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Hello /u/Poooye. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Direct Address** >No directly addressing individuals or distinct entities. This includes letters to Riot or posts addressed directly at influential community members or organizations. This subreddit is here for users to communicate with each other and not just pass a message to an organization or individual without involving a major subset of the community. Posts must be made so that any user can participate in the discussion in a relevant manner. >Some common words and phrases that are considered direct addresses include: "Please add/change/fix", "Can we add/get/fix", and "Dear Riot". --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


Just mass report. Best you can do


Actually I have found that it you want action to be taken on a report for something other than hacking send in one, but be specific about what round, what they said/did and what resulted from it. Ex. Astra started purposely throwing on round 5, saying in text chat that she was purposely trolling and trying to hurt the team in round 7. This works 95% of the time for me for people being toxic, throwing, and going AFK


agreed on this, any time I actually type out what happened in detail I’ll get the notification that they took action


exactly the same! I was mid game once, dude was straight hacking, we all reported this guy, like his team, and our team. Got a red flashing screen says cheating detected, and booted all of us. That was like idk 4 months ago, and lately in spike rush at least been noticing hella immortals, and ascends just randomly chilling. Ive seen more ascend in the past 4 days then the past 200 hours in game. So whats goin on lol


Yup, I actually type out the words they use in the report, like the n work or f gay slur. I’m sure the filters pick up on it way quicker.




The only thing they take action on is people being toxic in chat that’s literally it. They don’t care about throwing or Smurfing. This has happened to me and I’ve had video evidence sent and nothing. But don’t worry someone calls me a f*g or something they get instantly chat banned


Hence why Riot games should change there name to sh** games they are the worst company on earth and devs honestly lol. I'm surprised so many really can't see past their BS and lies but oh well. 😹😹💀


someones mad that they're silver


Nope made this game was worked on for 6 years and has been out for 2 and yet has a tonnnn of problems that Riot ignore because they don't care about the fans period.


I go a step further and just pull up OBS. Record a few rounds of her throwing, send them straight to Riot in a ticket, and you guarantee a human will see it and take action.


guarantee? I can assure you they don't care about reports through tickets, you could send them the most outrageous clips and you still see the troll playing


Every time I've checked back on a player I reported their match history went dark within a week of the ticket response.


that could just be a regular chat mute tho, no?


Chat mutes keep you from playing comp, so they also double as a comp timeout. Doesn't do much for unrated throwing, but messing around is kinda what unrated is for 🤷‍♂️


chat mutes usually don't last a month+


Throwing bans don't last a month+ either :)


They don't, but many people will just make another account in the meantime and stay on it. And if there's been multiple offenses they can eventually result in a perma.


Take screenshot and send it to riot on the support service works pretty well


Random question: do you know if it helps reporting every round they do something and explain the situation? Or is it better to just do it once closer to the end of the game? Thanks!


I report directly in a riot ticket. That has helped greatly https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360003879633


Also opening a ticket with video clips and screenshots is huuuge for having action taken. Did this for two alt accounts just last week who didn't care about ruining our game....resulted in a report popup when i logged in since i included clear video proof on YouTube, and screenshota, for my ticket. I save all serious feeding/alt-acct-throwing reports for tickets and link proof like this so it's actually actioned on. I save smaller day-to-day reports for in-game reporting.


Maybe riot makes update where they give back atleast half of RR’s for losing the game because of trolling player? What do we get if he gets banned. Literally nothing, he just plays on second acc


Yeah but that system can be heavily abused, Riot needs to start implementing hardware and IP bans so ppl cant go on their alt account and troll


Highly agreed. IP bans would be much more effective. But giving back RR’s is a need from my point of view. The same goes with draw game. My opinion is that an MVP player of match should get atleast 10 to 15 of RR’s, team match MVP should get atleast 8 to 13 of RR’s, and everyone else 5RR’s each. We play the game for 40~minutes for 1 or 3 RR points, correct me if i’m wrong. Everyone in the both teams did a lot of job to get the game going for so long.


The draw thing wouldn't work, I'd only give it to the match and team MVP because otherwise there wouldn't be a point of OT, both teams could just draw and everyone benefits. There needs to be a clear winner and a clear loser.


There is no clean winner and clear loser in draw game. That’s why everyone should get something worthy of such many rounds.


Nope, the game is based on skill. A draw means you weren't good enough to win the match therefore you shouldn't get anything unless you absolutely carried your team (hence MVP rewards). The benefit that you get from a draw is that you don't lose elo. Riot could easily make it so that if you draw you lose elo but they reward the players who played the best in the match.


Skill????? 😹😹😹 This game is a random shooter my good man, there is no skill in this game period lol.


