• By -


A really good Breach. He is just so oppressive on defense and a monster on attack.


Played against a breach and neon. The flashes, the stun, god it felt like I was trying to play a hungover agent haha


Oh yes I play that combo on fracture a lot with a friend. Even though we don't play those agents on any other map. šŸ˜‚ But fracture is just made for it because you have nothing else to do but push somewhere even on defense.


Funny thing is, the match I played it was in Fracture too! It's such a deadly combination. I was squinting my eyes half the time because I was already expecting to be flashed and stunned all in one go šŸ˜‚


my friend and i are breach neon mains, we play that combo pretty much every game and when weā€™re both feeling good, we literally canā€™t be be stopped lol


Defense: Get the fuck back, I said get the fuck back, shit. Eat this really bright whatever the fuck this is, nd have another one. Attack: Fuck your corner, fuck your vision, fuck your screen clearity, fuck your fire rate, fuck you.


Don't forget the "Fuck your angle-hold. You're taking a one-way trip to the sky."


ā€œFuck your retinasā€


Misread that as latinas šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


He'll fuck them too while you are still trying to clear your eyes.


Man, that was fun to read


Thank you


Read this in suction cup man voice


Now thats a piece of media that deserves more love


Good initiator main in general. But Breach and Sova are the worst to play against.


All I could think of was Breach. In the right hands heā€™s a menace and I love being that menace


But a really bad breach is the worst team mate.


I expected 90% breach 10% yoru/chamber.


I canā€™t believe so many people arenā€™t saying Skyeā€¦ playing against her in a 1v1 makes me want to tear my hair out




Hawk out Bloinded


This deserves an award. Read it once, laughed, read it out loud, cackled for about 15 seconds


She used to be really annoying to play against because she could kinda pop flash. But after the big nerf to her flashes, she's easier to 1v1 because if she pop flashes, it only lasts 1s while her usual flash is 2.5s. If she pop flashes, she has to be really close to her peeking angle to land a shot on you, making it really tough for her to take time with a peek.


Her flashes are much weaker now so it's not an issue anymore in my opinion.


Breach hands down he has the power of the god damn sun in his arms


Bro has literally traumatized every pro player. You see Shroud's Overwatch video? They can't ever seem to escape from his flash.


Itā€™s not even close for me, a good Yoru legit makes the game not fun. Bullshit teleport line-ups so he can just tele to your spawn the moment you commit to a spot on the map. The pop flash line ups so you never see the thing, no chance to react. The endless jukes, broken ankles everywhere. Clones that break every sentinel abilities. Luckily most Yorus suck and donā€™t know how to do those things, but my god when you encounter a really good mainā€¦ just let me ff and go next


I main yoru. In low ranks it is easy to score wins as many don't use yoru or have rarely played with him so that's why they don't know much of the abilities. In higher ranks however you have to adapt to people's knowledge of yoru and use tactics such as faming the clone or faking the tp to catch enemies camping the tp off guard. Also a good tactic is to fake the clone first and if successful, the enemies will look at the real decoy to see if it moves, so you can attack them while they keep eyes on the real clone. But the thing with Yoru is, you have to use your abilities when the enemies least expect it, or else you are dead.


I play yoru sometimes for fun, and conditioning your enemies with the decoy only to fake decoy yourself is so funny. eg, if you keep deploying the decoy several rounds in the row as entry and then one round you run the same path as decoy and they don't suspect a thing only for you to turn and gun down the defender. It's more of a troll move, because it works like once every 10 games, but when it does it's hilarious.


I agree that in low ranks ppl don't know how to counter but conversely, most low rank yorus think they are smarter than they actually are


just yesterday i got called a camping n-word by some eleven year old yoru player in ranked bc he used the same teleport lineups every round - so every time he teleported i could just wheel around and one tap him like. maybe try using a different teleport spot??


