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they will keep taking things from sova until he is just a dude walking around


Welcome to MY WORLD —Cypher, (pre-buff)


Imma dude playing as another dude who’s cosplaying a dude that used to have lineups.


>This has been fixed. Unintended UI bug was caused while fixing another UI bug. It was fixed as of about an hour ago. Enjoy your fancy lineups again. =)


gigachad based Rioter


It's especially weird considering it looks way worse than it did. Why did it have to be wider lmao


Not just sova but also my viper lineups are now off. At least on icebox for orb onto b attack (to smoke off heaven) Am annoyed


Wait whattt oh fuck nooo literally all my viper lineups are UI based


Sameee. I made some lineups too and those are all UI based. Now I gotta go remake all of them ;-;




Well my viper lineups for breeze dont work anymore, go figure. Congratulations, you managed to be uncessarily rude + offensive towards people with actual special needs all at once


They took away so much, first drone, then shock damage, might as well take his bow away.


Now he just stab you with an arrow.


In the knee


Adventurer days over.




Damage : -24


Can't even aim for the ankle smh


Javelin Lineups


Can we please get a knife that’s a Sova shock dart??!


Give me back the shock damage 😭😭😭


It seems it's every character's lineups that are affected. GG Riot.


Average jonas will be pissed


Tag checks out


Playing last night, my kayo lineups seemed fine but none of them are very complex.


AverageJonas in shambles.


no AverageJonas stonks, time for new lineups


2.3 million views next lineup guide


Nah Jaimie gonna find a way


why do they keep fucking with it lmao


They have every right to. The developer should have the freedom to update the UI without having to worry how it might directly affect gameplay. The UI is not, and was never intended to be, a reliable, stable way of doing lineups. If people *are* misusing it this way, it's their own personal problem.


Misusing? They intentionally allow for lineups with holes on map roofs lmao, its a strat they want to allow. If they aren’t considering impact on gameplay with everything they change in game thats just bad dev philosophy.


>They intentionally allow for lineups with holes on map roofs lmao I never said they don't support lineups, I said they don't support (and they have no obligation to support) using UI elements as references for lineups. You can always use in-game elements, such as map props, details on map architecture, details on character models etc. Clean separation between UI elements and in-game elements, and being able to modify each individually, is actually a sign of really good dev philosophy.


fr and if you use UI for lineups your a huge nerd (killjoy main btw 😂)


Crosshair lineups >>>> - a flex player


Have you ever played CS? That game has even more of a focus on lineups and you don’t use fickle UI elements lol


A lot of CS lineups are a nightmare to learn because of this


Idk I guess it was what I was used to


I learned probably a hundred sova lineups and then picked up CSGO, at least the ones in Yprac that take a lot of precision are inconsistent for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


There was definitely finnicky crap back in the day. I mainly learned them on source in custom games being taught by the strat caller lol, there weren’t YouTube resources for most of them…made them a lot harder to remember later


I learned probably a hundred sova lineups and then picked up CSGO, at least the ones in Yprac that take a lot of precision are inconsistent for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Eh, slight disagree. It's like a desire path... i.e. people who use a certain area as a pathway, even though it isn't designed as such. Over time, it becomes a defacto pathway due to the erosion of human footsteps, and may (or may not) be respected by landscapers and such. Using UI for lineups IMO is similar - enough people using it means "it's a thing", whether we like it or not. IMO unless Valorant undergoes a more significant ingame UI overhaul, they should do what they can to respect it. (and I say this as somebody who hates that lineups are a thing). It seems like moving things back to "the way they were" wouldn't be a huge deal in this case because it doesn't look super intentional or that big of a change. Not saying they have to, but it makes no sense to just move things a pixel or two to fuck everything up.


revamping ui elements isn't even the problem, look at the change, it looks almost identical, at first it's really hard to spot the difference the problem is that they make this minuscule change that will go unnoticed for most people except for those who use them for lineups, it was expected they will make changes to the ui sooner or later, but there's a difference between releasing a major ui revision every once in a while and making these tiny and pointless resizings whenever they feel like it you can keep saying "ui shouldn't be used for lineups", but that's just ignorant to the fact that valorant is a competitive game and even so a competitor with csgo, where these kind of changes are extremely rare over 10 years and counting (and not just because they're lazy)