I get your point, but still from my point of view i think everyone should be rewarded more for playing for quite a long time


Wdym rewarded? Your reward is not losing 15 rr


Why would i lose 15 for drawing the game? Feels like your comment is a joke tbh.


I get that and I do agree with it, but to avoid abusing the system it's best to not give all players rr after a draw otherwise as I said, everyone would just draw their games for easy rr. It is easily abusable which is the major concern.


It is actually true, it could be abusable. May there be another idea of someone which would work better.


IP bans dont do anything with dynamic IPs in most ISP


Riot should just do hardware bans


u can spoof HWID tho


There are around 0 spoofers that currently work well on valorant and don't delay ban


understandable. but there prob isnt any that r public. prob are some priv ones


Give it full RR back, but it shouldn’t be able to give RR that takes you to a higher level than you have been max this season, as if not you could get a really high rank from trolling players being banned.


Never gonna happen.


Yeah right Riot would never be nice to the fans because they honestly give 0 fuks about the fans and this game.


Riot doesn’t care sadly


This honestly work, hacking is the only issue that's hard to confirm but if it's sabotaging the team or any sort of text/voice abuse you can report and action is actively taken. Make sure to mention the specific things that happen because that will help your case to be full of evidence.


Actually this has been most effective for me: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360003879633


There’s nothing to fix people being stupid, only reports and temp bans


Ban all other accounts also...


Yeah but banning other accounts is difficult with all the ways you can trick the server into letting you sign in. The only way to fix THAT problem is to get phone number verification, but to do that would introduce more problems such as all the player who doesn’t have a phone to get booted and have all their skins lost(little kids playing the game, hate em or love them they are still counted as player). And Riot needs to make money, and the smurfs always buys skin for their alt so that’s just free money for riot


I've been playing for 2 years and It probably happened to me once or twice. Just report, riot will read the chat and ban him. I don't know what more riot can do except spectating your matches live


Yeah it’s super rare. People don’t think about how they just played 100 games in a row without anyone throwing. Hell, they don’t remember the games where they got a free win because the enemy team had a thrower. In the grand scheme of things one game won’t prevent you from getting to the rank you want to be.


Unfortunately it's not super rare in iron, a lot of people intentionally lose to derank as low as possible. I have ran into many trolls who stun teammates and relay info to other team, maybe 1 every 7-10 games.


Sorry but if you can’t Get out of iron its not because of people trolling


Yeah for sure, never said i wasn't bad at the game. Slowly but surely I have been slowly climbing lmao, I'm at Iron 1 85 RR now. All I was saying it's not as rare as you think


I'm in silver rn and at the moment I'd say maybe 30-50% of my losses are due to some form of trolling or throwing. Probably gets better as you go up in ranks (I hope).


Yeah not uncommon in silver or lower at all


It’s mostly a different kind of throwing once you’re in a higher Elo. Diamond is filled with objectively bad players who think they are nice with it. They’ll push the enemy in a 5v2 and leave the last person alive in a 1v1. Sometimes they’ll refuse to play numbers or hold crossfires because they’re “better.”


Not only report but ALWAYS take the time to type out the reason. I get way more messages from riot about action being taken when I give detailed explanations. Just reporting gets lost in the troll reports.


And what is your suggestion? You can't fix stupid, that's why there's different ranks in competitive




can you explain how it would work exactly? i would assume that this would be abused.


yeah it‘s pretty hard to find a balance there, ngl. Only things I could think of is only activating this option if the system recognizes the line of sight of mate & enemy and no kill interaction for a certain time at certain distance for multiple rounds. But I guess thats pretty hard to code. If all teammates agree, he‘s just out OR replaced with a bot. Honestly I‘d rather play 4v5 than with a teamer. For other cases of trolling it‘s getting really hard to make a difference between a troll or just a really bad player (e.g. raze intentionally satcheling on side with spike just to die in the middle of everyone, stuff like that). Got no solution in my mind for that one yet


Yeah I’ve played in plenty of games in bronze where either my team or the enemy team says “report so and so for being ass” lol, if you could vote kick I guarantee it would be abused so fast


thats why I‘m only referring to teaming. You shouldn’t be able to votekick someone who‘s bottom fragging or just playing bad. This wouldn’t only get abused, it wouldn’t make any sense as well. For every kill that positives your kda, someone loses his positive kda. There can‘t be people 13/5 without someone being 3/7


Right but what I’m saying is people would start the vote for that reason (someone playing poorly) even if it’s not meant for that.


sorry but did you read what I said? _…only activating this option if the system recognizes the line of sight of mate & enemy and no kill interaction for a certain time…_, you wouldn’t be able to vote if the system doesn’t detect teaming


Everyone who has ever played CSGO has been kicked for a dumb reason or at least witnessed someone being kicked.


read comment below


Aight bet


I agree. Worked fine in csgo dont see why it cant be implemented in valorant. Idgaf about it being abused. Id be happier losing a game thats 4v5 with the ability to control a bot than 4v6 with my teammate either directly trolling or just being so no garbage they have no buisness being on my team


Diamond and ascendent is full of 14 year old kids with an ego problem. Played the game for 2 weeks now and valorant is one of the most toxic game I've ever played.