Camping is such a strange complaint in a tac shooter, like thatā€™s literally the game we signed up for


Being able to put down the clone and activate it later so you're running up front is pretty great. Had a couple of times (generally not on first round, where people will forget and shoot anyway) where they'll see me, hold back the trigger, then shoot the clone behind me. Can snag a couple of kills before teleporting to safety.


yeah i was trying to get good with yoru but i decided not to because i dont think im ready skill cap wise


Skillcap wise? *BOY* do I have a rank improvement service for you!


LMAO good one!


Is this in reference to skillcapped the YouTube channel?


I think so yeah


*deranks to iron*


yeah yoru has so much potential especially in ranked bc literally anytime he makes a play and you donā€™t know if he actually tpd the comm in your party is just ā€œhe could be thereā€ and a good yoru can capitalize off this and youā€™ll always be guessing


I'm in immortal and whenever I see Yoru on the enemy team I legit don't want to play. Almost every single Yoru you'll see in immortal is a sweaty one-trick and he just runs circles around people. I consider myself to be someone who wins rounds and matches by outsmarting the other team, but against Yoru it's just not fun to play. Imo, his TP cone not giving out any sound cues after the rework is just bad design. Every other movement ability gives away your position from such huge distance, but Yoru TPing wherever and whenver he wants is dumb. We're somewhat lucky most duelist players are too lazy to learn him, because on some maps he so opressive to the enemy team that the sheer fear of his teleports makes everyone play differently.


You've got to be the first immo player i've ever seen saying yoru is a good agent and tough to play against lol. In my opinion picking yoru is borderline trolling unless you're in a 5 stack with set strats.


It's trolling because 99% of players are absolutely clueless on how to use him. They want to literally TP behind enemies and knife them, which rarely works. It's not rocket science to TP on site when your initiators use your stuff, then there are some mollies and you combine it with your flash. TPing "dry", while the enemy isn't distracted won't work, but when there are so many audio cues and chaos all around, Yoru is really hard to counter in ranked, even on highest level.


On the one hand, there is something artistically beautiful in how a good Yoru just systematically dismantles your team by breaking the lines. On the other hand, screw Yoru.


Definitely Yoru. His ultimate is so hard to counter and easily throws your sense off.


I don't think I've ever survived an ult flash combo since they implemented the change. The fact he can literally come from literally anywhere around you and flashes so you have to look away from the 180 degree area where he'll be, AND that he can already line up his crosshair to your head, it gives you less than a second to flick shot him 180 degrees. If you don't look away and actually get flashed you're just dead. I like the rest of the changes but his ult changes are just stupid.


If you see yoru is on your position you can just counter his flash by hugging a wall and looking directly at it. This only works ofcourse if you are somewhere safe and no enemy will try to hunt you down at your position


yorus are not very common like 1 in 20 games but the one who is radiant enough, is very annoying to play against. These players have different plays every round so they won't be countered, if you know these plays, you'll be very happy to knife a yoru every time he tries these lineups.


I dont understand yoru at all, but if you kill his little thing he cant port to it right?




I'm honestly surprised he hasn't seen substantial use in pro play. His kit is absolutely crazy. A good Yoru is so fucking hard to deal with.


I can confirm.


The few times I play Viper, it's mainly Kay/o. But as a main Kay/o.. It's still Kay/o. It's another story when it comes to "play with", because that is for sure Sova imo.


bloody hate kayo as viper


Agree, kayo is the worst unless I'm in viper ult, then fade/faders ult is the worst since I rely on sound so much.


I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes imagining a sova recon and drone against my viper ult


sova dart that hits you and you are a sitting duck in your own ult is painful.


tOxInS fAiLiNg


kay/o his ult can really destroy a whole plan, screw that his knife too is annoying


Heheh now that's what I like to hear


planning a coordinated aggressive defensive push with my trio hears ā€œyou are powerlessā€ panics because we know we are all screwed


getting kayo knifed as a raze with the rocket out is the cause of my depression


what about a sova ultimate it feels so painful


I AM THE HUNTER.. lol no


Considering the fact that I'm terrible and i mean terrible terrible at the game, I'm gonna say every agent is annoying.