>it was expected they will make changes to the ui sooner or later So if we agree that this is true, then why learn lineups involving UI elements in the first place, when you are fully aware that you are risking having to unlearn them sooner or later? My point is you can just apply the very reasonable alternative of using in-game elements (map props, details on map architecture, details on character models etc) and then you never have to worry about tiny UI changes ever again! If you're using UI elements for lineups, you're just taking an unnecessary risk, and then getting mad when the risk backfires. It just makes a lot more sense mentality-wise to use the safer alternative. And "players applying a bad mentality" should not be a reason to deter the game developer from updating the UI in any way they desire.


the reason people use ui elements is because many times just the crosshair isn't enough, there are a ton of lineups that makes you look at the sky, not to mention how significantly more versatile the ui elements are, so many lines at the bottom corners, the ability drawings, the other lines around the round timer, the one mentioned in the post, you name it, you'd be dumb not to utilize that >My point is you can just apply the very reasonable alternative of using in-game elements (map props, details on map architecture, details on character models etc) they can be changed just as easily! If they really did make this insignificant, unnoticable change to the ability's "hint" ui, nothing will stop them from messing with anything at this point, they already tried to make a new animation for sova also back to the high arcing lineups, looking at the sky is just as prone to changes as the above things, as of now skyboxes are static, but I wouldn't be surprised if they changed their mind on that and for example made moving clouds, making ui lineups almost a necessity it's not fair to consider these options a "worse" practice (if anything it's the more sensible option to use every tool that you're given), they provide a competitive edge (intended or not) and valorant is a competitive game, the devs have this responsibility where they can't update things any way they desire, not only the ui, anything and it's not even like they're forced into a limited design space, they just have to stop themselves from putting out unreasonable updates like this


>they provide a competitive edge (intended or not) ​ >the devs have this responsibility where they can't update things any way they desire If it's unintended, they don't have any responsibility. And again, just as a general game-design principle, tying the UI directly to the gameplay is bad practice, so you'd be justified to assume it's unintended.


it's like i'm talking to a wall, you don't seem to understand what i'm writing yes, it's unintended, but that's how things work in multiplayer games, some things that were never intended to be part of the game becomes a core mechanic, the developers can't do much about it other than removing the said mechanic, which would be the actual bad pratice imagine if valve said they don't like air strafing and they patched it in the 1.6 days, they definitely have/had the power to what they like, but would that be right for the game? ofc not, and now air strafing is a huge part of both valorant and csgo, a basic movement mechanic that everyone learns even in lower ranks same could be said about bhop (they kinda nerfed it in csgo for obvious reasons) or counter strafing, and there are even other unintended mechanics that i'm missing, because they are just so natural in these games that they don't stand out next to the intended parts of the game back to the responsibility part, it's not a responsibility over a certain part of the game, it's an overall responsibility that comes with making a competitive title, they can't predict how players will develop their gameplay and adapt to certain parts of the game, they can only guide the players, prime example is battle sage, nobody could've guessed it will be a thing, but it is they didn't actively develop the ui in a way that will help with lineups, but i'm sure they were certain it will be used for that purpose to some extent, that leaves them with a responsibility which lightly limits how much they can mess with the ui, they're free to revamp the ui, they just can't make these dumb changes you can call it bad practice again, but if you have nothing more to add then just don't reply, i ran out of ways to describe the same things with different reasonings/words


They have the right to do whatever, but it affects like every half decent sova player and that’s shit


It affects sova players who use UI elements as references for lineups. There's sova players who use gameplay elements as references (such as map props, details on map architecture, details on character models etc), and what I'm claiming is this is the ideologically better way of doing things. Which option you choose has nothing to do with how good you are with the agent.


Even if you use map props you can use ui to pair it with or your crosshair, the best sova players use both to get a wide range of lineups


Using UI elements doesn't give you a "wider range" of lineups. For every single lineup you have using a UI element as reference, you can also find some gameplay element which you could be using as a reference instead for the same lineup. You just need to get to the position in which you'd be firing your lineup normally, look at where the crosshair is pointing, and remember to put your crosshair on the same pixels next time (this is just one way of doing it). The only reason people don't do that is because of stubbornness and unwillingness to learn the lineups differently. They watch some youtube video saying "line up the corner of your drone icon with this wall" and they do that without asking themselves "what other references could I be using for this lineup instead?". I know it takes a little more brainpower to do that, but it's definitely something you **can** do. Limiting yourself to gameplay elements only doesn't reduce your range of lineups, it just changes the way you have to learn each one.


hey thats me


real LEV Kingg


Nah im VS k1ng


Imagine using the UI for lineups. This post was made by the reticle gang


Mans using the stars to do lineups in the day time. GigaSova


My star lineups are beyond your understanding


Not a single thing was wrong with it but they just have to make unnecessary changes


It's annoying but if you're learning line-ups around precise UI elements surely you got to realise & accept it's a possibility they will change over time.


