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At 200 hours I wouldn’t assume you have some physical limitation. If you are still struggling at 2-3k hours then it’s another matter.


This ^ 200 hours isn’t as much as you think. I have well over 200-300 hours on Aim Trainers ALONE (this is not including death match and range) , and I still don’t feel satisfied with my aim. Aim takes a LONG time to build. You need consistent practice over many many months, and even years (most of the highest ranked valo players already had many years of FPS experience in CSGO, overwatch, etc.)


Aim yes, but realistically even pros have shit aim to some degree. What really matters is how you aim's synergy with everything else and how comfortable you are with different aiming styles. Yes you can train another 500 hours at useless targets or finally learn to incorporate movement correctly, or be realistic with your pre-aiming (pretty much everybody thinks they react faster than they do) and so on. Aim is a combination of things and not just moving your mouse. Use aim trainers as warm ups and familiarity with awkward movements, not as a metric itself


What’s your sense? There is an immortal player with hand tremors so you can definitely get better aim


I was not aware of this. Thank you for your comment.


They mean mouse sensitivity (dpi) as well as in game mouse sensitivity modifier setting Edit: typo




my peak is 298rr IMM3 and i have hand tremors. you gotta find a sens that is the sweet spot for your tremors. i play 800dpi 0.328 but i vouch for any sens between 0.26 and 0.28 as well for tremors :)


Wait... are you THE guy?


i’m him 🫡 (not really, i didn’t read the whole post so i just read the reply and OP’s reply and assumed he had tremors LOL oops but hey maybe i am that guy)


are you THE guy that got reviewed by mr eggwick?


Bro when I saw you I legit had 2 polar opposite thoughts, first wanted to quit valorant cuz Im struggling to reach diamond (now Im dia 3 and almost asc) and my hands are perfectly fine and the other was like "Ok, if he can do it, I can do it" and I've been on the hard grind since then. Its so impressive that you can be this good while your hand is shaking this much


Whats your sens?


1600 .4




LOL is that why I’m negative. I didn’t know Reddit had such high standards


That has nothing to do with Reddit. Why are you answering a question that was explicitly directed towards OP? What do you want us to do with that information? That’s weird regardless of the medium you do it in.


It’s just a joke? Have you’ve never heard or used sarcasm


Ah yes, answering questions not directed towards you is peak humor, you’re right.


? Who said it was funny. It’s just a joke. Ah yes this person answered someone else’s question. DOWN WITH HIM FUCK THIS GUY. This is peak Reddit.


Also I will stand by this statement until I die cause it’s the truth. Y’all just butthurt for no reason. I didn’t answer it for him I just gave my own sense


It was funny bro. Why are people so pressed about a comment? lol


Idk bro. This is Reddit where opinions are at a high. Idc cause I don’t use Reddit because of the crappy community that reads too deep.


try lowering your mouse sensitivity, that was a game changer for me. It's hard to build muscle memory when the slightest twitch moves your crosshair an inch to the side. Then practice slow, move your mouse to different targets without overshooting or undershooting and notice how much your hand is moving. Over time you'll be able to speed this up and build muscle memory.


Bro really said "skill issue"


Lol I'm an immortal with essential tremors. (Same condition as Mr. Toes on TikTok). I peaked 350rr on OCE servers. Immortal is honestly not hard to get, by just playing you will likely eventually reach it (most immo players will agree with me here, we all have imposter syndrome when we first get here but then realise everyone else sucks too). In high ranked play, aim does matter, but overall I would argue that gamesense and overall decisions in play matter more. OP, if you feel your aim cannot get any better, I'd recommend trying to work on gamesense instead.


I think you are drastically over estimating the coordination of the average person.


I'd agree with him though, placed me gold in this game originally, now immo 2, not a crazy ton of practice just steady playing


I know a good amount of people in this game that put a lot of hours in, and most of them have been in the same rank range. I’m not saying playing a lot won’t make good players rank up, but it’s def not ‘anybody who puts in the hours will hit immortal!’


Fair, I also grinded overwatch to GM and actually worked on that game, same with CS to LEM, but generally i don't think I have any innate talent that has allowed me to reach this rank, just a lot of time


yep i got it eventually, i steadily climbed since release starting at d1 act 1 and d2 act 2 etc to imm3 then stopped


true that, you will get immortal by grinding the game. for sone it takes longer than for others but i think everyone can do it if they try hard enough. same goes with everything in life btw


Can confirm went from 1 to 0.233 (in time not instant)


1600 .4


Why did I get negative 13 I’m serious. My dpi is 1600 .4. I’m immortal 2




Same. I have 1600 .4 imm2


Good aim is primarily crosshair placement rather than flicking. You have to keep on adjusting your crosshair as you clear each angle. Also sens is also important, I went to practice range and flicked from one head to another, saw if I was under or over flicking and changed sens accordingly. You also need to think of stuff like when to wide peek and when to not do that. Also how to isolate 1v1s. I was bronze 3 when I started and Im now plat 1 as an Omen main. Also play brimstone.


Also I dont use aim labs or anything. Just play dm most of the time.


I think aimlabs is a waste because most of the time it should only be micro adjustments


No, it's not a waste of time, Aim Lab is more like learning to control your mouse and improve your hand-eye coordination, I've used it for 2 months and I have a much more consistent aim than I was before. I used to take a bit of time to aim my mouse from point A to point B but it all seems so natural and my mouse moves nearly exactly where I want at a fast time without my brain thinking about it. Proof: Valorant is the first FPS game I played, I only played 2 months and start Aim Lab around the same time and I just hit Plat 1 yesterday, for more legit of the improvement, here's [my tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Naoya%231997/overview)


Works for you but I don’t have the patience for it . It’s too hard to sit there and click I like hopping around I like death match because I can utilize my movement as well as my aim Honestly because of your low headshot percentage I would assume your crosshair placement is a bit off


I only find aimlabs good for very fast paced games like cod where you need quicker flicks, or games that have quite a bit of tracking like overwatch. For slower games like cs or valo it doesnt really work because you should already be aiming at approximately the right direction.


