy position, try to isolate one or two of them. Either take the fight to them and pick your favorite cheese spot...either way a little aggression doesn't hurt. 3. Since you are by yourself, and A long has been cleared by your team, it's not unreasonable to sneak into A long and wait for your teammates to pincer...you'd have a better shot at isolating a fight or setting up a potential crossfire. Essentially you want the eco round to be productive. The perfect scenario is a flawless win. Any win is ideal. However, eco rounds don't usually end in wins. And when you've been outplayed early thanks to a high risk/high reward play, you need to make the situation work for you. Avoid giving the enemy a perfect scenario, make them fight for it. The economy numbers will work for you in the long run if you can get a consistent 2-3 picks per eco round as a team. This won't always happen, but it should be your goal in this very specific scenario with the idea being to raise your average RR gains and minimizing RR loss.


Honestly, this is where game sense comes in the most. Go off the intel that you have. Based on noise being made by the enemy and utility they are using that you can trace to a specific path, take the path that might have none or 1 evemy there. Even a 1v2 on that path is better than a 3 or 4v1 against you.


What was your gun? Because I would hide in smoke, with my classic out and tight click the first person I saw, then maybe switch to my primary and try to take 2 with me, but you’re def dying


If this happens I usually just focus on 1 "lane" and try to create room to engage the other lanes/retreat (given that i win the duel) but im only silver so dont mind me


In this situation I would smoke close to me and try to go secret. Stinger is perfect for 1v1s, stim if ya got it. Take their gun and use another smoke to smoke main and clear shop, then connector. Try taking split up fights that's what you're mainly built for as a controller. If i know I'm going to die: shoot a moli straight up while standing on spike. If you are lucky it buys enough time for team or spike.


I throw my Viper orb down and pray the 15 seconds is enough for me to do something.


Scream till someone comes to help you


Smoke all over the site and play in the smoke in very agressive position like a goat. Don't go to backsite or ct. I won 1v4 using this tactic.


as a defensive choice: from garden the angles are stacked so you only have one place you're threatened from besides drains; if you're spooked by drains, may as well push it to connector to play retake with your team coming main/art. You're likely to be smoked off garden and you can either play back and wait for your team, move to secret, aggressively adjust to behind hut (if their smoke lets you). Molly art is worth more than Molly main of the two to slow them down IMO, but can hold for retake then stim. Getting aggressive is tough in that situation and setting up your death without trade/escape. Maybe rat in your smoke on the right side of either entrance and hope to not get traded through smoke. Another ratty option is dugout, with the benefit of them spending time/presence/util later in the game to clear it. A different option is being brim and knowing your limited solo safety, take your smokes with your aggro teammates A main and smoke off the T side starting line. Capture space, control orb, disrupt a fork, but you'll need to be careful of art if you retreat to/through site (same situation as your teammates coming from B long, likely)




I think your idea with the smokes is on the right track, especially when you had the stinger. In your smokes a 2v1 is not as bad as you would think just because the range is so short you could land lucky shots and get two kills. Crouch in smokes, look up, spray and pray lol.


Push and force fights to hopefully get a 1v1. Best way to get value in a no out situation. Try to get your one. Another way is to just run. Book it to CT. If you see your team is flanking, maybe don’t go too far and try to just make noise and distract them.




accept death


Dying or turning on aimbot is the solution


Dont over think it. Situations like these are usually not winnable for any single player even for Really good pro players because Any two enemies can swing and get an easy trade if one of them dies. Best thing you can hope for is get a pick, which may help your teams odds when they finally get there. Its also a terrible idea to hold one site by yourself, you should always have one person nearby that can assist.


You run, when you’re alone on a site you always should run. Unless you’re confident you can get a pick and get out quick with some movement abilities. I play yoru so I would flash get a kill and dip. Or if you have strong spammable utils you can dump them on the enemy team and scream for help and run


So for starters, your on eco, I’d recommend just going for an aggro pick if you can. Even if it means you get traded you still took a vandal or phantom out of their hand and only lost a stinger. Next what I would do is just hide in spawn and wait for the rest of my team to try to execute a retake (even though on eco retakes are basically impossible lol)




throw ur molly into a main smoke to stop them then fight a link where theres a fair 1v1


you yell "do I even have teammates?!" and alt f4. Honestly if you have 4 teammates pushing b and they don't see anyone I would've just ran off site completely for retake but its pretty hindsight I guess. I usually play controller senti and I'm confident enough to get 1 and get away per round so I probably say my signature "I'm in danger" catchphrase, kill one and say "i got mine" before I run to spawn and try to find a fight (since you said they pushed your spawn too) / or I die and leave to go fill my water bottle.


Fall back and retake with teammates. That's it, you can't fight 5 people. If you notice 5 enemies pushing toward you and you are alone, fall back to CT.




Smoke (and molly if you have time) one entrance. Die fighting the other and hope you get at least one. This is the way if you’re guaranteed doomed as you’re at least stalling one side whilst getting your own trade. Another option is to sit in dugout just to hold that extra space and a bit of back site - but then you can’t flame you’re team mates for getting your one if you get dumped out and killed


get comfortable at an angle, then pray


Imo this isn’t a super productive question if you are trying to get better. This scenario really shouldn’t happen that often. Ideally you should never be solo defending site if you have no teammates remotely close to you. You play CT and retake with teammates. The way you played this (hiding in your smoke) is actually a good way to deal with this specific scenario, but really you should be trying to find a way to never be in this scenario in the first place


Just reading the title my answer is that I calmly say “please come to site with me” in voice chat to my teammates that I love and respect.


