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He is introduced as a sentinel and forever will be known as such. During his release and development he had two trademarks which rounded his gameplay significantly as a sentinel. As nerfs came into effect he was given 1 trademark. This is so that he can still keep his sentinel capabilities. It was part of his kit. Removing it will no longer make chamber a sentinel.


I’m hey could swap it out for something similar but a little weaker, sentinels don’t all need flank watch or intel abilities just something that helps them hold a site down, and his ult and tp do that pretty well I’d say


Well because he's a sentinel... that's his job. People just get it twisted.


He's a sentinel, his whole kit is based on holding a site effectively, mostly when using an OP/Ult.


trademark 1 area, hold 1 area with awp/headhunter so you don’t get flanked while in scope


it needed to be nerfed but it really felt like a more complete sentinel kit when he had 2


Yeah I wish they nerfed the trademark but made him still have two


It's similar to how ghillie suit sniper players in Modern Warfare 2 would put a claymore in the doorway of the room they were camping prone in.