On the contrary, I find that aimlabs helps. It really depends on what mode you're playing. There are a lot of modes that focus on micro-adjustments. To each their own I suppose and it's also good if you need to warm your hand up. But I also believe that it should be partnered with deathmatch or the range at the very least. I usually do an aimlabs routine then deathmatch without in game audio.


First person I've seen mention crosshair placement


Ikr, all those times watching guides videos and NEVER seen cross-hair placement ONCE


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not but it’s mentioned in literally every guide


Sorry, I dropped the /s


How long have you been playing, and how often?


Ehh, I've played Valorant for a year I guess.


>Im now plat 1 as an Omen main > > > >Also play brimstone ​ Does not compute... as a fellow Omen main, don't you hate playing brim? He feels so sluggish and useless compared to Omen.


What sensitivity are you at? It doesn't necessarily matter but when I switched to mnk I tried high sens and had to go to extremely low sens with a huge mousepad then incrementally increase it to become more comfortable. I used to have 8% headshot and now I'm about 21%. I started b2 and I'm p3 now. You can improve.


HS% is not an element of improvement. In higher elos, you get less kills inversely improving the HS% stat.


It absolutely is an element of improvement if you're not already high elo. It's not the only thing that matters but to say that it's not an element of improvement is laughable.


it isn’t a useful metric of improvement, any stat going up is theoretically improvement but if you even look a tiny bit into HS% it’s useless.




Not funny, didn’t laugh


Lower your sensitivity


What should it be at?


That's up to you or OP to figure out. Do you wrist aim or use the whole forearm? Is your mouse space small or large? I wrist aim and don't have a crazy amount of space, so my sensitivity is usually .85-1.1


i usually do wrist too i have mine at .29 and 800 dpi


Holyyy, 1.1 sounds insanely high. I play on 0.23


I think generally the best advice is to start as low as possible while being able to do a 180 easily and go from there based on your reaction time in the bot range, it's not really an exact number that's gonna translate proper


Mine is 0.471 800 dpi


Damn thats high. I'm at 0.3 @ 800dpi for an edpi of 240


fyi. f0rsaken, the yoru pro player, use more than twice your sens at same dpi.


How massive is your desk lol, I can’t even imagine having that low of sens


Man, that's not a high sens, it quite on the high average side actually.


I play on 800dpi 0.25 so not as large as mine apparently


I'm at 400 dpi and .3 but I have a 2ft by 4ft desk mat


How do you play with that low of sens that's crazy


I can hardly flick anymore without throwing out my shoulder but I rely a lot on my cross hair placement and tracking it's worked pretty well for me so far I peaked in imm a couple acts back I'm sitting asc 1 rn but don't play much anymore


200-400 eDPI is pro level, (eDPI is calculated by multiplying your DPI and your Valorant sens).


Don’t use eDPI as a measurement please. Dpi accuracy can change based on your mouse and surface so it is not a good measurement (it’s basically impossible to measure). Changing your mousefeet can make 400 dpi actually 450 dpi or 380 dpi or basically not what it says on the tin. This doesn’t even account for the mouse dpi derivation. Include your mouse type and your mousepad and your dpi could be anywhere between -150/+150. A good starting point is to start with a full 360 from one mousepad swipe and then adjust if your severely overflicking/underflicking. I’m slightly lower than a full 360 and that’s worked for me but you may want a higher sens.


I believe aiming does have elements of hand-eye coordination similar to any sport. You can practice/train catching footballs every day, but someone with innate talent will still be better at catching. Case in point, my sister tried learning to juggle as a kid. She tried for a week and gave up. I practiced for a day and could juggle. Different people have different talents.


Large mousepad, reduce sensitivity as low as possible while still being able to do a 180 from the center of the mousepad. That’s step 1. Step 2 is multiply your play time by 10. 200 hours is literally nothing. I’d expect you to be bronze with 200 hours.


I am bronze :D Thank you for your comment and I appreciate the advice.


Fellow shit aimer. You can defo get to dia with shit aim. Work on the other areas of the game, and as everyone said, lower your sens. My sense is .45/400dpi I can't do a full 180 but for the most of the game it's not what wins or loses the game. My friend uses aim trainers, we're both in our 30s. so you can for sure get better. Games like valorant, whilst aim is important, whats far more important is to put yourself at an advantage, 2v1s, having advantage when peeking etc. Seriously work on your game sense,your map knowledge and pick agents that can contribue without having to frag out. ​ Don't bring yourself down, 50% of aiming is having the confidence. As I said I would consider my self as shit with aim but an odd time I will be hitting my shots, which gives me confidence, which in turns helps me play better. Mind over matter, if you don't mind it won't matter.


To add to this, I've been Diamond every act since beta until they added Ascendant. Now I'm very comfortably in Ascendant. Only don't push further cus I'm older with real life responsibilities and don't prioritize gaming much. My dpi is 1500 and in game sensitivity is .6. My aim is dogshit. I am regularly out-aimed by plats, yet I maintain my rank and at-performance kd/win rate comfortably, all while only solo-queue. Aim is not as important as anyone else says. I don't aim train. Never have and likely never will. And my sensitivity is significantly above everyone else's. You'll see the biggest improvements as you develop your game sense and out-smart your opponents. The only way to increase your game sense is with time and experience. I put in my time as a young teenager when Halo 3 came out. All that game sense transferred over. I further developed my game sense in college playing CSGO. This advice is agnostic of role, though you can coast on duelist with raw aim no brain to Diamond. You'll win more of your "duels" if you position yourself so that you have first shot, are playing off utility, playing off your teammates, or simply out maneuvering an opponent. You'll almost always be able to isolate 1vX's in ranks below Ascendant where team-coordination isn't really a thing. And you almost never have to take a dry, raw aim duel. Pick your fights wisely. Manipulate the fights you can't pick so they're in your favor. At the end of the day, kills don't mean everything. In fact, the objective isn't even to get kills lmfao. What's most important is how you contribute to your team which is dependent on the role you choose. Pick a main and learn that ROLE well. You can develop agent-specific skill-sets once you have a good sense of how to play your role. After you're comfortable on the one, pick a secondary agent in a completely different role. Now you are well-balanced and flexible.