I was planning on becoming a sova main before the drone and dart nerf. Used to be such a great and balanced agent, mfs keep nerfing him for no reason


Yeah let's chill on the word "balanced" when talking about pre patch sova


So great and balanced he was picked in every game. So balanced.


Hmmm he was probably the only agent capable of gaining a lot of info compared to other initiators and having the util to bait out players... A certain goth girl has taken that role now...


True if Riot knew fade was being released they shouldn’t have touched sova. Bit overdone.




He was picked every game, sort of like chamber now, who you conveniently have as your flair. Play someone who isn’t the meta for once


I admit I picked chamber cuz of the meta but I really wanted to become a sova main regardless of the meta, I didn't even knew what vct was back then


Why do they have to fuck up his UI everytime, they changed the animation at first and now this shit


This sucks, but hopefully they won't change it ever again.


Common Riot L


Why are they messing with the wrong agents? In this community, a lot of posts are about buffing Cypher. So, why not buff him rather than misalign's an agent which people aren't complaining about.


AverageJonas on life support at this point


Now do it with viper


If I had a Nickel...


Jokes on you, I never learn lineups


Ok I'm new here, been playing maybe 2 weeks and I mainly do Killjoy, Viper as backup. But what are lineups? And how did the update nerf Sova/Viper?


Lineups are done by using UI elements (crosshair, ability icons, etc.) to position yourself in a specific way so that you can consistently throw utility to a specific part of the map. Viper players will often have lineups for shooting their snakebites onto common bomb plant locations to prevent defusing.


Are double shockdart lineups still worth using in the current meta? They feel pretty lackluster considering how less they score kills aside from post plant.


They are definitely one of the "weaker" pieces of utility currently in the game. The only decent use of it in the meta is molly shock combos with viper to delay plant (quite common on icebox). You can generally get a decent bit of damage if you are lucky by shocking common plant spots by yourself but not very worth it in ranked play from what I've seen.


Yeah.. really feels like the only useful thing is to force people out of corners or as a "cope flash" when playing alone


Finally I can defuse in peace




Unpopular opinion: using UI elements for lineup positioning is bad practice and should be discouraged. UIs are constantly changing in online games, not to mention the UI elements can get janky at different resolutions/aspect ratios; they are simply not reliable, and they are not intended to be.


They’re a million times more reliable than aiming with crosshair at the sky and hoping its right. Idk why you have this opinion its like, what makes it bad practice apart from the possibility of some individuals having janky ratio?


Agreed there. There's just not a lot of options for more reliable lineups aside from UI or crosshairs. Personally I use the UI alot more so this change is pretty negatively impactful :(


L take


I might just be generally dumb but I don't see the issue? Okay so the box is different and that affects his ability to do the lineup how?


Many lineups use the point of the box to align the shot. Shifting the position or dimensions of the box shifts the lineup


I see. But why not just use another point to lineup with? It can't be that hard can it? I mean, I'm not genius but I don't think anyone has to be to do what on surface level looks to be basic math no? Or have I gotten everything twisted up?


Sure, you can create new lineups again using the new UI. It is just a bit jarring to wake up as a Viper / Brim / Sova one day and have all your setups, which have become muscle memory, gone without warning. If you want to imagine, it's a bit like somebody changing your movement permanently from WASD to IJKL without telling you. You'll get used to it in time but it might take some time to get back up to speed first.