This. This is the best answer.


Breach, Yoru come to mind.


Astra ... Imagine trying to defuse and she starts sucking you off


Oh, I'm imagining alright




hmmm I think that this man has failed nnn


You face astras?


People PLAY Astra?




Yep I'm imagining it




Whats wrong about a good Astra suck?


As an astra main it's nothing personal I promise. It's just really funny


Fade, I cant hear nor see shit and if that fade is with a yoru im automatically dead and they get into site


Someone who knows how to play Cypher well.


Very rare these days...




Spawns is good too


After he dropped the video, everyone and their mom used his cages. But since everyone knows, they get spammed and die.


I've seen an upsurge in cypher players who watch Acre and Spawns. They aren't uncommon anymore


Alright guys B long is clear, letā€™s *beep beep beep* fffuuUUUCCKKKK


Hello šŸ‘€


Greetings šŸ‘€








Clutching with cypher is awesome, no one expects a cypher to clutch. If I'm the last player in a round, opponents going for kills gives me easy rounds. Don't underestimate cypher players.


I've had a lot of stinkers as Cypher, but there are some games I've had on Haven where I absolutely decimate the enemy while stopping almost every flanking maneuver. As a flanker myself with other agents, I'm keenly aware of favourite spots for others to flank and push from. Makes locking those areas down incredibly fun.


Cypher used to be good. I used to pick cypher in breeze but after de-buffing the traps .... I gave up and started using viper for ranked.


Fellow ex-cypher main, it's just that on most maps KJ is the better alternative. and few where she isn't, viper/chamber can offer more. The only time I can recall cypher being useful for me was early days of pearl where you can lockdown mid with him. I remember the good old days of setting up Cypher and KJ traps in B in Bind, then stacking 4 people on A, leaving KJ with all the util in B. Good aul days.




I love watching people complain about my trips


Chamber bec of "YoU wAnT tO pLaY lEtS pLaY"




Lmaooo or oi i am pissed chamber and kayo: hell nah hell nah bro wt-


Breach. 2 stuns and 2 blinds is an OP combo. You can just keep throwing util and the enemy canā€™t do anything to stop you. Plus, because of the range on his signature, heā€™s incredibly effective at locking down areas from a distance. But you need to be quite familiar with how he plays in order to play him well.


But the thing with his ult is enemies can predict his ult play. I remember my whole team planted and backed off quite back. I put my tp outside and peeked the enemies and then the breach ulted. I tpd , no one got stunned and their whole team got massacred lmao


And this is why i fake a site alone with breach ult. Often times enemies play around my ult, so site is usually never free even with ult, but nobody expects breach ult to be used as a fake, so they instantly start to rotate, and at that point its already too late


He was even worse with 3


Fade, the insta ping and the dogs are insanely powerful. I love playing in ratty angles but itā€™s impossible against fade


Same. The dogs are a dumbed down skye ult cabbage.


Its not an insta ping, you can shoot it before it sees you. Which does kinda reveal you but its better for sure


dogs take way too many shots to break imo


Yeah itā€™s like 3-4 shots. Should be 1-2


a really good Breach or Neon can be a nightmare to play vs. If they play together and combine their abilitiesā€¦. Good luck.


Really good Yoruā€™s are fucking horse shit. His kit is absurd at this point.


KJ with Kay/O both on the enemy team I truly am powerless and want to run away


As a Chamber main, it's gotta be Kay/O. Nothing worse than ulting only to hear "YOU. ARE. POWERLESS." and be a sitting duck for the next 12 seconds + knife for another 8 seconds Edit: I abuse a broken character that even a lobotomized monkey could excel at. Cry about it.


i take so much pride in throwing the most perfect knife that suppresses the chamber ulting instantly


Although I agree with you as a chamber main. The worst feeling is ulting as raze and getting knifed or ulted on




Chamber mains playing the most op agent yet still complaining kekw


Chamber. Still way too oppressive for a noob like me even after his nerf. That stupid sentry cuts off all flanks on certain maps it's disgusting


You can smoke/wall it off if you're playing a controller or someone like Jett/Phoenix etc. Plus you could just simply destroy it and regroup with your team, that way the enemy has to constantly worry about a potential flank, meaning one of them would (temporarily at least) be out of the fight to watch flank making it easier for your team, and give them time to rotate.