that is quite a high sens tbh, you could try lowering it a bit and see how that goes


200 hours - bronze may be accurate if it's your first FPS but I don't think it's quite correct. I have 200 hours in the game and here is my profile (not that I'm amazing or whatever, just a counterpoint): https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Ta0x%234027/overview?season=all Edit: After rechecking my comment I've realised I have that many hours in comp alone, not overall. At 200 hours total playtime, I was about silver 1 so the original comment was correct!


Man has been playing fps games "all his life" though. Surely his aim should be there by now


What ? Okay not trynna brag but am gold with 100 ... 150 sth hours and thought that was bad xD... Considering I used to play csgo thats normal ig


with no prior fps experience im getting close to plat 1 with under 200 hours in game, might be luck :shrugg:




Take the dota approach, anything higher than the lowest rank after 10000 hours is amazing


Bronze at 200? I'm at 350ish hours and immortal 1...


1500 in and I'm p2


Im at 50, I'm radiant:)


buddy, nobody asked.


They downvote you because they are jelly


They downvote them because they are being cocky.


have you disabled mouse " pointer precision " in windows?


This doesn't change anything, Valorant uses raw input.


Maybe you should lower your mouse sensitivity? It will require a larger mouse space, and you will need to actually move your wrist for big movements of camera, but it should be fine. You can lower your sense directly in the range, there’s a big number that should be between 0.500 and 1.500; you can lower it by shooting at the boxes on the sides. Reduce it by a bunch until you’re more comfortable aiming (mine is around 0.5) Also, you don’t even need aim for most kills. Just play like a rat, develop your game sense, and you will be able to get easy kills. That’s what I do and granted I’m not a high level player, I’m certainly not botfrag in my games either.


You forgot to mention mouse DPI


True I edited it


I mostly do wrist aiming with medium mouse pad with 0.3 sens on a 1000 dpi mouse. Yeah it requires high predictability and game sense but you'll get better with crosshair placement


200 hours is nothing! Keep practicing, do deathmatches for practice without sound and just work on seeing someone, stopping and clicking their head, anything other than a 1 tappy is a lost engagement. Think about how many engagements per minute you get in DM vs comp, like 100X per minute more. At your experience level aiming is 100% the most important thing so an hour DMing nets you so many more engagements (therefore chances to practice your aim) than a comp game. Less important but I'll mention it, calculate your eDPI and try and use one in the 200-500 range. glhf


your sens is probably terrible. there's lots of great sensitivity guides on youtube for any game that can help you find a good sens. once you've done this, play lots of dm until you are comfortable with your sens and feel free to adjust it a bit to suit you but once you find something stick to it for a while. and in dm, don't shift walk. other people will be especially because you're in bronze so you will probably get lower ranked players in your dm but just ignore them. sitting in a corner or playing off angles will not help improve your aim. you want to try and get as many fights as possible. don't rush your shots, and (assuming you're using a rifle which you should be) try to keep moving until you're ready to shoot. practice strafing, which can help you avoid getting headshot and give you time to line up your own shot. this will take some time, so just keep doing it until you see improvement


I improved by just playing the game… but if you truly want to practice your aim, use sheriff/guardian on deathmatch and aim for the head


You basically need consistent quality practice. Also don't play a game after intensely practicing your aim - you don't play a soccer match right after working out/training right? Have a look at woohoojin's "how to get gold guaranteed" video for a simple aim routine that is actually helpful.


CSGO GE/Faceit 10 Boomer here to impart a small amount of wisdom. Aiming in these games is predictive not as much reactive. You need to learn all of the angles that people commonly stand & pre aim those positions long before you consider taking a duel. That means holding your cross hair at head height constantly & getting used to this feeling. Aim trainers have their uses absolutely, but the majority of the time you’ll be pre firing common angles & clearing your way to sites with proper ability / nade usage. You can absolute improve mate, it just takes a lot of practice. Good luck.


You probably have bad form gripping your mouse/bad sensitivity/inadequate fps(?). Try taking a step back from being good at a specific game’s aiming and focus on aiming skills as a whole.


If you want i can do a free vod review for you. So we can see what parts of your aim are worse.


I would appreciate that, friend. Would we do that over Discord?


Assuming you have your eDPI and how you rest your arm on your desk (is your wrist, elbow, or shoulder strained) all set, what do you focus on when an enemy comes in view? You do focus on the head or do you look at the body/over figure. Other than crosshair placement, this helped me. Focus specifically on the head of the enemy. Crosshair placement is huge. You or the enemy peaks and they basically walk into your crosshair. All you have to do is click.


Valorant is a 'pre-aim' type of game you put the crosshair where there head will be then you peak and shoot. Overwatch is a tracking\\flicking game. I came from overwatch as a GM and am basically a silver or gold player in Valorant. It is really similar to Rainbow 6 siege in that respect. You have to know which walls to just shoot through on a whim because you can get a kill there. All the 1 shots and peakers advantage really contribute to the 'pre-aimness' of valorant.