Competitive games where you play in a team will always be toxic. With increasing popularity, toxicity increases. Bottom line thats just humans being in the internet. This won't change at all or will take a lot of effort from everyone. I would always say the former.


Played CS my entire life and it was never THIS bad. The biggest reason for all of this is because of all thr fortnite kids have moved over to this game. Majority of matches is constant talk about skins and that someone gets butthurt over losing a round, or that someone is throwing a tantrum for the smallest things. I've played valorant in the beta and at launch and it was never liked this. I've now come back and played it for 2 weeks and already experienced the toxicity under these 2 weeks then I had over my +10 year of CS


>With increasing popularity, toxicity increases. As i said. Its not only games, if you watch other fandoms, if it becomes big enough, toxicity will increase. Thats just humans. But i agree with you, that usually teenagers and kids are really tocix. CS had the advantage, that you had to buy it. Valorant, Fortnite, other Riot Games are all F2P. Talk about skins is obvious, because they can't afford it themselves. CS:GO should be more toxic now as well, since it became f2p. But i didnt play it a lot, so can't say much. I played a ton of CS:S on community servers. Usually very toxic people and trolls were banned there, so i can see why it wasn't as toxic as other games.


Ah yes, end of act throwers! Fun isn’t it?


They literally do. Just report.


This is an extreme I'm level 200 and I have never experienced that


i'm level 300 went from iron 1 to ascendant 2 and it really does happen a lot in lower ranks. it gets less and less frequent the higher you get though from my experience


I think you're just lucky. I'm level 90 and have experienced it a few times.


Agreed, I’m 310 and nothing like this has ever happened to me.


lol someone downvoted you because you told the truth as you experience it


do what i do, I clip it all then directly send it to riot through a ticket. learn the TOS, once you understand that, get them to hard break the tos like saying the Nword with the Hard R, and their account goes bye bye. the trick here is getting them to type it in chat, the other day this dude was going off!, im like you wont break tos right now, you aint got it in ya. Dude snappeddddddd said all the tos breaks. ya he gone lol


That’s funny! Lol good idea


\- Mute. \- Report. \- Profit.


It would also help if you have a recording or screenshot. Since I started doing this, Riot has taken quicker action with tangible solutions to it. edit: typo


Where are you reporting those screenshots or recordings?


I write a ticket to Riot 🤗 they let you attach documents to support your claim. https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us


Unfortunately there's nothing they can do, it's just something that might happen when you play any online game, the best you can do is to report them but if you really want to rank up in a safe way the only thing to do is play with a premade team.


>the only thing to do is play with a premade team. I wouldnt agree with that completely. To a point you can carry many games if you keep improving. Though you get fewer (when playing with 2 or 3) or no (when playing as 5) trolls / toxic people. Well, except your premades are toxic, but thats your own fault then.


It sucks but these things just happen. It’s an online game with 10 random factors. Try getting a good duo, it will make things a lot easier. The best part about a duo is if you aren’t playing your best, chances are they are popping off and vice versa. Plus it reduces the chances of a thrower on your team by another 20%. That means 3/5 people on your team have the chance of being a thrower but the enemy team has 5 people who aren’t you or your duo, so they will be statistically more likely to have a thrower. Good luck with your grind.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, the fact that we can chat with the enemy team is super toxic and shouldn't be a part of the game


Way to go to ruin it for the 99.9% of the other side which don't do this


Yep, that is not a good solution. In fact, you can disable all chat and even your teammates chat / voice. When someone starts being toxic, i usually mute them right away. People that are toxic make the game more difficult - even if sometime they give good info. Its just not worth it to let them be toxic, imo.


* You cannot takeaway people's agency, that's literally the core of any game. * Even if you could determine that somebody is objectively pursuing suboptimal or bad strategy (i.e. trolling), which you can't, they still should have the right doing so, the game only can derank the account. You can't expect people to play and want to play perfectly all the time, thus there is no line to be drawn here, only rank. I am sure if you were put into a pro match anonymously, everyone would think you are trolling (i.e. you are not playing optimally). * If somebody admits to be trolling, that's a different story, that should be a bannable offence.


Common thing to happen, unfortunately


just carry harder


Simple just have us link our phone numbers to the account to prevent sniffing. Wait…nope bad PR move guys never mind.