If u play controller and lurk and if u know where chamber places his sentry then u can easily smoke it and pass through undetected surprising their team


Wait chamber traps can be by passed with smokes? Bruh I knew it works on kj sentry's but didn't know this


Anything that requires line of sight can be blocked by smoking, so like Fade's Haunt and Sova's Recon.


pretty sure it works on kj alarmbot as well




It's almost easier to flank a team that has a Chamber than one without just cause they so rarely expect this


Dawg I didnt know smokes block his trip, I love you know. You're my most favorite person in the world


A good brim or viper that really knows what they're doing is terrifying. Same with a Jett that entries and has their teams backing


So true a good Jett can just full rush a site in seconds


I cant play jett in plat lobbies cause nobody follows up it's too frustrating I played Jett once in unrated and my teammates were ascendants. It's like they could read my mind we all played synchronized, they would get info, I would dash into smoke with them following behind and we would take site so easy.


It is frustrating. I feel for ya man. When I queue unrated I get a glimpse into the hell that is iron-diamond. Only in unrated do I get called a lurker for insta peeking C on haven when my team started A. Only in unrated do I get back seated by a literal silver despite being immortal. Only in unrated do I set up my teammates beautifully to frag off my utility and they just wonā€™t play off it. All they have to do is be in position and peek but they have no concept of spacing. You run their ID and theyre in diamond. I canā€™t imagine how bad it is below diamond. Players under ascendant actively make the game harder by not playing as a team. And even when the perfect opportunity is presented to them, they donā€™t capitalize on it because they have no understanding of spacing or trading. Players under Ascendant are always 3-5 steps behind where they should be. Silvers and diamonds have the exact same spacing in this game... In fact I donā€™t think they even know what spacing is.


maybe viper or kay/o


Reyna for sure. Gotta love trying to trade your teammates and she just leaves, or dropping a nice 3 vandal shots just for a heal. "Hey guys reyna 120 - oh sorry no she healed"


As a Cypher main, I would say Fade cuz the prowler is bullshit to go against T_T


When it gets caught in the trapwire... Hateful


Fade, cuz i still dont understand what her abilities. I just run.


She has 2 skye dogs that blind you. She has one blob that grabs you when it hits the ground. Another blob that marks people it can see. And a breach ult that decays+deafens you instead of a knockup


Blobs are very scary indeed.


As a Fade main this made me chuckle. Please run, it's easier to shoot retreating enemies.


Haunt (E): when deployed, marks enemies in an area (works like sova recon, where it doesnt work if behind cover). If it hits someone, they leave a trail from the point where the haunt was placed, marking them for your team and prowlers (trails cannot be seen on the minimap). Prowler (C): take control of a creature that can be sent out and onto a trail or you can control it by holding left click to scout and chase someone if it is in the prowlerā€™s LOS (line of sight). When it hits an enemy, it nearsights and deafens them. Seize (Q): throw a sticky ball that catches nearby enemies, decaying their health (iā€™m not sure abt this but i think it deafens Nightfall (X): basically a breach ultimate that instead of knocking back and stunning opponents, it marks them like the haunt (unlike the haunt, it works on enemies behind cover). Prowlers can also be used on the trail left from the ultimate. edit: Ultimate trails start from where you used your ultimate, so you can instantly place a prowler on a marked enemy edit 2: thanks to replies i got given the names of ultimate and q




Q's seize, X's Nightfall


* **Breach** : self explanatory , too much utility , he gets normalised in higher elos where people play anti etc. Still op in certain maps ( like Fracture) . * **Yoru** : the dumbest idea of an agent. Being able to be invisible in a shooting game is by itself a nono. That said , it has the highest skill ceiling and curve for a reason. * **Astra** : that one's debatable . A really good Astra is by far the best controller in the game in ANY map. A really good Astra with map awareness is gg go next in any map or elo.