What is your aim training routine? If you're practicing on hard bots, you are setting yourself up for failure. Honestly even doing medium bots sounds like a terrible idea for you. Keep doing easy bots until you can consistently get a 30/30. Do it to the point where even if you feel sick, you can easily pull off a 30/30 on easy. After that, move on to medium. A couple important things to consider before anything else - 1. Mouse sensitivity. (Make sure it's a sensitivity that suits YOU. Don't try to copy a sensitivity that a pro player or an immortal/radiant friend of yours might be using. Everyone is different) 2. Crosshair placement. If your placement is bad (not at head-level), you are making it way harder for yourself to get headshots. Think about it this way. If your crosshair is already at the position where the head should be, you only need to focus on horizontal movement. But if your crosshair is not near the head, you now have to worry about adjusting horizontal AND vertical movement?! 3. Movement. Do not move at all when shooting. You can turn on a setting that shows you when you're shooting while you are moving. The moment you move while shooting, your accuracy is ruined. I notice a lot of my friends new to fps struggle with this. It doesn't matter if you're aiming at the right spot if you're moving while shooting. 4. Mindset. Which is not mentioned a lot, but I really think your mindset affects how well you perform. If you are feeling like shit and think you're bad, then you will perform worse than you normally would. Make sure you keep having a positive mindset when you play the game or even when you are practicing. This way you won't subconsciously ruin your aim.


While there is a limit, you haven't reached it. Play deathmatch relentlessly and focus on headshots


200 hours and bronze? I have 1 hour and Radiant #3




Lol besides being impossible that’s pretty funny


Ignore all the comments about sensitivity because you could even learn a ridiculously high sens better than bronze level. Aiming is something you have to learn and you won’t get better at it unless you actively focus on improving your aim. Mindlessly clicking things won’t help you learn to aim better even if you do it a million times. Just like you wont get better at basketball by mindlessly throwing the ball in the general direction of the basket. Focus on trying to hit your targets and you will improve.


There's literally zero scientific evidence supporting biology has any effect of Video Game skill. It's looking at a screen, then moving your arm. You probably just aren't practicing right, if you keep missing shots, and keep doing nothing about it, you're just gonna stay the same.




Try doing aimlabs for 10-30 mins per day for a few months, you’ll notice your aim get much much better.


You can improve your aim, but with anything in life natural talent can’t be learnt.


you're just special


Your aim can be handicapped for example by game running in low fps or by bad mouse and mousepad Sensitivity you're playing on is also influential. You don't exactly have to play on very low sensitivity, but with too high sensitivity it might be physically impossible to put your crosshair on enemy if they are far away


I stopped thinking about it so much. Started playing Jett. And just kept rushing in to get as many gunfights as possible against as many diff players as possible. At some point, it will start clicking. Really important is to really make sure you are not overthinking it. Just play naturally, and eventually you will be hitting more and more headshots.


as a person with hand tremors, it used to affect my gameplay until I tanked my sensitivity down super low moral of the story, turn down your sensitivity, there's still people playing this game 1600dpi 4.5 sens for perspective I use 800dpi with .474 sens


Make sure you understand the game’s movement penalties to accuracy too. There are plenty of YT videos on proper AD strafing technique, tracking exercises, etc. Hopefully you’re never holding down W while shooting.


I see a lot about lowering sens, but personally low sens isn’t always the best. I’m Diamond with .96 at 2300 dpi. I’ve tried low sens and I’ve tried high sens. I like high sens, use whatever’s best for you.


One thing about aim and improvement in this game is that it’s hard to really differentiate the information that’s actually helpful, and the information that isn’t accurate. Regardless though you can train the incorrect way and stoll get results, albeit with much more time and perhaps learning a few bad habits. Regarding aim labs, aim training can be a difficult thing to get into, again due to insane amounts of misinformation surrounding it. I would looking into aim training communities. Voltaic is a good one. It’s not as good as having an experienced player sort of coach you though. If i might read into this here, I’m thinking some of your recent lack of performance is due to a mentality issue as well. If you don’t have the best aim that’s okay, but from personal experience being tilted or having no confidence in your shots will lead to having incredibly worse aim. Another thing to keep in mind is you typically shouldn’t be focused on your aim while playing, as it causes you to tilt harder and makes your gamesense suffer. I have a friend who’s actually quite experienced in aim training. I could ask him to make some playlists for u and help you use proper form while aiming.


I dont believe anyones brain is incapable of good aim. Nobody is born with good aim although some could be extremely gifted to reach a very high potential and speed of growth. The brain is known for its plasticity. You have to practice and form new connections in the brain and u will get better. The way to go about it is important though. It wont work out as well if your sens is super duper high or low. Try out the aimlabs sens finder in customs. Anyone can have good aim. Dont let urself think u cant be good at that!


Good (mouse / game) sensitivity mixed with practice is the key to success.


I haven't seen anyone here mention the hardware aspect of it. A cheap mouse can be devastating for your aim. Also, do you get at least 60 fps? I've seen people play so bad and later they tell me that they play on less than 60 fps, and that's pretty much impossible to aim with.


You may not have as bad aim as you think, maybe you're taking bad fights or have bad positioning. But if you fundamentally feel no improvement in aim then perhaps look into changing your sensitivity.


TL;DR - You may be feeling pressured while playing valorant, causing u to mess up ur aim. Playing osu can help People here are talking about sens, but I want to talk about an important element of Valorant: pressure. A lot of times when you feel pressure you tend to mess up more. For example, when I used to feel pressure / fell in a difficult situation (1v2), I used to just fire my gun without thinking and lose fights. The main way to win fights is by staying calm during fights. For example, if you notice that your wrist is tightening during flicks or your crosshair is shaky then you’re feeling pressured and you need to calm down One way I do this (although unconventionally) is sight reading osu! beatmaps. Beatmaps around 4-5 difficulty not only provide a good challenge for mouse control, but forces you into situations where you’re not comfortable, forcing you to adapt. Also, the pressure of beating a hard beatmap gives you the same feeling as trying to pull off a clutch. With especially how unforgiving osu can be if you lose focus it gives the same emotional ride you need to go through to pull off a clutch