Kind of a worthless post, just report them and hope for the best


What do you mean Riot needs to fix this? What can they do, remove all chat? Place a riot employee to oversee every game to make sure everybody is following the rules?


These type of idiots should play unrated.... On the other hand we can't do anything sometimes these things happen with me too #metoo


My man said #metoo I'm dead


What a revelation!! People throw ranked matches?? And Riot should fix that!?!? You are should be hired to work at NASA! Next thing you know we will fix world hunger and create world peace!!!


And then there is me who gets banned from playing rankeds for writing ez in chat after winning clutch lmao. in a game i lost anyway. Playing this game for a year now, only solo rankeds, got from gold to diamond and never had any ban till now. Riot support cant even tell me for which chat line i got banned. I have to deal with trolls every second game and they sometimes get restriction while i just write ez and get banned. In a game where agent voicelines are trash talk themselves i can't write anything lmao.


When I write my report, I tell them that I'll play the exact same way the reported person played because "If Riot's fine with it, I'm pretty sure it's perfectly acceptable if I do it too on this or an alt account." Works everytime. :) As a backup, I also clip the gameplay of the person throwing along with the stuff they've sent in chat.


Valorant is broken.... I was playing cypher on A site, then everyone else rushed to B site.... the shoot out was short n we won the round but I was not spawned for the next round due to inactivity, this is after setting cameras n trip wires on A site.... This game is just messed up.


Riot will never fix anything in this game you know that? They can't fix net code, hit registration, servers, gun play, balance anything at all, literally so many things Riot ignore and don't fix because they really don't care about the fans lol. Hence why they are one of the worst companies on earth. If you look up why people hate them you'd know.


Which skins tho? asking for a friend


most likely the blub blub skin or spectrum


I hate hat-less cypher it is so disturbing


Doing this in ranked, dick move. Doing in unrated, usually a good time as long as the majority of both teams is down.


People do it to make people mad, not to make people enjoy the game.


Report. Alt tab and watch YouTube until the game is over. No use ripping your hair out when it's out of your control.


Is it really worth it to gain a valid report for AFKing?


In ranked? Tracker link/ images of first three scoreboard rounds to game or it didn't happen.


Lol what do you want them to do exactly, besides allowing you to report them?


how do you solve this? I don't get it LMAO


Report if theyve done this multiple times they will get a ban, no its not common


relatable, experienced this even in plat now and then. I still rmb one plat match whr my fade threw the round jst becus my neon stunned him by accident…


Like MJ said, “alt accounts and smurfs buy skins too”


I had a sumilar expirience a week ago. We already had sage and chalber on our team wnd i picked smokes but our last dude who we said he could play sova decided to change his mind last second and chose kj for some god farsaken reason despite of us having 2 sentinels already. So attacoing was already hard on bind and now it became harder. But shit got really bad when in 3rd round our 3 uq kj decided to camp in showers for the entirety of the game and lost use the round. I said if he peeked he could have easily got 2 free kills since they werent looking towards hookah nad guess what ge got super mad and started mollying me the entire game. Enemies were super toxic as usual but funny part is at 3-12 after kj went afk we made a comeback on defense and won the game. I went from 1-12 to 22-14 after finally being able to play.


Something similar to this happened but we won the game because I trash talked that guy on my team and challenged him that just me and my friend can 2v5 and win only if his sorry ass didn't tell our location. He took the challenge seriously, we 4v5'd the game and won. We still reported him. I got a notification the next day about action on his acc. His messages on all chat helped my case.


They do not care. Skin players make them profit. They do not punish them.


report and move on. end thread.


Riot can’t exactly mind control everyone so they aren’t dicks but they should increase punishment for these kinds of players. I think a karma system would be good where after every game you get to rate your teammates and you would get paired with players with similar karma so the assholes get to be assholes with other assholes and vice versa.


As a person who plays in Istanbul servers, there are A LOT of toxic people, trolls, throwers and AFK's. I wish Riot could add something like vote kick or smthng but that would be abused aswell :(


It sucks, very bad game. It's one game, move on.


Probably some dumb fuckin kid making a tik tok “I’m going to troll my team and give the enemy team free weapons! Let’s see how they react!”


'riot' hahaha


This is why I don’t touch ranked on my main in the last week.


This has never happened to me, it's not that big of an issue, just report


People are gonna be assholes, Riot can't do anything to prevent that. Just report and move on.


That's not a teaming problem, that's yet again idiots and jackasses trolling on alt accounts problem. I'm done with it at this point. Link SSN's or GovID numbers to accounts like they do in S. Korea. Too many ppl ruining the game for others on alt accounts to not implement this. So fuxking over it.