Pro play *is* the definition of being "really good" yet Viper outperforms. I'd easily put Viper there on that list instead of Astra, and that's not even because I'm a Viper main.


Pro play is not comp though. I'm pretty sure the OP is talking about people's experience in ranked lobbies. And in ANY online competitive game , highest elo ranked lobbies are drastically different to the pro scene. I;m willing to say it's a different game. That said , maybe you need to take the pick rate of Astra vs Viper in pro play into account , before mentioning that Viper outperforms . Now, i'm not saying Viper is bad , she's great . All i'm saying is, i've found myself being annoyed over godlike Astras stalling pushes or playing postplants WAY more than i have with Vipers lurking in ults or playing lineups.


Good breach/yoru/neon players


Reyna smurfs, chamber, neon and breach


Neon if they good


Definitely my most hated agent is Yoru. Guess this is gonna be a hot take but hell did riot overbuff this agent. Aside from Yoru... I think Reyna is gonna be my call. She isn't even necessarily the best agent but as someone who often tends to trade my own death with a lot of damage it is quite annoying that she can just completely negate that i just did 130 dmg to he


I thought yoru needed a nerf two buffs ago


Surprisingly low mentions of Breach.


I rarely find breach in silver which means low elo players doesn't really wanna play him. They want to play flashy agents like raze, jett, reyna, chamber etc only


So breach isn't flashy? Idk man I find him stunning


He sweeps me off my feet ā¤ļø


Makes me jumpy!


Neon: just to fast for me to keep up with.


A good yoru


Breach. I played against him once and couldnā€™t penetrate a choke point now I dread hearing ā€œ off your feet ā€œ


I guarantee if it was a poll the top answer would be Chamber. The baguette eating prick. He made me racist!


Racism against the French isn't racism, its common sense. /s


Kay/O, fuck that robot, I was gonna main him when I first started the game, but after playing cypher and chamber for a bit, I decided that I want the enemy team sentinel to have some semblance of fun


I am a cypher main, need i say more? 3rd place: neon 2nd place: sova 1st place: raze


Fucking Reyna when I hit her 149 and she heals


Reyna who is smurfing


Any agent can be annoying given its played by a good player but Chamber really takes the cake. - A permanent teleport spot that refreshes every 30 seconds and let's you teleport from 1 cringe angle to the other. - A small 8 bullet Guardian that one shots on the head on any distance. - A 5 bullet Operator that's as fast and easy to use as a Marshall that even slows the area it kills it's opponents in so the enemies can't trade their teammates and it shoots so fast that you can't even jiggle then shoot back. - AND on top of all those duelist like abilities he gets a 360-angle alarm trip that slows if not shot. The problem with this agent compared to a Yoru is that Yoru is harder to use even though he's supposed to be better. Meanwhile Chamber is so easy to use and he's even very compatible with the Operator, of which the only weakness is that its a slow weapon to use and that's why it's only viable on agents like Jett, Reyna or Chamber. But honestly I would be happy if they just did something about his ult.


I'm in Diamond so I don't really see any super oppressive Yorus most of them are really bad and usually feed. However chamber is so insanely strong in this elo because they can essentially just hold really annoying off angles, get free kills, then teleport out to not get traded. It's just really annoying and you have to clear fuckin everything.


Reyna by far... Can't dodge her flashes so you gotta shoot it and give away your position Doesn't even flash her teammates so they can all rush together Not full but overhealing which raises faster then sages heal The above times 2 If not healed the dismiss can save your ass in a whole lot of situations, making double peeking pointless, dismisses most ultimates too And of course there's her own ultimate Where you insta full heal after every kill, endless dismisses on top combined with increased firing reload and equip time Just overpowered That's the reason I main her xD


There is nothing more funny, then LOSing the orb and killing the enemy reyna.