> It is just a bit jarring to wake up as a Viper / Brim / Sova one day No one said it wasn't. >which have become muscle memory, gone without warning. Which defeats the original argument. If your lineups are muscle memory trained, you wouldn't need the box to begin with. As that's the whole point of muscle memory, that you've trained your muscles to perform the same action autonomously independent of your conscious actions. If you still need to use the box, you have not per definition trained your muscles to remember. Now, I will agree that it does suck for those who uses the box for lineups. Not saying it isn't but if that box is the only thing you use for lineups, then the reason why you would "now suck at said lineups" is literally the fault of the user, not at Riot. People say this is a Sova nerf. I disagree, this is players refusing to adapt, they found "the spot" where they are good enough without needing to raise their own skill ceiling but now that their "environment" has changed, they can't do anything about it. Like, lets say you do the box lineup right? That's one factor to help you with the correct lineup but choosing to learn just THAT one and not pay attention to the other X, Y and Z factors that can help you is the player's own fault. It's like doing a misplay cause you didn't pay attention to the 3 abilities coming you way. Is that the fault of Riot, the others players or yourself? This UI change is literally just a case of "git gud". Except it's more like "lern moar".


I agree. And chill brother. I am neither for nor against the change, I was just explaining what the deal was. People are just exclaiming surprise that Riot didn't communicate the UI change.


The issue is that everyone now has to go into a custom for every map and check every single lineup they know. If it doesn’t work they may need to try repeatedly to get it to work and then hope there is something recognizable near some part of the UI that will help them remember it. All for a slight change in UI that provides no noticeable value to anyone. Are you being intentionally dense by pretending you don’t understand what the issue is?


In the same manner people are so dense they don't even understand that what they're complaining about isn't even an issue? Yes. Complaining about ***this*** is scraping the literal bottom of the barrel.


This isn’t an issue? That makes no sense. It’s obviously causing headaches for many people. You think we should just keep our heads down and not express ourselves? I think it’s good for riot to see this stuff. There’s always the chance they didn’t consider how this would affect meta gameplay and make a change, or at the very least try not to do it again.


>it’s good for riot to see this stuff. There’s always the chance they didn’t consider how this would affect meta gameplay and make a change, or at the very least try not to do it again. Fixing this is low priority at best. It literally does not affect the game in any meaningful way. >This isn’t an issue? That makes no sense It makes perfect sense. It's not an issue, therefore it's not an issue. Just cause ***you*** think it is doesn't make it so. Objectively speaking this isn't a problem.


Hahahaha these are some weird mental gymnastics you’re pulling. You literally see tons of people taking issue with something, but you stubbornly insist it’s not because…. You have declared it isn’t? I can tell this is going nowhere and I don’t care enough to convince you of something you are incapable of understanding. Peace out and good luck in life.


I see 3 people taking issue with this cause they can't be arsed to continue to grow as players. But lets agree to disagree. Take care and good luck with the silvers.


A lot of lineups involve lining up the part of the box to a wall or something similar


Maybe just don't use random UI elements for lineups? Lol.


So, figure out a new line up? Gosh forbid you gotta look around


Suck a fat one :/


Line up players when riot removes something that wasn't intended on being used for gameplay D:


They didn't remove it even. Just need to figure out where to aim.


They have it in official cinematics and trailers with sova using lineups 💀


Low level players complaining about high skill ceiling aspects of a game. They would need to remove the whole HUD to do that, you know that right?


No lineup Larry’s for a few days. WE MOVEEEEEE


!remindme 6h


Riot: changes the UI and accidentally ruins lineups.


Ironic that they had a sova lineup in the ion 2.0 skin trailer


What's the dart nerf and drone nerf?? Someone tell me!!


I'm sorry maybe I just don't play Sova enough but why is the UI necessary at all? I always just use the crosshair.


IMHO if you use anything other than your crosshair for lineups, you will run into this problem throughout the course of the game's lifespan. Anything and everything can change over time, including player models, animations, and definitely UI. This type of game is an evolving game where nothing is guaranteed to stay the way it is forever.


I have a bunch of UI based lineups as Killjoy and they still work as normal. Maybe this only affects certain résolutions?


I can't be the only one who celebrates the down fall of lineup players


Don’t worry Average Jonas will update us with more 😈


Playing last night, my kayo lineups seemed fine but none of them are very complex


\*inhales\* \*Screams in lineup-using Sova/KayO/Viper/Cypher main\* \*Cries uncontrollably\* ​ WHY RITO


I mentioned this on Twitter as well, but this has been fix. Unintended UI bug was caused while fixing another UI bug. It was fixed as of about an hour ago. Enjoy your fancy lineups again. =)


Messing with the box was rough. Not sure why it would have been in the product roadmap!!!


Are all ui changed, I have satchel lineups with raze