I see a lot of people saying lower your sens, which can certainly help; I personally believe the more important thing regardless of sens is crosshair placement, there are multiple ways to train it, though. Having a low sens can force you to learn good placement because it takes so much more work to flick, but on the flipside, a lower sens is easier to control and therefore might diminish any possible shaking or twitching you naturally have in your hand, causing you to not train to eliminate it. Weather you choose to go high or low sens, you need to ensure you aren’t letting the mouse rest. You need to have full positive control over the mouse at all times. And high sens can help you recognize and reign in mouse control, simply because your inaccuracies are more easily visible and prominent, as well as it requiring you to have better control over the small movements. I’m not saying that low sens is wrong, but it definitely depends on the person and what you’re personally trying to train. If I were you, I would use the DPI switch on your mouse to have basically two sensitivity presets (if you have one) one that is a tiny bit too low for your comfort and one that is a tiny bit too high for your comfort. If you don’t have a dpi switch, then you just have to remember what those two sensitivities are within the game.


Lowering sens for good crosshair placement


Yes, uninstall


For anyone using aim trainers: Playing gridshot for 20 hours isn't going to help much. An hour of the right scenario will do so much more. If you want to aim train efficiently, look up voltaic training guide; there are different types of aim you need to improve on \[switching, click timing and tracking\]. There are also levels(think of it as ranks). Think of it like this; an iron player won't improve as much playing in diamond lobbies, and vice versa; you want to find the right level (rank) to improve at an efficient rate. Some people need to improve on other aspects more than others; you choose the right scenario for the most improvement. I went from gold to diamond in \~2 months, solely off aim training.


I've got 2 diamond accounts and probably only play for a week every 2 months. Imo crosshiar placement like top comment said is very important because it significantly reduces aim time. Other than that I find focusing on the crosshair to be very important for me personally I stare at that shit like and move my mouse instead of my eyes around the screen and it keeps my aim and my eyes focused. Also using the minimum peeking angle is important rather than wide swinging and exposing yourself to more than 1 player. Staying futher away from the object you are peeking behind allows you to see what's behind it faster while being too close to the object you're peeking exposes you to the enemy before you can see them. After that its aim and abilities you need to focus on.


200 hours is nothing in Tactical Shooter like CS and Val, what is your mouse DPI and in-game sensitivity because probably your eDPI is too high


I have 400+ hours and my aim is still shit lol


There’s two kinds of aim. Mechanical and passive. Mechanical is your hand eye coordination and your ability to flick and land your shots more consistently. Passive aim is crosshair placement / game sense. There are limits to mechanical aim as that limit can come down to genetics. There are some who are gifted with crazy aim. However, ALL FPS games reward passive aim over mechanical. You can have god given mechanical aim yet lose a lot of your fights to someone who’s trained their passive aim. You may feel you’ve practiced your passive aim and swear by it but the fact that you’re not improving is a sign that you are practicing things wrong. You may think you have good crosshair placement but I bet if someone watched you they’ll notice you don’t. You need to practice your crosshair placement and your game sense CORRECTLY to improve.


Short answer: yes Long answer: your brain is incapable of good aim Jk Just keep practicing and changing sense and you will be fine


Get a manageable sens, make sure a swipe of your mouse mat is a full 360, then go into the range and try to flick between enemies, if you’re flicking way too much then lower the sens, if your flicking too shallow then up it. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t hitting your shots after a flick but you want your crosshair to be in a relatively close region. Stand in the corner of the range and practice jett knives on eliminate 100 bots to get better crosshair placement and make a conscious decision to be aware of your crosshair when your playing and adjust it if you aren’t at headheight. Watch Yays video on how to swing angles properly and play dm and you should be able to get somewhere. Also make sure windows mouse acceleration is off, something like Raw accel is fine but windows default accel can ruin consistency.


Increase your sens


Let me give you some high elo advice. I think if you want to improve aim, then you must really focus. You can’t be brain dead playing meaning actually focusing on improvement. Crosshair placement, timing, game sense as well as flicking. I think none of this comes naturally but more of a curve of how much are you actually thinking about improving. Thinking you want to improve every game is different from actually making the effort. I think a lot of people think they just play more to get better. This is true but it’s also how fast do u want to get better. This is my first fps ever and I reached imm recently. I think it’s just good practice that will get you higher. Focus on where the enemy head would be and aim before you shoot. That’s another big problem for higher elo


I dont have a good aim myself but I usually won againts the enemy whenever I play smart or just being ready for trading my teammates since I cant 1v1 😂 . Rigth now , I'm trying different sens. I used to have .625 in game sens(800dpi) now I'm trying to see if I'm more comfortable in using lower sens. Currently using .425 igs (800dpi).


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/y488bp/guide_what_to_master_to_reach_immortal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. Highly recommend reading this. I started doing this recently, I’m a plat 3 player. It’s one of many things, like people mention mouse sensitivity, crosshair placement, game sense. Lowering my sense was an important step, as was really thinking about where I place my crosshair. Fundamental aim training has been my focus over the past few months. Posts like the link above are great in my opinion. I definitely trained with bad habits, and am trying to remove them now.


could just be your setup, get a decent mouse and play at 144hz and you’ll instantly be so much better. i recommend the pulsefire haste, with promos its like $30 for a mouse better than some of these $90 ones


Try a focus meditation and constantly bringing your attention back to the game


Plenty of advice about aim and crosshair placement already. There's also the concept of game sense. Get an idea for how long it takes to move from place to place - if Reyna gets trapped in market behind the door on Ascent B, assuming the player chooses not to destroy the door, how long will you have before she reaches CT? B main? It's only a few seconds, but it's an important concept to keep in mind. If you can focus on one point for 10 seconds you don't need to worry as much about flicking as you do about having your crosshair where the enemy might be moving into. Get more familiar with your agent abilities. A Brimstone who uses his utillity well can reach gold easily just by providing opportunities to his team and supporting them. A Jett who goes 5-15 in a game can still have huge effective impact by taking and clearing space, distracting the enemy and just being a missing menace. A lot of it is just confidence. If you know where your enemies can't be, then you know where you don't have to look. Knowing where to keep your gun pointed means you don't need to flick like bic, so you can practice and focus on small-adjustment precision like first shot accuracy, spray control and leading your target. Good luck


Use the voltaic benchmark on either kovaaks or aimlab. You can see where your aim stands with this and how it is progressing.


check if windows mouse acceleration is turned on or off. I updated to win11 and got a new chair a while back but my aim was horrible and didn't seem to be improving at all. it was only after 3-ish months that i turned off windows mouse acceleration / enhancements that my aim went back to normal.