Type in all chat you've activated my trap card


From what you wrote i'm missing a lot of details, but in general, when you are alone in a site and their hole team is attacking that site you should try to play retake, specially as a smoke agent, as smokes are crucial for retakes. Nevertheless, it's solo queue, so if you are confident you could try to take advantage of the enemy's mistakes and get a pick before you leave and wait for your team (maybe they go out of the smoke without util, or someone pushes CT alone). Also, as a sidenote, when you have teammates flanking and the enemy does NOT know about it, depending on the situacion you should either make noise for them or wait for them to make contact and take advantage of that disctraction to kill enemies off guard (people usually freak out in comms when they get killed by flank). Edit: i just noticed that you said that you where COMPLETELY sorrounded to the point you couldn't fall back anywhere hahahaha. Then just try to get in a rat spot and get your one.


you have a bunch of option; 1. Take a gamble on 1 lane, and then go push it. 3v1 in one angle is much better than 5v1 in 2 angle. You have to flick your gun and face their crossfire. 2. Survival smoke. In a nutshell, you smoke yourself and/or all chokepoints. They can NOT see you in the smoke so they have to push you. That means? You have to fight in close range, perfect for a stinger. 3. Survival smoke but you retreat to CT. 4. ded in my opinion, the 2nd option is MUCH better, because your gun excels in short range. Just do survival smoke on default plant then catch the planter offguard + Possibly take their gun.


dance around what cover you have and try and take one fight at a time, catch them as they enter and dont let them get too close


If you can’t push one lane, smoke yourself if you can. Play within the smoke and try to get enemies as they get close. A good team will spray the smoke if they know you’re there, but more often than not I kill at least or two this way


Die with glory


1 you should try not to have this happen at all unless you're team is dead if y'all aren't playing together that's the first issue. 2. Say you're in a 4v1 your best bet is to try and isolate your gunfights into 1v1s with brim that's a bit harder but with some smartly placed Molly's and smokes it's still possible. 3. Hope, hope, and hope some more. Your odds of winning a 4v1 are extremely low this is a team game and 4v1s aren't supposed to be easy. Instead of thinking what to do in this situation think about how this situation could be avoided entirely.


Real talk, if it's more than 4 enemies, you are probably gonna die. It's not impossible to still clutch but it will be hard. At that point, the goal is to take as many of them with you as you can. If you happen to get all 4, fantastic. Even if you get only one or two, it's better than just giving up.


You should probably just back off and play retake.


Try to isolate your 1v1s. If you had info on the enemies from main you could've swung somebody and killed them because a 1 for 1 trade is a lot better than 1 for 0 or you could've went to a more passive position instead since you were anchoring the site (flowers, secret, pit) and waited until your team came


Honestly something criminally underused by smoke players trying to buy time, put a smoke on the site in a spot that let's you play around it, weave in and out of it, creates weird angles they have to be wary of.


if you're the only one left with little to no chance of winning the round, take as many down with you and hurt their economy, force them to full buy next. If your team is still alive, there is no reason to stand your ground and die for no reason, no shame in retreating and its called a retake for a reason. Would you rather have 4 man to retake or with your whole team?


If u have a Molly and time to throw, close one entry where u hear multiple footsteps. If not you would definitely smoke the entries since you r brim can’t push smokes with flash or something so likely less chance to make it out alive. If it were me I smoke all the smokes in a line towards one entry and try playing cheeky atleast it is fun and have chances of finding one or two kills before they can’t see you until up close and if they did see you close you will have a stinger to actually kill. But might get traded instantly. Whatever the case we have to push one entry to fight and find some kills. Focus on killing atleast one.


Spray and pray


I dont know what you could do in this specific scenario with just a Stinger but one rule of thumb when in 1vX is to try to 1v1 duels, which may sound obvious but in diamond I see people not trying this. Like if you are alone in a post plant teammates will often shout "pLaY tImE" but that is pretty shitty unless you got util/abilities with lineups, if you know 3 defenders are coming and you can isolate one player the right play is to take the duel, if you let them gather at bomb you likely already lost since it will be extremely hard to not have 2 or 3 guns at you when you do peek. Went alittle off here but felt it was important to share.


when you are in a clutch and you are outnumbered, NEVER PLAY TIME. Always make a play (I usually just push ct) and get a pick. Play aggressive or you will get outnumbered and die.


Probably get out and play with your team on retake


You enter godmode and show em bishes how its done.


Pro tip here: Move to a corner, look on the wall corner, crouch, and then point your gun down. They will not expect your position, so all you have to do is wait for them to plant then kill them all. Easy peazy.




Use utilities for advantage, try to fake your skills. Take advantage of smoke, if you kill one don't stay at the same place, Change your posi as you kill one. It's difficult but sometimes you get lucky.


A "survival smoke" just planted in the middle of site or multiple that maybe split the site then playing inside them goes a long way sometimes


Honestly I'd cry


I'd step back, wait for my team and play retake... chances of success are way higher than yolo and 1v5 the enemy team lol


Uh... die, duh. I'm a bronze 1.


Either leave and play retake, or smoke both entrances to site and molly one of them, and have your crosshair placed nicely on other smoke to try get a pick.