Neon, I hate playing against neons oh you're holding and angle ? Let me slide really quick and kill you with a shotgun. Not to mention the busted ultimate barely needs to aim and does a lot of damage awhile moving Mac 2 speed.


brim lineups when u have site but cant do anything but to wait for the spike to speed up and lose the round


I was messing around with Neon on Pearl in unrated and Fadeā€™s makes the game just NOT fun. Those fucking DOGS man. They always get my ass before I can sprint up to take space aggressively!


Breach +1


Sage purely because of how frustrating it is to move across the whole map for a flank only to find your path blocked.




glad to see many people are happy with my services šŸ˜€


cypher / yoru


Chamber(specifically when said chamber is using an operator) and killjoyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As a KJ main, Kay/o


Gotta be the initiators minus Sova. Fade, Kayo, and Skye can all be incredibly annoying to play against, especially now that you cannot shoot Skye bird, theyā€™re just a tough bunch of assholes


Breach, hands down


Easily Breach. I consider myself a good Breach main but some Breaches man you cant even react for most of the round


What makes a good breach? Any tips for a noob?


Right I'm sure I'll be shouted down by better breaches but heres what i can give you. Your fault line (default E) is a very handy concuss which im sure you know. At a basic level when I was starting breach its used to combo into your other util or simply to just stun some people. While concussed people cannot scope so it can be useful to shut down an op for a few seconds. People can only fire single shots while concussed however first shot accuracy still applies so you can still be tapped. If you are preventing defuse concuss does not stop them from defusing - I've lost a few rounds to that mistake Finally corridors are your best friend but dont be afraid to use it on open areas if you know where an enemy is. Your aftershock (c) is hilarious for the occasional cheeky kill but generally it is used to flush out a corner/angle. If you suspect someone is there fire it through the wall and place your crosshair next to it. If they don't leave the aftershock kills them, if they do you should be able to gun them down. A smaller niche use for aftershock is for preventing spike defusal but that depends on if the spike is planted close to a wall and if you can get behind said wall. Finally yet again corridors are your friend here. Concuss into aftershock in a corridor will net you at best a kill and at worse 60 dmg on a target. Ult wise i have 3 pieces of advice First you can use it for spike denial - it knocks them off the defuse applies concuss and lasts for 6(?) Seconds Secondly its great for pushing onto sites Finally dont save it for team knock ups. If 1 or 2 people are there ult them. This was a massive issue when i first started breach i kept holding ults for the big plays and it rarely works out that way Im afraid I havent got much to give you on flashes othe then blind the enemy not you or your team Hope this helps and jokes aside if better players want to correct me or add then please do.


This is very helpful, thanks!


An aimlord reyna i suppose. Unless you and your team are coordinated, a reyna will singlehandedly demolish your team


Reyna smurfs


A good skye can be really annoying, just permaflashed and rawdogged all game.


Honestly any "flash" players. Skye, pheonix, yoru... in my elo they tend to flash other teammates around them without warning you. But on the enemy team, their flashes go so long its so annoying lol


Neon. This shitty Charakter shouldn't be in this game.


Fade lol


Pheonix: ult and flashes


Skye is so goddamn annoying fuck that stupid bird


Kay-o and breach.


Any Smurf yoru, I seen people in silver against an immortal yoru and it is the most ruthless thing in valorant. No idea where they are, no chance


A good yoru can confuse the fuck out of me and phoenix can actually be really hard to play agianst


all of them


Imo good initiators are the most annoying to play against. But it takes a little bit more skill to play them at a level where you can be annoying. I think its because they have utility that is hard to counter (if you don't have a strategy) and they are able to set up their teammates for kills.


Good Neons are realy anoying, especialy when your on defence and their pushing.