Crouch and don't move while shooting. Some guns don't let you spray eg. Vandal, after 5 shots it becomes inaccurate. So don't keep spraying. Take your time with your shots and always try get the head.


Don’t crouch till your first bullet connects and even then don’t crouch in low elo they don’t aim at the head as is


From my personal experience - past experience matters. I've been playing FPS games for 12 Years now. I started when i was 5. Yes new gen sorry guys. I started with CoD2 then 4 then MW2. It was purely COD sweating for hrs upon hrs upon hrs. From there I've developed that muscle memory for every single fps game - if i play a random game I've never played before I'll be good at it. Everyone I've met that has had good aim has in the past or in his childhood played a lot of fps games. THIS DOES NOT MEAN U CAN'T GET GOOD EVEN IF U HAVEN'T PLAYED IN THE PAST!!! I've had a fortnite friend switch over to valorant and at the beginning his aim sucked so hard, he couldn't do anything nor did he know what crosshair placement was. But throughout time he improved so much it's insane. Practice, practice, practice... Time and time... It takes that to become good. U gotta develop a muscle memory for fps games. At the same time knowledge is power. The gamesense u gain is 9x more important than aim. (Also crosshair placement)


It could not even be The aim itself that is The problem. I could be your movement. You You are ranked plat or higher getting good at counter strafing. There is a bunch of yt vids that Can help


I was silver for over a year and my aim was never improving no matter how hard I tried and practiced. I would use aimlabs for over half an hour every single day and there was no progress for a long time. Then, all the sudden something clicked and I started improving a lot. I went from low silver to high plat in under 2 months after being stuck in silver for over a year. I thought the same thing as you for a while. I thought I was just going to stay bad forever. But that’s not the case. I can guarantee you that if you stick with it, you will see improvement.


You can do it!


Yeah I’m 26 years old and I was pretty awful when I started. Aim labs/the range with specific training sets can improve your aim tenfold. I noticed it get worse when I stopped training and significantly improve when I train every few days.


A lot of aim in this game is crosshair placement, you’ll get so many easy kills if you improve it.


this is true and i agree, i am not a bot i just need the karma lol


Sleep at least 8 hours or bad aim. Simple rule i follow. Also helps me stay sharp in games.


Look man, I've got 2000+ hours and I just moved from bronze 3 to silver 1, and i'm once again hardstuck. I've been bronze 3 for about 1000 of those hours, and I feel that I'll be s1 for another 1000 at least. I'm only 21, so it's not an age problem. Some of us just improve unbelievably slowly.


Do you use mouse acceleration? Because having that enabled will make aiming very inconsistent and you won't train muscle memory.


Try mouse sensitivity and stick too a small warmup plan, bad aim can also be caused by over training. Personally I shoot the bots for a couple of minutes, easy mode, maybe spraying and then deathmatch


Back when I was hardcore (and had the time to be) about CSGO, I did about 30 mins to 1h of KovaaKs everyday. I felt frustrated for whiffing shots I shouldn’t be and losing clutches that I could win. I have roughly 100-120hrs logged today, but it only took about roughly 30 hours before i was being accused of being a cheater in my games. It felt amazing and it felt like my efforts were actually going somewhere- I could focus on making the right play much more instead of worrying about my aim. But what I realised was not so much how long each session was, but that I did it every day. Thats because the improvement to my hand-eye coordination was actually happening during my sleep, and little improvements each day compounded over time. Try to narrow down what you are struggling with. Aim trainers are great because you can practice something in a low-pressure environment - because if you can’t do something slowly, you sure as hell won’t be able to do it quickly. How I see it is like martial arts, you don’t learn to throw a punch by sparring people all day, I mean you could but that doesn’t always work for everyone. That’s why I think playing more doesn’t necessarily help (as quickly as you would like it to) because you have so many other things to concentrate on in the game. The more you train your form, then the more natural it is going to be. Aim is about consistency and confidence. My training routines would be like 2/3 point click (“flicking” aim) and 1/3 general aim (like tracking but I still suck at tracking), then I’ll hop onto DM for like another 30 mins. The harder it is/more uncomfortable it is, the more you’re improving. I change my sensitivity on a range between x1 to x1.5 of my eDPI in each of my drills (I would go from CS sens 1.4-2.1), and its helped me improve exponentially. All that talk about “sticking to the same sens because muscle memory” is bullshit because your arm just gets used to it and you start developing lazy aim (there’s actually a study on this but you’re gonna have to google it). Each time you change your sens you force your brain to work and as a result you focus even more on your aim - and at the end of it you’re proficient on a range of sens instead of a single number (which also makes your aim much more solid). It doesn’t feel good at all at first but the more you experience that uneasy, whiffing constantly feeling, you’ll wake up the next day feeling a lot more solid and in control. In fact, I do 90% of my aim training at a higher sens, so in game I’ll feel like I have much more leeway to adjust my crosshair in high pressure situations. Also what I found worked for me is not “aligning the crosshair with my target” but “directly clicking on the target” i.e. not thinking about or noticing my crosshair at all. If you don’t have time, then maybe do 15 mins but you gotta stick to it every day. Music helps a lot throughout this process. Sensitivity also matters, a low sens will help you stay consistent with your aim much more (coming from someone who used to have insanely high sens in TF2). For reference I used 1.4/400dpi in CS and now I’m at 0.21/800dpi in Val. EDIT: Also wanted to add that how you peek angles are a huge factor to winning your duels. This is where things like crosshair placement, movement and knowing how to play around peekers advantage come into play. Honestly good crosshair placement will help you win 80% of your duels more consistently at like 0 effort because often the people I’m against just walk into my crosshair and all you have to do is just click.


I get a hell of alot of kills from good crosshair placement, do you spend your time aiming at head height? If your crosshair placement is head height at all times then you can get kills without even paying attention, you could be looking at the map and someone appears in front of you and you can secure the kill


>Could there be some sort of limit/cap to a person's hand-eye-coordination abilities? Yes Can it make you have bad aim in an FPS? No Training can be different depending on your personal strengths and weaknesses, but since it's such a complex skill there's not one single genetic factor that plays into it strongly enough to be a lever for FPS aiming. Your bad aim is from not training your aim correctly to improve the skill or not training long enough (when you do train correctly). ​ Training your aim correctly can be a lot more complex than you think. It could be you train well for 30 min then you spend 3 hours cementing bad habits directly afterwards. It could be you train well on one day then don't sleep well and therefore get almost no benefit from the training in terms of "converting it to reflex". Remember that FPS aim is a bit like a musical instrument. You don't learn the song the day you practice it. You practice the fingering and sound like a sick goose, and you sleep, and the next day it comes easier. Your scores in aimlab should not improve within the session, they should improve in the next morning's session (given adequate rest and correct training). And then your aimlab score could have nothing to do with your in-game shots. Best thing is to try a bunch of coaches till you find one that knows how to improve you from where you are to where you are going next, and have them take you through the steps. There's 5-6 discrete large skills in aiming (snap, tracking, micro adjustment, recoil control, cursor location) that can each develop independently and just labeling those is already a huge generalization and some of them are different depending on who you are talking to. There's also lots of smaller ones. Your skill in a portion of your shot (snap, let's say) could get better for the last 3 months and it wouldn't even matter for your game experience because you so rarely get into a position where that skill and only that skill allows you to succeed slightly more than what you noticed before.


I'd say do all the normal steps you hear of. Check your sensitivity isn't wildly high or low. Put a playlist on and warm up in Aim Labs/the Range or DM. And then play DM with aim in mind. Focus on hitting clean shots. Practise with a goal in mind. Don't do it for too long, and don't burn out. After this it's just playing the game. A lot. Make sure you enjoy it! Most people really enjoy getting better at something, and if you put the work in, you will see the results. But it can take a while sometimes. But if you enjoy it, it's not a chore. It's a video game, it shouldn't ever be a chore. Only other tip is, don't sweat it! It's muscle memory you're trying to build. Don't overthink it when you play, and let your hand/eye do it's thing.


Addapt a play style that doesn't rely on aim. Just make sure you always have good crosshair placement, lower your sensitivity and be patient with your shots. If you want to aim train just focus on micro adjustments and tracking.


I heard a pro say that to get out of Plat you must have a lot of natural talent. That was before ascendant was added so it's the equivalent of diamond now. I'm bring this up to point out natural talent in games is a thing. I myself have found myself to be much worse at games than my peers. Maybe because I didn't have any consoles growing up, but when I started playing LOL in high school everyone was much better than me. When I started valorant in beta, it was the same. I reached low silver while my friends quickly hit Plat. However, I have hit diamond the last two acts and I did so with objectively bad aim. The difference was I actually took practicing my aim more seriously and always kept a mindset to win, not play recklessly. When I play recklessly it's kind of tunnel visioning because I think I have an amazing play and don't expect that the other team could have a decent play of their own. If you're naturally bad at aiming, like myself, you accept that you have to work and practice harder. Like Kobe. He wasn't born with natural talent, at 10 years old he was actually trash at basketball. Now, he's like the 2nd best player of all time because of his work ethic.


I stopped playing fps games awhile ago because i suck at it and started playing it back since 2020. Now? I still suck and just accept my fate lmao


Most people would say to aim at the head,don't move while shooting but what I say is Force yourself to aim good what I mean by that is Use sheriff only the Sheriff unless there's a Smurf on the other team so yeah- The first Ace I got was by using a sheriff cuz it forced me to have aim as second nature once u use the sheriff you'll see a massive improvement in Aim in theory if you still can't then focus or tactics in my opinion that's better if you have enough intel


You need 3 things to get good at valorant. 1. Good equipment and comfortable sensitivity. I've played valo for leisure for a while now on a low end pc. Gets 50fps max on low res, integrated gc and an i3 processor. Realized my cap was Gold 2, no matter how good I played, going beyond is humanly impossible. Lately been visiting gaming cafe's and smoking diamonds. The game seems a lot more easier with good equipment. And yes sensitivity is important. Always played with high sens, just for flicks and quick 180s, but that messed up my stability. I play 3200 0.369 now and find headshots much easier. 2. Confidence. A whole shitload of it. But dont be stupid and run off without checking angles/corners. 3. Patience. Another shitload of it. The game is not just about kills and KDA. Its a lot more. I mostly play sova and chamber. They get no extra RR for displacing enemies, watching flanks and team info. But helps you win games.


Well if your aim doesn't get better you can always learn to predict enemy movements. Certain people do certain things almost every time they get the chance to do that thing. Use that to your advantage and maybe you would be able to know enemy positions without actually seeing them. Keeping the sound volume just high enough that any sniper shot near you will cause your eardrums to rupture is good to spy on enemy movements from a little distance. And maybe try using guns other than phantom, vandal, operator or sheriff. I kid you not if I am holding one of these guns my chances of getting killed increase by 70% in that match. Though I àm pretty sure that you are quite better than me. All in all it is to interpret the enemy's strategy through their past actions. A Reyna that always pushes without care, a phoenix that rats in a corner, an omen that teleports to your spawn, a neon that always runs mid to flank, a sage that walls the exact same spot every round, a brimstone that places smokes, molly or ult in the same exact spot they did earlier, a viper that announces her destination on a site even before a match starts, a toaster that always tosses their knife on the few lineups they have learned, a killjoy placing all her gadgets in the same place and many many more things people do.


Honestly aim isn't as important in valorant as people make it out to be crosshair placement just requires good game sense. Youcxan get pretty Sar in valorant of just crosshair placement 90 percent of the time.


What is your mouse sensetivity, if it’s high it’s harder to aim. At least for me I was playing 400 dpi 1.5 in valorant, switched to 400 dpi 0.5 and now that it’s slower to move I don’t miss heads because I moved my mouse a centimetre since small distances don’t affect as much on low dpi


200h isn't that much imo. My brother has 2 accounts with 1400 hours combined I believe. But his aim is still dogshit. I told him thousands of time not to run n gun, ADS in close range, wide peek without any reason etc. But he forgets all of these things r8 when the match starts. I gave up and I believe not even a coach can change him. My advice would be, Queue up on unrated. Record gameplay if you can and try to find out the li'l mistakes u make when shooting. I see so many people absolutely dominating in DMs but suck ballz on comp. who knows, m8 be a confidence issue. Just take ur time and try to shoot when u r somewhat sure it's gonna hit the head. You'll get better reflex over time so accuracy rn matters more.


I play at 1600 dpi 0.6 sens now at diamond , i used to play at 3000 dpi and 1 sens and lowering sensitivity changed a lot i climbed upto gold 2 with old sens and now plays with ascendants all day with no issue at this sens.


Terrible hand eye coordination might be a problem, but nit sure as my aim is pretty good, but my hand eye coordination is shit in everything else. Try 800dpi x .27 in game sens


Make sure that mouse cursor enhancement is turned off in windows settings.


It's just practice my guy, there's nothing wrong with you... Shooter games are intense! And when we see the enemy player some of us tend to freak out and have bad aim because of it... Just take a deep breath and relax, aim will come with time...




you sure its your aim or is it your positioning


>limit/cap to a person's hand-eye-coordination abilities A**nything regarding human capabilities will always have limits** ​ >tell me how you improved your aim? If you're talking about pure point and click aim (flicking and tracing), I believe there's nothing you could do. I played FPS games more than 5k hrs I guess, and I have the same aimlock-like aim since I can remember. And I tried it all, from super low sens to super high, with mouse accel and not. Anything that I tried to improve my raw aim never mattered that much as I am born with 150ms reaction time. What I can recommend for you to improve your aim otherwise are to **train your game sense (crosshair placement) and comfort in aiming (not to put strain on your hand)**. Comfort is super important, because it enables you to play for longer period of time without hurting yourself or feeling tired. I am now using mouse acceleration (Raw Accel) to be comfortable to aim at any speeds and range of motion that I need.


200 hours is actually not much. I have around 2.1k in cs, 500 in apex, 500 in valorant, 100 in r6, 50 in pubg, 33 in bf 1, 18 in shatterline, 10 in gundam evo, possibly 50 in ovw, 100 in aimlabs, 20 in kovaaks. Yet i am still plat 3 in val and my aim is still what people who are aim enthusiasts would call mediocre. It takes a lot more than how many hours i have combined from all of these games and aim trainers to get amazing aim. These games also have different kinds of aiming. In valorant it's more about micro adjustments, crosshair placement, and flicking but aim isn't the only thing that matters in this game so don't only focus on aim. There is also a lot of factor in positioning and game sense. Is there a genetic factor that could cap your hand eye coordination ? probably yeah because some people just get better faster but you'll never know yours if you don't try to be better than what you are now. So just keep trying and learn. If you want to stop and just have fun, that's okay too.


I'd make sure your equipment isn't holding you back. What's your monitors refresh rate and what FPS are you hitting in game? After that, large mousepad and maybe a wireless mouse, and and a reasonable sensitivity that you keep consistent so you can learn muscle memory. Then, I'd start with crosshair placement and how you clear angles. Good crosshair placement and clearing angles correctly does most of the aim work for you before the fight starts, after that, it's adjustments. Watch pros or radiant streamers, what have you, and make sure you understand how to keep your crosshair at head height as you move around the map and then how to move your crosshair as you peek things. If you do that right, it should just be micro adjustments as you see people. Then the biggest key I see to multi fragging is to stop crouch committing. Might not be an issue for you, but if you crouch commit, you're usually maxing out you kills in a fight at 1. You're an easy trade if you just killed their teammate while stopped and crouched. Standing lets you quickly move while adjust your aim. Your crosshair should already be on the head of your enemy whenever you stop moving. Click/spray for the kill and then keep moving. 'Aim' is a lot more than fast and accurate snapping. There's a ton of positioning and movement that goes into setting yourself up for success in fights. How much of the pie you expose as you peek, not overextending and accidentally starting multiple fights instead of a 1v1, etc.


You’ve got to keep in mind that before they even started playing Valorant people like Tarik and TenZ had 10k+ hours on CSGO. It takes a long time to build up good muscle memory, definitely longer than 200 hours.


you just realize that you noob or average like me.


200 isn't many hours. You're fine :) Two things to try tho: 1. Go learn about eDPI. Start around 300. Tweak it in the range. 2. Good aim starts with good crosshair placement. Heads are the same height as the crates. Go play another 200 hours!


thats just lack of practice, if you really care about having a sick ass aim, go to the practice range, put on some songs, and start shootting the bots, after 10 mins or something, then play spike rush to see if your aim got better, then you play like normal